How to clean the shower with home remedies? How to wash the shower of plaque, spots of paint, rust, mold with folk and special means: description of methods, instructions

How to clean the shower with home remedies? How to wash the shower of plaque, spots of paint, rust, mold with folk and special means: description of methods, instructions

My shower cabin: recommendations for quick and effective cleaning of the shower from plaque, dirt, rust and mold.

Clean house - the face of the hostess. And unlike our mothers and grandmothers, we do not need to spend a lot of time to clean the house, because at every step we have either eclectic or chemical assistants. Due to its features, cleaning the toilet and the bathroom for a long time remains a zone of responsibility of the mother, and it is not surprising if the young mistress knows the secrets of washing and cooking, then gaps remain in cleaning the bathroom. In this article, we will touch on the topic how to clean the shower, and we will tell you both about professional tools and about the folk ones loved by many.

How to clean the shower cabin using home chemistry?

So, in order to successfully fight enemies, you need to know in person. And the first thing we do is divided into different types of pollution, because sometimes you need to fight with only one, and the rest of the methods to use it exclusively when the need arose.

  • The usual pollution of the shower cabin after one or more shower techniques (hair, the remaining foam from the shower gel, small pollution)
  • Plaque on the walls of the cab and mixer
  • Rust
  • Fungus.

Obviously, with the first type of pollution, it is necessary to work regularly, and with the rest, as it is contaminated and occurred.

The question arose - how to wash the shower? We offer a great fast method using ordinary home chemistry, which is found in almost every house:

  • Remove all things, detergents and washcloths from the shower. Very often, because of our rapid lifestyle, we forget to throw out empty bottles of shampoos, old razors and much more;.
  • Open hot water and rinse all the walls, as well as the bottom of the shower cabin.
  • Let the cabin dry a little, about 10 minutes.
With the help of modern chemistry, cleaning the shower cabin is 5 minutes!
With the help of modern chemistry, cleaning the shower cabin is 5 minutes!
  • Spray a window for washing windows on one site and actively rub with a regular washcloth. With simple pollution, the product copes with a bang! If desired, you can purchase a spray for cleaning the shower cabin, but we assure that the funds work the same way.
  • After processing all parts of the cabin, go inside the cab (in rubber slippers, so as not to contact the detergent) and close the door of the shower.
  • Process the inner part of the door, as well as the whole shower for glass, as well as wash those parts to which you could not reach, being outside the shower cabin;
  • Wash the whole cabin thoroughly.
  • Now we go to the outer part of the cab. It is less polluted, but once a month it also needs to be washed.
Use one or more means to clean the shower, depending on the degree and type of pollution
Use one or more means to clean the shower, depending on the degree and type of pollution
  • We carefully process the outer parts of the cab, remove the detergent with a damp cloth without a pile and rub with a cotton towel (so that there are no divorces).

In order to clean the cabin, it takes from 10 to 30 minutes, depending on your speed and degree of pollution.

In order to reduce the cleaning time after each acceptance of the shower, thoroughly rinse the cabin from the hair, foam, etc.

Squeezing plaque: cleaning methods

But when a persistent plaque appeared, only a simple detergent will not be enough. But do not forget, we live in the 21st century and technology moved forward! And, therefore, cleaning in the house is no longer a problem!

How to wash the shower cabin from plaque using vinegar? Everything is simple, but important - it is good to ventilate the room. Turn on the hood, if any in the bathroom, otherwise, put the fan so that the air circulates well through the bathroom.

  • Pour the walls of the shower cabin with hot water to soften the plaque;
  • Stir hot water and vinegar in a 1/1 proportion;
  • A washcloth in gloves (vinegar dries with your hands) apply the product to the mixer and walls of the shower first layer;
  • When you apply the second layer - the plaque will be removed with light touching with a washcloth;
  • Grind everything thoroughly with water and, if desired, grate it with a wiper without a pile.

Do not want to spend so much time? Use one of the professional tools, so you will simplify the work and reduce time. One of the favorite means is AMVEI for showers. It is enough to walk on all the walls and rinse with water, and the cabin shines and acquires its original appearance.

