How to clean the washing machine of the machine at home? How to get rid of smell and mold in a washing machine?

How to clean the washing machine of the machine at home? How to get rid of smell and mold in a washing machine?

Methods of cleaning the washing machine Automatic from mold, scale and soap sediments.

The washing machine is a favorite assistant to every woman. Even with proper operation, this household device requires periodic cleaning. In this case, the main source of pollution is hard water and detergents.

How to clean the washing machine from the smell?

The smell in the washing machine is formed due to the use of poor-quality detergents. Usually, in this case, soap is not completely washed off from the walls of the drum. It with a thin layer covers the internal parts of the drum and provokes the process of decay and formation of the fungus.

To wash the soap plaque, it is enough to use any washing powder with the inscription "Automatic" and turn on the washing mode at 90-95 ° C. You do not need to place linen in the drum. Cleaning is carried out every 6 months. After cleaning, the doors and sealing gum wip out dry. The door is left open.

Smell in the washing machine
smell in the washing machine

How to clean the washing machine from mold?

Mold in the washing machine appears due to the frequent use of the washing mode in careful mode at low temperature. Powers with a bleach and high temperature destroy mold, so in this mode you also need to wash. First, see where the mold accumulates. Usually it can be found in the compartment for powder, behind a sealing elastic band and in a drain hose. Remove these details and rub them with a brush with soap. Soak in molds from mold that can be purchased at a household.

Instructions for removing mold from the drum:

  • Pour a liter of whiteness into the powder compartment for powder
  • Turn on the machine for washing at the highest temperature. It is approximately 90-95 ° C
  • When the car door is heated as much as possible, turn off or pause the device
  • It is necessary that the solution in the drum is 1.5-2 hours
  • After that, turn on the water drain and rinsing
  • Pour a liter of vinegar into the compartment for the air conditioner
  • After the washing is completed, turn on the rinse again, but do not add anything to the car
Mold in the washing machine
mold in the washing machine

How to clean the washing machine from the scale?

To do this, you can use folk remedies or special chemistry against scale. The easiest way to get rid of the scale using "anti -anti -anthrax". This is a powder that contains aggressive substances that, when dissolved in water, form a solution that can dissolve calcium and magnesium salts.

It is these salts that are a scale. After that, the washing mode without linen is turned on. At the same time, do not fall asleep too much powder, otherwise you risk spoiling rubber seals and the car will “flow”.

Experienced craftsmen recommend adding Kalgon during each washing. It softens water and prevents the formation of scale.

But many housewives do not acquire this tool due to high cost, which often leads to the failure of the heating element.

Cleaning washing machine from scale
cleaning washing machine from scale

How to clean the washing machine with citric acid?

Citric acid is the most inexpensive and safe way to combat scale deposits. Conducting cleaning every 3-4 months, you will significantly extend the life of the device. At the same time, citric acid does not harm sealing elastic bands and plastic parts of the device.

Instructions for cleaning the washing machine with citric acid:

  • Pour 60-100 g of the product into the powder compartment and turn on the full washing mode at 60 ° C
  • It is necessary that the device perform the entire washing cycle with a rinse
  • If the machine has not been cleaned for a long time, take 100 g of acid and turn on the wash at the maximum temperature
Cleaning washing machine with citric acid
cleaning washing machine with citric acid

How to clean with soda?

Soda is used to clean the device from mold. Usually it accumulates behind a rubber seal. Traces of the fungus are possible on the compartment for washing powder. To clean the machine from mold, mix ordinary drinking soda with water in a ratio of 1: 1. Sww with this solution a fabric and wipe the drum, sealing gum and a powder tray. This remedy will gently and easily save the machine from the fungus.



Cleaning the machine with soda
cleaning the machine with soda

How to clean with white?

White - effectively clean the washing machine from mold and soap sediments. You need to pour a liter of funds into the drum and turn on the longest mode at high temperature. This is 95 ° C, the machine should be very warm, but you must have time before rinsing.

Install the device for a pause for 1 hour. After that, continue the wash. After the cycle is completed, turn on the device for the “fast” mode at 30 ° C. This cycle will remove the remnants of whiteness.

Remember, you can’t load any things into the drum when cleaning.

Belosis machine cleaning
belosis machine cleaning

How to clean an elastic band in a washing machine?

The cuff, or elastic band is a seal between the door and the drum. It prevents water flow during washing. In case of non -compliance with the elementary rules of care, mold and plaque accumulate on this node.

For cleaning, we recommend using white, premestos or a solution of copper sulfate. You need to soak the fabric with a solution and wipe the sealing gum. After such cleaning, it is advisable to rinse the knot with warm water.

To prevent the formation of mold, adhere to the rules:

  • After washing, dough the remaining water from the recess in the seal
  • Leave the door ajar
  • From time to time, wipe the sealant products for cleaning
  • Wash the powder tray after each washing
Elevings cleaning in washing machine
elevings cleaning in washing machine

How to clean the drain hose in the washing machine?

Often during operation due to improper dosage of detergents, a drain hose is clogged. To clean it, it is not necessary to remove it. It usually clogs with soap deposits, hair and villi. For cleaning, use a means against scale, it perfectly split soap precipitation and dirt.

If you did not succeed in cleaning the drain hose in this way, you will have to remove it. In some models, this is not easy to do. It is necessary to lay the car to one side and remove the bottom. After that, the hose is dismantled. After that, take a kevlar cable of rubber with a ruff at the end and clean the hose. Wash it in clean water, you can soak for several minutes in a solution of vault.

Clean the drain hose in the washing machine
clean the drain hose in the washing machine

How to clean the drain filter in a washing machine?

The drain filter is a special plug in the lower part of the machine. It is usually closed with a round or rectangular window. In order to open it, press it with a screwdriver. After that, you will see something similar to the screw, it needs to be twisted counterclockwise.

Be prepared for the fact that water is pouring out of the car, so lift a rag or substitute the vessel. Remove the hose from the hole and drain water from it. Clean the remains of hair, wool. Often in this filter coins, jewelry and dogs from lightning accumulate. Rinse the filter under running water. Place the hose back and screw the filter.

It is necessary to tighten tightly, otherwise water will flow during washing.

Cleaning the drain filter in the washing machine
cleaning the drain filter in the washing machine

How to clean the washing machine with an AMVei bleach?

AMVei is a universal oxygen bleach that does not contain chlorine. With it, you can remove mold from a sealing gum. If you want to get rid of scale, pour 100 ml of a bleach into the powder compartment and turn on the washing at 60 ° C. After that, you can turn on the mode of fast washing. This tool copes with a scale, mold and soap and soap and soap.

Cleaning the car with a whitener Amvei
cleaning the car with a whitener Amvei

As you can see, cleaning the washing machine is very simple. Do this regularly, so you will extend the service life of your assistant.

Video: cleaning washing machine from mold

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  1. Smell in the washing machine got rid of the Smelloff agent. After the water stagnated and faded there. A very powerful remedy against odors, plus affordable.

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