“We are responsible for those who have tamed”: the meaning of the expression, author

“We are responsible for those who have tamed”: the meaning of the expression, author

Who is the author of the phrase “We are responsible for those who have been tamed”, what is its meaning, is it true?

“We are responsible for those who have tamed”-a quote from the fairy tale “Little Prince” of Antoine de Saint-Exupery. The fox said this phrase in the desert, after he was tamed. “People have long forgotten this truth, but you should know it,” he said.

“We are responsible for those we tamed”: Who is the author?

Antoine de Saint-Exupery is a French pilot and author of world literary masterpieces. He was born in 1900 and the years of his life fell for a difficult time for his country.

At the adolescence, he witnessed the First World War, and when the Second World War began, he took part in it, as a military pilot.

The fairy tale "Little Prince" was written in 1942 and its deep delicate images create a sharp contrast with the causeless unthinkable cruelty of events taking place in Europe at that time.

The little prince takes care of his rose
The little prince takes care of his rose

The images of this wonderful fairy tale have much in common with the real life of the author, and most likely, it is an attempt to understand the meaninglessness of the surrounding reality.

  • According to researchers, the author wrote the image of a little prince from himself. A dreamy boy with a long scarf developing in the wind is similar to the writer himself. In life, Exupery chose a pilot’s profession, which combines masculinity, romance and dream.
  • The image of a capricious rose, behind which the little prince looked after, the writer wrote with his wife. In the life of Consuelo de Saint-Exupery, it was not so happy, after the death of Antoine, she remained a widow for the third time. In a fairy tale, a little prince sees a whole field of roses, but says that they are all empty for him and the road to him is only the rose that he cared for. In 1964, after the death of the writer, his wife dedicated the manuscript to him and called her "Memories of the Rose."
  • The prototype of the fox, most likely, was a real fox. During the service in North Africa, the writer really was in the care of fox Fenec - a desert fox with big ears. Caring for a small wild animal grew into a habit and love for it. And the inability to return the tamed animal from manual content to the wild, possibly prompted his thought of all of us for the tamed wild animals.
  • The death of Antoine de Saint-Exupery mystically echoes the departure of a little prince in the fairy tale he wrote. According to the plot, the little prince was very yearning for his rose, and therefore agreed that he was bitten by a poisonous snake, believing that after that he would fall on his planet. When the snake bit the boy, his body disappeared. The writer’s body was also not found after his alleged death. He went on a reconnaissance flight on his plane and no longer returned. Only 50 years later, in 2003, in the Mediterranean Sea, one of the divers found the wreckage of his aircraft, the writer himself did not find the remains of the writer himself.
Little Prince flies to his planet
Little Prince flies to his distant planet

“We are responsible for those who have tamed”: the meaning of the phrase

This phrase of the writer calls us to fidelity, sympathy and kindness in relation to loved ones. However, it refers not to civilian laws.

If only he had everything good
If only he had everything good

This is evidenced by the “little prince” and the author: sometimes, after you tame someone, you have to experience pain because you have to let your beloved people go. So the mother cared for her baby inevitably encounters in the future with the fact that her child becomes an adult. Having matured, children rarely stay with their mothers, but they forgive them and pray only that their children are happy. The place in the desert, where the little prince flew to his planet, Exupery calls the most beautiful and sad in the world. Because this is a place of pain and parting with someone you love.

Many represent love and empathy, as something abstract, and believe that these feelings can be experienced without doing anything. However, the writer teaches us that this is not so: his little prince painstakingly cares for his rose, and every day puts order on his little planet. Friendship and love are not so much feeling as the daily work is primarily the soul, not the body.

The little prince blows baobabs that can destroy his planet
The little prince blows baobabs that can destroy his planet

They say that caring for others is an ungrateful work, people quickly get used to good and rarely say “thank you”. Nevertheless, everyone wants someone to tame him.

"We are responsible for those who have tamed": Philosophy

Interesting: “Little Prince” A work with a not quite accurately defined genre: sometimes it is called a fairy tale, and sometimes a philosophical story. In the training programs of the Russian Federation it is included in the program for the third grade, but then they return to this fairy tale already in the eighth grade. But, many people begin to read and re -read this wonderful fairy tale in adulthood, discovering all new faces for themselves. So you can admire the precious stone for an infinitely long time, turning it and finding new beautiful reflections of its faces.

The thesis “We are responsible for those who have been tamed” is also certainly controversial, and affects the deep problems of the struggle of different worldviews. Exupery himself writes that you can believe in magic, but then your life will be subordinated to malicious rock, we can assume that the cause of our troubles is the betrayal of others, but then we find ourselves in the power of betrayal and other people, and only if we find ourselves guilty of our troubles ourselves, we rely on our human capabilities.

Can a person change the fate of others?
Can a person change the fate of others?

A similar thought was expressed by the Indian spiritual leader Osho, known in the last century. He said that freedom does not mean permissiveness, but responsibility, and if we ourselves are not responsible for ourselves, then someone else will certainly do this for us, which means that we will be slaves. Freud claimed that most people do not want to be free, as this implies responsibility, and she is afraid of people.

A similar thought slides in the fairy tale "Little Prince" Exupery. At the beginning of his journey, the main character falls on the planets, where people live in a closed circle. The drunkard who drinks to muffle the feeling of shame caused by drunkenness, the lampman constantly including and turns off the lantern, because he once promised to do this, a business person constantly counting the stars and believes that they belong to him. All these people are prevented by their own stereotypes from being free.

Often, people's lives are similar to a tram route, which constantly travels in a circle
Often, people's lives are similar to a tram route, which constantly travels in a circle

Today, numerous performances in theaters about a little prince are staged, the best songs on this topic. But, new authors invariably find food in this fairy tale for the flight of their imagination.

Why is it so sorry for the little prince to us and why does the heart have so much when you read this fairy tale? Maybe at these moments we return to childhood and everyone becomes small princes and princesses? Or maybe we recall how many people and animals we have tamed.

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