Citric acid will perfectly cope with the plaque in the shower cabin
Citric acid will perfectly cope with the plaque in the shower cabin

Another folk remedy for cleaning the shower cabin from plaque is citric acid. In order to clean the cabin in this way, it is necessary to put 1 teaspoon of citric acid on a liter of water and dilute until completely dissolved. Pour into the spray and go to the bathroom.

Rinse the shower cabin with hot water and spray the product so that it does not fall into your eyes. After 5 minutes, rinse the cabin with running water, and in places of severe pollution, spray the solution again and wipe it with a washcloth.

How to wash the shower from spots of paint, rust, mold?

In this section, we will tell you how to wash the shower of stains, rust and fungus. Different methods will be used depending on the type of pollution.

How to wash the shower from the spots of paint:

  • As soon as the spot falls on the walls or bottom of the shower, we strongly recommend that we wash it off with running water, as well as a detergent. If the pallet of the enamel, the detergent with chlorine is allowed, and professional tools are recommended for acrylic coatings.
  • Apply the product to the spot, let the product work from 5 minutes to an hour (in more detail on the package of each product).
  • Rub with a washcloth and rinse with water from a shower hose.

The best remedy for stains has proven itself Domestos (It is important to pay attention to the coating in order to wash the stain, but not to spoil the coating).

An ideal shower cabin? With detergents, this is real!
An ideal shower cabin? With detergents, this is real!

How to wash the shower from rust:

  • The simplest method is to apply clean vinegar to the affected areas, leave for 10 minutes and rinse, thoroughly rubbing a washcloth.
  • Professional means of combating rust in the shower cabin not only remove the rust itself, but also cover the surface of the metal with a thin protective layer, which for some time prevents corrosion. But with such means it is necessary to process metal at least once a week.
  • Lemon juice is an excellent ecological way to deal with rust. To do this, cut the lemon in half and go through the juicy halves in rust. Rinse and rinse with water if necessary. This tool will not only save the rust, but also make the cab perfectly.
  • And another method of combating rust is a transparent nail polish. If rust appeared, then corrosion has gone, and this, as is known to the irrevocable process. And you can stop it only in one way - cover the affected area with a protective tool. And the easiest option in this case is varnish. To do this, get rid of rust, and dry the areas (if you are not sure, use the usual hair hair dryer) and apply a thin layer of varnish to the foci of the rust. Give the time to dry and you can use the shower!

How to wash the shower from mold? The fungus affects once, but it is painfully difficult to get it, so we will tell you not only how to get rid of, but also how to prevent:

  • After each washing, thoroughly wipe the walls of the shower cabin with a mop and cotton cloth.
  • Provide in the bathroom a good removal of moisture and stale air with extracts.
  • Remove the walls of the cab by means at least once a week, to clean one of the components containing: chlorine, alcohol, vinegar.
  • If the mold has started, hold the cabin in dry shower, as well as process 3 times a week one of the above means.
  • A professional remedy for mold can be purchased at the nearest supermarket or household store, but remember, a good remedy for mold cannot cost cheaply.
  • Folk method: add half of the baking soda, 5 parts of hot water and 1 part of ammonia per part 1 part of the vinegar (sold in hardware stores). Dissolve everything, and in gloves, process the entire cabin, even where mold is visually not visible. Wash off with water and pull dry.
The fungus in the shower cabin is easier to prevent than to win
The fungus in the shower cabin is easier to prevent than to win

And remember, mold is not only an aesthetic disadvantage as rust, but also dangerous to human health and life.

In this article, we dismantled a variety of types of pollution of the shower cabin, as well as cleaning options, both chemistry and available means. Now, being “savvy” you can clean in a shower for 5-10 minutes a week! And in conclusion, we give a video with tips on how to clean the shower.

Video: My showering cabin without a brush and effort, they simply sprayed and washed off

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Comments K. article

  1. Thanks for the useful recommendations. German cleaners help me a great ... like Mine Libe, or something like that. I usually order on a phytomarket, because in our city there is no such thing in stores. Very pleased. The shower after such cleaning is shines straight and pleases the eye)

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