The rules of the game in the fool in cards - simple, translated, howling, Chinese, Czech, Japanese: 36, 54 cards

The rules of the game in the fool in cards - simple, translated, howling, Chinese, Czech, Japanese: 36, 54 cards

This article describes the rules of playing a fool in cards.

Card fun has a rich history. Despite the fact that for the most part, its popularity falls on the CIS countries, almost every nation has its own version of the “fool”, which is largely similar to the original. Only the nuances differ. What needs to be known to anyone who wants to have a good time with friends or acquaintances for such fun in the form of distribution? Below you will find the rules of the game in cards in a fool. Read further.

Tell us the rules of the game in a fool of simple cards: 36 cards

Playing a fool of a simple cards
Playing a fool of a simple cards

It is necessary from two to six participants, each of which receives cards in the amount of six pieces. There is a con, which a picture is placed on a picture. This suit is considered trump. The purpose of the card fun is to be the first to stay empty -handed. If a person has at least one game card at the time of the end, it means that he lost. We tell the rules of the game in a fool of simple cards on 36 cards:

  • The one who got the trump card of the minimum rank begins.
  • Under the “course” is meant laying out a single card, or several one rank.
  • To recapture, you need to have a map of the same suit, but the highest in importance, or a trump card.
  • If the attack is reflected, then everyone is getting from the hump one by one, and there is a turn of another participant to walk.
  • But in cases where there is no senior card or “special suit”, the player takes everything in his hands.

What cards can be disposed of when attacking? Answer:

  • One card to choose from.
  • A few, but one dignity. But if the move is already completed, nothing can be given “afterwards”. When attacking two cards, the dignity of which is identical, normal if one of them is a small trump card.

Sometimes this technique is used at the initial stage of the game to force the fighting one to take. More nuances:

  • Anyone who attacks can add cards of a single dignity in order to weight his attack.
  • Suppose, if he went with a peak six and the player repuls it with a peak nine, then the attacker can throw nine, if he has them - a trefoil, tambourine, worm, even trump card.
  • They throw both cards similar to those that are winged, and similar to those that added.
  • When the move has already been made, the attacker of the first can “fill up” the opponent.
  • But if he has nothing to provide, the rest of the players can also throw similar cards, if any.
  • These manipulations can also be carried out “after” if the fighting -off admitted that he could not fight back and takes everything.


  • It is forbidden to exceed the number of cards in throwing, which is available in the opposite side.
  • Never throws up again five game units.
  • It's believed that 1 map already used in the course, and you can add more 5.

The seniority of cards is elementary - in the case of “numbers”, the value increases according to the arithmetic principle. Regarding the maps “with a picture”, the scheme is extremely simple: the main thing is considered acethe second most important king, and so on.

Rules for the game in cards: a fool of the transfer 36 cards

Playing a fool of a transferred card
Playing a fool of a transferred card

The advanced version of the already familiar game is a simple fool. The main canons are unchanged, there is only one remark:

  • If the player under whom they go, has a map of the same dignity in his hands, he can put it next to the map with which they went and “translate” the right to fight off the next player.
  • Kost is not translated.

Here are the rules of the game in the cards of the fool of the translated into 36 cards:

  • “Translation” can be translated again with cards of the same “face value”.
  • This rule can save a lot of cards that are who fights off the unenviable fate that he is not able to beat off.
  • The move is simply translated by a sitting person nearby - and, along with him, and all the “problems”.
  • However, more cards cannot be translated than in the hands of this person. The rest is similar to the game in a simple fool.
  • In some cases, the so -called "travel" takes place: if a person translates with the help of a trump card, he can simply show it, but not give it away. This condition acts only with a hump, in its absence, it loses strength.
  • If the player has already used the "travel", and it was transferred to him again, he must put his trump card.

When the game ends, the direction of the translation takes place strictly on the player on the left. If he no longer has cards, the attack switches to the next gambler of the opposite team “on the left side”. The player can fight back. Then his comrade attacks, which is the next clockwise.

