After how many days you can eat pickled mushrooms after cooking - when they will be ready: white, loads, butter, honey mushrooms, chanterelles, princes, subtopols. How to pickle mushrooms correctly: recipes of the most delicious marinades

After how many days you can eat pickled mushrooms after cooking - when they will be ready: white, loads, butter, honey mushrooms, chanterelles, princes, subtopols. How to pickle mushrooms correctly: recipes of the most delicious marinades

Not all pickled mushrooms can be eaten immediately after cooking. How many blanks you need to stand to soak in spices and marinade, read in this article.

Pickled mushrooms are an exquisite food that is suitable for festive and ordinary, everyday, table. In this way, you can cook completely different types of fruits-each of them will be tasty in its own way.

Read an interesting article on our website about is it possible to pick mushrooms in a leap year. You will find out why this is what to do if you still want mushrooms.

When can you use mushrooms after pickling? It all depends on what kind of specimens the conservation was prepared from. In addition, the features of pickling of the product are also of no small importance, because there are also a lot of recipes, and most importantly, to do everything right. How to cook marinade? When can I eat pickled mushrooms after cooking? Look for answers to these questions in the article. Read further.

Preparation for pickling mushrooms: general and differences, tips

Preparation for pickling mushrooms
Preparation for pickling mushrooms

Almost all recipes are universal when pickling mushrooms. However, some specimens require more thorough primary processing, others do not. This is the main difference between them. So, pickling recipes are universal for all types of mushrooms, but the preparation process is different.

Here are the general and differences, the features of the process of preparation for pickling - tips:

  • All collected fruits, after you came home from the forest, must be thoroughly washed, and even better - soaked for a couple of hours in clean or slightly salted water.
  • Keep the bells and loads in the water for at least 4-5 hours, while do not forget to change the liquid from time to time.
  • Before pickling, peel and mushrooms before pickling, present on their surface.
  • Lay small mushrooms in the banks, and larger - cut in 2 or 4 parts.
  • Separate the top from the legs from the legs and prepare them separately: separately: hats 20 minutes, legs - 15 minutes.
  • When pickling different fruits in one jar, cook each variety of copies separately, since they all have their own time duration time.
  • Mushrooms can be pickled raw, or pre -boiled.
  • Fruits with a dense structure are prepared longer, with soft and medium - respectively, less.
  • If you boil mushrooms and fill them with cold marinade, then use nylon covers to close the cans.
  • When mushrooms during cooking are lowered to the bottom of the pan, this is a signal about their readiness.
  • Never pickle the spoiled mushrooms.

These tips and rules are very simple, but mandatory. After all, incorrectly prepared and marined mushrooms may well cause poisoning.

How to pickle mushrooms correctly: recipes of the best marinades

Marinated mushrooms
Marinated mushrooms

There are quite a lot of recipes for pickled mushrooms. However, there are several universal methods of preparing such a dish. How to pickle mushrooms correctly? Here are the recipes of the best marinades:

The first method:

  • Cook 1 kg any mushrooms.
  • Prepare a marinade of a third of a glass of clean water, half a glass of vinegar and 1 tbsp. l. Salt.
  • To do this, boil the water along with additional components, then place fruit bodies in it and cook within 5-10 minutes.
  • Add 1 tsp. Sach. Sand, as much ground cinnamon, 2 lavrushki, 2-3 boots. dried cloves and 5-6 peas of fragrant pepper.
  • Boil a few more minutes, then remove the container with fungus from the heat and cool the mixture.
  • Pickled fruits are packaged according to pre -prepared sterilized glass jars.
  • Cover the p/e covers - and you can send them for further storage in the pantry or cellar.

Method 2:

  • Clean and cook 1 kg any mushrooms.
  • In a separate enameled container, mix 1 liter of water, 2 tbsp. l. salt, 1 tsp. Sach. Sand and 1-2 lavrushki. Pour 5-6 peas of pepper-black or fragrant.
  • Put the mass on the stove and boil. Stir well for complete mixing of all components.
  • Pour the mushrooms and increase within 3 minutes.
  • Add half a glass of vinegar and cook another 10 min.
  • Pour the finished mushrooms in the marinade on the sterile glassotar to the very top, then cover them with metal lids, before which sterilized boiling water.
  • Roll up the future blanks, turn them upside down and leave it until it cools completely, then make it in a dark cool place for storage.

