What does an hour of your birth mean, how does the fate of the child affect? The character of a person by time of birth

What does an hour of your birth mean, how does the fate of the child affect? The character of a person by time of birth

Description of the character of a person by time of birth.

Immediately after the birth of a child, parents think what their child will be, and what character traits will appear. However, not only a birthday, a month and a year, but also an hour. In this article we will talk about the characteristics of the character of a person, depending on the time when he was born. 

How does an hour of birth affect the fate of the child?

Experts are divided into 12 parts for a day, which correspond to each animal or planet, as in the Chinese calendar. 

How an hour of birth affects the fate of the child:

  1. 00:00-2:00. The patron saint of this person is Mercury. It contributes to logical thinking, and stimulates the craving for the exact sciences. Such people are famous for the ability to talk a lot, express their opinion. They are always ready to go forward, despite difficulties and something new. They want to develop and study. A person will be in constant knowledge of truth and training. For such a person, the main thing in life is self -development. He never stands still, and does not stop learning something new. Usually among such people there are many managers who live on travel and business trips. They really like to be at exhibitions, symposia and seminars. They differ significantly from others with a huge amount of knowledge. Often among such people are eternal students who have several higher education. Oddly enough, they look younger than their years, because of love for all the new and youth. Men born under the auspices of Mercury become the husbands of women who are a few decades younger. This is due to the openness and youth of the soul. 
  2. 02:00-04:00. The patron saint of people who were born during this period of time is Venus. Usually men born under the influence of this planet feel like a woman. It is believed that such men are very soft, emotional and romantic. Such people have balance, flexibility in relationships. Often they strive for harmony, but at the same time are very vulnerable. For them, family values \u200b\u200bare first of all. Such people are very tender and soft. But at the same time, they perfectly consider money, they can save it, especially if there is a need to purchase an expensive purchase. They are very revered by music and painting, they are often carried away by it. They constantly do something with their hands, it can be crafts or even jewelry. Loyalty and reliability are very appreciated. 
  3. 04:00-06:00. The patron saint of such people is Mars. Therefore, even women born in this time framework are characterized by masculinity and hardness. They often show strength and spirit. During this period, people endowed with tremendous force are born, but there are shortcomings in the form of temper, stubbornness. Often, such people destroy everything around them, especially if the second half does not support hobbies. Such people stand out significantly from the crowd. Among them are a lot of tyrants, winners. They create a lot, they can carry destruction, especially if it is not possible to gain harmony in relations with the second half. As a second half, they find themselves the corresponding person, as strong as to be measured by force. 
  4. 06:00-08:00. The patron saint of such people is Neptune. It affects the fate of man and society. People born at this time are very different in their intuition, often engage in spiritual practices. Usually these are people who choose professions associated with religion. It can be Buddhism, something completely unusual. Among them are many mediums, and people who are engaged in parapsychology. They understand the world, but it’s hard to figure it out. 
  5. 08:00-10:00. The patron saint of people who are born during this period of time is Uranus. Among such people there are many liberated, freedom -loving personalities. They are very original and inventive. Most often among them there are many leaders of companies, managers. They are constantly in the center of events due to noise, and the struggle for the truth. They really do not like window dressing, and pride. Often, after the recognition and huge funds receive, lead a dissatisfied lifestyle. 
  6. 10:00-12:00. The patron saint of people who are born in this time framework is Saturn. Usually mature, people are endowed with vital wisdom. They are reasonable, are distinguished by willpower and cold mind. Brilliant and prudent. Often, such people seem very stale, due to the failure of emotions, feelings. He believes that feelings significantly spoil life, worsening it. If such people manage to find their soul mate, this is forever. 
  7. 12:00-14:00. The people who were born during this period are under the auspices of Jupiter. They do not imagine their life without travel and adventure. They always want various changes. They are drawn to new people, to the change of partners and work. Often, such people equip their housing in another country, and marry foreigners. They are also dynamic, always easily overcome obstacles. However, there is a negative side in this. They are not disciplined, it is difficult to squeeze them into any specific framework, forcing them to follow the rules. It is very difficult for others to find a common language with them. 
  8. 14:00-16:00. These are children of Pluto, they are restless, very persistent. If other people are very frightened by troubles, then such persons tolerate any turmoil with stamina. They very often achieve heights, and just as quickly, fall sharply. They love when life resembles a sports game with obstacles. Very strong and strong -willed, often set a goal and achieve it. 
  9. 16:00-18:00. Born at this time, are under the auspices of Venus - planets of love. They are constantly looking for their soul mate. Such people often have an early marriage or loneliness. Landingness does not allow them to stop in one place for a long time, there are difficulties in communication with the opposite sex. This develops into ongoing attempts to find its second half. These are children who bypass sharp corners, have tact, and are prone to experiences. 
  10. 18:00-20:00. Are under the influence of Mercury. Usually such children are very persistent. Despite a very difficult life, they find a way out of any situation and dead ends. They never despair, can constantly sit on a diet, and go to extremes. These people should be more reasonable to treat everything, with a share of common sense and skepticism. 
  11. 20:00-22:00. Very romantic natures that are born under the radiance of the sun. They cannot live a day without love. The main goal of life is love adventures and the search for your beloved. They are constantly looking for pleasure, and are in the center of events. Often become stars, famous people, or representatives of public professions. They love when thousands are looking at them, millions of people. In childhood- this is The simplest kids, they shine, rejoice, rarely cause inconvenience. 
  12. 22:00-24:00. Are under the auspices of the moon. These are philosophical personalities that are distinguished by vital energy. The problem is that they do not feel happy. They lack safety all the time. Despite this, they always look calm when a hurricane rages in the soul. They are capable of a surge in emotions, especially if someone encroach on their personal space. They strive for inner harmony, but very rarely achieve it. Usually they achieve success only in adulthood, after forty years. In personal life, they are very successful, often at an early age they come into marriage, which is preserved until the end of life. Usually the marriage is very stable and sincere. 

