Olives and olives: what is the difference, their benefits and harm, difference. Is olives and olives the same thing?

Olives and olives: what is the difference, their benefits and harm, difference. Is olives and olives the same thing?

Differences between olives and olives. The benefits and harms of olives.

The olive tree in ancient times was very popular. The branch of olive was a symbol of wisdom and judgment. Now it is an ordinary tree, the fruits of which are used for food and useful oil is prepared from them. Among our people there are a lot of errors regarding olives.

What are olives and olives?

Olives are the fruits of an olive tree. From the point of view of cooking, these are vegetables, but judging by the principle of botany, these are berries. But all this does not matter, since the definition of fruits does not affect their favor and nutritional value in any way.

The most interesting thing is that many consider olives and olives with different fruits.

In fact, this is not so. These are the fruits of one tree.

The concept of "olives" is due to the fact that oil is made from the berries.

The ripe olive or olive has a dark purple color and large size. In addition, it is wrinkled. It is from such fruits that oil is obtained.

Olives are fruits from an olive tree, only they have not completed, that is, a little green. If the fruits are collected earlier, then it will be possible to collect the oil very little. But for salting and canning, such berries are perfect. Such fruits are smaller in size and differ in green. They are elastic and not wrinkled.

Olives and olives
Olives and olives

Maslin and olives are one and the same thing, what's the difference, difference?

There is no difference between fruits.
Only in Russia and Ukraine did people come up with the names of Maslin because of their attitude to olive oil.

In other countries, this name is not used. I call the fruits olives.

These are berries collected from one tree, only at different periods: some mature, others unripe.

Many, having seen black and green fruits on the shelves of stores, believe that black are oils, and green are olives.

This is a rude delusion. In fact, initially all the berries that are served are characterized by green. Already in the process of sorting, the fruits are divided into two parts. Less mature - sufficiently tart with a bitter flavor give in to staining.

Exactly black olives are obtained by staining (olives). They are treated with a solution of alkali and iron. Such processing allows you to get rid of a specific bitter taste. Since the reagent has a black color, the fruits become dark.

Black olives, which differ in large size and wrinkled skin are natural and non -painted fruits of olive wood. These are ripened fruits that are suitable for oil.
They cost an order of magnitude higher than black. You can easily determine the degree of maturity and the presence of oil treatment.

Video: The difference between olives and olives

Olives and olives: benefits and harms

These berries can be considered magical, as they allow you to get rid of a large number of ailments. In Italy, nothing without olive oil has long been prepared.

The benefits of olives:

  • Improve the work of the gastrointestinal tract. The olives include a lot of bitterness and terpenic formations. They stimulate the functioning of the stomach and increase metabolism.
  • Contribute to the healing of wounds. The composition contains substances that increase blood coagulation and are characterized by antibacterial properties. Thanks to this, wounds heal faster.
  • Improve female health. The fruit includes a huge amount of retinol and tocopherol. These components contribute to normalizing the tone of the uterus. Thanks to this, the risk of getting pregnant and taking the child increases.
  • Improve bones. This is useful for women after 50 years. Due to the decrease in estrogens, the amount of calcium and magnesium decreases in the body. This leads to the fact that the bones break. The risk of fractures increases. Olives help replenish the deficiency of potassium, calcium and magnesium.
  • Improve heart function. The fruit contains components that expand blood vessels. This helps to reduce the voltage in the work of the heart.

The harm of olives:

  • They can cause diarrhea. If you have a weak stomach or dysbiosis, do not abuse olives. Otherwise, diarrhea may develop.
  • They can provoke an exacerbation of cholecystitis. The olives themselves contribute to the release of a large amount of bile. Thanks to this, chronic cholecystitis can go into an acute form.
The benefits of olives and olives
The benefits of olives and olives

In fact, there are much more benefits from these fruits than harm. Therefore, we advise you to enjoy the specific taste of olives.

Video: The benefits of olives

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