On what signs can I distinguish an edible mushroom from an inedible in the forest? How to check mushrooms for toxicity at home?

On what signs can I distinguish an edible mushroom from an inedible in the forest? How to check mushrooms for toxicity at home?

- mushrooms are poisonous or not? Learning to understand mushrooms.

The collection of mushrooms is a quiet hunt, but on the hunt the main thing? To collect edible mushrooms as much as possible, and most importantly, do not take toxic mushrooms. In this article, we will tell you how to check mushrooms for toxicity, as in the forest and at home. And also how to collect mushrooms correctly, if you go after them for the first time.

We are going for mushrooms: what do you need to know to check the mushrooms for toxicity?

So, the very first step in a quiet hunt is preparation for the collection of mushrooms. You need to check the mushrooms for toxicity before you touch them. After all, if you collect inedible mushrooms into the basket - you just throw them later, and if the poisonous ones, then you should throw the entire basket.

Important: A pale execution is the most poisonous mushroom, which is very common in our latitudes. If you put the mushroom in a basket, you need to throw the contents of the entire basket, thoroughly wash the basket and treat chlorine before laying the mushrooms again.

Remember that pale pursuit at a young age is often confused with field and forest champignons. The legs of both mushrooms are identical, and you can distinguish exclusively by the color of the plates. In champignons, it is from pink to brown, and in pale gags - snow -white. Champignons are also growing in groups, and pale gags are found both separately.

How to distinguish pale pink from champignons
How to distinguish pale pink from champignons

Mushrooms are distinguished by tubular and plate. There is a false theory that there are many poisonous mushrooms among the plate, but tubular - all edible and conditionally edible. This is a lie, and insidious, thanks to which many beginner mushroom pickers put poison into their baskets.

Tubular poisonous mushrooms:

  • Satansky mushroom/ Satanin Board;
  • Borovik wolf;
  • Borovik purple;
  • Borovik Le Gal;
  • Borovik is pink-purple;
  • False Satan's mushroom.
Gall mushroom, pepper mushroom, satanic mushroom - poisonous tubular mushrooms
Gall mushroom, pepper mushroom, satanic mushroom - poisonous tubular mushrooms

Today, many call these mushrooms conditionally sedimentary, but if you are not ready to experiment on your health and life-photograph them, enjoy the aesthetic beauty of nature and leave poison in the forest.

Another controversial issue of recent years is red fly agaric. The poisonous mushroom, which has recently been attributed to conditionally sedimentary, if prepared in the "correct way". If you do not want to take risks, leave fly agaric extremes, because the forest is filled with edible and delicious mushrooms!

We summarize: Before the first time you go for mushrooms to the forest-study all edible, not edible, conventionally sedentary and poisonous mushrooms of your region.

Further - if you go to the forest for the first time, look among the familiar mushroom pickers, and ask them. Agree with them the collection of each mushroom, and experimentally you can safely go through “baptism” into quiet hunters.

In addition, there are some tips from experienced mushroom pickers:

  • Put several packages in the basket, and unknown mushrooms, or those that cause doubt, and you cannot check for toxicity in the forest - put in these bags. Each species-1-2 mushrooms are large and small, for identification, and in case of edibility-tasting the house;
  • Study the mushrooms of your region from the Red Book - and do not collect them, as you can get impressive fines;
  • Learn the descriptions of the taste values \u200b\u200bof the mushrooms. How they smell, whether the juice is allowed on the cut, whether they change the color on the cut. This will help determine the edibility or toxicity of the mushroom;
  • Download the mushroom identification applications to the phone that works without the Internet, and use in the forest.

On what signs can I distinguish an edible mushroom from an inedible in the forest?

It is important to remember that the signs by which you can distinguish an edible mushroom from the inedible in the forest are very arbitrary, and if you are not sure that the mushroom is not poisonous, you can tear one large and one young, without touching your hands, with a cellophane package, starting up, starting up. his. Study at home in the same way, without contacting with dishes and other mushrooms.

Important: In coniferous forests, there is no mushrooms! These are poisonous brothers. Remember this rule.

