Where did the expression "and the hedgehog is clear" come from? “Hedgehog is clear”: the origin of phraseology from literary sources, slang. "And the hedgehog is clear": about the quick wits of the hedgehogs

Where did the expression

In this article, we will try to figure out where the well -known phraseology “Hedgehog is clear” came from.

Phraseologism “and the hedgehog is clear” everyone heard. And for sure everyone heard at least once thought about why it was precisely to this prickly charming mammalan that everything suddenly became clear. Let's try to understand this issue.

Literary sources of phraseology "and hedgehog is clear"

Thanks to what and why phraseology “went to the people”? First of all, thanks to Vladimir Mayakovsky. In 1925, he wrote a work called "The tale of Petya, a fat child, and a Sim, which is thin."

The desired lines looked like this:

“Even the hedgehog is clear -
This Petya was a bourgeois. "

Why did the poet choose a dog, a horse or a canary, namely a hedgehog? Everything is quite prosaic - Because of the rhyme. Mayakovsky did not put any sacred meaning in the personality of the prickly lover of apples. Just thanks to this animal, the line turned out to be a capacious, brief and memorable.

Important: despite the date of writing, the phrase received the status of phraseology only in the second half of the last century.

In the first half she was also known. However, it was mainly intelligentsiawho read Mayakovsky. That is, the circle of knowledgeable was somewhat limited.

The phraseology of the hedgehog owes its appearance to the creation of Mayakovsky
The phraseology of the hedgehog owes its appearance to the creation of Mayakovsky

Another literary source - The novel "Country of crimson clouds", written brothers Strugatsky In 1958. In it, the phrase, which was originally Mayakovsky, was mentioned in passing and no one took away the whole heads of the smart hedgehog.

However, here it played a role Crazy popularity Matra of Russian science fiction. And since their work was read out by whole crowds from small to great, the quick wits of the prickly animal received a new wave of recognition. Those who did not quote the lines of Vladimir Vladimirovich, with pleasure, recalled excerpts from the Strugatsky.

Roman, thanks to which phraseologism about hedgehogs received a second life
Roman, thanks to which phraseologism about hedgehogs received a second life

The source of the phraseology “and the hedgehog is clear”: slang

However, not everything comes down to literature. Obligating hedgehog and boarding schools from the USSR. Or rather, the 50-70s. These schools were of various profiles, but most had a physical and mathematical orientation.

Important: phraseologism can be attributed in this case to teenage slang.

In such boarding schools, children were distributed by classes depending on training programs. Schoolchildren who were offered different from the standard Complicated program, spent two years in the walls of the educational institution. Their classes were assigned letters from a to D.

Studying a year according to the standard program, Entered in E, w, and classes. It turned out a kind of pun: if you read all these letters in one breath, the word "hedgehogs" formed.

By the time hedge, the guys from other classes had only started to learn more material, they had already managed to learn more material. Therefore, if the students of the classes E, w, and perfectly learned any lesson, then it was considered easy, and the rest should have done it.

Hedgehogs were also called students of the corresponding classes - this also gave an impetus of the popularity of phraseologism
Hedgehogs were also called students of the corresponding classes - this gave an impetus of the popularity of phraseology

Heroes of phraseology in real life: about the quick wits of the hedgehogs

And as for real hedgehogs? Are they really smart? It turns out yes:

  • It is quite possible for a home hedgehog accumulate to the owner's voice. He will go to the call, stop at the request. The hedgehog is also able to understand by the intonation of a person that some things cannot be touched.
  • An ordinary prickly animal living somewhere in the garden next to the house, you can indicate the light of the fuss of food. After a few such indications, a funny neighbor, without persuasion, will cheerfully stomp behind the beam of the lantern.
  • If the hedgehog is home, it is quite it can figure out how to open the cage door.
  • It is known that hedgehogs are capable of move around the area without problems, which is seen for the first time in their life. That is, with a spatial orientation, everything is wonderful for them.

Important: and this movement occurs at high speed!

  • If the thorny traveler still stumbles upon some obstacle, he remembers his. Interestingly, at the next visit to this place, the hedgehog carefully circumvents the obstacle.
Hedgehogs are excellently oriented in the area than justify phraseologism about quick wits
Hedgehogs are excellently oriented in the area than justify phraseologism about quick wits

I would like to hope that this article dispelled the mysterious halo around the quick wits of the hedgehog. And our readers will now have one unknown question less.

A little more about the phraseology "and the hedgehog is clear":

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