Beach pictures of Russian and foreign stars in swimsuits: photo selection

Beach pictures of Russian and foreign stars in swimsuits: photo selection

In this material you will find many hot photos of foreign and Russian stars in swimsuits.

It so happened, but the life of celebrities of show business always arouses interest among people who lead a more calm and measured life. Perhaps that is why pictures of stars from various social racks are very popular. Particular interest among fans are caused by photographs of celebrities on vacation.

Everyone wants to know what the beloved singer or actress looks like in a relaxed atmosphere, on the beach. If you are also interested in how stars in swimsuits look like, read our article.

Russian stars in swimsuits: photo

Russian stars, like their foreign colleagues, love to relax in the paradise of our planet. Therefore, even in winter, we can see hot pictures of stars in swimsuits. Let's see how popular and all their favorite celebrities spent their vacation.

Russian stars in swimsuits:

Vera Brezhneva

Star in a swimsuit

As can be seen from the photo, this star in a swimsuit also looks sexy and attractive as in its breathtaking outfits. If you look at the picture, it is difficult to imagine that in school years Vera was a “ugly duckling” and was not popular with the stronger sex. But healthy diet, regular sports and the right image, did their job and turned it into the most desired woman in the post -Soviet space.

Anfisa Chekhov

Star in a swimsuit

Anfisa Chekhova for a long time could not accept the fact that her figure was far from model parameters. For a long time, she tormented herself with various diets that did not give much result. Her weight decreased for a while, and then sharply returned to the previous indicators. Now Anfisa does not conduct such harsh experiments with his figure, and at the same time looks very nice. The star in the swimsuit quite calmly poses in front of the camera, and gets great pleasure from this.

Regina Todorenko

Star in a swimsuit

This cute girl always looks 100%. Wherever Regina is, she attracts the views of both men and women. Nature endowed Regina with natural beauty, which she can correctly emphasize. This is probably why the star in the swimsuit looks stunning. It can be seen that she devotes time to her figure and plays sports.

Polina Gagarina


Another star in a swimsuit, which amazes with its beauty and sophistication. And this despite the fact that in the life of a popular singer there was a period when she had excess weight. After the birth of the child, Polina noticeably recovered, and for a long time she could not return the weight to normal. But still, hard work, she managed to return to the previous parameters, and now she looks even better than in her youth.

Singer Valery

Star in a swimsuit

If you do not remember how many years of this talented woman, you might think that the photo has a very young girl who is resting for her pleasure. Judging by the picture, Valeria is friends with sports and certainly does not eat sweets for the night. How else could she look so perfect? Valeria with all his appearance shows that even after forty you can look good.

Christine Asmus

Christine Asmus

As you probably already understood most stars, even in a swimsuit, try to look perfect. And Christina is proof of this. Even on vacation, she looks well -groomed, as if she had just left the beauty salon. And this despite the fact that she has already become a mother, and she, for sure, is a lot of worries. But, as the actress herself claims, she is naturally not prone to fullness. Therefore, nothing prevents her from remaining perfectly, even sweets before bedtime.

Ksenia Borodina

Ksenia Borodina
Ksenia Borodina

Now this star in a swimsuit looks perfect. Beautiful chest, thin waist and slender legs. But such a popular presenter was not always. She fought with fullness for a long time, and did not always do it right. But realizing that she herself could not do anything, she turned to a nutritionist, and he helped her get the desired result. Now Ksenia is a fan of proper nutrition, and is trying to accustom all the people around her to him.

Svetlana Hodchenkova

Star in a swimsuit

Svetlana Khodchenkova is considered one of the most beautiful actresses of Russian cinema. It has a special, sophisticated beauty, which with age becomes even more attractive. Fans of her talent claim that she looks stunning in any clothes, even in a swimsuit.

Nastya Kamensky


Recently, Nastya has been constantly pampering her fans with such hot pictures. Some criticize her for such excessive openness, while others, on the contrary, are enthusiastically perceived by new photos. Nastya herself, apparently, simply enjoys how she looks at the moment. After all, she worked for a long time so that her body became perfect.



This star in a swimsuit looks very organic. Glucose refers to the type of fair sex who boasts an ideal body. What she, by the way, is doing regularly. If you look at its pages in popular social networks, you might think that her life takes place on the beach, and in a swimsuit. But believe me, there is everyday and hard work behind such beauty and airiness.

