On what signs can determine the sides of the horizon: on the map, without a compass, methods on the sun, stars, other heavenly luminaries, watches, anthill, shadows

On what signs can determine the sides of the horizon: on the map, without a compass, methods on the sun, stars, other heavenly luminaries, watches, anthill, shadows

Determine the sides of the horizon simply by local natural characteristics and with other methods and signs. Pay attention to the sun during the day, the moon - at night, stars and other heavenly luminaries.

The ability to navigate the terrain is a very useful skill. Such a skill can help a person not get lost in an unfamiliar place and find the right route in a situation when there is no navigator or other gadgets at hand that modern people are used to using.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "Signs and memo, so that there is no fire for children - the world around us". You will find rules, questions and answers.

In this article, we will talk in detail about how and by what signs the sides of the horizon can be determined without resorting to the help of gadgets. You will also learn about the basics of geography that should be familiar to every person, since school times. Read further.

Basics of geography that everyone should know

Determination of azimuth by subjects
Determination of azimuth by subjects

In fact, there is nothing complicated to find the right path, for example, lost in the forest. After all, the world surrounding us is literally filled with all kinds of tips to determine the correct location. However, in order to use natural landmarks, you need to know at least the banal basics of geography. Forgot what it is? Let's remember.


  • The first and most importantly, what each person should know is a map.
  • Geographical and topographic maps are key tools necessary for orientation.
  • For each person, she is a guide to an unfamiliar area, which will allow you to find out its own location and choose the right route of movement.


  • Having mastered the map and gaining the skills of calculating his location on it, a person must learn to determine the azimuth and direction of movement.
  • Azimuth is an angle that is formed at a point on a map or area, between a focus on a certain object and towards the north.
  • The essence of the movement by Azimuth is to determine the desired orientation on the ground and move to the designated point, according to the selected course.

Party and sunrise:

  • Another important geographical basis necessary in order not to get lost in the forest or campaign is knowledge of the parties to the world.
  • This information is the likeness of a reference book that can help a person navigate the map and, importantly, to determine the direction of sunrise when it is required.

Geography is a very useful science that can be useful to a person not only on hikes and travels, but also in everyday life. The fact that modern people devote to such knowledge less than their time, considering them a frivolous business look sad. It remains only to hope that the situation will soon change and geography will return to the leading position among the sciences taught today.

The ability to determine the sides of the horizon: what is it called?

The names of the sides of the horizon: North, South, West and East - known to every person. There are also many people who know how to determine these sides. But what is the name of the ability to determine them?

  • it orientation.
  • By the way, not only the ability to correctly find the cardinal card, but also the ability to determine the right direction of movement, as well as following the chosen course, falls under this definition.

There are several methods for determining the sides of the horizon. Read further.

With which device are the sides of the horizon determine?

Compass for determining the sides of the horizon
Compass for determining the sides of the horizon

People from ancient times experienced a craving for the study of the world. It is not surprising that travelers went so far from their home that it was easy to get lost. And then, in order not to get lost once and for all, people began to come up with various orientation tools. At first, the stars performed the roles of the lighthouses showing the way home. However, science did not stand still and once, an interesting device was invented, intended for the most accurate definition of the parties to the world. With which device are the sides of the horizon determine?

  • It is easy to guess that the device that is invented and created to understand about the cardinal side is well known to every person - compass.
  • The first mention of the use of this device dates back to the 3rd century BC and they belong to the Chinese.
  • The Chinese compass was not at all like its modern models. If you describe in two words, then the ancient device was a metal dish, with a polished spoon installed on it, which showed the cardinal points (sounds strange and bulky). Fortunately, modern compass models are more compact and convenient to use.

Translated from the Italian language, the word compass means "measuring steps." It is worth noting that from the moment of invention to this day, the compass has almost not changed, maybe only in size. The purpose of the device remains the same-it still shows the sides of the horizon.

What are the types of compasses?

Currently, the choice of compasses is quite extensive, and they are divided into two large groups: electronic and magnetic. Let's look at what types of compasses exist.

