Cleansing strips for the nose: myths and facts. Do strips of black dots help: correct application, photo before and after, the name of the best strips, reviews

Cleansing strips for the nose: myths and facts. Do strips of black dots help: correct application, photo before and after, the name of the best strips, reviews

Cleaning strips for the nose and chin is a modern cosmetic product that allows you to cleanse problem skin on the nose, forehead, chin. We will talk about how effective they are in the article.

What is these cleaning strips for the nose and chin? How effective are they? Is there any harm from them? In this article, we will try to give answers to these questions.

How to use peeling strips for the nose?

Unpleasant black dots on the skin of the face cause discomfort not only in adolescents, but also in many adults with oily skin.

Their appearance is caused by the following reasons:

  • Age -related restructuring of the body
  • Hormonal system malfunctions
  • Unhealthy nutrition
  • Incorrect skin care

Because of these reasons, the pores can be clogged with dust, fat, and remnants of cosmetics. All this is oxidized in the air, and black dots are formed like traffic jams clogging pores. The skin does not breathe, acne and inflammation are formed on it. Now it requires not simple care - washing, cleaning, but strong purification.

  • A very effective means in combating such a problem is cleansing strips for the nose. They are a semicircular patch that is glued on the nose (or another part of the face), sticks to the entire surface of the skin, even between the folds.
  • Now the clogged pores get full contact with the surface of the patch containing therapeutic components and special glue, To which skin fat is applied from pores, pollution and other harmful substances. After removing the strip, they are removed from the skin and remain on a patch.
From black dots
From black dots

Now let's figure out how to use cleaning strips for the nose:

  1. The first thing to do is stock up with boiled water. Now you can proceed to the process.
  2. Take the usual means of cosmetics - foam, mousse, gel. Wash them, remove fat deposits and dirt from your face. Pores will be able to open, access will be free.
  3. Pour just boiled water into a fairly wide container, lean over it so that hot steam covers your face, but does not burn. You need to stay over the steam for 3-5 minutes. And give the pores the opportunity to open even more.
  4. Now use the strips itself to clean the nose or chin. They are glued to the skin well moistened with warm water and thoroughly smoothed. To obtain the maximum effect, it is necessary to the strip glued completely, without bulges, wrinkles and bubbles, And also well moistened with water, which drives the sticky substance of this cosmetic product.
  5. You can relax for 10-15 minutes. With a glued strip, waiting for its complete drying.
  6. A sharp jerk Remove the peeling strips from the skin. This is a rather unpleasant and painful procedure, and it must be performed quickly so as not to cause excess torment.
  7. Take a piece of ice, wipe them with the skin where the strip was glued. This will reduce pain and close the pores so that dirt does not get there.
  8. Process cleansed skin with lotion, tonic, and then familiar facilities for skin care.
Using stripes
Using stripes

If we carry out such a procedure about once a week, then soon you will be convinced that it gives an undoubted effect - black dots will disappear The skin of the face will be cleansed and will acquire an impeccable look.

Cleansing strips for the nose: myths and facts

Recently, the theme of cleansing strips for the nose and chin has gained great popularity on cosmetic forums and on the Internet. This tool is advertised as a panacea from black dots and other unhealthy formations on the face, completely harmless and safe. Let's try to figure out where the truth is, and where is an advertising husk.

So, myths about cleaning stripes for the nose:

  • Cleaning strips completely eliminate the black dots. Not certainly in that way. These points (or gum) grow deep into the skin, clogging traffic jams and going out. This outer layer removes the strips. But this is not a reason to abandon them! You just need to clean with their help regularly, eat right, do not abuse cosmetics. Then the cleaning strips will be effective.
Complex care is important
Complex care is important
  • Pores narrow when using strips. In fact, they do not narrow, but simply do not stretch further, which contributes to the removal of dead cells, fat and dirt, which perform these strips.
  • The strips can be used very often. No, the optimal frequency of use is 1-2 times a week. This is an effective and rather aggressive tool, it must be used with caution. Indeed, along with dirt, they remove the skin fat, which is a natural skin protection. Excess can be removed, but if you use the product too often, skin irritation, dryness, acne appear.
  • The strips are not suitable for sensitive skin. If you apply them correctly without abusing the frequency, and strictly observing all the instructions, then there is nothing dangerous. But with very sensitive skin, you should first consult a doctor, and use the strips very carefully, carefully observing the condition of the skin and its reaction to the procedure

Thus, it turns out that such stripes are a very active tool that, however, does not have a magical effect and does not give a magical result in one session. Their essence is that the adhesive patch with a special composition is glued to the problem area of \u200b\u200bthe skin (most often - the nose), and then removes, leaving on itself excess fat, dead skin and dirt.