Foreign stars in swimsuits: photo

Foreign celebrities also regularly indulge their fans with such piquant pictures. Therefore, as soon as the vacation season begins, popular stars post on the Internet photos of their lakesher rest.

Foreign stars in swimsuits:

Britney Spears

Foreign stars

Many will say that Britney does not look perfect in this photo. But still it can not be called a fat woman. Yes, she has something to work on, but she looks quite normal. Some women, even sitting on a diet and engaged in exhausting physical exertion, cannot and close to such parameters.

Halle Berry


Holly Berry in his 52 looks young and fresh. According to the female woman herself, her beauty is natural, and she did not resort to plastic. In all the interviews, she emphasizes that she eats properly and regularly loads her body with physical exertion. Although some sources claim that the celebrity resorted to the help of plastic surgeons. But still, the result, as they say, fans in all pictures see a beautiful, full of health for a woman.

Lindsey Lohan

Lindsey Lohan

On the Internet you can find a huge number of pictures in which the star in a swimsuit looks, to put it mildly, ugly. But as the last photos showed, Lindsay still pulled herself together, and began to pay attention to her health. It is clearly noticeable that she lost a little and her skin began to look much better. True, among fans, there are still dissatisfied personalities who focus on the not very ideal breast of a celebrity. Lindsay tries not to respond to such injections and in all interviews says that she is quite satisfied with her body.

Jessica Alba

Star in a swimsuit

The star was very lucky with the figure. If the rest of the celebrities have to limit themselves to food and regularly visit the gyms, then Jessica almost without effort remains in excellent shape. According to the celebrity herself, an active lifestyle and a full sleep help her young and fresh. Perhaps that is why the star in a swimsuit looks pretty good.

Selena Gomez

Selena Gomez
Selena Gomez

This cute girl first lit up on the Disney channel as a presenter. It was this experience that became the impetus for the development of a further career of a celebrity. And as soon as her career went up, the paparazzi began to be very interested in her. She is constantly photographed, but, unfortunately, not always successful. But Selena tries to always remain herself. Therefore, if she sees on the network pictures that she does not really like, then he simply does not comment on them.

Katy Perry

Katy Perry

Some Katie fans often criticize her for full hips and noticeably flabby skin. But the star itself does not see the problem in this. She philosophically refers to the fact that her body is not changing for the best side. Once she even commented on a discussion of her appearance. And instead of making excuses, she reminded fans that she is an ordinary person who is aging as well as the rest. But still, in spite of all the unpleasant words of Katie have fans who consider her beautiful. And this photo shows us that a star in a swimsuit looks very good.



Not everyone likes the figure of this star in a swimsuit. Some call it the standard of beauty and extol in every way. Others, on the contrary, consider the singer too thin and they say that she would not hurt to gain a couple of kilograms. Rihanna herself considers her body ideal, and is proud of the fact that since the end of the college her waist has not increased at all.

Zoe Deschanel

Zoe Deschanel
Zoe Deschanel

Zoe Deschanel is already 40 years old, but at the same time she has the body of a young girl. What is the secret, you ask. In an active lifestyle. Zoe loves movement, and therefore, if she has free time, then he tries to immediately play sports. Even on the set, when everyone rests after dinner, she does not sit on a soft couch, but walks through the fresh air. Thanks to this, her waist remains thin, and the figure is tightened.

Mariah Kerie

Mariah Kerie
Mariah Kerie

Mayrai Kerie constantly surprises her fans. While all the spitens are discussing how much the singer recovered and how much it looks like, she hires a personal coach and literally drops extra pounds in a couple of months. And while everyone, by inertia, continues to discuss her big hips and a sagging stomach, she goes on stage in tight -fitting costumes, which show that she has no extra folds. And to finish off spiteful, appears on the beach in an open swimsuit

Emma Watson

Emma Watson

Looking at the figure of this star in a swimsuit, you can only envy. Emma looks very cute and natural. Although some fans believe that the celebrity has too small breasts, and it would not hurt to increase. But Emma does not particularly pay attention to such statements and quite calmly visits public beaches, where he has fun with his boyfriend, while exposing his breasts behind.

As you can see, celebrities are quite ordinary people who also have their flaws. Perhaps that is why the view of some stars in swimsuits causes us delight and tenderness, and pictures of others cause shock. But, before starting to discuss them, think about the fact that you are also not perfect in everything, and it is quite likely your figure and the appearance also does not like someone.

Video: stars in swimsuits

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