Omega-3-polyunsaturated fatty acids eicosapentaine EPA and non-zahexaenic dha: their role in the body. Healthy ratio of Omega-3 and Omega-6 in the body

Omega-3-polyunsaturated fatty acids eicosapentaine EPA and non-zahexaenic dha: their role in the body. Healthy ratio of Omega-3 and Omega-6 in the body

What are the useful acids of omega-3 and omega classes- 6, where they are contained, how many need to be consumed? How is omega - 3 contributes to weight loss?

Most of us know that the polyunsaturated fatty acids of Omega-3 and Omega-6 are very useful and need the human body. Doctors advise taking them as a dietary supplement, food manufacturers in as an advertising move emphasize the significant content of healthy acids as part of their products.

But what exactly is omega - 3 and omega - 6 are useful, what the body needs for, how they differ, in what quantity they should be consumed and where not everyone has clarified them from. It makes sense to understand these important issues.

Ecosapendaena EPA and non-zahexaena dha: what kind of acids are in omega-3, what role do they play in the body?

Omega - 3 is called useful fats. This is a group of polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are essential (irreplaceable). In the human body, omega is not synthesized, they can be obtained exclusively from the outside, with what is eaten.

Omega acid class - 3 quite numerous, but the most important for humans are:

  • short -chain alpha - linolenic acid
  • long -chain ecosapentaine and non -coshegxenoic acid (EPK and DGK)

Important: about the benefits of omega-3 for immunity have been known since the 30s of the twentieth century, fish oil was given to children to improve their health. At the end of the twentieth century, scientists also managed to find out that the long -chain acids of the omega class - 3, eicos defendenic and non -coshegexenic, are needed for the normal functioning of cardiovascular, nervous, endocrine, and other body systems.

Eikos defendaenic and non -zahexaenoic acids of the omega class - 3 are found in lipids of most animal tissues. They are also in plant fabrics, but in a meager amount.

The benefits of omega are 3 and the products that contain acids.
The benefits of omega are 3 and the products that contain acids.

In the human body, long -chain EPK and DGK are the most important structural element of phospholipids and glycolepids, from which cell membranes are constructed. Thanks to these acids, cells become capable of normal life:

  • nutrition
  • growth
  • division

Important: omega acids - 3, in the literal, sense, every cell of our body needs!

Fromulus Eikosapsezapendaenic acid omega - 3.
Fromulus Eikosapsezapendaenic acid omega - 3.

The recommended rate of consumption of eicopascentaenic acid per day for humans is 2 g.

Contained EPK mainly in carcass carcasses, halves, mackerel, herring, sardines, as well as in the liver of the sermon.

Forming cell membranes, EPK:

  • regulates the synthesis of hormones, including prostaglandins, providing an adequate response of the body to inflammation
  • are responsible for the transport of lipids with blood
  • activates the body's immune reaction
  • optimizes the metabolism of fat
  • improves the absorption of fat -soluble vitamins
  • acts one of the regulators of the water-salt balance
  • participates in the synthesis of germ cells
  • improves heart function
  • affects the mobility of the joints
The formula of the omegu -zahexaenic acid - 3.

The recommended norm of consumption of non -cosheenic acid is up to 3 g per day. It is also contained in carcass carcasses, halves, mackerel, herring, sardines, in the liver of the sermon.

Dokosagexic acid in the human body:

  • takes part in the intrauterine development of the brain and organs of vision
  • normalizes metabolic processes in the brain
  • normalizes the lipid composition of the blood
  • prevents the destruction of cell membranes
  • prevents atherosclerosis
  • acts structural components of the retina of the eyes
  • improves brain activity, normalizes memory, attention, ability to teach
  • improves skin condition
  • increases the stress resistance of the body, has an antidepressant effect
  • prevents oncology

Important: getting the norm of DHC and EPK exclusively from food is almost impossible. For this purpose, twice - three times a week you need to eat 350 g of the above species of fish or liver liver. Therefore, it is recommended to take omega preparations - 3 - fish oil in liquid form or in capsules.

