Mold, fungus on wooden, plastic windows, slopes: reasons, how to remove and prevent?

Mold, fungus on wooden, plastic windows, slopes: reasons, how to remove and prevent?

In this article, we will consider how to overcome mold on the windows and slopes, and also tell you how to suspend the formation of a fungus.

Many residents of private houses or apartments are faced in the heating period with such a problem as fungus and mold on windows or slopes. Moreover, all this can occur both on plastic and wooden structures. What is the reason, how to eliminate and how to prevent, we will consider in detail in this material.

Fungus and mold on the windows: the main reasons for the appearance on plastic and wooden frames, slopes

The main factors why the fungus and mold appear on the windows and slopes:

  • High humidity. In winter, the permissible norm is 30-40%. If slopes and frames blacken, this indicates increased humidity from 60%. More often this problem occurs in the kitchen and in the bathroom, where there is a large evaporation of moisture.
  • High temperature in the room. In order for the spores of mold “feel good” and actively multiplying, the air temperature should be 15-38 ° C. The most optimal is 22-27 ° C. Therefore, the recommended norm in the heating period for a person is 20-22 ° C.
  • Lack of ventilation. Plastic structures “do not breathe” and do not pass the air like wooden windows. The natural circulation of oxygen is blocked. The tree, on the other hand, provides micro -spacing.
    • But if residents of the house or apartment rarely ventilate the room, having even wooden windows, then this at times increases the formation of mold on the slopes and along the perimeter of the window frame.

Important: all cracks, chips on wooden frames, cracks in the joints or seams, as well as poor sealing of the double -glazed window allow cold air. And when it is united with a warm stream, condensate is formed. And puddles on the window are an ideal place for mold.

Slits create constant drafts
Slits create constant drafts

Fungus and mold on windows: additional reasons for condensate formation

We repeat that constant moisture on the windows leads to an increase in fungal dispute. Plastic windows are more susceptible to this due to the tightness of the frame itself. But it is worth highlighting the reasons that many lose sight of, and they relate to any windows.

Additional reasons why the fungus and mold appear on the windows:

  • Incorrect installation or assembly of the design itself. That is, if there are cracks or emptiness between the frame and the wall, then there will be a constant draft in the house
  • Insufficient layer of mounting foam. Or she was quarreled over time
  • If the cleaning was originally poorly performed and the foam is poorly stuck
  • When the window sill is not used, and water accumulates under the frame
  • The bias of the frame itself due to the small use of dowels or too wide distance to the slopes
  • If the window was installed directly on the insulation without wedges
  • Slots or cracks in the wall
  • Too wide window sill, slopes. The large windowsill blocks the circulation of warm air from the batteries in order to properly dry the window from condensate
  • Insufficient size radiator/heating battery
  • Too dense curtains that also overlap the air to the window
A large number of colors increase humidity and prevents circulation
A large number of colors increase humidity and prevents circulation

Fungus and mold on the windows: War methods

Remove the fungus and mold on the windows according to the following scheme:

  1. Careful cleaning of molds by washing
  2. If the fungus is very “eaten”, you should use a brush, sandpaper, a spatula or any sharp object. It is important to remove all the deep spots, the dumped putty or the injured wallpaper
  3. Dry the surface
  4. Use antifungal drugs or fungicides (consider the list below)
  5. Some chemical solutions require them to be washed off with clean water. Therefore, read the instructions
  6. Dry the entire window area well with a construction/household hairdryer, choosing a warm mode or other heating device
  7. If the mold is very “eaten”, then the procedure can be repeated 2-3 times
  8. Make waterproofing a window frame - fill all the seams and joints. Wooden windows can be sealed with paper or cloth. But now you can use a sealant for windows (acrylic, silicone, semi -sulfide, polyurethane) or a special tape for both plastic and wooden frames.

Advice: In conclusion, an aqueous solution of antiseptic essential oils, for example, tea tree, cloves, lavender or orange, grapefruit, can be sprayed. But keep in mind - oils do not dissolve in water! Previously, 5-6 drops must be dissolved in 1 tbsp. l. alcohol, and then mix with 100 ml of water. The proportions can be adjusted depending on the processed surface and the desired intensity of the solution.

Wipe the mold thoroughly
Wipe the mold thoroughly

Fungus and mold on the windows and slopes: how to remove?

You can simply wipe the fungus and mold on the windows, but on the slopes - this is not enough. Firstly, it is not so easy to remove, and secondly, you need to deal with the cause, not the consequences! Otherwise, disputes will return again, capturing new territories.

  1. You need to completely disassemble the slopes, remove the window sill
  2. Careful washing the entire area, treat antiseptic drugs based on chlorine or biocide
  3. Fill the large cracks with foam, blow the cracks with foam. Do not forget to cut off the extra frozen areas. To guarantee, go into sealant
  4. Return all the details to the place. Bend slopes, paint or glue the desired materials (drywall, plastic or MDF panels)
  5. The waterproofing of slopes can be made with special mastic, which does not pass moisture and protects from the propagation of fungal dispute. And you can also use the sealant or tape
Find all the cracks!
Find all the cracks!