So, the mushrooms are rolled up and installed in storage. When can you eat them? Read further.

After how many days you can eat pickled mushrooms after cooking - when they will be ready: white, loads, butter, honey mushrooms, chanterelles, princes, subtopols, champignons

Marinated mushrooms
Marinated mushrooms

As you already know, each mushroom is prepared in its own way, and has a different period of heat treatment. Therefore, the time when you can open a snack from the fruits of one type or another also varies. After how many days can pickled mushrooms have to eat after cooking? When they will be ready?

The most popular varieties of mushrooms and features of their eating:

  1. White mushrooms. Pickled bonies can be used approximately after 25-30 days From the moment of their workpiece. The pulp of these fruits is quite dense, so it needs more time to soak in spices.
  2. Masters. The optimal time for opening a can with pickled coins - after 40 days After their preparation. Although, you can safely do before, there will be no harm to health.
  3. Oil. Preservation of these mushrooms should stand at the place of storage for at least a week. But if you really want to taste pickled butter, you can open a jar in a few days.
  4. Honey mushrooms. Pickled honey mushrooms are very juicy and tender. They are quite soft, so you should not wait a month from the moment they are prepared for the first tasting. The dish can be tasted already after 2 days After sucking fruits in banks.
  5. Chanterelles. Pickled foxes can be eaten after 20-30 days. But this is the average period of impregnation of fruits and marinade. If the mushroom dish is very unable to try, you can not wait for the end of the specified period, but open the conservation already in 7 days.
  6. Supply, subtopols. The average marching period of such types of fruits is 25 days. The same time is relevant for simulators. During this period of time, the fruits will have time not only to be saturated with a pleasant smell of spices, but also to be saturated with marinade. Thanks to this, they will become softer and juicy.
  7. Champignons. These are mushrooms that are allowed to use even raw. And after pickling, they can be served to the table after a few hours.
  8. Oyster mushrooms. For pickling, exclusively young hats of these wood mushrooms are used. They are soft and juicy, so they very quickly absorb the marinade into their pulp. You can use them already after 3-4 days.But it is better to withstand for at least a week. Then the dish will become even tastier.
  9. Temporals. Some varieties of chills are also great for the preparation of winter conservation. Only after pickling these mushrooms should pass at least 30-40 daysBefore you open a jar and enjoy the amazing taste of the workpiece.
  10. Kozlyaks, rows, raincoats, moss and cheese. These edible mushrooms after pickling are also best opened no earlier than after 20-30 days.

Remember: All terms are given only approximately. These are the average periods for which pickled mushrooms become completely ready for use. But, of course, from all the rules there are exceptions, so you yourself can choose when to open the prepared conservation and serve it to the table.

Experienced mushroom pickers make blanks from all types of mushrooms that they find in the forest. After all, everything will be eaten in winter. But some of them are dried, others are salted, and others are pickled. How are mushrooms best suited for pickling? Read more below.

What pickled mushrooms are the most delicious?

Oil - the most delicious pickled mushrooms
Oil - the most delicious pickled mushrooms

It is impossible to unequivocally say which mushrooms are the most delicious. It is not surprising, because all people have different preferences, especially in terms of culinary products. But speaking in general, the following varieties of fruit bodies are considered the best:

Each of these types of forest fruits has its own, special, taste. In addition, many housewives pickle several types of mushrooms at once in one bank to get an exquisite snack. Indeed, during heat treatment, they do not lose the fullness of their taste, but, on the contrary, acquire additional notes.

Now you know how to pickle mushrooms correctly and when you can open conservation in order to enjoy a truly unique taste. Make blanks so that in the cold you can put an exquisite snack on the table and supplement the main dishes. Successful blanks and pleasant appetite!

Video: Fast pickled mushrooms like cans, tasty! Recipe for pickled mushrooms - eat after 1 hour

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