How to strengthen bones to men and women after 50 years: products, drugs, vitamins, folk remedies, doctors' recommendations, reviews

How to strengthen bones to men and women after 50 years: products, drugs, vitamins, folk remedies, doctors' recommendations, reviews

In this article, we will consider how to strengthen bones after 50 years for both men and women.

Bones in our body perform 3 main functions - supports, movement and protection. At 65-70%, they consist of inorganic substances, mainly phosphorus and calcium, and 30-35%-from organic: cells and collagen fibers. The formation of a human bone system begins at 2 months of embryonic development of the fetus and ends at the age of 25. But It is necessary to strengthen the bones not only after 50 years, And even a children's body, pregnant and nursing mothers, when there is a lack or lered in an organic substances.

Although if a person is healthy and does not have a hereditary predisposition to any diseases of the musculoskeletal system, his bones remain durable throughout life and do not require mandatory vitamin recitement. But by the age of 50, the bones of any person gradually begin to lose strength and become fragile! Therefore, it is so important to strengthen the bones after 50 years, not only with medicinal, but also with a vitamin kit.

How to strengthen bones to men and women after 50 years: the necessary vitamins and dosage

Vitamins and trace elements that have favorably affect the strengthening of bone tissue, It should be used on the recommendation of a doctor. But after 50 years, to strengthen the bones and support them healthy, you need to take a vitamin kit. Already the products alone may not be enough. Let's start with vitamins so that you understand their importance for our bone system. And only then we will find out in which products we can receive this or that element.

Comparison, which happens with age or with vitamins deficiency
  • Calcium - The main component element of healthy bones. With its deficiency in the body, the bones quickly become thinner, become fragile, can be deformed and fractures even with insignificant external influences. The teeth and nails also signal its deficiency. In addition, the lack of calcium is displayed to:
    • our memory
    • good dream
    • on logical thinking
    • good mood. If calcium is in the back, bouts of depression and even panic are possible
  • The daily need for calcium in an elderly person is 1200 mg.Calcium can be obtained in ordinary tablets with the same name, or you can use one product cunning, which we will consider below. One condition - calcium helps to absorb vitamin D. We will highlight such drugs after 50:
    • Calcium-D3 Nicomed
    • Calcemin
    • Calcepan(goes with a bouquet of vitamins and herbs)
    • Sandoz Forte
    • Complivitis

We also recommend reading the article "What calcium to choose with osteoporosis?"

  • The second most important element that ensures the preservation of bone strength and maintain the cellular energy metabolism - phosphorus. Its daily norm should be at least 1600 mg.It is worth highlighting:
    • Vitrum
    • Centerum
    • Selmevit
    • Complivitis

Important: usually drugs include a share of other vitamins. It is also worth noting that with osteoporosis, the level of phosphorus may increase, so pre -take tests and consult your doctor about taking the vitamin complex.

We also need them!
We also need them!
  • Magnesium - An equally important trace element that promotes bone strengthening. And he is responsible for our calmness and performance, activity! Necessary 400 mg per day. We take a note:
    • Magnesium B6 or inexpensive analogue magnelis
    • Magnerot
    • Asparkam
    • Magnesol
  • Vitamin D strengthens the bone system, interacting with calcium and phosphorus, as well as supporting their balance. With a lack of vitamin D in the body, a sharp decrease in its ability to absorb calcium occurs, an imbalance of trace elements is formed. You need to take a minimum 800 IU or 20 μg per day!Usually goes in those vitamin complexes as calcium. But it is worth highlighting Duvit and trained D3.
  • In addition, you should not forget for the elements that mainly go in combination with other vitamins - this zinc, potassium, vitamin A and vitamins of group B (6, 9 and 12).

We recommend reading an article "How to take calcium d3 nickomed"

Depending on the availability and stage of osteoporosis, the doctor prescribes the intake of vitamins seasonally, courses or constantly. Most often, comprehensive drugs are used for this with the content of the most important components responsible for strengthening bones - calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, zinc. This strengthens the bones and protects them from fractures. Vitamin D should be taken in the cold season, in the summer it is enough to walk in the sun.


