Mold and fungus in the bathroom, in the apartment, house: causes, tips and means to get rid of them. What are the danger of mold and fungus in a living room for human health?

Mold and fungus in the bathroom, in the apartment, house: causes, tips and means to get rid of them. What are the danger of mold and fungus in a living room for human health?

Did mold appear in the bathroom or house? Learn from the article with what means you can get rid of it.

Mold and fungus on the walls and ceiling in the bathroom and house are a common and far from exclusively aesthetic. Microorganisms are able to harm the health of everyone who uses the bathroom or lives in houses. You need to get rid of the fungus and mold right there, as soon as they were noticed.

What are the danger of mold, black mold and fungus in the house, a bathroom for people's health?

The fungus in the bathroom or house is a colony of unicellular microorganisms. They are propagated by disputes. These unicellular were one of the first living beings that appeared on planet Earth. They were able to adapt to numerous climate and ecology changes. The products of the life of fungi can be harmful to human health. These are allocated:

  • essential oils
  • gases
  • minerals
  • toxins

Important: the fungus (mold) has the form of black, brown, dirty green or dirty yellow, which appears on the walls and ceiling in the bathroom, water pipes, joints between furniture or plumbing and walls, the furniture itself. In the house, he "lives" in damp and dark places. A specific smell can also speak of the presence of pathogens.

A fungus under a microscope.
A fungus under a microscope.

Disputes, toxins and other malicious substances produced by mold spread throughout the dwelling. They settle on the skin, mucous membranes, in the lungs and stomach, enter the bloodstream. As a result of this, a person may have various health problems:

  • intoxication
  • a predisposition to allergies
  • predisposition to oncological diseases
  • reducing immunity
  • allergic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, other irreversible diseases of the bronchonal system
  • liver and gastrointestinal diseases
  • headache
Allergenic and toxic mold and fungus harm health
Allergenic and toxic mold and fungus harm health.

Important: the fungus itself is also an allergen
In addition, mold and fungus are eaten deep into the surface and destroy it. This applies not only to wood and paintwork, but even concrete and masonry

The mold destroys the surfaces on which it settled.
The mold destroys the surfaces on which it settled.

VIDEO: The reasons for the formation of the fungus in the apartment and the house

Black mold, fungus in the house, apartment, bathroom: causes

Favorable factors in the formation of mold and bending are:

  • high humidity
  • bad ventilation
  • lack of sunlight

Pathogeal microorganisms will surely inhabit the house or in the bathroom if:

  1. The premises are not ventilated. Doors to the bathroom, bathroom, pantries, other rooms in which there are no windows, dark and damp, it is necessary to keep from time to time open
    After water procedures, spray and water flow remain in the bathroom. They must be thoroughly wiped
  2. The water supply is faulty. In the kitchen, in the bathroom, bathroom, leaky joints of pipes, cracks and fistulas, moisture evaporating from them, settling on the surface, prepares favorable soil for colonization of the fungus
  3. Poor -quality materials are used. During the repair in the kitchen, bathroom, in the toilet, on the balcony, it is necessary to use materials suitable for operation in humidity conditions with an antifungal property or treated with an antifungal composition
  4. Unceptual neighbors live nearby. If in the neighboring room is damp, moisture seeps through risers, joints of plates
Maintaining purity and hygiene is the prevention of mold in the bathroom and house.
Maintaining purity and hygiene is the prevention of mold in the bathroom and house.

IMPORTANT: Materials subject to mold and fungus are naked concrete, brick, unprocessed tree, plastic and foam.

How to deal with mold and fungus on the walls and ceiling in the bathroom and in the house: Tips

The scale of the fight against the fungus depends on how much the surfaces in the bathroom or other room at the house are very affected by them, what exactly he started on.

  1. If the fungus is found on the ceiling, most likely it is on other surfaces. The room must be carefully examined for its presence
  2. If the mold settled on a whitewashed or plastered surface, it will need to be cleaned to naked concrete and treated precisely by its antifungal agent
  3. The condition of painted surfaces, wallpaper, laminate, wooden or polymer panels, other modern materials must be evaluated at the degree of damage. If the fungus has not eaten deeply, the surface can be saved using an antifungal agent

The elimination of mold and fungus occurs in stages and includes:

  • determination of surface areas that need to be processed
  • it will make sure that children and pets are not in housing where the fight against the fungus takes place
  • prepare work clothes, gloves, headdress, eye protection and respiratory tract
  • take out textile elements and other extra things from the room
  • prepare a tool to eliminate the fungus and mold
    apply the product on the surface affected by the fungus, leave for the time indicated on the packaging
  • rinse the product
  • dry the surface
  • leave the bathroom or other room open for 24 hours
You can use a remedy for mold only in a respirator.
You can use a remedy for mold only in a respirator.

How to deal with mold and fungus in the bathroom and in the house: a list of products from fungus and mold

This tool can be industrial or cooked personally.
To combat the fungus, store products in the form of creams, gels or powder that contain chlorine or alkalis are suitable. For example:

  • ordinary whiteness
  • Domestos
  • Hg
  • Antigibok
  • Titan
  • others
An example of an industrial antifungal agent.
An example of an industrial antifungal agent.

Important: before using any purchased or folk remedy on a certain type of surface, it is necessary to check it on a small invisible area to see how aggressive it is

How to remove mold and fungus in the apartment, house with folk remedies: recipes

Expressed antifungal properties suitable for residential premises have:

  • boric acid
  • copper sulfate
  • ammonia
  • hydrogen peroxide
  • baking soda
  • vinegar

Recipe No. 1: Hydrogen peroxide solution

Hydrogen peroxide
How to remove mold and fungus with folk remedies: hydrogen peroxide.

The perhydrol 35% is bred in water in a proportion of 1: 1. Using a sponge or spray gun, the solution is applied to the processed area. After 40 minutes, washed off. You may have to repeat the procedure.
Recipe No. 2: Solution of ammonia

How to remove mold and fungus with folk remedies: ammonia.
How to remove mold and fungus with folk remedies: ammonia.

Like hydrogen peroxide, ammonia is diluted in half with water, after which I spray on washed walls from a spray gun. You need to work with ammonia only in the respirator.
Recipe number 3: Vinegar

How to remove mold and fungus with folk remedies: vinegar.
How to remove mold and fungus with folk remedies: vinegar.

Ordinary dining vinegar in undiluted form is applied to the surface affected by the fungus.
Recipe number 4: Copper sulfate

How to remove mold and fungus with folk remedies: copper sulfate.
How to remove mold and fungus with folk remedies: copper sulfate.

100 g of copper sulfate powder is dissolved in 10 liters of water. The surface is thoroughly washed, treated with soda. After apply a solution of copper sulfate. Let the walls dry naturally. It takes several days.

Important: copper sulfate is very toxic, you need to work with it only in gloves and respirator

Recipe No. 5: Baking soda

How to remove mold and fungus with folk remedies: soda.
How to remove mold and fungus with folk remedies: soda.

1 teaspoon of soda is dissolved in a glass of water. The solution is applied to the processed area.

VIDEO: How to remove the fungus in the apartment?

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