Osteoporosis in women after 50 years: signs, treatment and prevention, women's reviews

Osteoporosis in women after 50 years: signs, treatment and prevention, women's reviews

Symptoms, causes, methods of treating osteoporosis in women after 50 years.

Osteoporosis is a dangerous disease that is faced with a large number of women aged after 50 years. This is due to a change in the hormonal background and a decrease in the number of sex hormones. In this article, we will tell you how to identify osteoporosis after the age of 50 and how to treat it. 

Symptoms of osteoporosis in women after 50 years

It is worth noting that in most cases osteoporosis is detected by accident, in the implementation of a spontaneous fracture. That is, a woman turns to a traumatologist with a fracture, during which a number of studies are carried out and it turns out that this fracture became possible due to a decrease in bone density.

At this stage, it is not useless to carry out therapeutic manipulations, but late. This is due to the fact that the mechanism has already been launched, and it is quite difficult to restore bone tissue. Accordingly, you need to be attentive to your health and look closely at some alarming symptoms. Below are several main symptoms of osteoporosis. 

The first symptoms of osteoporosis:                      

  • Fast sowing of hair. Usually, with osteoporosis and a lack of calcium, a person has a large amount of gray hair. 
  • Periodontal disease. The patient has some dental ailments, in particular, teeth may stagger due to the gum does not hold them. This does not happen because of the weakness of the gums, but because of the lack of calcium and the destruction of bone tissue in the gums. 
  • Constant fatigue. Indeed, this is not a specific symptom thatcharacteristic For most ailments, therefore, first of all, it is necessary to pay attention to other symptoms. 
  • Brittleness andstratification nails. If before that you did not observe that your nails are very thin, laying and breaking, the problem arose suddenly. It is best to contact a doctor. 
  • One of the symptoms of osteoporosis is also pain in the lower back, spine, as well as arthritis and arthrosis of the joints. At the initial stages, osteoporosis can very often confuse with osteochondrosis. Often it is disguised as arthritis or arthrosis. Therefore, when the first symptoms of osteochondrosis are detected, with muscle pain and in the back, you should contact a traumatologist or osteopath for a more accurate, detailed examination. 
On the examination by the doctor
On the examination by the doctor

Preparations for osteoporosis in women after 50 years

How can osteoporosis be treated? First you need to make an accurate diagnosis, which can only be carried out in the conditions of the clinic. Several analyzes are taken, a tomogram, as a result of which the density of bone tissue is revealed. Thus, the doctor can determine the degree of damage and destruction of the bone, as well asto know, How dangerous it is. Only after that are drugs prescribed.

Preparations for osteoporosis in women after 50 years:

  • In most cases, these are calcium preparations that are used in all countries of the post -Soviet space. We can say that this is one of the most classic therapy, during which additional calcium ions are introduced into the body that strengthen the bones.
  • However, as the practice of foreign doctors shows, taking such drugs in the advanced stages of the disease practically does not give results. Calcium preparations are very suitable for prevention and at the initial stages of the disease.
  • If the disease is running, then it is worth resorting to more progressive methods that help to achieve significant results. It is worth noting that usually drugs that contain bone protein are also prescribed for the treatment of osteoporosis. This is nothing but gelatin. There are a large number of chondroprotectors that saturate the bones with useful substances and reduce their fragility. 
  • In women after 50 years that have reached menopause, hormone replacement therapy is often prescribed for the treatment of osteoporosis. Of course, in most cases, women do not want to take hormones only for the treatment of osteoporosis. Sometimes it happens that a woman is shown taking hormonal drugs due to the presence of gynecological ailments, and a large number of complications caused by a lack of hormones. In this case, really taking hormones gives a huge effect and solve the main problem. It is possible to cope with the destruction of the bone. 
Proper nutrition
Proper nutrition

Medicines for osteoporosis in women after 50: Bifosphonates

In addition to calcium preparations, to treat osteoporosis is very often usedbifosphonates. These are drugs that have invented recently. In the treatment of the disease, they have been used from the nineties of the last century. This is a relatively young class of drugs that began to be used recently.

Medicines for osteoporosis in women after 50, bifosphonates:

  • This is due to the acquisition of certain knowledge and research. During the research work, it was found that two types of cells are involved in the formation of bones: some of which form bone tissue, while others destroy it. This is an inevitable process, as a result of which the spine and the entire musculoskeletal system of a person occurs. However, after 50 years, cells that destroy the bone work more actively than those who build it.
  • As a result, it turns out that a large number of cavities are formed in the bones, in general it becomes very fragile and not resistant to mechanical damage. That is why with osteoporosis there is a large number of fractures. 
  • Bifosphonates - These are drugs that block osteoclasts, and prevent the destruction of bone tissue. Thus, cells forming bone tissue continue their work, restoring it, and particles that destroy the tissue are inactive. They are as if sharpened.
  • It is worth noting thatbifosphonates In no case are an alternative to calcium preparations. It is necessary to take calcium andbifosphonates. However, it is worth doing this not at the same time, but according to a certain scheme. The fact is that bifosphonates in their structure are very active, and can cause a lot of side effects. 
  • Including often cause gastric bleeding of the appearance of kidney problems. Therefore, such drugs in no case are used for renal failure, as well as for stomach ulcer. 
  • Tablets are usually taken once a day, it is best to do this 30 minutes before meals. Only an hour after eating can you take calcium preparations. Such dosed use at different times will improve the digestibility of drugs. 

