Papier-Masha-what is it? How to make papier Masha with your own hands?

Papier-Masha-what is it? How to make papier Masha with your own hands?

Papier-Masha is a fairly popular technique for creating crafts. In our article you will learn how to correctly perform.

Papier-Masha is one of the types of needlework. It is popular due to its simplicity and uniqueness. Today, many are interested in this technique for creating crafts and are actively looking for information. In our article you will learn how to do it correctly and what kind of type of needlework it is.

Papier-Masha-what is it, where did it come from?

Papier-Masha is a mass that is kneaded from glue and paper. If you translate it literally, then the “chewed paper” will turn out. Initially, the composition found its application in France and began to gain popularity since the 16th century. At that time, dolls were created from it and they were in great demand. The equipment came to Russia already in the 19th century, when Peter I ruled.

Papier-meshe began to be used for different things, due to the simplicity of manufacturing the composition, as well as its strength after drying. If at first dolls were created mainly from the mass, then gradually it grew into something more and various souvenirs, masks, toys and many other things began to be created. In particular, papier-mash is often used for dummies or theatrical propulsion.

How to make papier-masha with your own hands: methods, methods

Papier-Masha is created by different methods and there are three of them:

Method 1. layered

The simplest of all is the layer of layer. The paper is cut into strips and glued to a special shape. It can be a ball, plate or something else. In general, you can use everything that has the desired shape.

Usually not a lot of layers are made, but for some crafts their number can reach a hundred. The strips are completely coated with glue and placed on the shape of layers. Every 3-4 layers the future craft is dried. Only then you need to do the rest of the layers, also drying them. Further, the work depends on the very craft itself.

Method 2. Paper pulp

Papier-masha from the pulp
Papier-masha from the pulp

This method is the most ancient. For him, you need to put a newspaper into pieces or something else and soaked in water for 10 hours. Then the mixture must be a little warm up to destroy its structure. Water is removed through a sieve, and then it must be made homogeneous. For this, a mixer is used. In conclusion, mix the resulting mass with glue and you can start working.

Method 3. Pressing

This method is more suitable for industrial production. Sheets of cardboard are applied in layers and smeared with glue, and then pressed. When the workpiece is dried, its surface is rolled and painted. In this technique, only flat parts can be performed, which need to be especially strong.

How to make papier-masha with your own hands: Preparation

How to make papier -masha - preparation
How to make papier-masha-preparation

If you carefully look at any instructions, it immediately becomes noticeable that the work always begins with preparation. First of all, you will need paper. You can do with unnecessary newspapers, they get wet well, and the finished product will turn out to be very durable. Another simple materials are napkins and toilet paper. In addition, packages from eggs or any cardboard are suitable.

The adhesive composition is made of simple glue. PVA is usually used, diluted a little in water. Both components should be the same. At home, you can use starch or flour, and prepare a paste from them. The composition is made as thick as required for crafts.

You will also need the basis on which the future craft will be released, a little vegetable oil for lubricating the mold, and also paint and varnish for coating. Do not use simple watercolor or gouache. It is necessary to dilute the latter with glue PVA a little. If you cover the base with oil, then after the crafts freeze it will be easy to remove and wash it.

How to make papier-masha with your own hands: Instructions

Mass for papier-mash
Mass for papier-mash
  • Before starting work directly with paper, you need to prepare a fabric. For him, boil water and add starch, which is previously also diluted with water.
  • Grack until everything thickens. It is important to remember that you should not add too much starch, otherwise your mass will be very thick.
  • You can do otherwise. It is necessary to mix the same amount of PVA and water glue. This method is much faster and easier, so if you are a beginner, you can start with it.
  • Next, chop the paper on very small pieces. This is a simple job, but it is worth it to take it seriously to work with paper easier.
  • Pour the resulting amount of paper with water and let it brew for several hours. After that, the water can be drained and chopped with a paper with a mixer. If there is a lot of water, then squeeze it with your hands.

The presented technique is suitable for absolutely any materials. True and glue need to be mixed to get a homogeneous mass. It should lie down a little and you can start creating crafts.

How to make papier-masha yourself: tips

DIY papier-masha
DIY papier-masha
  • So that your craft is very durable, do not be lazy to do it in several layers. In particular, this approach is relevant for masks and plates.
  • When working, be sure to put on gloves, because the Klester has the habit of sticking to your hands, and then it is very difficult to remove it.
  • Do not be afraid to fantasize. Let not immediately, but you will still find what you like to work with.
  • Do not forget to cover the base with oil so that the workpiece easily gets away from it.
  • It is very important that the paper must be torn, not cut. This will destroy the fibers and the mass will turn out to be more homogeneous.
  • Coloring also requires a competent approach. If you want to make a white craft, then just make the last two layers with white paper. Or use paint to create drawings.
  • Thanks to the lacquer, you can protect the craft from moisture.
  • Before work, cover the workplace so as not to stain everything with glue. It is washed hard, so it is better to take care of it in advance.
  • Be sure to wait until the finished layers dry out and only then make new ones.
  • You can color the craft only after it dries completely, so that the paint lies smooth.

How to make a plate from papier-mash: instruction

A plate from papier-mash
A plate from papier-mash
  • Take a plate as a base and grease it with oil from above. By the way, even a balloon may come for this, since it also has a suitable form
  • Put the finished mass on a plate with a layer necessary for your product and press your fingers well
  • If you use stripes, then slowly glue them in arbitrary order
  • Moisten your fingers in glue and rotate well so that it is even
  • The workpiece must be left to dry for a couple of days and only then you can remove it from the form
  • When you do this, leave it for another day
  • After that, take paints or gouache with PVA
  • Decorate the finished plate with napkins, varnish, paints or something else. Show your imagination to make your plate a unique
  • When the last layer is applied, in a day it will be possible to cover the product with varnish and dry
  • To hang the finished product on the wall, drill a hole in it with a thin drill

How to make a carnival mask from papier-mash: Instruction

Carnival mask
Carnival mask
  • To get started, make a shape. You can blind it from plasticine, take it already ready or even use a jar. On the latter you need to draw contours, and make a face out of plasticine
  • Lubricate the surface and apply paper. Do not forget to crush it very well
  • Be sure to do the job in layers, otherwise the product may crumble if the glue is not enough
  • In conclusion, decorate the mask in suitable colors, you can add feathers, beads and other elements
  • The upper layer is covered with varnish to consolidate the result

How to make beads from papier-mash: step-by-step instructions

Beads from papier-mash
Beads from papier-mash

Beads can be made in any form convenient for you. Here everything is limited exclusively by your imagination.

  • First of all, think about what kind of jewelry you want to do and how it will look like
  • Next, take a piece of wire, pliers and thread
  • Then everything needs to be done very carefully so that outwardly the product turns out to be beautiful
  • Skat small beads or other figures from papier-mash
  • After that, leave them to dry, but do not allow them to dry completely, otherwise you will not be able to string them on the wire
  • When the beads dry out from above and a little inside, you can string them on the wire
  • Make the product of the desired length and fix the lock

Other jewelry is also created. We offer you to get acquainted with other ideas of crafts from papier-mash.

Crafts from papier-mash: ideas, photos

Craft 1
Craft 1
Craft 2
Craft 2
Craft 3
Craft 3
Craft 4
Craft 4
Craft 5
Craft 5
Craft 6
Craft 6

Video: How to make papier-masha with your own hands? That's right, fast and easy!

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