The basic rules of the game in checkers for beginners and children: ordinary Russians, in corners, Chapaev, English, Chinese, with ladies for two

The basic rules of the game in checkers for beginners and children: ordinary Russians, in corners, Chapaev, English, Chinese, with ladies for two

This article describes the basic rules of the game in checkers.

Checkers and chess are types of board games with different rules. The only thing that unites them is the chessboard. To play Russian and English checkers, take a board that has an equal amount of white and black cells, which are all 64. The fields have digital and alphabetic markings provided for by each of the perpendicular rows.

Read on our website an article that talks about the rules of playing cards in a fool. You will learn how to play in translated, howling and other types of such a game. Below you will find the rules of the game in the checkers. There are also a lot of types of this game. Read further.

What are the basic rules of the game in Russian, ordinary, classic checkers for beginners and children of preschoolers, schoolchildren - how to play, how the lady beats: briefly, by points, moves in pictures

Not only those who go to school, but also preschoolers can play Russian checkers. The purpose of the game is associated with the capture of the largest number of chips of an opponent who has no opportunity to walk. Read below how to play, how the lady beats. These are the basic rules of the game in Russian checkers for beginners and children of preschool children, schoolchildren - briefly, by points:

  • On the board is put on 12 white and black figures.
  • The board is placed so that the corner cage below on the left is black.
  • Before the game, the chips need to be placed on 4 in each row On black fields.
  • The center must go through 2 empty rows.

You need to play like this:

  • Each player walks with white or black chips, determining through the choice of a figure clamped in one of the fists of any player who mixed them behind him.
  • You only need to go forward, moving to 1 black cell diagonally.
  • It should only be beaten forward or back in the presence of empty cells in the diagonal direction, removing other people's chips from the board.
  • Any figure that has reached the last opposite (lady) series, or took someone else's chip through the extreme row, becomes a lady, which suggests the ability to beat in any of the sides diagonally.
  • The lady in the form of an inverted chip can be placed on any of the free fields, it allows you to take several enemy figures.
  • Players can not skip moves, so the one who has where to go wins.

Here are the moves in the pictures:

Rules for the game in Russian checkers
Rules for the game in Russian checkers
Rules for the game in Russian checkers
Rules for the game in Russian checkers
Rules for the game in Russian checkers
Rules for the game in Russian checkers
Rules for the game in Russian checkers
Rules for the game in Russian checkers

Options for taking enemy chips can be different. Each of the players independently determines the course and method of taking. If one of the players does not see which of the chips to beat him, then the other should show him this. Here are the main axioms of the correct game of checkers:

  • The presence of certain figures at the end of the party.
  • The ability to do 5 moves And take the last lady of the opponent.
  • The combination in the form of the remaining chips may include 3 ladies or simple checkers, as well as 2 ladies With simple either 2 ordinary With a lady.
  • The ability to fulfill 15 moves, if there is 3 ladies, and the enemy has the only one.

The moves should be calculated by the strongest opponent. In any case, the game will be finished if each of the participants has only 1 lady And she can walk her without losing her figure.

Rules for the game in the corners of checkers: Briefly

Rules for the game in the corners of checkers
Rules for the game in the corners of checkers

Another interesting type of this game. She will definitely like everything who at least once sits on the chessboard. Here are briefly the rules of the game in the corners with checkers:

  • The purpose of the game is associated with each of the opponents of its chips through the board on the opposite side for the rival starting positions.
  • Chips need to be placed in opposite angles, for example, in 3x3 or 3x4 symmetrical rows.
  • The figures are placed in each cage of the row on black and white fields.
  • It is forbidden to move the chips diagonally.
  • You should walk along any way.

The rules allow you to jump over figures in neighboring fields. They can be their own or checkers of another player. The one who has reached the opposite angle and took the opponent’s position will win.

Rules for the game in Chapaev in checkers: Briefly

Rules for the game in Chapaev in checkers
Rules for the game in Chapaev in checkers

Chessboard in the game of checkers in Chapaeva It is a "battlefield". Each of the opponents should arrange on each side 8 chips in a row in the white and black cells of the extreme row. The purpose of the "battle" is to take the enemy figures and maintain positions. During the game, the following rules must be followed - briefly:

  • Use the next move, knocking the enemy’s chip with its chip, which should stay on the board.
  • Repeat the move if there was no miss and their figures are preserved.
  • To give in the right to beat the enemy after the “idle” course.
  • Pass the move after eliminating the figure from the board.

Victory in the checker match in Chapaeva gets the one who knocked all the chips of the opponent.

The rules of the game in simple checkers for two - “can you take for a fook”: what does it mean?

Rules for the game in simple checkers for two
Rules for the game in simple checkers for two

The opponent who missed the move and did not take the figure, the other participant must point out his mistake. Previously, in the folk rules of this game for two, one could "Take the fook". This was not the case in the official rules. This means picking up a saber, which was supposed to take a chip from the enemy. Opponents had to agree on such a possible course before the game.

It is worth knowing: Now in the game of simple checkers rule "Take the fook" missing.

The participant wins if the other side has no stroke options. The situation arising at the end of the game or in the final of the situation involves the presence of a maximum on the board 3-4 checkers for each side. A draw can be theoretical if the participant, due to inattention, substitutes the last lady to another.

