What does the contouring of the face mean: indications, contraindications, hazardous areas, drugs, reviews, photos before and after. How are injection contouring of the face with hyaluronic acid, fillers: procedure and technique, marking

What does the contouring of the face mean: indications, contraindications, hazardous areas, drugs, reviews, photos before and after. How are injection contouring of the face with hyaluronic acid, fillers: procedure and technique, marking

In this article, we will tell you what the contouring plastic of the face is and what features it has.

The contouring plastic of the face is a methodology for combating age -related changes without surgery. It involves the introduction of fillers by injection into the deep layers of the skin. The procedure raises many questions for girls who have never done it. After all, not everyone knows how the procedure is carried out, what contraindications and features she has. Let's find out what this procedure is and what women who have already tried it say about it.

What does the contouring plastic of the face mean?

Contour plastic of the face
Contour plastic of the face

Contour plastic of the face is very popular. It allows you to align the oval of the face with special fillers. This is a gel that is inserted under the skin and alignes. Reviews show that the skin really looks better and the effect is worth it. At the same time, such plastic is carried out not only for the face as a whole, but also of its individual parts.

The meaning of the method is that a special tool is introduced under the skin, which fills the voids and wrinkles are aligned. If the drug is used correctly, which is possible only in a professional, then creases are smoothed out or the skin simply becomes more elastic. Thus, the procedure has the effect of lifting.

Types of contour plasticity of the face - what are there?

In fact, the contour plastic of the face is several types. However, in any case, it implies the introduction of a substance under the skin in order to achieve a durable effect that is visible immediately.

There are many types of contour plastics and among them stand out:

  • filling deep/shallow facial wrinkles
  • removing scars
  • elimination of the asymmetry of the face
  • elimination of folds in the nose, lips, forehead
  • removing the hump of the nose
  • lip enlargement
  • "Rejuvenation" of the eyes by smoothing the wrinkles formed over the years
  • increase/decrease in the zygomatic zone

Thus, the procedure allows you to solve various facial problems. By the way, the method is considered universal. The fact is that you can use drugs not only on the face, but also for other parts of the body.

Indications and contraindications to the contouring of the face: List

Contour plastic indications
Contour plastic indications

Like any cosmetic procedure, the contouring of the face has its own indications and contraindications. Accordingly, it will not be effective in every case.

So, it makes sense to carry out the procedure when:

  • Lips are very thin, asymmetric or vague
  • The traces remained on the face after the acne rash
  • The shape of the chin is wrong
  • Wrinkles appeared in the corners of the lips
  • Lighting earlobes
  • Wrinkles appear on the forehead
  • Became deep nasolabial folds

In principle, by age, the procedure has no special restrictions, but it must be taken into account that it may not be applied for everyone. So, contour plastic has a number of contraindications:

  • Hemocylia
  • Pregnancy
  • The presence of skin diseases
  • Lactation
  • Lactation
  • The presence of silicone introduced
  • Development of severe diseases of internal organs
  • Violation in the work of immunity
  • If a chemical peeling is recently carried out, the grinding of the face

If you neglect contraindications and still carry out the procedure, then in the end it will turn into big problems, and serious complications may begin to develop.

Does it hurt to do the contouring of the face?

Many women are interested in whether contouring faces are painfully performed. In fact, it all depends on the individual characteristics of a person. The fact is that everyone has different pain threshold and someone can be painful, but someone is normal. Of course, the very fact that something will work hard in the person, and therefore cosmetologists use special means that allow reducing discomfort. For example, it can be a special cream or a remedy with painkillers already in the composition.

How they make injection contouring of the face with hyaluronic acid, fillers: procedure and technique

Injections with hyaluronic acid
Injections with hyaluronic acid

No less interesting is the question of how the contour plastic of the face is carried out? In fact, the whole procedure consists of two stages - preparation and directly conducting.

So, for starters, let's analyze the preparation. It, in principle, is simple, but it is necessary to comply with the rules. So:

  • A couple of weeks before the procedure, give up anticoagulants
  • Drink preventive drugs that can be prescribed by a doctor
  • Refuse the day of the procedure to drink alcohol
  • Do not sunbathe in the sun and do not go to the solarium
  • Refuse aggressive procedures
  • The procedure itself is not carried out for a very long time-about 40-90 minutes. It all depends on the type of drug used:
  • First, the cosmetologist does mark the face where he will administer the drug
  • Then he processes the skin with anesthetics and disinfects it
  • Then the drugs are administered directly under the skin
  • After the session is completed, the skin is once again processed and the patient can get home

Contour plastic facials - hazardous areas of the face: Features

Contour plastic plastic can not be carried out in the face of the face. The fact is that there are certain places where drugs should not be administered, because it can provoke the development of necrosis, vision and ischemia. In addition, arterial occlusion may develop, which leads to the appearance of scars and ulcers. There may also be occlusion of arteries and veins as a result of the administration of the drug into the vessel itself. This is rare, but if it occurs, immediately an immediate intervention is required.

