Mold on clothes: how to get, remove, wash? How to remove mold from a baby stroller?

Mold on clothes: how to get, remove, wash? How to remove mold from a baby stroller?

With mold on clothes, you certainly need to fight, and not throw out the thing because you do not know the methods of combating this phenomenon. We will tell you about how to overcome mold with household chemicals and folk remedies in this article.

Mold on things Not very pleasant phenomenon. Any housewife who keeps things in remote places for a long time may encounter her. And if these places are not ventilated and moisture can penetrate there, then this is how you find an unpleasant white-gray plaque on clothes or other items.

With prolonged storage of things in such places, the mold is so activated that they are, as it were, are covered with a certain likeness of white-green moss. How to deal with such an unpleasant fungus, you can find out in this article.

How to remove mold from white clothes, fabrics, towels?

First, we’ll figure it out a little What is mold And how to protect things and household items from her. Mold is a certain type of fungus that propagates in wet warm rooms.

You can remove mold from white clothes and towels using the bleach
You can remove mold from white clothes and towels using the bleach

First of all, to prevent the appearance of moisture, it is necessary Follow such rules:

  • Do not put wet things in the closet, let them dry well
  • Outerwear in the warm season, when you do not use it, should be ventilated 1 time in 2 months
  • The cabinet should not stand too close near the wall, so that the mold is not formed on the walls, which will switch to the inside of the cabinet and thereby to things. Put the cabinets so that between their walls and the wall there is a distance at least 3-5 cm
  • In the bathroom and in the kitchen there must be hoods so that moisture does not accumulate indoors

If you did not fulfill the above rules, and discovered mold on white clothes Or other bright things should take certain measures. If you find traces of the fungus on white cotton, linen or woolen fabricsUse these recommendations:

  • Pour water into the basin and pour a tablespoon of washing powder there there
  • Rub the areas that struck the mold and put things in a basin with water with household soap for 20 minutes
  • After the specified time, wash things in a washing machine, adding a mixture from liquid washing substances to a container 500 ml of water and 1 tbsp. l hydrogen peroxide - This will serve as a kind of bleach
Both folk remedies and household chemicals will help in the excretion of mold from clothing
Both folk remedies and household chemicals will help in the excretion of mold from clothing

Spots of mold on towels are very frequent. Especially if these towels are in everyday life. And neat stacks folded in the closet can hit this fungus, if a wet towel accidentally got there.

Mold spots from a towel can be removed if mixed in 1 liter of water 2 tablespoons of salt and 5-7 ml of ammonia. Such a solution should be boiled for half an hour and then apply to spots. After 5-10 minutes Wash the towel and dry in the fresh air.

Do not throw things away on which you found mold. Even light clothes can be saved if you use the above recommendations.

Video: How to remove mold from clothes?

How to remove mold from color, jeans, fabric, towels?

Mold on colored clothes It is a little more difficult to remove, since when contacting with cleaning substances, color on certain fabrics can change. In order not to spoil the thing, finally make sure that the means that you intend to clean clothes from mold will not affect on the brightness of the color.

The simplest and most effective method for breeding fungus from colored clothing is the mixture ammonia with water. To do this, you need to mix two components in a ratio of 1: 1 And moisten the problem areas with the resulting solution.

To remove mold from colored clothes and towels, without losing color, is quite difficult
To remove mold from colored clothes and towels, without losing color, is quite difficult

After that, set the temperature in the washing machine 30-40 s And wash the thing for 15-20 minutes.

A good option for breeding mold spots from colored woolen or silk things is a turpentine. With this tool, you need to grate the affected areas and sprinkle with talcum or pushing for children, cover with gauze and iron with an iron. After this procedure, wash the processed things in the washing machine and dry in the fresh air.

Remove mold with denim very difficult. This is due to the structure of the material. How can you console yourself in this case is that such things are mold practically does not overcome. Basically, due to the fact that jeans are so common that several times a week, jeans things are sure to wear.

The appearance of mold on jeans is easier to prevent than to eliminate
The appearance of mold on jeans is easier to prevent than to eliminate

If you still only occasionally put on jeans things, then try to check them for signs of mold, because at home it is almost impossible to get out.

To remove mold from colored towels, use 9% vinegar solution. To do this, just soak the towel in the solution for 10 minutes. After that, it must be washed with washing powder and detergents that will give towels pleasant softness, and will exclude vinegar smell. After washing, be sure to dry a towel in the fresh air.