Rules for the game in English checkers: Briefly in English

Rules for the game in English checkers
Rules for the game in English checkers

English checkers (checkers) were arranged with 1896 In various English -speaking countries. You need a chessboard with a check for playing a check. 64 cells. Figures take white and red. Each participant has them on the dark fields of the board 12 pcs. The rules of the game in English checkers are simple. Here is the description briefly:

  • The initial move should be made red.
  • To move figures and ladies is allowed to neighboring fields in the diagonal direction.
  • Take the figures with a simple chip forward.
  • You can move ordinary chips only diagonally forward.
  • You can move the lady in any direction.
  • Take it right away 2 and more figures for 1 move The participant is obliged if there is this opportunity, moving to the very end along the selected path.
  • You can turn a simple chip into a lady when it reaches the extreme horizontal series.
  • You can continue to take the chips with a lady after the enemy’s course, or when the checker reaches the horizontal.
  • You can finish the party in a draw if the opponents have lonely ladies that they could do 20 moves.

The enemy, having 2 ladies It can easily defeat the opponent. If he has 1 lady, then it is enough to push it to the edge of the boards and put in opposition on the extreme horizontal. This principle is used to win, having 3 ladiesif the opponent has them 2. The checker that has to be defeated can be covered in the corner of the board, which will make it possible to draw.

Here are the rules of the game in the checkers in English:

Rules for the game of checkers in English
Rules for the game of checkers in English

Is it necessary to cut, cut according to the rules of playing checkers?

Cut according to the rules of playing checkers
Cut according to the rules of playing checkers

In the game, participants are required to beat enemy figures. Each game has its own rules for taking chips. Is it necessary to cut, cut according to the rules of playing checkers? Here's the answer:

  • For example, in Russian checkers there is no rule “beat the majority”.
  • The participants themselves decide how much more profitable it is to take chips.
  • The rules do not allow you to take the same enemy chip 2 times.
  • The game has an exchange in which the participant beats as many checkers as he gives to another player.
  • Damage to the enemy can be caused using a combination or blow.
  • He involves a lesser's returns than taking.

The participant can take and give the chips in equal quantities, receiving a lady.

Rules for the game in Chinese checkers: Briefly

Rules for the game in Chinese checkers
Rules for the game in Chinese checkers

For the party, you need to prepare a board in the form of a star that has 6 ends. There should be chips 60, of which they have the same color every 10 pieces. In all corners or courtyards of the player, you need to place chips. One of the participants who can be 2, 3 or 6, wins if he has time to transfer all the checkers to the opposite angle. At the same time, the following rules must be observed by playing Chinese checkers - briefly:

  • Place the chips from the sets that should be 3, 2 or 1 (depending on the number of people), in the neighboring corners of the board.
  • Participants begin the game of checkers, moving them on the direction of the clockwise, choosing the one who will go the first.
  • The player can move the chip only to the neighboring of the cells, which 2If it is empty.
  • A participant can jump with a saber if there is an empty cell through a single or several chips, without removing them from the field.
  • When making a move, the player either jumps a chip or moves it.

You can win the game not only if you place all the checkers in the corner opposite. The participant in whom the chip remained in the cell, which had to be occupied by the enemy, loses. This position should be the only obstacle to the lesson of the existing field.

Lnzhavka in checkers for two: Rules for the game

Yawn in checkers for two
Yawn in checkers for two

The strategy for the game of gaubles is slightly different from the rules acting in Russian checkers. The purpose of the game is that all the chips are given to the enemy, and not taken from him. This peculiar game for two in checkers, called “gangling”, is based on the following rules:

  • Walking with ordinary chips is allowed in the diagonal direction to the next field.
  • To move the lady is allowed for any number of cells in any of the diagonal directions.
  • You can beat with simple chips and ladies back and forward, what should be done.
  • Players can make a winning choice on their own, if there are options.
  • The ability to walk immediately with a figure that became a lady in the last opposite row.

Lawn - a type of checker game, the rules of which develop mobility of rivals. The ability to win increases with the largest number of moves. The fewer chips have a participant in the game, the more likely it will be in winning. The rules of the game are opposite to Russian checkers. Figures can be blocked or given to the enemy. This option of checkers is popular in Belarus, in Ukraine and in Russia.

Rules for the game of checkers with ladies for two: Briefly

Rules for the game of checkers with ladies for two
Rules for the game of checkers with ladies for two

If in the checker duel they participate 2 rival, then his goal implies a breakthrough into the ladies or destruction of enemy figures. Carefully analyzing each move, the opponent can lock the saber of another participant. This will bring the party closer to the winnings. It is important to follow a number of rules. Here is their description briefly for playing checkers with ladies for two:

  • To take the figure into the ladies when it reaches the extreme horizontal on the other side of the board.
  • Walk diagonally back or forward.
  • Continue to move the figure that has become a lady.
  • To knock down all the chips behind which there are empty fields.

White figures always begin in the game. It prohibits jumping through its chips. The checker can be considered locked if the enemy cannot go to her. To get advantages, players give chips. This move is called the donation.

Rules for the game in the checkers "beat back": Briefly

Rules for the game in the checkers
Rules for the game in the checkers "beat back"

The rules of the traditional game of checkers allow "Beat back" Not only the lady. An ordinary figure can also do this. Below you will find a description of the rules briefly. The chips go as follows:

  • The ladies jump over any number of chips on the board, if there are free fields for any diagonal.
  • The lady stands on any field behind a cage with an attacked saber, which can be simple or also a lady.
  • Possibility "Beat back" It is also provided for simple figures, but they only go forward to 1 field.
  • The decision to choose the move, if there are a number of options for taking the enemy figure, each of the participants independently accepts on their own.

A simple fight back is provided not only in the checker game "Beat back"but also in Russian, Canadian, German and international checkers. The rules of each type of game suggest certain reservations. Each player decides for himself whether to beat him back or not, if he does not participate in the tournament with strict rules.

Rules for the correct game of checkers: video

The main provisions of the tournament game in chess suggest a draw after 15 movesmade by rivals, since the lady on 16th move It is difficult to “catch”. The video describes the rules of the correct game in the checkers, which must be observed so as not to draw.

Video: How always to win into checkers?

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