Is mercury danger from the thermometer and its effect on the human body? What to do with mercury poisoning when the child swallowed mercury? What can not be done if a mercury thermometer crashes? How to recognize an acute and chronic form of poisoning with mercury?

Is mercury danger from the thermometer and its effect on the human body? What to do with mercury poisoning when the child swallowed mercury? What can not be done if a mercury thermometer crashes? How to recognize an acute and chronic form of poisoning with mercury?

In this article, we will consider how dangerous the mercury of a broken thermometer is, and what needs to be done in such a situation. And also give instructions in case of chemical poisoning.

A mercury thermometer is familiar to each of us from childhood - this is the first accurate device for measuring temperature after my mother’s palm. But sometimes careless movements can break a glass flask, which leads to flowing mercury to the surface. How dangerous it is, and what measures must be taken in case of breaking the thermometer, we will consider in this material.

Is mercury dangerous from the thermometer?

Although today, electrical thermometers come to replace mercury thermometers, they still can’t compare with their ancestors to the end. The mercury thermometer has a low error indicator - up to 0.1 degrees. It is also worth highlighting its relatively small value and greater durability, which does not require either replacement of batteries or reloading. This thermometer can easily be disinfected, but it will also not be difficult to break it. Therefore, first of all, we find out what the mercury is from a thermometer.

  • As soon as the thermometer breaks, fragments of glass and a drop of mercury immediately appear. Recall that mercury refers to the first class of dangerous and toxic substances, and is also under 80 number in the Mendeleev table.
  • Mercury has several unique abilities -this is a single metal, whose flowing state covers -19 -+357 ° C. But do not forget that at a temperature of +18 ° C, the mercury begins to evaporate!
  • Take into account such a feature, the higher the temperature and more sunlight, the faster the evaporation occurs. If you take the temperatures 18-19 ° C and 24-25 ° C, then the speed of evaporation of the metal increases by 15-18 times. Now think about whether many in the room does not exceed 20 ° C. More often the minimum indicator reaches the mark of 22-23 ° C.

Important: Permissible metal indicators in the dwelling, per cubic meter should not exceed 0, 0003 ml. The thermometer contains 2-5 g of the substance (by the way, 1-2 g of mercury is enough to poison 10 people). If the metal evaporates, then for the middle area of \u200b\u200bthe room up to 20 m³ of mercury vapor will be 300 thousand times more than the permissible norm!

  • Mercury vapors by 80% are not excreted from the body! Their main mass falls through the lungs, but they can also poison the body through the skin or mucous membranes. The main “blow” falls on the kidneys and brain, but the surface of the respiratory tract can also be damaged. This is manifested by an expectorant of blood.
  • It is also worth knowing such an interesting fact that he cans the mercury in the air and under water. Moreover, it quickly and firmly penetrates into any cracks, fabrics and other inaccessible places. It is extremely difficult to remove it.
Mercury melting already at a temperature of -39 ° C
Mercury melts already at a temperature of -39 ° C

Mercury from the thermometer: effect on the body

If we talk about mercury, which is behind the glass of the flask, then it does not pose any threat to humans. This glass is tempered for 1 thousand hours. This makes it thin in order to accurately show the temperature, and protects against friction, falling and blows.

The danger carries mercury in open state, that is, when breaking the thermometer. This can lead to poisoning and even a lethal!

The main ways of penetration of mercury from a thermometer into the human body:

  • through the skin. Remember yourself by children how it was interesting to touch this mirror substance. Therefore, explain to your children the whole danger of this metal;
  • oral or when swallowing. This happens, but small children are more often susceptible to this who love to know the world through the taste of taste. Their quick wits can be envied, because “catching” the mercury is not very simple, and even put it in the mouth. Although small geniuses are capable of this, but we will return to this aspect a little later;
  • inhalation method or inhalation of vapors. This is the most dangerous way to poison mercury from the thermometer! The poison immediately penetrates the blood system, settles in every vital organ, and the liver does not have time to minimize its effects on the body.

A group of people who are in the maximum risk zone:

  • of course, these are children, especially of a small age up to 6 years;
  • pregnant women and nursing mothers, whose immunity weakens almost twice;
  • elderly residents with already weak immunity;
  • and representatives suffering from chronic diseases.