Chemicals to remove mold from clothing

You can remove the mold that appeared on clothes not only with the help of home remedies that are always at hand, but also using household chemicals. The main substances for the removal of mold are:

  • Domestos - It can be used as a means to remove mold and bleach. In order to remove the insidious fungus, dilute 10 ml of a substance in 500 ml of water And rub the spots with a mixture. After that, wash things in warm soap water and send to dry
  • White - Another remedy for the removal of mold. Dilute the tablespoon in 500 ml of water and Put on the fire. When the mixture boils, place things in it. During 10 minutes Traces of mold will leave, and the water will become clouded. This way can be used when mold has long been on clothes
Domestos - a good remedy for mold
Domestos - a good remedy for mold

When using household chemicals, be careful and do not leave things in the solution for a long time. Since color things can be pretty lost in color. It is also advisable not to try funds on the whole thing at once.

Find a less noticeable part And try cleaning it of mold. If the color of the fabric and the appearance of clothing have not changed, you can safely use household chemicals in all problem areas.

Is it possible to remove mold from things in dry cleaning?

The mistress who have lost hope, who saw mold on their favorite things, can decide turn to dry cleaning. But will this give any result? Yes and no.

With the help of dry cleaning, you can get rid of the musty smell of mold, But it is not always possible to help help removing spots. Therefore, often such organizations refuse to take on the task to remove mold spots.

Dry cleaning, as a rule, do not take on cleaning things from mold
Dry cleaning, as a rule, do not take on cleaning things from mold

Conflict situations that happened after the deformation of things, due to enhanced wash in dry cleaning They played one of the decisive roles in this matter - most dry cleaners refuse to take such orders.

Eliminate a kind of smell from mold You can use dry cleaning. But for this it is better to use surface cleaning, in which the clothes are not immersed in water and, accordingly Exceptions of deformation are excluded.

The dry cleaning will help eliminate the unpleasant smell of mold from clothes
The dry cleaning will help eliminate the unpleasant smell of mold from clothes

To save money, you can buy household chemicals for dry cleaning in the store, dilute the solution in water in the ratio 1:20 And intensely spray things with a sprayer. After that, hang your clothes out into the street and leave to dry. If the smell does not leave, repeat the procedure.

How to get rid of the smell of mold on things?

You can clean the clothes of mold, but it often happens that a corrosive smell it remains on already pure things. In such cases, you can use one of the proposed methods:

Processing of things in the washing machine:

  1. You will need certain household chemicals - so that the smell of mold is not felt on things, you can use vinegar or food soda
  2. Choose the usual washing mode And immerse things in a washing machine - to eliminate the smell of mold, it is best to wash in hot water
  3. As a liquid powder, use the selected household chemical product or  mix soda or vinegar with water and pour into a cell for liquid powder. If the smell is very strong, you can mix these two means
  4. Drying in the fresh air - It is desirable that things are dried under the sun, in the wind. In this case, the smell of mold will go forever
Washing in a washing machine with a special tool will eliminate the smell of mold
Washing in a washing machine with a special tool will eliminate the smell of mold

Processing things without washing - For a coat or other warm things that, when washing at home, can be deformed. Dry cleaning is used:

  1. Dry cleaning product - In the supermarket in the household chemical department, you need to purchase a tool used in dry cleaning
  2. Pour into a sprayer fluid at the rate of 1 measured cap per 2 liters of water and spray well on clothes, the thing should be wet, but not wet and hang it in the sun
  3. Soda for dry cleaning - Sprinkle with the substance a thing with a smell and leave until next in the morning. The next day, shake the clothes from the powder and carefully remove the remaining with a brush. Leave to dry in the sun
  4. Vodka to help - An excellent substitute for expensive means is ordinary vodka. Spray a thing from a sprayer with vodka and send to dry in the sun
  5. Dry cleaning - If all the above recommendations for dry cleaning did not help, go to dry cleaning. They are unlikely to agree to help with mold, but they will help to destroy the smell. But naturally, the cost of such a service will be much higher than the use of funds at home
Using dry cleaning methods, you can remove mold from clothes
Using dry cleaning methods, you can remove mold from clothes

Reinforced measures to remove a severe smell:

  1. Boiling - Most of all this option is suitable for towels. Boil the water in one pelvis, in the other place an unpleasant smelling thing, pour boiling water and leave for 5 minutes. After that, wash in a washing machine
  2. Bleaching - This method is effective for sheets, towels and other things, on the tags of which there is no mark “not to use the bleach”. Mix 100 ml of a bleach from 5 liters of water and pour into a basin. Place a thing there with the smell of mold, and wait 7-10 minutes. After that, wash in normal mode and hang on fresh air
  3. Using ammonia - Pour one cap of ammonia into the washing machine and turn on the wash. After that, wash again, but already with powder. Ammonia is very harmful to the lungs due to toxic smell. Therefore, you are not in the room during washing. The room where the washing machine is worth it should ventilate well
Things struck by mold do not have to be thrown away - they can be saved
Things struck by mold do not have to be thrown away - they can be saved

The smell of mold on things is very unpleasant and the people around you can feel it. Therefore, if you find such a nuisance with your clothes, do not postpone the solution of this issue for a long time. Do not immediately throw a bad smelling thing, just use these methods and all unnecessary odors will necessarily disappear from things.

How to remove the curtain in the bathroom from mold?

In almost all bathrooms are used curtains and curtains. The negative nuance of such a decor is mold that appears due to the remaining moisture in the room. Initially, this is ugly from a visual point of view, as well as dangerous for health.

After the mold settled on the curtains, her It is very difficult to wash off only with a brush or shower. Therefore, the best option would be washing. A preventive measure of the appearance of the fungus on the curtains i ventilation. After taking the bathroom, turn on the hood or just open the door so that excess moisture does not remain in the room.

Regular washing of the curtain and ventilation of the room will prevent the occurrence of mold
Regular washing of the curtain and ventilation of the room will prevent the occurrence of mold

In order to get rid of annoying fungus use three recommendations:

  • Remove the curtains from the hook and clean the easily accessible spots of mold with a brush
  • Pour warm water into the basin and add there 100 g powder, vinegar and soda, place the removed curtain in this mixture for 5 minutes
  • Pull the curtain from the pelvis and rinse in cold water
  • You can dry the curtain in drying about 15 minutes or a hairdryer. Direct the hair dryer no closer than at a distance 5 cm To the curtain
The curtain in the bathroom will certainly become a victim of mold if there is an excess of moisture in the room
The curtain in the bathroom will certainly become a victim of mold if there is an excess of moisture in the room

Also, salvation from mold is Domestos. If you dilute in 5 l of water The cap of the product and rub the spot with a brush well, then there will be no trace of mold.

So that mold does not occur in the bathroom, try do not leave moisture near the bathroom And on the walls of the room. Wash the curtains at least once a month, even if you do not observe mold on the curtains. Except mold on wet curtains Another fungus may occur. Systematic cleaning of the bathroom will not only maintain order and beauty in the room, but also protect your health.

How to remove mold from a stroller?

Many mothers, putting the stroller for the winter in a garage or mezzanine, spring They find mold on its walls. Now we will tell you how to cope with such a misfortune. First of all, in no case leave everything as it is. Mold in a stroller is not only ugly, but also dangerous for the health of the child.

Be sure to wash the baby stroller, because mold on it is dangerous for the health of the baby
Be sure to wash the baby stroller, because mold on it is dangerous for the health of the baby

You can remove mold from a baby stroller several ways:

  • Laundry and antipyatin soap - Mix any of these products with soap and soda and rub the stroller. After that, treat with vinegar and rinse with water. Put the stroller in the sun and let it dry well
Antipyatin will help to eliminate mold
Antipyatin will help to eliminate mold
  • Powder with soda - Pour the powder into one container and you can add a little air conditioner for linen. Pour a little soda on the sponge and rub the stroller intensively. After that, wash the stroller powder with the air conditioner and finally clean everything with water. Leave the stroller in the sun until completely dry
  • Domestos - Many mothers, having discovered mold in a baby stroller, use it precisely Domestos. On the surface of the stroller, which was struck by the fungus, drip a couple of drops of the product and leave for 20 minutes. After that, rinse all with warm water and leave to dry
You can wash the stroller with a solution
You can wash the stroller with a solution
  • Dry cleaning - If you yourself cannot cope with the corrosive fungus, the alternative option will be to use the services of dry cleaning. This will cost you more than the use of soda or laundry soap, but the result will most likely please you.

Do not despair if the mold appeared on your clothes, towels or in the bathroom. It will be unpleasant to see traces of the fungus and in a baby stroller, but thanks to the recommendationsthat you read in this article, with a huge probability, you will manage to cope with unpleasant manifestations of the fungus on things.

Video: How to get rid of mold with folk remedies?




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