Review your diet to strengthen the bones after 50 years: select the right products

In women, this process is also associated with menopause due to a sharp fall in estrogen level. Therefore, according to statistics Every second woman In old age, it is subject to osteoporosis - a systemic disease of bone tissues, often accompanied by fractures. In men, this indicator is somewhat better - osteoporosis suffers Every fifth man. Nevertheless, any person after 50 must observe precautions and pay attention to the strengthening of bones.

To strengthen the bones after 50 yearsand to help them remain durable, your body is extremely important full nutrition, the basis of which in old age should be the right products! They should be rich in various trace elements and balanced in calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D.

  • Good source calcium are:
    • poppy, As a leader, the daily need of an elderly person will give with 100 g;
    • milk and dairy products They do not have much (110-160 mg per 100 g of milk and cottage cheese, respectively), but the most easily digestible calcium due to the presence of lactose. The main thing is that the manufacturers do not add these vitamins piecely;
    • solid cheese It’s just that you must be on your table after 50 years. The lower the fat content, the higher the calcium content, but the worse it is absorbed due to lack of fat content;
    • juice from sprouted wheat grains
    • sesame seeds and sesame milk, as well as flax seeds and hazelnuts
    • sea algae and all sea products. it Salmon, sardine, pink salmon, perch, red caviar and other gifts of the ocean. A big plus - there is a lot of vitamin D3 in them, which means that calcium is completely absorbed;
    • we rely on legumes - we replace more often with them meat protein in old age. It is worth highlighting Mash, Tofu and white beans;
    • greens give a lot of healthy vitamins, including calcium! Choose Parsley, dill, garlic, spinach, basil and Beijing cabbage. The percentage is not so high, but do not forget to add this greens to your diet more often.
Magnesium in products
Magnesium in products
  • Rich in content phosphorus such products:
    • seeds and flax seeds
    • almond and cedar nuts
    • dates and raisins
    • goat milk
    • hard cheeses
    • seafood and some types of fish, and especially sturgeon caviar
    • egg yolk
    • pearl barley, buckwheat and oatmeal
    • beans, especially patchings
  • Magnesium rich:
    • almonds and other nuts
    • bread with chopping brans
    • prunes
    • sprouted wheat grains
    • soy
    • kelp
    • soybeans, peas and lentils
    • pumpkin and its seeds
    • banana and avocado, persimmon, mango and plum
    • river and sea fish, for example, flounder, carp, mackerel, herring, perch and shrimp
  • Vitamin D synthesized by the body under the influence of sunlight - This is the main way to obtain this vitamin by the body. In sufficient quantities, this element is contained in:
    • fish and Paltus- up to 10 thousand IU
    • fatty species of sea fish,and it is also worth noting Cod liver(about 4 thousand IU)
    • goat milk, as well as in other dairy products
    • sunflower and pumpkin seeds
    • eggs
    • dates
    • in animal oils
  • Vitamin A it is concentrated mainly in carrots and egg yolks. It is also worth noting that in dairy products and fish, especially sea, nuts and seeds, as well as in mushrooms, we also get a share zinc and potassium.
  • Group of vitamins c we get from green leafy vegetables, liver, legumes, eggs and again from fish! In addition, we will find them in citrus products and blackcurrant, which will also give our body vitamin C. Vitamin A is concentrated mainly in carrots and egg yolks.

In addition, after 50 years, a person should drink at least 2 liters of liquid daily. It should preferably be water and juices diluted with water. It is necessary to reduce the amount of salt consumed and sugar.


How to strengthen the bones after 50 years: select the best drugs

Medicines for strengthening bones of the elderly should use Only as prescribed by a doctor. There are a large number of drugs for the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis in the market. They are produced in the form of tablets, injections, capsules. But only a doctor, on the basis of blood tests and examining the structure of bones, can choose the most suitable tool, taking into account your age, gender, bone tissue and the presence of other diseases.

In order to strengthen the bones after 50 years, first of all, doctors recommend that you do their nutrition! If necessary, you can drink a vitamin complex. And if the condition does not improve, then after 2-3 months the doctor prescribes drug treatment.