Signs by which you can check mushrooms for toxicity or edibility. Lying and truth:

  • There is a skirt on the leg of edible mushrooms. This statement is very common, but false! Yes, most of the edible mushrooms with skirts, but flyer also goes with skirts. Remember this, your life and the life of loved ones depend on it!
  • Under a hat tubular layer. And again a lie. Above we listed poisonous mushrooms tube;
  • Juice stands out on the cut - evidence of the poisonousness of mushrooms. Some types of rawers belong to Mlechnikov. As you understand by name, you can even eat raw. But the liquid on the cut and breaks scare away many. At the same time, the lacker is pink - poisonous. There are also species of milfs related to inedible;
  • The color is changing on the cut of the mushroom. Oh, how many Polish mushrooms were thrown exclusively due to a color change at the site of contact, breakage or cut. Although the mushroom is insanely tasty and its taste is better oil.
  • Poisonous mushrooms changing color on the cut: Sataninsky, biliary, potter. Edible mushrooms changing color on the cut: Supplery, Sunsin, Polish, also called Poddubnik, bruise (collection is prohibited, listed in the Red Book);
Edible mushrooms with an unusual color on the cut/break: 1- Podberezovik, 2- boom, 3- Polish, 4- bruise
Edible mushrooms with an unusual color on the cut/break: 1- Podberezovik, 2- boom, 3- Polish, 4- bruise
  • A pleasant smell comes from the mushroom - This is not a sign of edibility. Yes, when collecting edible mushrooms, after cutting or breaking, the mushroom sniffs, as another way of identification. But poisonous mushrooms often also smell very well, so treat this method of identifying the mushroom as an auxiliary, but not the main;
  • Burnts or worms are noticed “So, it’s edible for man.” Or - eats an animal - means edible to man. Remember that humans and animals/insects have a different digestive system, and that one benefit is the other deadly poison. This rule is false;
  • Bright color of mushrooms - A sign of poisonousness. But then the chanterelles and saffronies would also be poisonous! The color of the mushrooms depends on their type;
  • Sticky sticky hat sign of poisonousness. Yes, many poisonous mushrooms have an adhesive hat, but it also have oils, for example;
  • The smell is stupid, chlorine, the medicine smells. But this is a clear sign of the inedibility of the mushroom, even if you are 100%sure of it. Mushrooms actively collect all poisons and emissions from the environment, and even a proven white mushroom or butter can be inedible if it has grown near toxic waste or factories.

A checklist how to check mushrooms for toxic or edibility in the forest

We prepared a checklist for a novice mushroom pickers to check mushrooms for toxic or edibility in the forest as accurately as possible:

  • To approach the fungus closer and maximize the mushroom (white, oil, fox, boletus, etc.). At this stage, you should not rush and pull your hands to him;
  • By the way, most applications allow you to identify the mushroom by a photo that you can take without touching the mushroom;
  • Next, identify the mushroom according to external signs: the shape and color of the hat, legs, the presence of a skirt or opposite its absence, grows in groups or one by one;
  • Assess whether the mushroom is a toxic double of edible, according to the above signs, if everything is well torn off one mushroom;
  • Evaluate by the color and structure of the plates or tubular layer, by the smell, condition of the cut (does the color change, is there juice, etc.). If everything corresponds to edible, and does not correspond to toxic doubles - collect the treat in the basket;
  • Remember - that a quiet hunt, it is unhurried. At first, you will identify the mushroom for about 5-10 minutes, after with experience the identification is reduced to a minute. But you can never relax, because poisonous brothers always hide among foliage and needles.
These mushrooms need to be known by heart if you follow mushrooms
These mushrooms need to be known by heart if you follow mushrooms

How to check mushrooms for toxicity at home?

So, mushrooms have already been collected - it remains to identify them at home. In this section, we will tell you how to check the mushrooms for the toxicity of the house, as well as false tips that sent a single bitter Gorebnik to the hospital bed.

  • Mushrooms, in which you doubt, carry home separately from the total mass in the bag;
  • You will identify at home with the help of a book, application or the Internet;
  • Look for signs by which this mushroom can be identified, as well as its inedible and toxic doubles;
  • And only after a thorough check - eat for food.

Important: It is believed that rawers can be eaten raw, but if the problem is with the gastrointestinal tract, pancreas, biliary, liver - even rahs can be the cause of food debts, a pancreas, etc.

Experienced mushroom pickers also prepare most of the mushrooms without preliminary boiling, but if you have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, it is better to boil pre -boil, or try to eat without this type of processing in small portions to make sure to tolerance.