Possible complications in the flow of mercury from the thermometer:

We already touched the aspect a little that the main share of the vapor and toxins in the human body is not completely excreted! Moreover, this is a very slow process. Therefore, you need to be prepared for the appearance of some complications.

  • The human mucosa is affected, which is expressed in chronic stomatitis. The constant formation of ulcers in the mouth, which not only interfere with the normally drink and eat normally, but also cause painful discomfort even during conversation or swallowing saliva. By the way, salivation is also increasing.
  • The kidneys suffer to the greatest extent! They cannot cope with their work, so strong swelling can be observed. And even various intoxications can occur.
  • The liver also weakens and is not able to remove toxins from the body. From this, the patient has constant severity and pain in the right side.
  • The cardiovascular and nervous system suffers. They also fail for their part, which is expressed by various ailments.
The mercury vapors are considered the most dangerous!
The mercury vapors are considered the most dangerous!

Symptoms of mercury poisoning from a thermometer: acute and chronic intoxication

Two forms of poisoning with mercury from the thermometer are distinguished - acute and chronic. The first option implies the sharp flow of toxins into the body with a large dose. The chronic form still has the name "Mercurialism" and is expressed by the gradual accumulation of poison. The danger is hidden in the fact that the symptoms are expressed either in a weak form, or may not be visible for years.

In chronic poisoning or in case of breaking the thermometer:

  • The human nervous system suffersHe becomes extremely irritable!
  • But at the same time, a certain apathy is manifested with everything that is happening. Such indifference is due to the fact that a chronic damage to the brain occurs.
  • In addition, concentration is lost, a person cannot concentrate properly, memory is lost.
  • Poisoning is also expressed in general malaise, fatigue and excessive drowsiness. Moreover, even if all rest and sleep standards are observed.
  • In addition, a dream is violated, which to some extent justifies constant fatigue and the desire to sleep. But insomnia does not allow a person to rest normally.
  • Be sure to strong and frequent headaches, may still be accompanied by dizziness and cupboard. By the way, pain is more often aching, dumb and pulling.
Frequent and prolonged headaches indicate chronic poisoning with mercury
Frequent and prolonged headaches indicate chronic poisoning with mercury
  • The digestive system also fails. There is constant nausea, the appetite disappears and a metal taste appears in the mouth. A simple feeling of taste is lost.
  • Another symptom is tremor or trembling hands, and sometimes all limbs. Perhaps the trembling of the eyelids. The situation is especially aggravated if the person was in emotional stress or after his surge.
  • Perhaps an increase in body temperature!
  • The breathing system also gives a failure - it becomes painful to swallow. Moreover, this is not due to angina or colds. In a more complicated form, inflammation of the bronchus already occurs.
  • The endocrine system “asks for help” through an increased thyroid gland.

Important: These symptoms can appear after several months or even years. If you do not find out their cause in time, then a person can become a disabled person from the psychological side. Pregnant women can convey the disease to the fetus, causing a number of pathological ailments in the future crumbs.

Symptoms of chronic poisoning are manifested for a long time
Symptoms of chronic poisoning may not appear for a long time

Symptoms of acute form of poisoning with mercury from the thermometer

This happens with simultaneous swallowing mercury from a thermometer and inhalation of its vapors.

Important: In the case of acute poisoning, the symptoms appear either immediately, or after a few hours. For all, they are expressed the same. But for those who are included in the high -risk group, especially in young children, these signs appear a little brighter and faster.

  • There is also dizziness, nausea and headaches, which are accompanied by a breakdown of strength, drowsiness and malaise.
  • There is a surge of temperatures up to 40 ° C and a person covers chills.
  • In the mouth, the clearly pronounced taste of metal and abundant salivation.
  • The digestive system already describes the picture more clearly - in addition to nausea, vomiting and diarrhea are observed in addition to nausea. In advanced or heavy form, feces and vomit can be with blood impurities!
  • There is pain in the chest and in the abdomen. The appearance of gastritis and ulcers is possible, which can still cause internal bleeding.

Important: Sometimes a patient can lose consciousness or fall into a lump state.