Most often, the same drugs with calcium, phosphorus or vitamin D3 are prescribed, which we mentioned above, but can also write out:

  • Hyaluronic acid For our ligaments
  • Glucosamine sulfate, to relieve pain in ligaments
  • Collagen ultra for the prevention of fractures
  • Oxidevit - Helps better to absorb calcium
  • Alfadol Calcium with vitamin d
  • Osteogenon, Bonviva, Osteokea with a decrease in bone tissue, as well as to regulate phosphorus metabolic metabolism
  • Folic acid To improve collagen synthesis
  • Grape seed extract, to protect the body and bones from damage
  • Glucosamine-chondroitin
  • Hemmos and Emmos, like vitamin complexes
Popular vitamin complexes
Popular vitamin complexes

How to strengthen bones with folk remedies after 50 years: recipes

The most effective of folk remedies to strengthen the bones after 50 years are herbs that can be used in salads, make decoctions and infusions of them.

  • Eggshell - This is a source of calcium in natural form. But you need to take homemade eggs. If you have a store product, rub the seal. Dry the shell in the oven for about 15 minutes at a temperature of 180 ° C. After that, grind it into powder with a mortar or coffee grinder. Grind through a small sieve. You need to take 1 tsp. 2 times a day before meals. And in about 1-1.5 hours. It can be taken with lemon juice, honey or bread. But no fatty foods, otherwise, calcium will take an unhappy form.
  • Basil - The well -known seasoning used in cooking is also used to prevent osteoporosis. The leaves of basil contains a lot of calcium, which favorably affects the strengthening of bones and slows down their aging. Basil leaves can be added to tea, salads and sauces.
  • Alfalfa - Promotes to maintain bone density. It is also added to salads and freshly squeezed juices.
    • The recipe of infusion: 1 tbsp. l. Dry grass is filled with 250 ml of boiling water. It is infused before cooling. Take 2 weeks during the day for 2-3 tbsp. l. Before eating - 1 cup for 1 day.
    • Tincture recipe: 5 tbsp. l. Pour vodka (0.5 l). Insist 2 weeks in a dark place. Before use, strain and take 10 drops (1/5 tsp) before meals.
  • Dandelion - It is rich in natural minerals, contains calcium and magnesium, which helps to strengthen bones and improves blood circulation. Young dandelion stems can be used in salads or making tea from them.
    • The recipe of infusion: 2 tsp. Dry leaves (you can add nettles a little) pour 2 cups of boiled water. Smell in a water bath for 10 minutes. Strain and take 15 minutes before meals for 2 tbsp. l. 3 times a day.
  • Nettle - Contains calcium, magnesium and iron, helps strengthen bones and protects them from the effects of free radicals. Young nettle salads are very useful. Can be used in the form of tea, taking a glass per day.
  • Chamomile - It has anti -inflammatory properties, contains minerals in its composition, promotes the formation of joint lubrication, slows down the aging of bones. The decoction of chamomile can be drunk 3 times a day for 100 ml. For inflammatory processes in the joints, you can use for compresses.
    • Recipe: 2 tbsp. l. Dry grass pour 300 ml of boiled water. Insist under the lid for 30 minutes, strain. It is also good to take a bath with chamomile.
  • St. John's wort - It contains a set of necessary trace elements and vitamins, is used as a decoction with honey to prevent osteoporosis and the treatment of fractures. And also it can be added to tea.
    • Recipe: To prepare the infusion, you need to pour 2 tbsp. l. Herbs. Insist before consuming 5 hours. Drink half a glass 2 times a day.
  • Cabbage sheet - proven folk remedy for inflammation and joint pain. A whole, intact sheet of young cabbage is used, which, using cotton tissue, is tied to a sore spot and is left overnight. To strengthen bones, you can drink freshly squeezed juice from a young cabbage leaf, as well as use cabbage leaves in food, making, for example, salads.
  • A unique folk remedy for strengthening bones, as well as for the treatment of fractures is Mummy. This natural mineral has many useful properties, the main of which is the ability to accelerate the formation of bone corns and the regeneration of damaged bones and tissues. The treatment regimen with this drug is calculated individually depending on the condition of the bones, age, weight and the presence of other diseases. Only natural mummy of black color should be used. You can accept alcohol tincture 10 drops each (diluted in 100 ml of water) 3 times a day before meals for 10 days.