List of drugsbifosphonates From osteoporosis: 

  1. Xidophone
  2. Pleostate
  3. Didron
  4. Forces
  5. Ostolon
  6. Animal
  7. Wandering

Please note that they all differ in composition and structure. Some drugs do not destroy osteoclasts, but on the contrary, prevent their maturation and formation. Thus, the synthesis of these cells decreases, which helps to restore the bones of cartilage. These drugs are created to normalize the exchange of minerals in bone tissue and establish work. Often these drugs are prescribed for cancerous lesions, since they can slow down the growth of malignant tumors and the destruction of bone tissue. 

Effective drugs
Effective drugs

Prevention of osteoporosis In women after 50 years

The fact is that almost all women after 50 years are recommended to observe prevention and a certain diet, so as not to get osteoporosis. Indeed, after 50 years, the probability of identifying osteoporosis is very high, so in the interests of each woman to try to perform all preventive actions.More about calcium preparations for the treatment of osteoporosis can be found here

Prevention of osteoporosis in women after 50 years: 

  • Regular walking and all sorts of loads. Doctors proved that people who are playing sports several times a week, even if not very difficult and active, strengthen not only muscles, but also bone tissue. 
  • Reception of calcium preparations. Indeed, all women and men after 50 years are recommended to additionally administer calcium drugs into their diet.
  • These can be biologically active additives or the simplest drugs that can be purchased at the pharmacy. The list of the best drugs for osteoporosis can be found here.
Calcium preparations
Calcium preparations

And of course, in the presence of other indications, it is best to conduct hormone replacement therapy so that the woman does not feel the lack of estrogen. Thus, the concentration of the hormone in the blood will be at the same level, which will make it impossible to destroy the bone. But such treatment of osteoporosis is extremely rare, since scientists have proven that the constant intake of estrogen can provoke the development of breast cancer. 

Eating for osteoporosis in women after 50

The use of a large amount of dairy products reduces the risk of osteoporosis. It is best if they are fermented milk, since the milk in most adults is poorly absorbed in the stomach, causing diarrhea and bloating. More about nutrition for osteoporosis, you can find out here


Osteoporosis in women after 50 years: reviews 

In each individual case, the treatment of osteoporosis depends on its degree, as well as the individual characteristics of the body. Oddly enough, but most often osteoporosis is suffered by women of short stature with a small body weight. It is their calcium that is quickly washed out of the bones, provoking the disease. 


Eugene, Armavir. I ran into osteoporosis after menopause. At 52, I was found a closed fracture. It happened in the winter when I walked along the street,slipped And fell. After imposing gypsum and a large number of tests, osteoporosis was diagnosed. At the moment, I take Calcium D3 Nicemed, as well as a number of drugs, including substances that block the destruction of bone tissue. The condition has improved significantly, the pain in the legs has gone, now I feel much better. 

Oksana, Murmansk. I suffer from osteoporosis for 2 years. Initially, she addressed her attending physician due to osteochondrosis and pain in the neck. After conducting studies, it was found that this is not osteochondrosis at all, but osteoporosis. Now, as drugs, I take calcium preparations, but do not drink tablets that prevent the destruction of cells that promote bone resorption. Instead, once a year I am made droppers that help block the destruction of bone tissue. The cost of these procedures is very high, but at the same time I am not worried that I will break something for myself. 

Svetlana, Moscow. I suffer from osteoporosis for 3 years. I think this is a consequence of menopause. After the cessation of menstruation, I generally began to feel much worse, a large number of chronic ailments appeared. I accept osteomag from osteoporosis, and the chondroprotectors that the doctor appointed me. I did not notice any effect, I will soon go to the doctor’s re -appointment. I hope that the condition will improve, and we will select a drug that will be effective. 

As you can see, the treatment of osteoporosis requires time, as well as financial investments. In addition, it is necessary to be disciplined and at the exact time use drugs. 

Video: osteoporosis after menopause

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  1. My girlfriend has strong nails by nature. Beautiful, long hair. She can grow them without problems and walk with a beautiful manicure, on natural nails. This is from her from her youth. But I don’t (((I often make baths for my nails to strengthen them. Thank you for the article. I seriously thought about the prevention of osteoporosis. True calcium, I accept in order to strengthen my nails from the inside of the body. I drink a chelat from Evalar. He It is better absorbed and cope with its task faster. All this in the complex has a good effect on the growth and strength of the nails. And therefore, bones also receive their share of calcium.

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