  • Heart work is disturbed, shortness of breath appears.
  • The kidneys suffer, which entails problems with the excretory system.
  • The lungs swell, there is an inflammatory process in the bronchi, which is expressed by hemoptysis. In very difficult situations, it is possible to swell the lungs themselves. This is already characterized by the appearance of pink foam from the mouth.
  • The gum also talks about poisoning that they swell and begin to bleed.

Important: Acute poisoning with mercury can lead to paralysis, blindness and pneumonia, and can also provoke a fatal outcome. Therefore, you need to immediately report the symptoms and their reasons for the doctor in order to provide medical care in time.

When the first symptom is manifested by mercury poisoning, you need to immediately indicate the doctor!
When the first symptom is manifested by mercury poisoning, you need to immediately appear to the doctor!

First aid for poisoning with mercury from the thermometer: the necessary actions

The most important requirement is to call an ambulance. But to alleviate the patient's condition for everyone. To do this, arm yourself with some knowledge of first aid to the victim with chemical poisoning.

  • The patient needs clean and fresh air! Therefore, take it out into the street or open the windows as much as possible so that a person does not breathe accumulated mercury pairs.
  • Process the skin with potassium permanganate. If possible, it will not hurt to rinse with at least clean water and mucous membranes to wash the substance as much as possible.
  • If a person is conscious, then rinse the stomach. With this, you will slightly reduce nausea and bring toxins.
  • To do this, follow the following steps:
    • contecking or activated carbon with a calculation of 1 g of tablets per 1 kg of body weight mix from 2 liters of water. Do not forget to first grind the coal so that it dissolves faster;
    • let the victim drink, as far as possible, all the liquid;
    • press on the root of the language with your fingers or other item to cause vomiting.
  • Necessarily give activated carbon! It helps to remove poisons from the body. He, of course, will not cope with mercury, but will improve well -being a little. You can also give any absorbent that turned out to be at hand.
  • Provide the patient with bed rest and make it as comfortable as possible.
  • Also, do not forget about the abundant drink that it is simply necessary with increased body temperature and with the injured respiratory system. And this will increase the release of toxins in urine.

Important: Milk perfectly removes toxins and poisons from the body! Therefore, it will not hurt the patient at least half a liter of milk or protein fluid. To prepare it, solve 2 proteins with 1 liter of water.

  • If the victim turned out to be unconscious, then it is necessary to free him from tightening clothes and steadily lay him on his side. Exclude the sustain of the tongue and do not leave it before the arrival of doctors.
Milk perfectly removes toxins from the body
Milk perfectly removes toxins from the body

Medical assistance is:

  • without necessarily outpatient treatment! The decay and half -life of the metabolites of toxic metal depends on individual indicators and varies from 40 to 75 days;
  • the first week is introduced by antidote - unitinol. A 5% solution is used with a calculation of 50 ml of fluid per 10 kg of mass. On the first day, 3-4 infusions are carried out, then reduce the dose to 2-3 times, and from 3 to 7 days the patient takes the medicine 1-2 times. The body is introduced using nebulizers or inhalers.;
  • be sure to wash the stomach with an umbrella, and the intestines with an enema. Absorbents are used as auxiliary components;
  • also, the patient is prescribed calcium-diverse salt of EDTA for outpatient treatment. The first 4 days, the reception occurs according to the scheme 3 times 50 ml. Then the dosage decreases;
  • if the mercury was swallowed, then Strizhevsky’s antidote is prescribed. A strong enough alkaline solution, which can neutralize 4 g of mercury in the size of 100 g;
  • vitamins and general strengthening drugs must be prescribed, which will increase the operation of the immune system. Selenium, which is consumed with vitamin E for the removal of mercury;
  • if the victim has any allergic reaction, be sure to indicate this when admitted to the hospital. You may also need antihistamines.
Living silver causes great interest in children, which often causes complex poisoning
“Living silver” causes great interest in children, which often causes complex poisoning

What to do if the child swallowed mercury from a thermometer?

First of all, you need to calm down yourself and calm the baby. Next, find out how much and what exactly the child swallowed. In children, such a substance causes crazy interest, so they could even play balls, chasing them among themselves. And this repeatedly increases the dose of inhaled vapors! Find out this information from the child.