Dangerous areas of the face
Dangerous areas of the face

The contour plastic of the face of the lower, middle, upper third, cheekbones nasolabial folds and lips with fillers: markings

As we have already said, when the contour plastic of the face is carried out, its marking is necessarily done. In fact, such information is useful to customers themselves just for education. The video shows how this procedure is carried out:

Video: Triangle in Landau. Contour plastic training Princess

Contouring facial preparations - Juviderm, Radies and others: Features

Contour plastic plastic is carried out using various drugs. Let's analyze the most popular of them.

  • Juvederm (Juvederm). Fillers with highly concentrated hyaluronic acid. They are used to correct lips, faces and eliminate deep wrinkles. Usually it is used when the problems are already clearly expressed. The drug is represented by a line of different products that differ in composition and are used for different procedures.
  • Restine (Restylane). These fillers are popular for their high quality. They are made of hyaluronic acid of artificial origin. That is why the risk of rejection of matter and the development of other complications is minimal. It is used to correct the oval of the face, eliminate folds. Initially, the product is positioned as a drug for lip correction.
  • Stylage (Stylage). The French remedy is used in Russia relatively recently. At the same time, it has established itself from the good side. It differs in that it works longer than the rest thanks to 3D Matrix technology. In addition, the gel is elastic and it includes antioxidants that give an additional anti -aging effect.
  • Surgiderm. Also development from the French. Fillers using 3D Hyaluronic Acid Matrix technology are made. They are quite capable of ousting other competitors from the market due to their high efficiency.
  • Sculptra (sculptra). Filler with polymolic acid of artificial origin. The drug stimulates collagen production. It is used to correct any part of the face. He has a rather strong impact, and therefore it is not recommended to use it for women under 35-40 years.
  • Ellans (Ellanse). The drug developed by the Dutch. It is made on the basis of polycarpolactone, which is often used in surgery for the manufacture of absorbing seam material. The main advantage is the duration of the effect, and regardless of the zone. There are a lot of funds in the line of funds that differ in time of exposure.
  • Radiesse (Radiesse). This filler also stimulates the production of collagen, which allows it to influence it for a long time and at the same time its effectiveness is excellent.

Contour plastic of the oval of the face with threads: Features

Plastic with threads
Plastic with threads

Contour plastic plastic can be carried out using threads. They are of different types. Let's find out what, and also consider how the procedure is carried out.

  • Non -absorbable. They are made of silicone, polyurethane and polyamide. They have a smooth surface and they are not absorbed. You can work with them on the deep layers of the skin. They are placed in the form of a loop and fixed on bone tissue. This allows you to provide the highest quality tightening.
  • Mesonity. Resorpted and are the most thin. Their use is minimally traumatic, because the fabrics are not pierced, but moved apart. However, only professionals can introduce them, because even a small mistake can be fraught with a deterioration in appearance.
  • Aptos. They have a zazubrins that allow them to gain a better acquaintance in the tissues. They are located at a depth of 3-5 millimeters and introduced through the punctures of the skin. Threads allow not only to rejuvenate the skin, but also to eliminate problems such as sagging eyelids, ptosis and deep wrinkles. The effect of them can persist for 3-6 years.
  • Cone -shaped, combined. Created from degrading polypropylene. The length of the entire thread is 8-11 knots. The materials are gradually dissolved and the connective tissue is formed, which then has the effect of the tightening.
  • Gold. Hypoallergenic material. By the way, it is considered the most popular and oldest. Thanks to them, the production of collagen is activated, and the threads themselves are covered with connective tissue. The only drawback of their use is the inability to use hardware cosmetology in the future.

The procedure itself on the introduction and consolidation of threads takes from half an hour to an hour. Since the manipulations are painful, the skin is treated with anesthetics for a start and leave for a while so that there is no sensitivity in the zones.

After a while, the cream is removed, and the places of administration of needles are disinfected. In addition, the skin can be treated with a spray with ice cream or by injection.

The introduction of threads is carried out through small cuts on the skin. When the end of the thread reaches the desired point, it is pulled in the opposite direction. This allows you to tighten the skin and form the necessary contour. Potions, hooks and cones, if any, are fixed in the fabrics.

Contical plasticity of the face - rehabilitation, restrictions: Features

Rehabilitation after contour plastic
Rehabilitation after contour plastic

When the contouring of the face is carried out, then the recovery period occurs after it.