If you obtain the omega -3 -3 -year -old acid rate with food, it is recommended to take fish oil.
If you obtain the omega -3 -3 -year -old acid rate with food, it is recommended to take fish oil.

VIDEO: The benefits of omega-3 for the human body

Symptoms of omega-3 deficiency

Scientists have established: omega surfaces - 3 does not happen. The "bust" of the DGK and the EPC does not affect the body.
But the deficiency of healthy acids is the cause of serious health malfunctions. Thus, symptoms of insufficient consumption of eicopocrantamentainic acid are:

  • increased blood pressure
  • frequent infectious and inflammatory diseases
  • dry skin
  • swelling
  • worsening memory, attention, ability to concentrate on something
  • difficulty in coordination of movements
  • visual violation
  • lag in the growth of children

If the human body receives EPC in too small quantities, serious diseases may develop:

  • arterial hypertension
  • diabetes
  • dermatitis
  • bronchial asthma
  • thrombosis
  • arthritis
  • osteoporosis
  • immunodeficiency state
Hypertension is one of the consequences of the omega -3 deficiency.
Hypertension is one of the consequences of the EPC deficiency.

If the body lacks nonsense, the following disorders in its functioning are observed:

  • an allergicization of the body occurs
  • a depressive state arises
  • the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases increases
  • cell aging processes proceed faster
  • the brain function worsens
  • learning is reduced in children
  • the risk of developing autoimmune diseases increases
The absenteeism and problems of learning in schoolchildren are associated with the deficiency of the DGK.
The absenteeism and problems of learning in schoolchildren are associated with the deficiency of the DGK.

Important: scientists connect toxicosis in pregnant women, including late, as well as spontaneous termination of pregnancy with a deficiency of DHK.

VIDEO: Omega-3 or fish oil

Omega 6: Why is it useful?

Another class of polyunsaturated fatty acids necessary for a person is an omega - 6, namely:

  • linoleic
  • gamma is linolenic
  • arachidon
The benefits of omega are 6 and the products that are kept.
The benefits of omega are 6 and the products that are kept.

Omega-6 also positively affects the functioning of all human body systems. For example:

  • normalizes metabolism
  • improves the functioning of the heart and the condition of the vessels
  • stabilizes the nervous system
  • improves the condition of the skin, hair and nails
  • increases immunity, other

Important: Omega - 3 acids - 3 in normal quantities is difficult to get, their excess in the diet, if it happens, does not have a negative effect on the body. Omega - 6 are contained in accessible products, to use them in excess of measures is real, and this is fraught with health problems.

Omega class sources - 6 are:

  • vegetable oils: sunflower, corn, soy, pumpkin, sesame seeds, nut
  • seeds and nuts
  • animal fats: egg yolk, lard, butter

Normally, an adult should consume omega - 6 in an amount of up to 10 g (at least 8 g) per day.

Omega's excretion - 6 are fraught with poor health and health problems.
Omega's excretion - 6 are fraught with poor health and health problems.

Bank with fatty acids of this class is fraught with:

  • increasing blood pressure
  • reducing immunity
  • development of heart and blood disease
  • nervous disorders
  • a deterioration in the liver
  • development of oncology

Omega-3 or Omega-6-which is better? Healthy ratio of Omega-3 and Omega-6 in the body

The question of which polyunsaturated fatty acid is better, omega class - 3 or omega class - 6 is incorrect. All of them are useful in their own way and need the human body. It is impossible to neglect the consumption of some at the expense of others, as well as to compensate for the lack of some others.

Important: it is necessary not only to consume omega-3 and omega-6 acids in normal daily amounts, but also to maintain their balance in the body.

The optimal ratio of omega is 3 and omega - 6.
The optimal ratio of omega is 3 and omega - 6.