Important: Swallowing mercury is less dangerous for the body than inhalation it! Mercury is not absorbed by the walls of the intestines, but is excreted with feces.

  • Glasses are of great danger that they came across with a poisonous substance. Therefore, be sure to take the baby to the hospital for further examination.
  • He will also need to take tests to find out the concentration of inhaled poisons. That is, donate blood and urine to diagnose poisoning in pairs of mercury.
  • First of all, bring the baby from the scene of the "accident" so that he does not inhale the vapor.
  • You must also rinse the stomach before the ambulance arrived. This must be done either with activated coal, or with potassium permanganate.

Important: If the child swallowed the glass, then it is forbidden to cause vomiting. You can only harm this.

  • Give me a drink or other absorbent, and also take care of a plentiful drink! This will accelerate the exit of toxins from the body.
Mer the temperature only under the supervision of adults
Mer the temperature only under the supervision of adults

What to do if a mercury thermometer crashes?

The main thing is that you are required is to drive a panic and hysteria aside! You need to quickly gather your thoughts and soberly assess the situation.

  • Try to withdraw children and other residents from the premises as quickly as possible! The same recommendation applies to animals. Do not forget, they are no less than us are subject to the negative effects of mercury.
  • In addition, excess legs or paws can only quickly smash mercury from a thermometer and glass around the house. And do not exclude the possibility of cuts.
  • Be sure to check the condition of the clothing or animal hair so that there are no mercury drops on them.
  • It does not hurt everyone to wash the face, hands or paws with soap, and also change clothes or shoes if necessary.
  • Be sure to brush your teeth, rinse the mucous membranes and rinse the throat with a weak solution of potassium permanganate! For prevention, drink activated carbon. And try to increase the amount of drinking!
  • Open the windows! Even if the street is cold or rainy. By the way, cool air, on the contrary, is more favorable for this situation, since it reduces the temperature and reduces the degree of evaporation of the substance.
  • Further there are two options for events - call the Ministry of Emergencies Or do it yourself. In the case when you decided to trust the professionals, you will go to the rest of the family, disinfecting the skin and mucous membranes. If you are ready to fight the problem, then consider further recommendations.
  • Also, do not forget to close the door so that the couples do not fly through other rooms, or penetrate them to a lesser extent. Fresh air should circulate only in the incident. Remember, There should not be a draft! Otherwise, small particles of mercury from a thermometer will scatter through the corners of the room.
  • Keep in mind that the floor with heating increases repeatedly the speed of evaporation of the substance. The same applies to the rooms that were closed for a long time. That is, without fresh air.

Important: Be sure to work in shoe covers to reduce the penetration of particles onto shoes. As an option, you can use simply plastic bags. To protect the respiratory tract and eyes, work only in a mask or in a respirator. Put rubber gloves in your hands!

Mercury evaporates at a temperature of 18 ° C, so put on a respirator or mask
Mercury evaporates at a temperature of 18 ° C, so put on a respirator or mask
  • Keep in mind that things and shoes that have contacted the poison will need to be thrown away. The same goes for carpets or upholstered furniture. It is almost impossible to remove the remains of the chemical from tissue fibers.
  • If you have a wooden floor, parquet or laminate, then you will need to disassemble it. After all, mercury penetrates very well and quickly into any cracks. Also pay attention to the skirting boards and corners of the room.

Important: Mercury and glass from the thermometer must be placed in a three -liter glass jar! In it, you need to dial a weak solution of potassium permanganate by 2/3 of the total volume. This will help to avoid further evaporation of mercury. Also close the contents with a lid!

