Owls and falling uterine: causes, symptoms, stages, treatment

Owls and falling uterine: causes, symptoms, stages, treatment

If you have been diagnosed with “omission and uterine prolapse”, then do not be discouraged. Now this pathology is successfully treated - conservatively and promptly.

The uterine prolapse, and even its loss, today is widespread in the pre -retirement and retirement women giving birth to women. This is a very unpleasant pathology that brings a woman a lot of problems. Read on our website article about uterine fibroids - A pathology, which can also be the cause of prolapse and loss.

What are the reasons for the development of this ailment? How to treat it and what? What are the symptoms? Look for answers to these and other questions in this article. Read further.

Causes of falling and prolapse of the uterus, vaginal walls

Falling out and prolapse
Falling out and prolapse

The cause of the loss and prolapse of the uterus is the weakening of the muscles and ligaments that surround and support this organ. When the uterus is in the correct position, it is supported not only by the ligaments on which it is fixed, but also by the pelvic floor muscles that serve it.

With age, many women have weakening muscles and ligaments, as a result of which the uterus falls. This is often accompanied by the prolapse of the walls of the vagina.

It is worth knowing: The duration of the process of prolapse of the female childbearing organ for each patient is individual. In some women, the uterine prolapse develops over the years, while in others this ailment occurs suddenly.

Owls and falling of the uterus, cervix: symptoms

Falling out and prolapse
Falling out and prolapse

What are the main symptoms of this disease? In what period is a woman with a lowering and falling uterus, cervix should contact a gynecologist? Here's the answer:

  • Doctors strongly advise in no case to ignore the unpleasant sensations: stupid pains in the lower abdomen, pulling pains in the vagina.
  • If these painful sensations are ignored, then over time, discomfort in the sacral region, lower back pain will be added to them.
  • Moreover, the pain becomes stronger when performing physical work and lifting weights.

The uterine prolapse entails the next other “nuisance” - the veneration of the bladder. Such a pathology is manifested in the form of increased urination. Also, urinary incontinence can be observed at stress, for example, when a woman coughs, sneezes, laughs. This happens for such reasons:

  • Due to the fact that the bladder is lowered, during urination it is emptied partially.
  • The urine remaining in it can contribute to the occurrence of cystitis, pyelonephritis, impaired normal functioning of the kidneys.
  • Often, as a result of the veneration of the female childbirth, the rectum also suffers.

You should know: Sometimes the initial form of uterine omission is not accompanied by any symptoms. It happens that the uterine omission is accompanied by pathological white and bloody discharge from the vagina.

Many patients complain to the doctor about the feeling of a foreign body in the vagina. In any case, this disease worsens the quality of life, negatively affects sexual relations.

Uterine prolapse and loss: Stages of the disease

Labber and prolapse of the uterus: Stages
Labber and prolapse of the uterus: Stages

There are three stages of uterine prolapse and its loss:

  1. At the first (initial) stage of the disease, the uterus is lowered down, but the cervix does not go beyond the vagina.
  2. In the second degree, incomplete falling of the uterus is observed - the body of the uterus is located in the vagina, and the cervix is \u200b\u200bon the eve of the vagina.
  3. The third degree is characterized by the complete loss of the uterus - the entire organ along with the neck is outside the sexual slit.

It's important to know: Woman’s uterine is often taken as an oncological tumor and experience stress. You need to know that the characteristic sign of the falling uterus is the presence of the external pharynx of the uterus on it at the bottom of the external pharynx.

Experts advise women in the event of such a situation not to be upset and not scared. The uterine prolapse of modern medicine is completely cured.

Diagnosis of prolapse and uterine loss

Diagnosis of prolapse and uterine loss
Diagnosis of prolapse and uterine loss

If a woman did not go to a doctor in a timely manner in connection with the problem of prolapse or falling of the genitals, then in most cases this disease is found during a gynecological examination.

  • To make an opinion on the degree of prolapse, the doctor asks the patient to push.
  • In this way, the doctor finds out whether the walls of the bladder and rectum are lowered.

Patients with the omission and loss of the genitals are placed on dispensary in the antenatal clinic. They are prescribed special diagnostics - colposcopy, which is an examination of the cervix using a special optical device. To clarify the condition of the urinary system, the patient is sent for examination to the urologist.

Vaginal loss, uterine omission - what to do: treatment when the operation is recommended?

Exercises when falling out and lowering the uterus
Exercises when falling out and lowering the uterus

They treat this pathology with conservative and operational methods. The choice of the method of treatment of vaginal loss, prolapse of the uterus depends on the degree of disease.

  • With slight use of the uterus, physiotherapy exercises are prescribed.
  • The patient is offered to perform a set of physical exercises that help strengthen the muscles of the thighs, perineum and abdominal press.
  • Good perform Kegel's exercises. They increase the tone of the muscles of the pelvic organs.
  • Also, with this disease, classes of such sports are useful: swimming, cycling.
  • Even the usual climb and launching the stairs will also be effective.
  • The patient in the premensopause gynecologist prescribes hormone replacement therapy with estrogens.
  • One of the methods of conservative therapy is pessary - the introduction of the fallopian ring.

What to do if the diagnosis is a third degree of disease? When is the operation recommended?

  • With the third stage of the disease, the patient is recommended surgical treatment.
  • If a woman does not plan to give birth anymore, then uterine is removed.
  • If a patient of childbearing age wants to have children, then during the operation the surgeon pulls the uterus into a small pelvis and fixes the organ in it.

As you can see, the prolapse and falling of the uterus is a problem that is easily eliminated depending on the degree of pathology. Do not tighten with a trip to the doctor if there are any unpleasant sensations in the vagina. In general, a woman should visit a gynecologist every six months to obtain consultation and examination. If any problems appear, then the doctor will be able to notice the problem in a timely manner and prescribe treatment. This will warn against unpleasant consequences and complications. Good luck!

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