The real action of strips for the nose is this:

  • Instant skin cleansing of pollution.
  • Natural additives enhance the effect.
  • Stimulation of metabolic processes occurs, the skin is obtained fresh and well -groomed.
  • Relieves from sebaceous traffic jams and acne.
  • Cleaning pores and getting rid of black dots is achieved with regular use.

The best cleaning strips for the nose

Now, after the benefits of cleaning stripes were found out, let's try to figure out which of them the most reliable and effective? Consider several popular brands.

Popeller cleaning strips - this Russian company specializes in cosmetics for problem skin, offers strips of such types:

  • With D-panthenol, Which restores the fabric well, has a calming effect, carefully cleanses the skin.
  • With green tea and varnish. These components improve blood circulation, they contain natural plant substances and you can use them for a long time.
  • With activated coal, It adds effectiveness, its natural absorbent properties help to extract dirt from pores, improve the result.
With coal
With coal
  • Classic- Very convenient for those who are just starting to use this tool. Subsequently, you can resort to more potent, or you can not change the classic type of stripes.
  • Cleansing strips for the nose "LAF". Compared to the previous brand, their scale is less effective. But they have a slightly different purpose: much deeper purification of pores. They have a very convenient shape with bulges and angles, which allows to firmly attach the strip on any part of the face. It has an antiseptic additive, soft components for removing irritation.
  • Cleaning strips for the nose "Cettua". It is also intended for deep cleaning. There are coal, containing Hamamelis extract and others.
  • "Black Clean" A strip for the nose is cleansing. Belarusian cosmetics for women with oily and combined skin, which often inflamed, has clogged pores, distinguishes excess sebum. These strips clean the pores well, relieve toxins, fight black dots thanks to such a component as activated bamboo coal.
  • Stripes cleansing for the nose "Nivea". Very soft and delicate strips, the adhesive layer is enriched with fruit acid extract. They have an effective deep effect, perfectly clean the skin, are pleasant to the touch, have a delicate lemon aroma.
  • Cleansing strips for the nose "Bon Voyage". Very efficiently eliminate the skin from black dots, deeply clean the pores. Antiseptic, convenient to use, have a good adhesive base. Effective after the first application.
For clean skin
For clean skin
  • Cleansing strips for the nose "Bioaqua 3 STEP". An effective tool for cleaning the skin in three stages. Unique strips for the skin, which contains such potent agents as Hamamelis Virginsky, tree -like peony, Senegal acacia and garden chrysanthemum. It is used both for a quick one -time effect and for a long -term result.
For a clean nose
For a clean nose
  • Cleansing strips for the nose can be bought in almost any retail network of cosmetic products in Russia. Here are the goods of leading world brands at low prices, the widest assortment of cleaning strips for the nose, which you can buy for every taste and wallet. Choose the product to your liking, try different things, stop at the best!

Cleaning strips for the nose: photo before and after

Starting the process of cleaning the face with cleaning strips for the nose and chin, we recommend taking photos at each stage.

Soon you can clearly see the result of your labors:

  • Black dots disappear or their number decreases significantly, they turn pale.
  • The skin becomes less oily.
  • The skin of the face acquires a healthy and fresh look.
  • The pores become less noticeable.
  • General health improves and, of course, self -esteem increases.
Effective result
Effective result

Cleansing strips for the nose: reviews

Cleaning strip for the nose "Vitex", reviews:

  • Natasha, 16 years old: “These strips of Vitex help a lot! I literally got black acne on the nose, began to use cleaning stripes, and they began to really disappear. Cool!"
  • Olga, 30 years: “I always suffered from oily skin, dirt accumulated, discomfort was felt, ordinary means did not help. Now once a week I use Vitex peeling strips and feel much better! ”

Two -stage cleaning strips for the nose "Cettua", reviews:

  • Alena, 21 years: “My loving husband always with understanding treated my oily skin and black dots, but I saw that they were not very happy. I wanted to make a pleasant beloved person, and I began to use two -stage cleansing strips for the nose of Cettua. Now I am more comfortable and good for my beloved! "
  • Tanya, 28 years:“Girls, I recommend to everyone two -stage cleaning strips for the nose“ Cettua ”! Just wonderful, the skin has become like a seventeen -year -old! ”

So, we were convinced that this tool is effective for skin care, getting rid of black dots, excessive oily skin, irritation and peeling.

Articles about beauty:

Video: How to get rid of black dots with cleaning strips for the nose?

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Comments K. article

  1. As it did not work out with the stripes, I did not notice the effect from them. I bought myself azelain serum Librider. It matters the skin, cleanses pores, reduces inflammation. The most for problem skin

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