  • First of all, collect all the fragments. Next, you need to remove the mercury itself. There are several methods:
    • gather it with an ordinary syringe. A little long, but effective. SPIRITY WORK will ensure a sprint. It is a little easier to collect balls. By the way, they need to be released in a jar. After all the tools are disposed of;
    • mercury sticks well to a towel, newspaper or cotton wool. Previously, they need to be moistened in oil or even water;
    • as an option, use stationery adhesive tape. He also copes with such a task well. You can replace it with island, a patch or other adhesive tape;
    • on a flat floor or carpet, mercury balls swing with a brush. You need to drive balls on paper, and then also place them in a jar.
The process of collecting mercury
The process of collecting mercury
  • Next, you need to process the floors and all the furniture. For this, a solution of potassium permanganate is used. After the surface, they are processed strong soda solution (2 tbsp. L. Substances per 1 liter of water) or soap-pile liquid (with the same proportions). Keep in mind that you can only use laundry soap! As an option, chlorine substances are also suitable.
  • The carpet requires special attention:
    • it needs not only to be cleaned of balls, but to turn into a tube. Moreover, this must be done from cut to the base so that the balls do not “run away” around the room. Take it into an empty and uninhabited terrain and wipe it well over the film;
    • after collecting mercury in a prepared jar with a solution of potassium permanganate, and hold the coating in the fresh air for at least 3 hours;
    • in conclusion, pour it over with a warm solution of potassium permanganate or soap-soda mixture. The consumption of soda and soap should be 3 tbsp. l. for 1 liter of water.
  • Work should be carried out promptly to reduce the risk of inhalation of mercury vapors. After such cleaning, all the things that interacted with mercury are folded into a plastic bag, clog and dispose of (read below the disposal).
  • A person who conducted work must take a shower, brush his teeth, rinse the mucous membranes with a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate. Drink any absorbent, hot tea or water.
  • It is also worth focusing on fresh vegetables and fruits to support the immune system.
Potassium permanganate neutralizes the evaporation of mercury
Potassium permanganate neutralizes the evaporation of mercury

What is forbidden to do if a mercury thermometer crashes?

There are a number of errors that systematically allows a larger percentage of residents when collecting mercury from a thermometer. And the point is not only in ignorance of the necessary information, but also in the absence of proper ideas about the danger.

  • You can not sweep the mercury from the thermometer with a broom! Hard fibers only grind the balls of the substance, provoking only even faster evaporation. In addition, small grains fly more on all corners of the room. A similar situation is observed and, if desired, wash the floor with a rag.
  • Forget about the vacuum cleaner! This "assistant" will become a source of accumulation of mercury, so it will continue to infect the inhabitants of the house. Or it will need to be thrown away. But that's not all. Inside, under the warmth of a working motor, mercury vapors will evaporate more actively. And go into the room with a flow of air from the vacuum cleaner, that only increase the filling of the room with toxins.
  • Clothes and things that were contacted with mercury cannot be thrown into a garbage chute or container. This will only lead to a large scale of infection of other people and you, including you. By the way, in a closed space, the concentration of mercury only increases.
  • The same applies to waste disposal to the sewer. So mercury particles will spread throughout the house. Otherwise, you will need to change the entire runoff.
  • It is forbidden to burn mercury Or things contacting her. This will only increase the negative impact on the ecology. High temperatures are hundreds of times more to evaporation, and the open space will smash everything on a large scale.
  • Do not turn on the air conditioner When working with mercury, it can settle on filters.
  • Do not wash things in a washing machine! Again, it will become a source of infection. Plus, the waste system of the house will suffer again.
  • It is necessary to dispose of mercury only in specially designated places in the “Mercury Settings Mercury Cases” so that she could not harm people around! Or transfer the material to the police or the Ministry of Emergencies.
  • Where to go if the thermometer crashed?
    1. Phone number "01"
    2. City emergency rescue service
    3. City sanitary and epidemiological station
Do not sweep away a broom or vacuum the broken thermometer
Do not sweep away a broom or vacuum the broken thermometer

And in order to prevent incidental situations, follow some simple security rules:

  • the thermometer should not be in the hands of children. This is not a toy, so you need to store it in an inaccessible place for babies;
  • be sure to place it in a special plastic cover to additionally insure him in the event of a fall;
  • gently shake the thermometer so that he does not slip out of his hands;
  • mer the temperature only under the supervision of adults. And do not believe that your child is quite independent. Vigilance has never been superfluous;
  • and a small recommendation, with regard to high temperature - choose the right place of storage. On the upper cabinet in the kitchen, where it is always relatively hot forbidden to keep a mercury thermometer.

Video: What to do if a mercury thermometer crashes?

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