Rules for the game in cards: Fool Finding

Playing a fool of the howling cards
Playing a fool of the howling cards

The purpose of the game is to get rid of the first from all cards that are on hand. The only player who did not have time to get rid of is recognized as a loser. Below you will find the rules of the game in the cards of the fool. Various subtleties that may be needed:

  • The card, which is younger, begins the battle.
  • All manipulations begin from a person on the left side.
  • You can toss both cards, equivalent to the attacking, and equivalent to those with which a person fights off. That is, if a person beat off a six nine, he can throw six and nine.
  • Adding cards to the beater is made cyclically, that is, in a circle.
  • You can fight back the older map of the same “face value”, or trump card.
  • If the participant in the process closed everything except one card, it is believed that he did not repel the attack, he accepts the broken and thrown to him.
  • If the attacker went with one card, and the defending one saw her, he realized that he had nothing to fight back, he could take it right away.
  • The shirt up - this is the position of those cards that have already been spent. What is repelled is not subject to re -use.
  • After a successfully reflected attack, participants in the action “compensate for” the spent cards. Take in order of line, from the attacker in a circle, until everyone has 6. But if there are few cards in the horse, then they are divided equally.
  • When repulsed, but the presence of a hump, a person does not win, he gets the missing supply and continues to play.

What if there are no cards, a person has fought off and his palms are empty? You should know:

  • Of the two sitting at the table, the one who did not have time to get rid of the cards loses.
  • The group party - without cards, came out safely, and the rest fight until a happy hour, until the cards disappear from everyone except one.

All - the game is played, there is a winner and defeated.

Rules for the game of a fool: 54 cards

The rules of the game of a fool
The rules of the game of a fool

The deuce in such a game is called “consumable” as Joker - he prevails over everyone. The loser is the one who remained at least 1 map At the end of the competition. Then there is a standard distribution according to the scheme "6 for each". The trump card is selected blindly, lies with “face up”. The trump card hits everyone except the older trump card. A smaller trump card always starts. The rules of the game in the fool to 54 cards:

  • The course is considered perfect when the card is on the table. It is forbidden to change the solution.
  • The player must fight off the senior map of the same suit or a trump card. Suppose: move - a cross seven, beating - a crusade (or any card after 8 of the same suit, or a trump card).
  • The tribesmen are used when there are no senior suit cards.

Advice: At the beginning of the game, take care of large trump cards, and then take small cards, hoping that by the end of the party you will get rid of them. As a result, you will have good cards in your hands.

The broken cards are turned over so that the front side is not visible, and are in this position to the end. Players take the missing cards from the deck so that everyone has 6. The receiving attack always replenishes his reserve last. Further:

  • According to the disappearance of cards, with the exception of the loser, the party is considered completely completed.
  • When dividing into “prizes”, the winner can be considered the one who first freed his hands from the cards.
  • You can throw cards identical in suit or “significance”. The first author throws up the first. If there is nothing to add, the right goes to all participants in turn. But the movement goes on the left side.
  • The fight back has an alternative to what he will beat off. If no one has cards for throwing up, they pronounce “Bito” or “hinges”. This symbolizes the completeness of the course.
  • The contents of the "end" are no longer introduced into the game. The players make up for the missing from the reserve called the hire.
  • If the attack is not possible, it is not possible, it is necessary to take everything provided by other participants.

The translation option is also possible. The rules are identical. A successful translation is made by pulling out a map of the same face value as the one with which they came. Suppose a man went a peak ten. The fighting -off “added” the ten - the participant should beat off on the left, he added a tambourine ten - and the move moved on. One who has nothing to translate has to fight back, or take. Tips that can be "by the way":

  • You should remember the cards that have gone into Bito.
  • Knowing what remains of the opponent will be very close to victory. Even if at first the circumstances took shape against him.
  • If you practice the feeding version of the game, it is better to get rid of the "little things" at first.
  • You can deliberately “lure” a trump suit from your opponents. To do this, you should walk with cards of a greater denomination.
  • Leave a couple of cards with the same face value “for all firefighters”, in order to “drain” as many cards as possible with the decisive course.

It is best not to spend trump cards in vain, because it is not known what you will get out of the deck later.

Chinese fool: Rules for the game of cards

Chinese fool
Chinese fool

This option is distinguished by small details from the standard game. The triumph is the one who is the first to get rid of his cards. As for the surrender, this is a matter of a draw. If there were already several parties, Tasovka, surrender, layout is the case of the loser. It is not necessary to shoot. Start with six game cards in hand, contended to the standard version of the game. However, there is an important detail - in this version, the peak suit is always in priority. Rules for the game in cards Chinese fool:

  • The owner of the junior rank begins.
  • Large cards and trump cards will help repel attacks and not become the owner of piles of game cards, which will then be difficult to get rid of.
  • The clubs are inviolable. They have power over other game suits.
  • If the gambler can fight back, then the game goes to the next participant. However, the movement is not randomly - clearly in a circle, otherwise the results are considered falsified.
  • It will be necessary to close the game cards that the other person has fought off. After the hunger occurs.

