Facial dermabise - aesthetic laser grinding of face: views, price, result, photo

Facial dermabise - aesthetic laser grinding of face: views, price, result, photo

Laser grinding is one of the most popular types of cosmetic procedures. It helps to restore the general condition of the skin of the face, eliminates the defects, rejuvenates.

This procedure is suitable for all age groups, but requires control by a cosmetologist. What conditions should be observed when the grinding of the face should be held, further information will tell.

Preparation for laser grinding of a person

  • Before appointing laser grinding of the face The type of laser required to influence the problem is determined. The specialist explores the zone of exposure: the depth of the scars, the wrinkles of the skin, the severity of pigmentation.
  • Based on the analysis, the analysis is selected type of laser apparatus. The deadlines and expected results from the procedures are also taken into account, at the request of the patient. For example, the effect on the skin area with carbondioxide laser is more rigid. And implies a long recovery period - up to two weeks. And the use of the erbium laser - gentle and rehabilitation period, lasts several days.
  • The first method is more often used to eliminate deep wrinkles and scars. As a rule, special training is not required to work with a less intense laser. However, preliminary measures significantly reduce the risks of pigmentation disorders, and accelerate the rehabilitation period, increase the effectiveness of procedures.
  • One of these preparation measures is the appointment of bleaching drugs to the patient, carbo and glycolic acid. The prescription of antiviral drugs is not excluded, this applies to people who have a predisposition to herpes. In addition, the use of sunscreen is recommended.

Laser grinding of face: How many years can you start?

  • This procedure is permissible any age. But since this manipulation includes several stages of complexity and work associated with chemicals, there are certain requirements for the operation.
  • According to the law, Laser grinding Persons can be carried out from the age of 18. If the patient has not reached adulthood, then the personal presence and written consent of one of the parents of the child is necessary.
It is advisable to do from the age of 18
It is advisable to do from the age of 18
  • You need to understand that a separate program is selected for children and young skin: Treatment and elimination of spots after rashes, getting rid of warts or capillaries, peeling with a laser, eliminating moles and papillomas.
  • Age skin It needs a more aggressive grinding version. The action of the laser in the zone of the lower and upper eyelids is recommended to be carried out no earlier than at 30.

Why, after laser grinding of the face, acne appeared?

After laser grinding, acne appeared? A similar reaction after laser grinding can occur for three reasons:

  1. The predisposition of the skin to rashes. Perhaps during the period of laser therapy sessions, the patient used the inappropriate cosmetics, leading to clogging of pores and the manifestation of acne. It is necessary to moisturize the skin and protect it from solar exposure.
  2. Increased greasy. Under the influence of heat treatment, the skin is intensively released fat, which can provoke rashes. Cosmetologists recommend purchasing special compounds that help restore the greasy of the glands, and narrow the pores.
  3. The remains of the hairline. Sometimes, before grinding, it is recommended to eliminate the surface part of the hair on the skin, in the zone of exposure. The remnants of the hair bulb can cause slight irritation, the result of which will be a rash of acne. The treatment is prescribed by a cosmetologist. Usually it is healing and moisturizing skin, products.

How often can you do laser grinding of your face?

  • There is no clear answer to this question, since the reason for the appointment of laser grinding  faces - Individual indicator. In other situations, the procedure requires repeated repetition. For example, acne or small wrinkles are eliminated through three sessions, deep wrinkles or scars - require about eight sessions.
  • The number of manipulations is prescribed by a specialist. After each session, you need to take a break - 1 or 2 months. During this period, the skin involves natural regeneration abilities. Between the full course, the break is at least ten months. The final result is saved, for up to two years.

Laser grinding of face: Can a man be done?