  • Please note that in the first days after the procedure on the face there may be swelling. This phenomenon is often found and it is not necessary to treat it specially, because it passes by itself. It happens that the symptom causes inconvenience. In this case, apply cold compresses. Well, if hematomas are expressed, then heparin or troxevasin is prescribed by doctors.
  • At the same time, in the first 5-6 hours after the session, one cannot go to bed. Try to maintain an upright position.
  • In the treated areas, the skin is now very sensitive, so treat it as careful as possible. In the early days, there should not be any mechanical influences on your part, because even touching with your hands can lead to infection.
  • If we talk about cosmetics, then only a corrective tonalist is allowed. Keep in mind that it should be of good quality and have a high level of protection. In full force, makeup is allowed to be applied only on the second day, but provided that there are no consequences after the procedure.
  • Within a month, until the restoration is completely completed, it is important to ensure that ultraviolet coin does not affect the skin too much. It is better to apply special protective creams before going to the street.
  • By the way, during rehabilitation you can use ointments and gels with anti -inflammatory effects.
  • If you carried out the procedure in winter, then protect your face from hypothermia. In particular, refuse long walks and in the cold try to be less on the street.
  • Cosmetologists often recommend that patients sleep after the procedure on the back. This allows the gel to evenly disperse under the skin. Just keep in mind that this is still not necessary to do this, all the more not everyone can sleep on their backs.
  • To cleanse the skin, use care products with a plant base. It is better to ask a cosmetologist in advance which composition is suitable for you.
  • After the procedure, you can’t touch your face after the procedure, about a day and carry out any actions at the impact. It is also banned by washing running water and a hot bath.
  • Try to limit facial activity - smile smaller and writhe. The fact is that if you show too much, then fillers can shift.
  • For at least two weeks, you need to abandon the bath, sauna and solarium. Refuse to visit the pool and reservoir.
  • Within a week it is forbidden to smoke and drink alcohol.
  • For five days, refuse massage, and also do not remove crusts if they formed.
  • Try to play sports less and actually active, because increasing sweating can lead to the development of inflammation or infection.
  • Within 1-1.5 months, no other beauty procedures can be carried out, especially if they aggressively affect the skin.
  • Within two weeks, you can not take any drugs that can at least somehow affect blood coagulation.
  • So that you do not have strong edema, refuse to use a large amount of water for several days, and also abandon acute and salty.

Despite the fact that a lot of restoration restrictions are established, contour plastic is very in demand among women. It is not very difficult to care for the skin, and on lifestyle, the procedure does not affect the procedure. If you follow all the recommendations, then no complications will arise.

Contour plastic plastic - which is better to make: recommendations

Which plastic is better?
Which plastic is better?

In fact, when the contour plastic of the face is required, it is not necessary to do it immediately over the entire surface. It is important in this case to determine the most problematic zones and in their places to perform the procedure. Which is better for you to say, because everyone has their own problems that require a solution.

In any case, if you have a problem with the corners of the lips, but the rest of you suits you, then it makes no sense to make fillers somewhere else. It is enough to limit yourself to the corners of the lips. In addition, another frequent problem is “goose legs” or nasolabial folds. So, if you carry out the procedure only in this place, then the appearance will improve.

In any case, for the procedure, choose only good clinics and professionals. They will not only carry out a procedure for you, but also determine where it is better to make and what material.

How much does the contour plastic of the face last?

Contour plastic of the face lasts a certain time. The term is largely determined by which filler was used and how high his concentration is. In addition, do not discount individual characteristics of the body. As a rule, on average, the effect persists from six months to two years.

Contour plastic - at what age is it carried out?

In fact, the contour plastic of the face is carried out at the age of 35 to 60 years. It has a good enough effect - not only the tightening of the face is produced, but also the skull relief is adjusted and, in general, the condition of the skin improves. The most important thing is that it becomes more elastic and moisturized.

How much does contour plastic plastic costs: price

The contouring plastic of the face raises many questions in terms of value and this fact can be added to the list of advantages. The fact is that the price of the procedure is much lower than that of hardware cosmetology.

The cost is determined depending on what the drug is used, the volume of work, the area of \u200b\u200badministration, and, of course, clinics. On average, the price of the procedure is from 10 thousand with small wrinkles and from 13-15 with deep folds. In the most difficult situations, the clinic can request up to 30 thousand rubles.

What complications can there be after the contour plastic of the face?

Complications after contour plastic
Complications after contour plastic

The contouring plastic of the face, although it is a low -traumatic procedure, after it, some complications can still develop.

First of all, this is swelling and redness. This is a normal reaction, because a foreign product was introduced under your skin and the body should get used to it. At the same time, after a few days this reaction passes and becomes invisible.

Moreover, inflammation, deformation and a change in skin color may occur. As practice shows, if the procedure is carried out by a professional and in compliance with all the features, then almost never the negative consequences are bothering a person. This procedure is considered the safest and most effective.

How contour plastic changes the face: effect, photo before and after

Many people want to know what effect the contour plastic of the face gives. We suggest you familiarize yourself with the results of some women.

Photo 1
Photo 1
Photo 2
Photo 2
Photo 3
Photo 3
Photo 4
Photo 4
Photo 5
Photo 5

Contour plastic facial: reviews

In addition to the photo, you should also study reviews. Basically, the contour plastic of the face causes positive responses, but there are those who have remained unhappy with the results. Sometimes it happens. In any case, you decide - is it worth carrying out the procedure?

Reviews 1
Reviews 1
Review 2
Review 2
Review 3
Review 3
Review 4
Review 4
Review 5
Review 5
Review 6
Review 6

Video: Contour plastic

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Comments K. article

  1. I would still be afraid to do such procedures ...., for me you can keep youth in much safer ways. Only the Evalal hyaluronic acid is enough for me. I order it in the online store usually. And gelatin masks. I do not overpay and at the same time I look very good. And by the way, the hyaluron is also absorbed perfectly, because the capsule in such a form that it does not die in the stomach.

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