How to remove fungus and mold on the windows: review of the best chemicals

You can buy a remedy to remove the fungus and mold on the windows in any household store. At the same time, they are suitable for work on any surfaces - concrete, brick, drywall, plaster or paint, ceramics, stone or wood. We offer a list of the best drugs against mold:

  • Olympus Stop mold
  • MetatarBio
  • Tex
  • Nano-Fix
  • Abedis 06
  • Fontluid Alps
  • Schimmel -entferner
  • Dali
  • Dufa
  • Vincents Polyline

With plastic windows, it is more careful - from strong products, and with prolonged exposure, plastic may turn yellow. Therefore, it is better to choose the following funds, because they are less aggressive:

  • Neomid Bio
  • Biocide-s
  • Mellrud
  • Tilex
  • Hg

Important: Observe precautions, close your eyes, head and hands! And always follow the instructions! Before buying, find out the degree of toxicity of the drug, whether it can be used indoors or on a certain surface, as affects animals.

Usually chemical prescriptions are sprayed and removed with mold. If necessary, the procedure should be repeated to remove mold to the base. Then an antifungal primer is applied.

Process each site
Process each site

How to remove fungus and mold on windows and slopes: folk remedies

Fighting the fungus and mold on the windows, slopes and even the walls will also help available drugs. We highlight the most effective:

  • Belicality/chlorine- Dilute in the proportion of 1:10. Using gloves, wipe all areas, no need to wash off. Keep in mind that chlorine brightens up some materials!
  • Domestos- It has a fairly aggressive smell. Dilute 1: 100, no need to wash off. Wipe it 2-3 times a week, for 2-3 weeks and for the purpose of prevention
  • Copper sulfate - Dilute 1 to 100 with water. Those. For 1 liter, only 10 g of sulfate. Work only with good ventilation and in the respirator. Some materials can give a bluish color, no need to wash off
  • Bura- Dilute in the proportion of 1:10. Absolutely safe for a person! No need to wash off
  • Soda- Another safe tool. Dilute 1 tsp. in 200 ml of water, thoroughly rinse all infected areas. No need to wash off
Folk remedy
Folk remedy
  • Hydrogen peroxide 3% - You do not need to breed. It is necessary to spray and leave for 10 minutes for impregnation. Remove with mold and rinse with clean water
  • Peroxide and soda- It is mixed to the extent that the gruel turns out. Applied with a dense layer for 30 minutes and washed off with clean water
  • Ammonia- Dilute in a ratio of 1: 1. Rinse after 4 hours. It has a very caustic smell!

Important: In no case do not mix ammonia with chlorine -containing substances! A chemical reaction provokes the release of very harmful gas.

  • Vinegar- is used undiluted, washed off 1 hour after applying clean water
  • Soap solution of laundry soap is 72%. With severe lesions, soap will not help, but this is an excellent and safe prevention of mold on the windows or in other sections of the house! It is enough to dissolve a small piece of soap in water and clean in places of increased risk.

How to prevent fungus, mold on windows and slopes: prevention measures, tips

So that the fungus and mold on the windows do not bother you in the future, follow some rules. But the most important thing is to follow the humidity level! Otherwise, the whole fight against mold will be ineffective.

  • If possible, do not dry things in the house, humidity increases greatly from them. What is the danger and how to dry linen in the room you will learn from our next article "Why is it dangerous and how to dry different things in an apartment/house correctly?"
  • Vitrize regularly! Preferably 2 times a day for at least 15 minutes. If you have no other way out how to dry things in the room, then ventilate more often and more - at least 3 times 30 minutes
  • In the kitchen during cooking, turn on the hood or open the window for micro
  • In the bathroom, turn on the hood or open the door after swimming for the time
  • Use air drainage, Ozonator or quartz lamp, put the smell absorber on the windowsill (sorbents in the form of tiny balls). As an option, you can turn on the heat fan - it also dry the air
  • Check the ventilation system, perhaps it must be cleaned or repaired
  • If you have a wide window sill, install special grilles or make a number of holes at the radiator level so that warm air reaches the windows
Create circulation in the windowsill
Create air circulation in the windowsill
  • In plastic windows, it will not prevent you from installing ventilation valves or microclimate systems, which independently normalize the microclimate in the house
  • Any leaks in the house also increase humidity. Eliminate them on time
  • Do not allow mold in pots with flowers. A large amount of it also increases humidity in the house and covers normal air circulation to the window. Violet and geranium contribute to the growth of mold
  • Wipe the condensate right away!
  • Follow the condition of the windows, the operation of the mechanisms
  • Set up at once any cracks and holes in the walls, on the ceiling
  • Regularly follow the cleanliness of the windows
  • Once a month, carry out preventive cleaning using chemical or folk remedies
  • Open the curtains more often and choose them only from natural materials
  • If interior doors are installed, open them more often so that the air moves freely around the apartment/house

Video: How to overcome the fungus and mold on the windows, slopes?

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