  • Rejuvenation of the face with laser grinding of the face It is shown to both women and men. Age restrictions for some actions are distributed similarly to female indications.
  • Grinding can be carried out, in various parts of the body and face. It contributes getting rid of scars and scars, strengthens the skin turgor, eliminates small and facial wrinkles.
Suitable for men
Suitable for men

How is the procedure of dermabraise - laser grinding of the face: Stages

Before proceeding to the laser grinding procedure itself, the following steps are performed:

  1. Pre -conducted general or local patient anesthesia: Its method is determined by a specialist based on the size and complexity of the effect of exposure. Anesthetics - applied in the form of a cream or served intravenously. Also, antiseptics and products for cleansing the skin from makeup are also involved. They are put on the eyes protective glasses.
  2. Further, with the help of a laser beam is removed part of the layer of the epidermis, The doctor drives a highlight on the selected area of \u200b\u200bthe skin, and in stages removes the defect. The skin of the skin is modified - a white hue prevails. This stage passes from 10 minutes to 1.5 hours. Duration depends on the individual characteristics of the apparatus and the complexity of the effect of exposure, as well as the patient's health.
  3. Upon completion of the session, may arise Pain effectwhich is removed with painkillers and regenerating facial masks. This stage is characterized by a slight edema of the dermis, for several days or weeks - depends on the internal ability of the body to restore.
  4. After manipulations with a laser, you can not touch your hands and scratch the place of treatment. In the future, the doctor determines the need and number of repetitions of actions. It is important to know that for several months redness on the skin in places of processing is allowed.

Laser grinding of the face from expanded pores

  • Laser grinding faces contribute narrowing of the advanced pores, using the ablation apparatus. This method is designed to cleanse the dermis and restore the functions of the regeneration of the skin.
  • Removal of dead dermis and resumption of elasticity - Relieve the face from expanded pores.

Laser grinding of face after acne

  • Laser grinding method after acne consists in fractional breakdown, microscopic areas of damaged skin - The laser pointedly affects the defect.
  • The doctor regulates the depth of the beam, which allows you to achieve great results, reduce discomfort and activate neighboring skin.
  • At the scene of the apparatus, the formation of an updated dermis occurs, which accelerates metabolic processes in other skin cells. Thus, this action not only eliminates the cosmetic defect, but also rejuvenates the face.
  • Laser grinding of acneit is identical to the aforementioned manipulation and is designed to improve the properties of face regeneration. Treatment undergoes painlessly and accessible to patients of any gender and age.

Laser treatment - activates rejuvenation and renewal of tissue cells, improves blood circulation, increases the production of collagen fibers, and prevents the formation of scars.

Laser grinding of face spots

  • Pigment spots or freckles - the result of a genetic predisposition or a long stay in the sun. They can manifest itself during pregnancy or after childbirth. Actively formed in the age group of people.
  • To get rid of this phenomenon, use laser grinding  faceserbiye laser. The primary result is achieved after a while, after the session - age spots noticeably turn pale after one or two weeks. The final, visible result is formed after 1 or 2 months.

Laser grinding of scars on the face

  • Scars or scars obtained as a result of damage and improper fusion of the edges of the wound, as well as scars after burns are eliminated using laser grinding Faces. The scar occurs when the connective tissue gets between the dermis and forms individual layers.
Face grinding
Face grinding
  • The laser beam removes these layers and enables cells to grow together in the correct sequence. Thanks to this, the scar is eliminated from the surface of the dermis.
  • The aging of the face is due the growth of fibrous tissues and an increase in layers of dead cells, when exposed to ultraviolet rays. In addition, the water balance in the cage cells decreases, elasticity is quickly lost, wrinkles deepen.
  • Laser intervention in the aging process reduces the actions of negative factors on the epidermis, prevents the formation of wrinkles and evens out existing folds.

Which laser grinding of the face is better?

  • You can not definitely declare what laser grinding of the facebetter, but which is worse. It all depends on the needs of the patient and the capabilities of the device, in each particular case.
  • In order to determine how laser processing is better to navigate in its varieties. Although in this delicate matter, it is better to entrust a choice to a specialist.

Dermabrase - aesthetic laser grinding of the face: what gives, views

In modern cosmetology, there are several varieties of this method of rejuvenation and correction of epidermal defects. All types of skin processing are distinguishable: in terms of deepening, hardware methodology and effectiveness.