Magnetic -these are classic types of compasses equipped with a magnetic arrow. This group includes the following devices:

  • Ordinary compass. Familiar to every person, a device with a magnetic arrow.
  • Military. This compass, unlike ordinary, is made of strong steel. The device also has an additional line and lens.
  • Geological. A device intended for geological research. As an additional function, it has the ability to measure the angle of geological breed.
  • Tourist compass. A rather compact device equipped with a protective ruler.
  • Compass. Artillery compass with an angular circle.

Electronic compasses. These are more modern and technological types of compasses designed for orientation. This group includes:

  • Gyro-compass. This is the most accurate compass of all existing ones. This device is unique in that, unlike all others, it is not guided by the magnetic pole of the Earth, but on the true one. The main sphere of its use is the missile and space industry.
  • Digital compass. An electronic device operating on the basis of GPS navigation.
  • Astronomical compass. This is a type of device that is guided by the sun and stars. The main disadvantage of this device is that it cannot be used in poor visibility, for example, cloud weather in the rain.

These are the main species that are now popular and are actively used by tourists, military, navigation groups, etc. But progress does not stand still, and maybe tomorrow a new device will be invented - more modern and accurate.

How to determine the side of the horizon on the map?

Map and side of the horizon
Map and side of the horizon

As already mentioned, the most affordable and understandable means for understanding the cardinal points on the map is a simple geographical schematic image. However, even such a simple tool requires a person of minimal knowledge. For example, using the card it will definitely not be possible for someone who does not know how to find out the horizon on it.

  • On modern schematic images, it is customary to have the parties the same parties: North - upstairs, south - from below, the west - on the left, the east is on the right.

Interesting:Unlike modern schemes, medieval specimens did not have the same location of the cardinal points. For example, models of cards have been preserved, on which the north was located on top, but the south. Today, such schemes are called “inverted”.

How to determine the direction of the azimuth by local natural characteristics?

Anything can happen in campaigns and travels. So, for example, a person may be in a situation where there is no card or compass at hand. How not to get lost in such a situation, and by what signs to determine the right direction of movement, azimuth and sides of the horizon without a compass? Here is one of the options:

Local, natural features:

  • The first and most simple method to navigate the terrain without a compass is to pay attention to natural features.
  • It is no secret that each phenomenon that occurs in nature is in one way or another associated with air flows, the location of heavenly bodies or sides of the horizon.

It is very interesting. After all, it is worth finding one sign, as if behind him, as if along a chain, other patterns will begin to appear.

How to determine the sides of the horizon in the sun, stars, other heavenly luminaries: signs and methods

Determine the sides of the horizon in the sun
Determine the sides of the horizon in the sun

Sun, stars and other heavenly luminaries- Another interesting way of orientation, known to people from ancient times is observation of heavenly objects. How to determine the sides of the horizon in the sun, stars, other heavenly luminaries? Several signs and methods are described below.

The main celestial body that can help find the right road is sun:

  • In order to correctly navigate the sun, it is necessary to know that its sunrise and entry occur from different aspects of the world, depending on the time of year, however, at noon it will always be from the south side.
  • Further, a rule should come to the aid of the traveler, according to which any a shadow, thrown by a vertical object, will point to the north side at 13:00. Thus, even the smallest shadow is more than enough to choose the right direction.
  • Subsequently, observing the movement of the luminaries along the sky, a person will be able to easily calculate the direction where the sun will indicate in a specific time period. It is only necessary to take into account the fact that the sun shifts 15 degrees per hour.


  • No matter how good and reliable the Sun looks like, unfortunately, it can be seen only during the day.
  • However, having been in an unfamiliar area, without means of orientation at hand, you should not be afraid of the onset of darkness, because with the sunset, even more celestial bodies are opened to our eyes. For example, the moon.
  • Focusing on the night luminary is no more difficult than in the sun. It is only necessary to remember that the growing moon will always indicate the western part of the horizon, and the waning to the eastern one. At the same time, in the evening or during the full moon, it will be on the south side.