The optimal ratio of polyunsaturated fatty acids omega - 6/ omega - 3 is:

  • 10 to 1 for healthy people
  • 5 to 1, 4 to 1 and 3 to 1 for people on therapeutic nutrition (depending on the nature of the disease)

After entering the human body, oxidized in the process of digestion, Eikosapsectantainine omega - 3 acids and arachidon omega - 6 acids turn into eicosanoids, substances - mediators. They transmit nerve impulses from neuron to neuron or nerve endings to organs.

Ecosanoids synthesized from EPC also:

  • have an anti -inflammatory effect
  • prevent the development of allergies
  • dilige blood
  • expand the vessels
  • prevent the formation of blood clots
  • reduce blood pressure

Synthesized from omega - 6 have the opposite effect on the body. Therefore, the excess omega - 6 with omega deficiency - 3 is fraught with the occurrence of inflammation and malfunctions in metabolism.

Violation of the balance of omega - 3 and omega - 6 in favor of the latter is fraught with inflammation in the body.
Violation of the balance of omega - 3 and omega - 6 in favor of the latter is fraught with inflammation in the body.

Important: in order to maintain essential fatty acids in the balance sheet, it is necessary to rationalize nutrition in favor of sufficient, but not excessive consumption of vegetable and animal fats, as well as consult a doctor about the feasibility of omega use - 3 as a bioading, as in what form.

VIDEO: Omega-3 and Omega-6

How to take Omega-3 on a diet?

Excess weight is a huge trouble of our time. More than half of men and women living in developed countries today know about her firsthand.

Nutrition specialists strictly do not recommend losing weight on hungry irrational diets, taking drugs with dubious efficiency, but potentially harmful to the body. They recommend only one food supplement - fish oil, as a source of omega class acids - 3.

Omega - 3 contribute to weight loss, they are recommended to drink on a diet.
Omega - 3 contribute to weight loss, they are recommended to drink on a diet.

The essence of the correct weight loss is not in a sharp limitation of macronutrients, carbohydrates or fats, but in the revision of their quality. Slow carbohydrates as a source of energy - instead of fast, which are deposited with fat on the sides. Useful fats as structural elements of cell membranes and metabolism stabilizers - instead of harmful fusion that contribute to the formation of cholesterol plaques and leading to obesity.

Omega - 3 for people on a diet are simply indispensable, since:

  • themselves stabilize metabolic processes
  • contribute to the normal operation of the immune system, other systems and organs in the conditions of a limited diet of a diet
  • they see the work of the liver and kidneys, therefore, help the body remove metabolites and excess water
  • increase endurance, which means that a person will be able to actively play sports
  • blocks stress hormones, cortisols and adrenaline, which, as you know, contribute to the deposition of fats

According to nutritionists, a person who is losing weight should use 4 g omega - 3 acids per day:

  • regularly eat sea fish and cod liver
  • drink 5 ml of fish oil per day (consume up to 6 capsules)

Important: having decided to sit on a diet, you need to clearly realize that Omega is 3 - this is not a panacea. Useful acids contribute to weight loss, but it is impossible to reduce weight due to only one of them. No dietary supplements will help if you do not reconsider the food and do not build physical activity to the norm of life.

VIDEO: The importance of omega 3 for weight loss

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Comments K. article

  1. Fish oil is really useful, puzzled by the study of this issue, and that’s what I understood, fish oil as a whole affects the vascular system, so the effect will be noticeable even from the intake inside. I drink the triple omega-3 Evalarovskaya, there is an effect, and good. Another important remark, you do not fall only on fish oil. I need to observe the balance .... I have still a sport and proper nutrition. I think the key to healthy vessels and heart is a complex of such tools)

  2. Omega itself is useful for both skin and hair, vision, etc. A couple of weeks ago, Detrimarin began taking in the dosage of 2000MO to make up the lack. The composition of omega-3 fatty acids in combination with vitamin D. is convenient. I added strength, I feel great.

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