The expression “reading is the best teaching”: the author, what does it mean?

The expression “reading is the best teaching”: the author, what does it mean?

The phrase “reading is the best teaching” is an expression unique in its meaning. Read more in the article.

Even before school, in kindergarten, we begin to learn to read. Already at the school bench we are taught - "Reading is the best teaching". And indeed it is.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "12 words and phrases that will beautifully fill in pauses in the conversation". You will find interesting options that will help make the dialogue original.

Who is the author of the phrase about reading? What does she mean? You will find answers to these and other questions in this article. Read further.

Who is the author of the expression, proverbs “Reading is the best teaching”: who said?

"Reading is the best teaching"

A well -read person has a wide horizons. He is aware of the traditions and customs of the peoples of other countries, understanding people. It is the books that give the necessary baggage of knowledge that will not be provided with in school classes. Who is the author of the expression, proverbs “Reading is the best teaching”? Who said?

  • I used the phrase A.S. Pushkin In a letter to your younger brother.
  • This is a kind of parting words, advisory council.
  • By the way, Pushkin had love for books since childhood.
  • He also read a lot in the lyceum - and, perhaps, thanks to this, the poet formed such a folding and beautiful syllable, a wide horizons, an extensive vocabulary, etc.

He advises his brother the same thing. However, the latter did not always listen to the advice of Alexander. He often upset his mentor. Nevertheless, letters-teachings were frequent. In them, Pushkin tried to at least somehow adjust the behavior, improve performance and “instruct the true path” of his blood relative.

In the understanding of the poet, it was from there that the brother had to receive a “real idea of \u200b\u200blife”. By the way, Pushkin himself has never been an excellent student. Humanitarian objects were well given to him. But the exact sciences were a huge problem for the future writer. However, all teachers noted Pushkin's erudition.

In fact, reading was filled with all the gaps that the young man received from cool classes and unfulfilled homework. U A.S. Pushkin There was a great memory. But, like all creative people, he was inattentive and not particularly renunciation. When the case concerned an interesting book, the future poet could plunge into the fictional worlds for hours.

As a result, he grew up an educated, competent person. And he left his great heritage to Russian literature.

Of course, Pushkin He did not expect his brother will become a poet. He did not want this. He only wanted to achieve the last understanding of the fact that reading is a developing, useful activity, without which the leisure of an intelligent and self -respecting person is impossible.

The statement, the words of Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin “Reading is the best teaching” - how to explain: why did the writer say so, wrote, the meaning of the expression, how to understand?

"Reading is the best teaching"

Reading fan is always a multifaceted personality. He knows how to think, analyze, distinguishes important from the secondary. How to explain a statement, words Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin "Reading is the best teaching"? Why did the writer say so, wrote? What is the meaning of the expression, how to understand?

  • There are many reasons why the poet recommended reading to the younger brother.
  • Firstly, it increases the vocabulary. Even if the reading lover did not end the “universities”, he will still have a pure, competent, deep speech.
  • A reader can also be determined by the ability to select synonyms, metaphors. He has a minimum of parasitic words.
  • Therefore, it is much more interesting for people to communicate with a book lover.
  • Moreover, a fan of reading knows a lot. He does not have to go to history or geography lessons. After all, he learns from literary sources.

Many works have instructive motives. As the saying goes, "Fairy Tale - Yes, it has a hint." You can extract a lesson from the actions of literary heroes - and this is this to gain everyday wisdom.

Another book love is a person with a good imagination. As a rule, he is a dreamer with a creative vein. These qualities can be very useful in life. Sometimes I want to say: "How many books a person read - he is a person so many times".

“Reading is the best teaching” - punctuation marks: why is a dash?

If you were asked at a school or university to write an essay on the topic “Reading is the best teaching”, then it is important not only to know what to write about, but also to properly arrange punctuation marks. Why is a dash in this phrase?

This punctuation mark is placed for one simple reason. After all, the word "here" can be replaced with a word "this is". It will turn out: “ reading is the best teaching ". By the way, Pushkin was right. After all, spending time behind an interesting book is much more interesting than doing school or university cramming. All creative personalities and lovers of literature will say about this.

