I overlapped mushrooms with salting: what to do, how to fix it?

I overlapped mushrooms with salting: what to do, how to fix it?

Salted mushrooms are a wonderful snack, and as an additive to the second dish, they make it even tastier and more saturated. You can pickle any practical mushroom, only it is better to soak the plate in front of the salting to remove bitterness from them.

Moars and red -haired, waves and rawers, champignons and chanterelles, mushrooms and white ones - all these and many other mushrooms will delight you in winter, unless, of course, you overdo it with salt. And if such a nuisance happens, then there are several ways to fix it.

I overlapped mushrooms with salting: what to do, how to fix it?

  • Soak. You just need to pour overlated mushrooms with boiling water and leave it overnight.
  • Can boil Mushrooms before serving. Of course, they should be put on the table after they cool.
  • If possible - prepare a new brine, with fewer salt than a recipe.
  • If the mushrooms are not very strong, when serving, add to them onion, marinated in sugar and vinegar.
  • Perelonated mushrooms You can first pour boiling water at first, after which it is repeatedly washed, using a colander. Then soak the mushrooms for 10 minutes and serve.
  • Salted mushrooms can also fryAnd if you add potatoes to them, then simply do not salt it.
  • Add peresonny mushrooms in salads, not salt (or only slightly addicted, depending on the degree of fungal overflow) the remaining components.
Peresized with salting
Mushrooms crossed during salting can be eliminated from excess salt

Nothing complicated, as you can see! Washing, boiling, washing - these are the main methods that help remove excess salt from the mushrooms that came into salting. And, of course, you can always combine overpassed mushrooms with unsalted products, which in general will lead to a balance of taste. Enjoy your meal!

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