A good alternative to the moon is stars:

  • The main guideline in this case will be a polar star. It is important to remember that it always shows the north.
  • The big plus is that it is always visible and regardless of the weather.
  • The polar star appears in the sky first and finding it is not difficult. It is enough to find a "big bear" in the sky. This constellation consists of seven stars, the brightest of which is the polar star. Mentally draw a line through the extreme stars, on the right side of the bucket and the desired point will be found.
  • Getting up with the front of the body to the polar star, a person will look at the north side.

Another constellation on which the north side can be determined is Orion:

  • One star from this constellation is always located above the equator and will point to the east side at sunrise, and at sunset, therefore, to the west.

It is capable of helping a person to find a south "South Cross":

  • This constellation is formed by four celestial bodies located one above the other and forming a cross.
  • To find the south on the "Cross", you only need to draw a vertical line along its stars.
  • The line will show the side of the North-South. Consequently, the north will be upstairs, the south - from the bottom, the west is on the right, and the east is on the left.

Below are still options and methods. Read further.

How to determine the sides of the horizon without a compass: by clock, anthill

We determine the sides of the horizon without a compass, according to the anthill
We determine the sides of the horizon without a compass, according to the anthill

In addition to the possibility of finding the cardinal points in heavenly objects, there are still a huge number of orientation methods. So, how to determine the sides of the horizon without a compass? Here are the ways:


  • Surprisingly, you can find out about the sides of the horizon even by ordinary, mechanical watches.
  • To do this, put the body of the mechanism horizontally, and direct the arrow to the sun.
  • A sharp angle between the number 1 and the clockwise forms.
  • This angle will need to be divided in half and the resulting bisector will show the direction of the North - South.


  • Ants always make an embankment on the south.
  • Knowing this fact will help any person easily determine the cardinal points.

By moss:

  • Mosses and lichens always grow in the shade. This is due to the fact that they do not like warmth and the sun.
  • Thanks to this knowledge, we can conclude that mosses and lichens grow only on the north side.
  • Thus, it is also quite easy to determine the sides of the horizon.


  • You can determine the correct location of the cardinal points by stumps. And more precisely, according to the annual rings on them.
  • From the side where the rings are further from each other - there will be a south, where closer - the north. For confidence, you can always compare several stumps.


  • It is no secret that trees are better illuminated from the south side.
  • This means that in the direction of the south, the bark of the tree will be lighter and dry than on the north side.

The ability to navigate on surrounding objects is a very important skill that can help a person in an extreme situation and help find the right path. The most important rule that needs to be remembered: being in an extreme situation, you should not panic. Everything else is a matter of knowledge that every person should possess.

How to determine your location relative to the sides of the horizon?

There is another, easiest way to determine the cardinal points and find out your location according to the horizon. To do this, just look around.

  • In this situation, you will need to know what kind of hemisphere a person is located.
  • Further, the facts that should be known to everyone, since school times, will help.
  • The bottom line is that in the summer the sun is located closer to the horizon in northern latitude.
  • Thanks to this, the southern and northern parts of the sky are covered in different ways. This means that the sky in the north will be lighter than in the south.

As we see, there is nothing complicated in orientation, even if there are no devices at hand. The main thing that a person should have in order to always be able to find the right path is knowledge in the head, as well as the ability to analyze.

In conclusion, it should be noted that we live in the era of technology. There is no doubt about this, because progress does not stand still. However, modern man is more and more trying to trust gadgets and moves away from nature. As a result, more and more modern, young people do not have banal geographical knowledge and cannot even determine the sides of the horizon without looking into the smartphone. Meanwhile, the world around us is filled with interesting things and tips that allow you not to get lost and survive in any unfamiliar area. This once again indicates how important it is to study the nature surrounding us and trust it, especially since even the most modern gadget can sooner or later refuse, and the person will be alone with his own knowledge.

Video: Determination of the sides of the horizon by folk signs | The world around the grade 2

Video: side of the horizon. How to determine the cardinal points? Part 1

Video: side of the horizon. Determination of the parties to the world? Part 2

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