“Reading is the best teaching”: examples of proposals

A book is a powerful means of education, education and development of mental, linguistic, speech, moral, cultural, aesthetic, informational. If you think more widely - intellectual and sensual, a means of developing all human abilities. Therefore, without reading, it is impossible to educate a person in yourself.

Try to make sentences with the phrase "Reading is the best teaching". This will help to better understand the topic and understand its essence. Here are examples of proposals on the topic:

  • - It would be better if I went about it than to wallow on the couch with the book! - Mom! Reading is the best teaching! This is Pushkin himself!
  • Reading - there is a better teaching. That is why Vasya loved to skip lessons in the school library so much.
  • Choose only “correct” literature. After all reading is the best teaching.
  • Misha knew that reading is the best teaching. But whenever he tried to force himself to read something, thoughts danced in his head, and the invisible call of the soul attracted in a blooming, spring courtyard. There, where you can play football, flirt with the girls and enjoy life.
  • Dad, if reading is the best teachingWhy do you have one three in the certificate? - The main thing is that a person has a “crust”, and what's in his head.
  • Why are all the well -read people so smart? Because reading is the best teaching.

By this principle, make other sentences. It's simple. Now let's write an essay. But first we will draw up a plan. Read further.

A plan for an essay and establishment on the topic "Reading is the best teaching"

"Reading is the best teaching"

If there is a plan for the future story, then it will be easier to state it on paper and collect all thoughts together. So, if you need to write a masterpiece on the topic “Reading the best teaching”, then you can draw up such a plan for writing and establishing:

  • Why is the book the best friend of man and the best gift?
  • What is able to give fiction?
  • Whether the right was A.S. Pushkin, advising the younger brother in the letter to read a lot?
  • My personal attitude to books.
  • How did reading help me personally?
Reading books, you can find the perfect image of yourself in the form of heroes or real people and subsequently realize this image in your life. This is a real school of life that teaches a person to be himself. Let's put out all our thoughts on this subject and this topic in the essay. Read further.

Composition-reasoning on the topic "Reading is the best teaching"

"Reading is the best teaching"
Books inspire and motivate to improve themselves and achieve the greatest results. They open the new facets of the perception of the world, which we did not suspect before. Open your mind to new opportunities, which you may have not been suspected before. Here is an essay-reasoning on the topic "Reading the best teaching":

Whenever someone consults with friends relative to the gift to a best friend, many agree that the ideal option is book. Why? The bottom line is that a good literary publication will not only resemble a friend of a friend. A book is a real portal into the world of knowledge. It is she who awakens a person in a person, gives him everyday wisdom and raises him in every way.

A well -read person is very simple. He has an interesting and competent speech. A well -read person knows "everything about everything." He knows how to maintain a conversation, knows how to understand and listen.

The heroes of books serve as peculiar examples of how and should not be done in this life. That is why it is not necessary to fill your own “cones”. Book lover is smart. He studies on someone else's experience. Pushkin said correctly: "Reading is the best teaching". The poet understood that in order to be erudite, it was necessary to read his useful hobby, his favorite pastime. By the way, Alexander Sergeyevich himself was a book love from childhood.

Books enrich a person spiritually. It is from them that he constitutes his attitude, forms the concepts of good and evil, honor and dishonesty, meanness and justice. Books are the best teachers of a person for many years. And even now, in the age of the Internet, they do not lose their relevance.

There are many books in our family library. They were collected first by great -grandfather, then grandfather, and now my dad and I. There is everything: science fiction, detectives, classical literature, adventure. And each book is dear to me in its own way. After all, it is a separate world that wants to discover again and again.

I did not like to read before. But now I can’t live a day without a good book. In fact, they helped me a lot. Literally in one summer, my vocabulary has expanded significantly. It became easier for me to write school dictations. I make less errors and get good marks. I also became more assiduous and attentive. So the situation with other school subjects also got better.

Reading also significantly expands the horizons. Thanks to adventure novels, I learned a lot about the life of peoples in other countries. I really like to read about travelers who go to India, Africa, South and North America. Thanks to this, my knowledge of history and geography improved. After all, writers often turn to reliable sources when they describe certain lands and their inhabitants. In fact, a book is a real treasure. A real diamond that is enclosed in binding. I recommend that everyone love reading. Believe me, this time will not be spent in vain.

Video: On the benefits of reading

Video: Reading - Best teaching


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