First and afternoon: from how many to how many time? Duration of the first and afternoon

First and afternoon: from how many to how many time? Duration of the first and afternoon

If you do not know when the first second half of the day, read the article in it everything is explained in detail.

Time controls events in human life. Not knowing about hours and minutes, it is completely impossible to make an important meeting, to solve pressing issues. What misconceptions exist relative to time?

Read on our website another article on the topic: "How many cannot be noise in the apartment by law?". You will find information about the time in the article and find out when you can not drill in the apartment by law.

From this article you will learn what duration of the first and second half of the day, how much morning, evening and night begins, as well as a lot of other useful and interesting information. Read further.

What are the misconceptions about half a day?

The first half of the day
The first half of the day

Speaking that the day is from 24 hours, people forget that a day is not a day. They are divided into dark and bright time, that is, day and night. It is the symbiosis of the day and night that is called one day. Moreover, there is an opinion that a day is divided for 4 temporary segments.

  • The first half of the day is the period from 12 a.m. to 12 a.m..
  • But the second half is time from 12:00 to 24:00.

What other misconceptions are there about half a day?

People often fall into funny situationswhen they do not specify whether it is meant 6 a.m or 6 p.m.

  • And even they offer to meet "abstractly", that is, in the morning or evening.

Concepts "Morning" and "evening" abstract:

  • One person can get up and 5 am, and for the other and noon is morning.
  • After all, he only wakes up at this time.
  • That is why during meetings, the interlocutor's day should be in advance.
  • Concepts "early" and "late" Each personality is significantly different.

Another popular misconception is to confuse the day and working day:

  • The latter has its own framework. And it can end or begin far from a daylight day.
  • For example, a person works on a night or evening shift. It turns out that his working day can last as from 8 am to 6 pm, so from 2 days to 10 pm.
  • In other words, the working day is the time, the countdown begins from the moment a person has interceded and ends when a person finishes the work.


  1. Day and working day are not the same thing.
  2. Despite the fact that there is a set time of the day, evenings, nights, all people have their own life and biological rhythm. Therefore, in order not to get into trouble, it is recommended to clarify in which time a meeting is planned.
  3. It is also very important not to confuse hours of morning and evenings. After all, saying “See you at 7” - a person may have in mind 7 a.m., or he may have in mind 7 o’clock in the evening.
  4. You should also be careful with “incomplete” temporary segments: a quarter of the fifth, without fifteen four, etc. Not everyone knows what this means to decipher.

Below even more interesting information. Read further.

The first and second half of the day is how much, from how many to how many: time

First and second half of the day
First and second half of the day  

In order not to get confused and always remember how many up to how many are in time - the first and second half of the day, and what time of the day takes place at the moment, it is worth taking on the basis of noon (that is, time from 11:00 to 14:00).

  • Until 14:00 The first half of the day lasts, and then the second.
  • In other words, everything that happens before lunch - 13:00This is the first half of the day, after this time - the second.

Time 12:00 Not in vain called "noon", A 00:00 - midnight. It turns out that the first half of the day lasts until noon. And in the afternoon - the second. But the afternoon is not evening. The evening begins only at the end of the framework of the day. And the day can not end before four hours. On the one hand, this is a fairly simple gradation. But it is not remembered immediately. For example:

  • Since Misha always woke up in 4 days, he almost never had the first half of the day.
  • How do you usually start your morning? - From a lunch break. Because until this time I still sleep.

There are moral gradations of time. For example, a time that is considered too early for sleeping an adult is considered a childish one. Often they say:

  • "No, I do not want to sleep. The time is still childish. ”
  • “Are you already going home? Sit more, child’s time. ”

However, these are sustainable beliefs that are more considered a moral and ethical norm than the official gradation of time. Such an interpretation comes from the fact that the mode of children's daily is slightly different from adults. For example, they need to be put to bed earlier. If an adult can be awake until three in the morning (if necessary), then children, as a rule, are put to bed, already starting from 8-10 o’clock in the evening.

Duration of the first and afternoon

We can say that the trace is considered a kind of “divider” of the time of day. Read more about the duration of the first and afternoon:

  • After 13:00 The day begins.
  • AND until 12:00 - Morning - the first half of the day.
  • As for the noon itself, this is an intermediate time (like midnight).

It turns out that they exist 4 times of the day:

  1. Morning
  2. Day
  3. Evening
  4. Night

And there are two intermediate phases: noon and midnightwho lasts everything 1 hour. They are needed so that the transition from one time of the day to another is smooth, not sharp. In addition, if there were no intermediate phases, it would not be so convenient to divide the time into segments.

How many to how many morning is the morning, evening, night?

Morning, evening, night
Morning, evening, night

There is a generally accepted gradation of the time of day. How many to how many morning is the morning, evening, night?

  • According to the well -known gradation of the time of day morning - this time from 4.00 to 11.00 inclusive.
  • The day begins at noon - 12:00and ends at 16:00.
  • The evening occurs in the period from 17:00 to 23:00, and night - from 0:00 to 3:00.

After the clock arrows I will cross for number 4The morning begins. Do not speak in vain "4 o’clock in the morning", "5 a.m." etc.

Video: Mathematics. Determining time by watch

Video: Learning to understand time by watch. Developing video for children

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