Aesthetic laser grinding of the face:

  1. Diamond micro -grinding - This is surface cleaning, using microcrystalline elements. Such cleaning is considered not aggressive and applicable to combat the fat content of the face, the alignment of bugrostism and small scars. The recovery period after cleaning is one week.
  2. Laser grinding- This is a deep penetration of a point thermal laser beam, into separate areas of the face and body. It is recommended for smoothing the pits after acne, small scars or wrinkles. It has a gentle workflow and a quick recovery mode. Makes the skin with a smooth and elastic surface.
  3. Deep mechanical cleaning - Sufficiently aggressive processing. Reaches the deepest layers of the epidermis and is a painful and traumatic procedure. The device, equipped with a special cutter, cuts off a layer of skin with a defect. It has a long rehabilitation period using medication painkillers. Patients who have undergone this type of treatment acquire a strong anti -aging result and impeccable skin.
  4. Diamond cleaning - It is performed by a device that affects the epidermis, particles of diamond dust. This species is also capable of injuring the treatment zone, but it copes well with scars, acne and their consequences, wrinkles or pigmentation.

When you can do laser grinding of the face: time of the year, testimony, how long after tanning?

According to many experts, to carry out the procedure laser grinding of the face can be at any convenient season. But at the same time, strictly comply with the doctor’s requirements during recovery.

Can be done at any time of the year
Can be done at any time of the year

Recommendations are designed for any season, but due to temperature changes - there are some differences between seasonal care:

  1. Pay attention to external factors, slowing actions of natural recovery: cold, wind, drought, direct sunlight.
  2. In winter, you need to use protection against hypothermia and weathering. Do not subject the processing of solar tanning and an excess of moisture.
  3. In the summer, avoid the influence of solar activity And use sunscreen creams, to problem areas.
  4. Take into account the protection factor in sunscreens, according to the season. In the hot period, the indicator should be much higher.
  5. It is important to remember that between tan and laser processing, must pass the time period - at least a month.

Rehabilitation after laser grinding of the face: care, cream

  • Recovery dates after laser grinding  faces are based on the individual qualities of the human body, as well as the treatment methodology. This period is designed for 1-8 days. Immediately after cleaning, redness is possible, resembling a burn after tanning. Deep cleaning will require imposing a sterile bandage that is supposed to wear a couple of days.
  • The doctor prescribes special solutions and ointments for healing. With mild interference in the layers of the epidermis, the redness disappears in one day, in a difficult case - redness can last longer. To cope with the consequences, it is necessary to observe the advice of a cosmetologist-to clean and moisturize the treatment zone in a timely manner.
Care is important
Care is important
  • Do not remove peeling and tension of the epidermis, without a doctor’s supervision. Do not forget to use a cream with a protective factor from the sun, even in the winter.
  • Otherwise There is a chance of getting a burn and new pigmentation. For six months, abandon abrasive cosmetics. It is useful to use ointments Panthenol, Bepanten. With increasing pain - drink painkillers.

Facial hardware grinding - dermabise: apparatus, device

  • This device for laser grinding The faces have the appearance of an electrical appliance with a separate handle rotating at a speed of up to 50 thousand revolutions per minute. The kit includes various nozzles that use, depending on the desired result: a milling cutter with diamond spraying, a nylon brush, a milling mill.
  • In work, an abrasive tool serves sodium bicarbonate, diamond dust, magnesium and aluminum oxide.

Pros and cons of laser grinding

The main advantages of laser grinding of the face include:

  1. A good anti -aging prolonged effect. This achievement is saved - from 2 to 10 years.
  2. Application is available in any season. The method is performed using a computer program, which regulates processing and is the most delicate.
  3. Relatively painless method.
  4. High indicators in the fight against old scars and scars.
  5. Compared to plastic surgery - has a short term of rehabilitation and a less traumatic effect.
There are pros and cons of
There are pros and cons of

Among the minuses - contraindications and possible complications should be mentioned:

  1. Pregnancy.
  2. Problems with the heart, vessels and kidneys.
  3. Diabetes, herpes, dermatosis.
  4. Fresh damage to the integrity of the skin: wounds, burns.
  5. Intolerance to related funds.
  6. Enhanced pigmentation, inflammation or infection of the wound, transformation into scars when incorrectly handling the apparatus.
  7. The period of a cold.
  8. Oncology, a tendency to scarring of fabric.
  9. Tan (an interval is needed, at least 3 weeks).

