Where did the expression “mine do not understand” come from: what does it mean?

Where did the expression “mine do not understand” come from: what does it mean?

From this article you will find out where the expression “mine is not to understand” came from.

The phrase that the Russian language is great and powerful is known to everyone. However, in addition to power and greatness, our language has a huge number of unusual, and sometimes even strange expressions.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "Expression" Reading is the best teaching ": Author, what does it mean?".

One of the brightest examples of unusual linguistic wealth is a strange statement: "My do not understand yours". Let's try to understand the origin of this expression, as well as its meaning. Read further.

“My yours is not to understand”: where did the expression come from, where is it borrowed from?

The expression
The expression "mine is not to understand" from Pijin

At first glance, it may seem that the expression "My do not understand yours" - This is ordinary "I do not understand you", only slightly altered by the Chinese, but this is not entirely true. So, where did this expression come from, where is borrowed from?

  • In fact, this phrase from pijinaor in another way, kyakha dialect.
  • This strange language appeared on the border Russian Empire and China, at the end of the 19th, early 20th centuries.
  • Pijin had Russian vocabulary, but the grammar was Chinese, hence a huge number of strange, distorted expressions.
  • The most interesting thing is that Pijin was considered a full -fledged language.
  • There were a huge number of textbooks on it, study was conducted in schools and exams were passed.

Such is the real origin of the famous and funny at first glance expressions "my do not understand." Below even more interesting information. Read further.

"My do not understand yours": the language of Russian merchants, who helped to speak abroad

"My do not understand yours": the language of Russian merchants

Now knowing about where the expression came from "My do not understand yours", it would be nice to say a few words about those who actually introduced this phrase. This is the language of Russian merchants, who helped to speak abroad. And indeed it is.

  • Due to the specifics of their work, merchants had to visit a huge number of countries.
  • At the same time, language barriers and unknown did not scare them. And due to the fact that sometimes merchants had to return to the same countries, they began to appear common words and expressions with the local population.
  • So new, mixed languages \u200b\u200bwere born, which received the name "pidgin".

It remains to add that in the days of the Russian Empire there were a lot of pidzhins, but after the revolution, almost all of them sunk into oblivion. The most studied of the pidzhins preserved in our time are: russian-Chinese dialect-Kyhtinsky and Russian-Norwegian language, entitled "Russenorsk".

Russenorsk sounded like this
Russenorsk sounded like this

“My yours is not to understand”: what does the expression mean?

So, we found out where the expression came from "My do not understand yours" And who introduced him into everyday life. Only one question remains unanswered: what does this expression mean?

  • In fact, understanding what this expression means is not at all difficult.
  • Literally, it translates almost the same as it sounds: "I don't understand you".

As we have already found out, the phrase "My do not understand yours", came from the Russian-Chinese (Kyakhta language) and this moment is key. The fact is that when translating the Russian language into Chinese at the end of the 19th century, one complexity arose.

  • The problem of translating Russian words into Chinese was that the language of the Celestial Consumer consists of syllables.
  • Because of this, the Chinese were difficult to study Russian words and they pronounced them only in the imperative mood, for example: “I think” - “think”, “trade” - “bargain”.
  • Thus the usual Russian expression "I don't understand you", distorted and began to sound like "My do not understand yours".

Unfortunately, like other “pidges”, the Kyakhti language ceased to be used after the revolution. However, according to some sources, even in the mid-90s in China, one could meet elderly merchants who knew how to speak this language.

Well, that's all that you can tell about this expression. But, in the Russian language, countless interesting and unusual phrases still remain, the origin and meaning of which, we have to make out. Good luck!

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  1. The author Dunno, Russian merchants are one of the most educated layers of society and knew and were explained in many languages. And this is a phrase from Asian foreigners who specifically make themselves rustic fools when something is not beneficial for them. That is, an unmotivated refusal due to the alleged misunderstanding of colloquial speech. The famous “My understanding is not”, not distorted by the Chinese, the Russian “I don’t understand you”, but the phrase from the so-called Kyakhti language, Pidzhin, which arose at the turn of the 19-20 centuries at the borders of the Russian Empire and China in the areas of Transbaikalia, Manchuria and the Amur Region. The vocabulary of the Kyakhta language was mainly Russian, and the grammar was Chinese, hence the unchanged endings of words.

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