Crimea: What is the time zone, what is the difference with other cities of Russia? How many hours in Crimea now? Accurate local time in Crimea: Difference with Moscow

Crimea: What is the time zone, what is the difference with other cities of Russia? How many hours in Crimea now? Accurate local time in Crimea: Difference with Moscow

If you need to find out the time difference with Crimea, look for your city in this article. If it is not on the list, then see the information on the map of time zones.

Going to the Crimea on vacation, I always want to know what is the difference in time. Based on this, the travel route and the time of departure from its city are drawn up. After all, it is better to come to the destination in the morning or afternoon, but not late in the evening or at night. Look for below information about the difference in time with the Crimea and some Russian cities.

The difference in time between Crimea, Moscow, St. Petersburg

The time difference between Crimea and Moscow and Crimea and St. Petersburg is 0 hours, that is, the same time is in the Crimea, Moscow and St. Petersburg. This is because Crimea, Moscow and St. Petersburg have the same time zone - GMT +03: 00.

  • Crimea and Moscow - 0 hours
  • Crimea and St. Petersburg-0 hours

When we go on vacation, I always want to have a minimum time difference.

  • It is very convenient to go to rest in your time zone: there is no drowsiness, the head does not spin, health is normal, and the body’s strength and precious recreation hours are not spent on adaptation.
  • You do not have to sit in the room for several days or abandon an interesting excursion due to poor health.
  • Therefore, many Muscovites and residents of St. Petersburg, especially families with children and the elderly, choose a trip on vacation to Crimea.

The difference in time between Crimea, Novosibirsk, Krasnoyarsk, Tomsk, Barnaul, Kemerovo


The difference in time between Crimea and Novosibirsk and Crimea and Krasnoyarsk, Tomsk, Kemerovo or Barnaul is 4 hours, since the time zone of these cities in relation to Crimea is the same - the same - the same GMT +07: 00. Keep in mind that when you fly out on an airplane from Novosibirsk in the morning, for example, at 6 in the morning, in Crimea at this time night is 2 hours.

  • Crimea and Novosibirsk - 4 hours
  • Crimea and Krasnoyarsk - 4 hours
  • Crimea and Tomsk - 4 hours
  • Crimea and Barnaul - 4 hours
  • Crimea and Kemerovo - 4 hours

The difference in time between Crimea, Chelyabinsk, Yekaterinburg, the city of Ufa, the city of Perm, Tyumen, the city of Khanty-Mansiysk


Chelyabinsk, Yekaterinburg, Ufa, Perm, Tyumen, Khanty-Mansiysk are in another time zone compared to Crimea. Therefore, the difference in time will be, but not as large as in previous cities, and it will be 2 hours. The time zone of Chelyabinsk, Yekaterinburg, Ufa, Perm, Tyumen, Khanty-Mansiysk- GMT +05: 00. When the evening in Crimea, for example, 20-00 hours, nights come in Krasnoyarsk-22-00 hours. So, the difference in time is:

  • Between Crimea and Chelyabinsk - 2 hours
  • Between Crimea and Yekaterinburg - 2 hours
  • Between Crimea and Ufa - 2 hours
  • Between Crimea and Perm - 2 hours
  • Between Crimea and Tyumen - 2 hours
  • Between Crimea and Khanty-Mansiysk-2 hours

The difference in time between Crimea and Samara


Samara time zone GMT +04: 00, Crimea - GMT +03: 00. Therefore, the difference in time:

  • Between Crimea and Samara - 1 hour

Such a time difference is almost not felt. Therefore, the inhabitants of Samara can safely go on vacation to the Crimea without prejudice to their health and well -being.

The difference in time between Crimea, Vladivostok, Khabarovsk

The time zone of Vladivostok and Khabarovsk - GMT +10: 00, Crimea - GMT +03: 00. Difference in time:

  • Between Crimea and Vladivostok - 7 hours
  • Between Crimea and Khabarovsk - 7 hours

This is a big difference in time and requires adaptation of the body to a new time, weather and conditions. But adaptation usually takes place within 3 days.

The difference in time between Crimea and Irkutsk

The time zone of Irkutsk - GMT +08: 00, Crimea - GMT +03: 00. The difference in time is:

  • Between Crimea and Irkutsk - 5 hours

Such a difference is also considered large, especially for young children who difficult to endure the adaptation period. No need to immediately go to the beach on the day of arrival. Let the body get used to for 2-3 days. Take a walk around the city you will come to, or you can go on a tour of local attractions.

The difference in time between Crimea and Omsk


Omsk time zone - GMT +06: 00, Crimea - GMT +03: 00. Therefore, the difference in time will be:

  • Between Crimea and Omsk - 3 hours

A relatively small time difference, given that there are cities such as Vladivostok or Irkutsk with a more significant difference in time in relation to Crimea.

If your city is not in this article, then you can independently determine the difference in time according to the map of time zones. Moscow is taken in it for the reference point. Moscow and Crimea have one time zone, so on this map it is easy to find out the difference in time of any Russian city with Crimea.

Card of time zones in Russia
Card of time zones in Russia

A good trip and a good rest on the Crimean coast!

Video: Watch belts of Russia: Do I need to change something else?

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