Unlike a standard scheme, you can limit yourself to the reception of the first card. The time of the actions of another participant comes. The supply of cards is replenished so that everyone has six. The first beret, the one who went. The rest also replenish their “reserves”. Everyone should have time to “sell” their cards except one.

9 fools: rules for playing cards

9 fools
9 fools

The essence of the card game 9 fools Elementary: it is only necessary to create peculiar chains by continuing the players of the full row of a particular suit. Here are the rules of such a card game:

  • On the left is a smaller face value, on the right - "by increasing."
  • A new row opens when there is nothing to continue.
  • As a logical consequence, at the end there is always a “full set”.
  • The losing is the one who remains with the cards alone.

Fun is considered a nursery due to its simplicity, but quite often it is practiced by adults.

Czech fool: Rules for the game of cards

Czech fool
Czech fool

The one who is on the left or the previous winner begins. Here are the rules of the game in cards Czech fool:

  • The principle of attacks and their reflection as in the classical version.
  • The "highlight" is that the lady covers anything.
  • If there is nothing to defend, you can pull until the right card appears.
  • In the case of cards, the upper one remains open, inverted.

The one who has a lady can make preferences regarding the suit. "Six" symbolizes the passage of the course, and "seven" - Taking from the hump, and the pass after that. The increased significance of the ace also speaks of this. The outcome is quite typical.

Game of a fool: Rules together

Fool cards game
Fool cards game

The more people, the more interesting. However, sometimes this is impossible. Here are the rules of the game in cards Fool together:

  • The minimum number of cards - 6. They are evaluated by seniority "Ace - six."
  • Walks one who has a smaller trump card. The goal is to "free themselves first." Kon and the hift is standard.
  • You can attack one or more cards of one denomination.
  • The senior denomination or a trump card in hand covers.
  • It makes sense to “finish” the one who defends himself with a similar face value.

It should be noted that it seems stupid to translate to each other. However, sometimes this is a winning solution - since in this case you can avoid that sensitive situation when there is nothing to recapture.

Japanese fool - Game of Maps: Rules

Japanese fool
Japanese fool

The seniority of the cards used in both types of decks (simple and expanded) corresponds to the classics described above. In this case, the draw for the surrender is appropriate. Subsequently, the loser is mowing and passes. Maps are always in the center, and the tambourine has significant privileges. It can be used in relation to any attack, since the value is very high. It happens that before the start of the confrontation, the crankcases are pulled out one at a time until they get a tambourine, then put in an open form on the table, and on top - con. Here are the rules of the game in cards Japanese fool:

  • The first to go from the younger trump card.
  • You can walk both under the fool, and from him.
  • They go with a card to the player on the left, he must beat off a trump or senior card.
  • The peaks do not beat anything except themselves.
  • The first to throw the one who made a move, then everyone else.

What is repelled is inviolable. If the participant was “flooded”, he replenishes his stock. Then everyone pulls cards from the deck to six - from the attacker, and ending with those who have fought off. The fool is the one who remained at the end of the cards in his arms.

Когда должна назначаться пересдача карт в игре Дурак: правила

Need to retake cards in the game a fool
Need to retake cards in the game a fool

Purchants in a fool - the phenomenon is not very frequent. It is prescribed only when a person was distributed 5 or 6 cards One suit. Sometimes there is a condition that there should not be trump cards in just distributed cards. Some companies can establish the retake rule in the game: if during the brawl and distribution all the cards are caught only in black or only red suit, but these are already unofficial rules.

The rules of the game in a fool: do the last cards in the deck share?

The rules of the game in a fool - do the last cards in the deck share? By default, the players have 6 cards, selected from Kon "without looking", they are of various seniority and stripes. Each stroke is spent on the stake. What remains, as a rule, is divided equally. Therefore, you should remember the rules of the game in a fool: the last cards in the deck are divided into everyone equally.

Video: How to play a fool? Card games are a fool. Game of a fool - Rules for the game

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