I overlapped the chicken: what to do, how to save the dish?

I overlapped the chicken: what to do, how to save the dish?

Popular, easy to prepare, low -fat, recommended to children, the chicken is also very quickly prepared. Moreover, this speed applies to the process and cooking, and frying, and extinguishing, and baking.

And, most importantly, its lower cost in comparison with pork, turkey, beef, etc. That is why the chicken, which has almost all the parts, is often food, we often prepare and, sometimes, are too fond of salt.

I overlapped the chicken: what to do, how to save the dish?

I overlapped the chicken - what to do, how to save the dish?  In this case, we do not be upset, but do the following:

  • If the overflow was discovered when the chicken is already ready, neatly separate the meat from bones And take up the preparation of the sauce (especially sour cream in this case), which you simply do not salt. Then tap chicken meat in this sauce (10 minutes will be enough), and the excess salt will leave.
  • The same maneuver can be done, using not sauce, but stewed vegetables without salt, in which in the process of cooking also add chicken meat removed from the bones.
  • In the event that you are too pierced raw pieces of chicken, the problem is solved even easier. Dear chicken into water or milk and let it lie down for about 20 minutes. Salt will be neutralized.
  • If it is not fundamentally for you, which dish will be served on the table, and you just want to feed your homes with delicious dinner, then use peresonny chicken for salad, which then do not add.
  • Is the chicken overlapped when cooking? Try to rinse large pieces with cold water from the tap and boil again, without ramping.
  • If you overlapped fried chicken - add a little to the pan waterBow lemon juice And go from frying to damping the dish. Water will take over excess salt, and after it it will be possible to drain.
You can save a crossed chicken
You can save a crossed chicken

As you can see, fluids, fats and vegetables save the chicken from random prailo. All these ingredients are absorbents and absorb excess salt. The hens itself returns its delicate and pleasant taste.

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