What does an hour of your birth mean?

There is another approach that can be used while deciphering hours and minutes of birth. It is necessary to add the numbers of hours and minutes separately. For example, 12:49, the first number is 3, which is obtained by adding the numbers of the hour, and the second is 4. This is a spare figure obtained by adding minutes. The results will help to determine the nature, and indicate in which direction it is necessary to develop. 

What does the hour of your birth mean:

  1. Number 1. If there is a unit in one of the numbers, then the person is differentit is communicative skills. He is very sociable, and often brings good luck and success. They themselves achieve success in any activities that are associated with communication with people. They can become excellent teachers, lawyers and nurses. 
  2. Number 2. These are introverts that do not like society, and unlike units, achieve only in proud loneliness. They try not to discuss their plans with anyone, guided by their own opinion. They make good accountants, and even businessmen. Doubles show themselves very well in the field of remote work. They make good designers and programmers. 
  3. Number 3. These are people who are drawn to all living things. It is best if such a person selects work related to botanical, floristry. Also, good dog handlers, trainers are obtained from them. They draw energy from communication with nature and animals. 
  4. Number 4. These are people who prefer to engage in intellectual labor. They earn money with their brains, among them there are a lot of mathematicians, physicists, scientists. The best field of activity for four is intellectual work. If the four turned out to be by adding minutes, you need to try yourself in the field of writing. 
  5. Number 5. These are people who are very fond of aesthetics in all its manifestations. They love cleanliness, beauty, as well as order. Among them are many artists, as well as creative personalities. 
  6. Number 6. There are many managers among such people. They show themselves perfectly in sports, playing musical instruments. The main thing is that a person likes it, bring pleasure. If a girl wants to do some handmade, knit or embroider with a cross, in no case can you force her to receive higher education, or anythinggood This will not lead. 
  7.   Number 7. These are people who show themselves perfectly in trade. It can be a realtor, accountant, or seller. They make good bank employees. Can work as private entrepreneurs whothey work In the field of sales. 
  8. Number 8. Usually they choose a job related to a lot of conversations. They need success, recognition. They are distinguished by the gift of beliefs, so they often enjoy great success. They get goodcoopeers, bloggers, as well as public people. 
  9. Number 9. This is a person who is distinguished by psychic abilities. He has developed intuition, empathy. It makes money with fortune -telling and treatment. 

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If you know the exact time of birth, this will make a horoscope, which will help to find the life path.

Video: The character of a person by time of birth

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