How to strengthen bones to men and women after 50 years: recommendations of doctors, reviews

Doctors recommend not strengthening the bones after 50 years, but to start monitoring their condition of the younger!

  • For women This recommendation is especially relevant due to their childbearing function. It is known that during the period of pregnancy and childbirth, the woman’s body loses a large amount of calcium, which goes to the construction of the skeleton of the child. Menopause is also accompanied by significant loss of the most important trace elements and their replenishment in the body is extremely necessary.
  • Men A little later, they begin to suffer from age -related changes in the bones, but for them, prevention measures taken at a young age will not be superfluous.
  • The most important rule is Proper nutrition! Exclude all bad habits and fried, fatty foods like fast food, chips and semi-finished products from youth. Reduce salt consumption! In old age, there are fewer carbonated and caffeine drinks.
  • Do not sit constantly on the bench or in front of the TV. Move more Then not only bones and joints will be healthier, but you will also feel better. It’s good to master yoga, cycling or just walk in the park.
  • Do a simple charge in the morning - Tilts in different directions, small squats, rotation with arms, legs and neck. Enough from 5 times, gradually increasing the load. Make lunges and lifting to your socks.
  • A big mistake in many, not only elderly people - This is a water deficiency. Not tea, compote or soup - but water! You need to drink at least 1.5 liters.
  • And, as completion, drink vitamins. It is necessary not to be treated, but to carry out prevention!

When using any preventive or treatment agent, doctors recommend do a blood test For the content of calcium, phosphorus, vitamin D. Moreover, before its administration and after, to compare how this tool turned out to be effective in your case and whether it is worth resorting to its use in the future.

Alexander, 63 years old

With age and in connection with a genetic predisposition, osteoporosis began to develop after 50. Vitamins are good. But I want to say one thing - start with your nutrition. Especially at our age. We eat more cottage cheese, cabbage and leafy vegetables, give preference to bean cultures instead of meat. We have a bean borsch in our family 3 times a week, and for breakfast we alternate oatmeal on the water and pumpkin porridge. The sugar level began to jump, so I had to limit the consumption of sweet and sugar itself. But this only improved my general condition!

Vantina, 58 years old

I had a fracture of the lower leg 5 years ago. Prior to this, she led, despite her age, an active lifestyle with a bicycle ride. After that case, the leg began to bother and the doctor insisted on strengthening the bones. I took calcium d3 Nicomed, then collagen ultra. The drugs are effective - I can not say anything against them. But for herself, she discovered a natural source of calcium in the form of chicken shell. Purely to maintain bones health. During the rehabilitation of the saw, the course of the mummy - I helped to recover greatly after the fracture.

Of course, health does not increase with age. But, if you revise your mode and a power plan, then perhaps you will not even need to receive vitamins. Take care of yourself with a young man, but do not forget to take care of yourself and after 50 years so that these years will pass for you easily and with pleasure from life!

Video: How to strengthen the bones after 50 years without medication?

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Comments K. article

  1. I can not help but share a very good healing balm. Its full name for the balm activating with the oil of the redhead (such a therapeutic plant). Contains vitamins A and E, other beneficial components that help properly calcium to be absorbed in the bones. I myself with a medical education and this balm very much recommend to everyone, especially people over 50, when bones, joints, muscles begin to bother.

  2. I accept Evalarovsky Vitamin D-3 to strengthen the bone system (I order a phytomarket in the online store, it’s more convenient). Of course, I try to include more cottage cheese and cheese in the diet daily. Pah-pah, there are no problems, bones are in good condition ... So I can safely recommend such means as a prevention))

  3. Of course, it is advisable to take calcium, eat more cottage cheese. Do not drink coffee, somewhere I read that it is it that contributes to leaching of calcium from bones. I drink the Ledis complex formula of menopause enhanced formula. The composition of vitamins and minerals, as well as plant extracts. He still removes the frequency of tilies very well, and the dream regulates.

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