Complications after cleansing are rare, however, the following reactions are necessary after the procedure: increased pigmentation in people with dark skin, erythema, infection of processing places, the formation of scattering of the skin, the formation of wounds and swelling of the face, burns or suppuration. In order to overcome the recovery period with minimal efforts, you should properly take care of your face after cleansing.

Where is the laser grinding of the face?

  • Conduct Laser grinding Persons in specialized medical and cosmetic institutions. Experienced cosmetologists - perform a number of preliminary examinations, establish the degree of skin deformation, determine the intensity and method of influencing the damaged area, guide the purification process and prescribe recovery therapy.
  • Choosing professional clinics in laser cosmetology, the patient receives high -quality and qualified assistance with subsequent accompaniment before gaining full result.

Facial dermabrase: Prices

  • Price laser grinding of the face Depends on many factors: the choice of clinic, apparatus and concomitant means, the volume and complexity of the damage zone, the duration of the sessions and the number of courses. Each clinic has its own price list for laser cleaning services. Therefore, before determining the exact cost, you need to visit a preliminary consultation in the clinic.

It must be understood that such a service cannot, it is cheap and implies an alternative to plastic surgery. The average price of the service is from $ 200-400.

Face grinding
Face grinding

Face grinding at home: recipes

Today, some types face grinderscan be carried out in a home environment. There are many special devices and devices for private use. Brooksage method - removal of dead cells of the epidermis using abrasive sponges, brushes and rollers from natural materials. Their impact, not as deep as in the cabin. You can also use the mechanical method of purification, which is suitable for everyday use.

Here are a few recipes:

  1. Granulated sugar Small grinding - mix a small amount of sugar with olive oil in a ratio of 1: 1. Apply to the face, slightly rubbing along the massage lines. This composition is suitable for other parts of the body. It has a slight effect of exfoliating keratinized scales of the skin. After cleaning, rinse the remains of the composition with warm water. If desired, apply a moisturizer to the areas of action. Sugar goes well with other basic oils. Replace sugar, you can do ground coffee or salt.
  2. Gommage - delicately eliminates scars, irregularities, traces of stretch marks. Applicable for any parts of the body. It is recommended for exposure to sensitive, age -related or thin skin. As part, you can combine various crushed abrasive elements of a small fraction: legumes and cereal, algae and peel of citrus fruits, seeds, spices and medicinal dry herbs. The abrasive powder is mixed with any cosmetic or natural composition: lotion, cream, clay or sour cream, oil, yogurt. The resulting mixture is processed, as in the first case.

  3. Fruit acids - a tool based on its small concentration, designed to eliminate age spots, acne, advanced pores and inflammation of the skin. You can buy it in a special cosmetic store or at your cosmetologist. You can also make a fruit mask: freshly squeezed apple juice and strawberry pulp, and mix with a spoonful of honey in equal parts. Apply the mixture to the face and withstand for 5 minutes. Then, wash off with water and apply a moisturizer. After an acidic procedure, you can not sunbathe and use the solarium for two days.

Facial laser grinding: reviews

Reviews of laser grinding of the face:

  • Victoria, 23 years old.I did laser cleaning of the lower part of the face. The problem was in bumps, after teenage rashes. The face healed for a week, the old layer got down gradually. The main thing during this period is to be at home.
  • Olga, 55 years old.I learned a lot of a new one from the article. I have age pigment spots, from which I want to get rid of. Laser cleaning, for me the only salvation. I heard a lot of good reviews about this technique.
  • Alina, 36 years old.With the proposed method of cleaning, I have been familiar from a young age. I cleaned the mark from the scar. Frankly, the process itself was painless. But the healing felt - it caused a little discomfort. It is important to comply with the required care rules and then everything will go faster and without complications.

Video: impressions of laser grinding of face

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