Edible mushrooms
Edible mushrooms

Myths and truthful tips on how to check mushrooms for toxicity at home:

  • Cooking mushrooms with a bulb. The color of the bulb changes depending on the types of mushrooms and their combination, and not on the poison in mushrooms. This is the most common myth, because of which people fall into the hospital bed, or even ends with death;
  • Silver item when cooking with mushrooms changes color - In the pan, poisonous mushrooms. This is a lie again. Silver can darken when cooking oil, Polish mushroom, etc. After all, it darkens from the allocated enzymes, and not from poison;
  • For disinfection, mushrooms are boiled in vinegar-salt solution, But this not only does not disinfect, but also spoils the taste of the mushroom. Then it’s better to buy in the store, and enjoy the taste of probably edible mushrooms;
  • Milk check also works -Here again, milk can turn off from poisonous and edible mushrooms.

We summarize: You can’t check the mushrooms for toxicity when cooking.

There is also a myth that if the mushroom lickens, you can understand whether it is edible or not to taste. It is important to remember - the fly agaric taste very pleasant, but from it there are no less deaths than from a pale extension.

And one more advice in conclusion: Alcohol does not neutralize the poison, but exacerbates intoxication. Statistics are inexorable - poisonous mushrooms plus alcohol - equal death.

Is it possible to be poisoned by edible mushrooms from the forest?

Considering the question of how to check mushrooms for toxicity, one cannot fail to mention the huge problem of modernity - poisoning with edible mushrooms from the forest.

  • Bacterial infection. Raws and salting are favorite goodies of not only northerners, but there are many nuances in this matter. Rawshell can be eaten raw for an hour after it has been torn down, salting is permissible only after careful washing and processing of mushrooms. Otherwise, there is a risk of getting bacterial poisoning. But when cooking, frying, extinguishing, this method of poisoning is reduced to zero;
  • Old mushrooms. Yes, yes, if the mushroom is edible, but the old one can be poisoned;
  • After collecting, the mushrooms must be washed, cleaned and given to heat treatment or freezing for 12 hours. Otherwise, there is a risk that the mushrooms will deteriorate, and you can poison them;
  • Disputes of clostridia and botulism. This terrible attack concerns not only incorrectly rolled mushrooms, but also other conservation;
  • The presence of toxins in mushrooms can lead to poisoning. Therefore, you can collect mushrooms only in environmentally friendly zones;
  • Individual intolerance and mushroom overeating. It should be borne in mind that the mushrooms are very heavy, albeit a delicious product. It is easy to overeat mushrooms, but the consequences can be very sad.

Mushroom poisoning: What to do?

It so happens that, as it were, they did not check the mushrooms for toxicity, but the worst thing happened - poisoning with mushrooms. There is a clear instruction what to do in this case:

  • If there are signs of poisoning, and during the day, and even more so for several hours you ate mushrooms - call an ambulance immediatelyAnd when calling, inform that poisoning with mushrooms. This increases the chance of survival by 50%. After all, poisoning with mushrooms quickly progresses, from nausea to death;
  • Without waiting for an ambulance, cause vomiting, both at yourself and for everyone who ate mushrooms with you;
  • Drink a potassium permanganate solution 1-2 liters;
  • If there is no potassium permanganate-1-2 tablespoons of salt per liter of water and drink as much as possible;
  • After the stomach is cleansed, drink activated coal or other sorbent;
  • Next, drink sweet tea and mineral water in large quantities.
Poisoning with mushrooms
Poisoning with mushrooms

How to check mushrooms for toxicity: tips and reviews

Lyudmila: I collect mushrooms from childhood and, despite the fact that I know all the forests, meadow and swamps surrounding me thoroughly, as well as what mushrooms, when they grow up, having come to visit in the suburbs, I found very interesting specimens. I became interested and put in a package, asked mushroom pickers that came across - no one knew, and they said, saw but do not take it. Already at home I found on the Internet that this is another type of rawers. They bold with friends - very tasty!

Inna: Mushrooms began to walk with her husband during quarantine. On the advice of friends, they took one copy with them, if not familiar, and took several photos in nature, because until you get home, you no longer remember what and how it grew. For a couple of seasons, thus, with newcomers walking through the forest with a knife, we sorrowed in very conscious and wise mushroom pickers, with our catalog of edible and non -edible mushrooms. By the way, the advice to beginners - we strongly recommend that you double -check the information after the “old mushroom pickers”, a couple of copies that were told in the forest, turned out to be poisonous! Not all pensioners are experienced and knowledgeable.

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