Complications after the contour plastic of the face with fillers, biopolymer gel, non -absorbable gel: tips, photos, reviews

Complications after the contour plastic of the face with fillers, biopolymer gel, non -absorbable gel: tips, photos, reviews

In this article, we will discuss what complications are after conducting the contouring of the face and how to get rid of them.

Today, contouring facial plasticity is a very popular procedure. It allows you to quickly and for a long time to remove wrinkles using injections with special drugs. We talked in detail about this procedure in the article - "What is contouring face plastic?".

Despite the fact that injections are considered a fairly safe procedure, complications can occur after it. The risk of their development does not exceed 3-5%, but do not rejoice, because every woman can fall into this range. Therefore, it is important to know what complications are after the procedure.

What are the complications after the contour plasticity: the list

Contour plastic of the face
Contour plastic of the face

Complications after contouring faces in most cases do not pose a special danger to health, but at the same time they spoil the appearance. Let's find out what complications are and how to fight them correctly.

  • Strong pain

This complication occurs directly during the procedure. Many believe in advertising that everything goes calmly and without any pain, but this is not so. The introduction of needles under the skin is quite painful, especially in sensitive areas, for example, lips. Even with a low pain threshold, discomfort is felt.

Problems are solved by fillers with ice -core. They are contained in the drugs by Juviderm and Belotero. This allows you to reduce sensitivity by 30-40%. In addition, cosmetologists argue that they are less swelling when introduced into the lips.

  • Hematomas and swelling

It is believed that this is a normal reaction, because microtrauma of blood vessels can occur. Although in some situations large hematomas may occur. To prevent their appearance, it is recommended to take the strengthening vessels of the drugs, as well as to carefully choose a cosmetologist.

Fillers with hyaluronic acid can provoke severe swelling, because they attract water. This is considered a complication, but it independently passes for a maximum of 10 days. Typically, problems arise in the eye area where contour plastic is undesirable. Or many gel has been introduced. Long edges are removed using lymphatic drainage procedures.

  • Inflammation
Inflammation after fillers
Inflammation after fillers

This is also considered the norm, because the body responds to the introduction of a substance that is an exactive for it. However, after a couple of days everything returns to normal. If this does not happen, then an infection fell into the tissue, and the cosmetologist is not necessarily to blame, because bacteria could be in the body before. Or the patient has autoimmune pathologies that I provoke severe inflammation when the gel administers.

The first condition is treated with antibiotics, and the second is steroids that suppress local immunity. So, if steroids are used for bacterial infection, inflammation will increase and abscesses and scars may appear.

  • Cones, seals, fibrosis, granulomas

They appear with exacerbation of herpes, which is activated after the procedure. Typically, cosmetologists advise carriers in a few days and the same amount after taking the appropriate drugs to suppress the virus.

Dense lumps at the site of the procedure are not always a complication. They can be saved for several days until the gel is distributed in the tissues, or a hematoma arose due to damage to the vessel. The latter also passes on its own and does not require intervention.

Fibrosis is really dangerous. In general, this is a seal of connective tissue and this is normal, but sometimes it can grow to such an extent that it is not only felt, but also becomes noticeable.

The cosmetologist should prevent the appearance of these complications. He must choose the most optimal drug and dosage. If this was not done, then hardware and physiotherapeutic procedures are carried out to eliminate seals, and anti -regulatory drugs can also be used.

  • Vascular injuries

A very rare complication can develop due to a large amount of gel or its lumen falls into the lumen. The problem appears in areas of the skin, where the blood supply is the strongest - in the lip and nasolabial folds. When injured, the region hurts, whitens, and a mesh of blood vessels forms around.

When such a symptom appears, immediately contact a cosmetologist. It will introduce a substance that will split and remove hyaluronic acid. If you delay the treatment, then necrosis may begin, which is a death of tissues. In this case, the process can be complicated by the occurrence of infection.

  • Allergy
Allergy to fillers
Allergy to fillers

This phenomenon is rare, especially before experimental cosmetologists always conduct a test. In most cases, the reaction manifests itself with too high sensitivity. In this case, the cosmetologist introduces corticosteroids or hyaluronidase to remove fillers from the body. The second case is complicated by the fact that a reaction can also occur.

  • Protrusion, gel displacement

It is not dangerous, but it looks ugly. In this case, you will have to wait a few months so that the drug itself resolves, or contact a cosmetologist to eliminate the filler. There is a complication due to the error of the cosmetologist if he incorrectly selects the place of administration, but most often the patients themselves are to blame for this. The fact is that after the procedure you can not bend and rub your face. If this requirement is not observed, then the gel can flow into another area. The elimination is carried out by means of hyaluronidase if hyaluronic acid is used, or you will have to wait until the filler itself resolves.

Complications after the contour plastic of the face with non -absorbable gel: Features

In cosmetology, non -absorbable gels have been prohibited for more than a dozen years. At the same time, there are women whom this does not stop. They are attracted to the cheapness of the procedure and the fact that the effect is constantly held. Complications after the contour plasticity of the face with such materials are often sad.

First of all, the drug soon or later changes the place of its position, which leads to a distortion of the appearance of the face. This happens even if the injection is perfect and there were no complications after it. The reason for this behavior of the gel is that it is influenced by muscles, gravity, age -related changes and other factors. The displacement can be fraught with a squeezing of blood vessels, and the situation becomes very dangerous.

Among other things, such fillers often provoke the development of infections and inflammations. They can not only worsen the appearance and general condition, but also lead to death.

Regardless of the complication, the main problem of its elimination is that it is quite problematic to get fillers. This cannot be done with some injections or wait for everything to resolve. In this case, only face plastic will help, and as a result, the face will be in scars, will develop fiber and so on. So it’s better not to resort to such cosmetology.

Complications after the contouring of the face with biopolymer gels: Features

Contour plastic biopolymers
Contour plastic biopolymers

The next substance that causes complications after the contouring of the face is biopolymer gels. They may not appear after introduction. As a rule, complications begin to develop in a few years. At the same time, even if a woman does not experience any discomfort or gel does not show herself, she is forbidden to administer any other drugs. And hardware cosmetology is also closed.

In general, no dangerous changes on the skin occur. Pigmentation or irritation is possible. In any case, it is difficult to get rid of problems, because the gel is removed only surgically and doctors compensate for the lost volume by autojir, if possible.

Complications after the contour plastic of the face with radies: Features

The drug radies is made on the basis of hyaluronic acid. At the same time, if complications occur after the contouring of the face, then after using the radies, it cannot be removed. So, if the drug is administered incorrectly, then the cosmetologist cannot correct the situation in any way. We'll have to contact another specialist. In rare cases, surgical intervention may be required.

At the same time, hyaluronic acid cannot be mixed with the drug. The whole procedure is performed in stages and it will be good if only one doctor will do everything, because only he knows where the drug was administered specifically. It turns out that if after six months to trust another doctor, then he can enter into another place, and you will begin problems. Moreover, incompatible drugs can be introduced into one zone, which will lead to even greater problems.

Complications themselves, if the drug is introduced as it should, can develop as described above.

Complications after contouring face: photo

When complications appear after the contouring of the face, you always want to know if it is. Moreover, you always want to be prepared for what the procedure can lead to. So, complications look as follows:

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Photo 1
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Photo 3

Complications after contouring face: reviews

Many girls leave reviews about what they think about complications after the contouring of the face. Someone even faced them personally. Here's what the Internet users say about this issue:

Review 1
Review 1
Review 2
Review 2
Review 3
Review 3
Review 4
Review 4
Review 5
Review 5

Video: Fillers in the nasolabial folds are old: Complications

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