How easy it is to remove shellac at home without damaging your nails: methods. How to remove shellac from extended nails: Instructions. How to restore your nails after the removal of shellac?

How easy it is to remove shellac at home without damaging your nails: methods. How to remove shellac from extended nails: Instructions. How to restore your nails after the removal of shellac?

In this article, we will talk about how to remove properly, at home, shellac, and at the same time not to damage the nails.

Shellac or gel polish is one of the most popular nail coatings. Its application requires a certain skill and, as a rule, the masters do it. However, after some time, the coating has to be removed, because the nails grow. And so many girls arise the question of whether it is possible to do it yourself? Is it necessary to go to the salon to do it? Let's find out.

How easy it is to remove shellac at home without damaging your nails: methods

Remove the shellac yourself
Remove the shellac yourself

To date, there are many ways to remove shellac independently. And here are some of them:

  • Using a manicure apparatus. This is really possible. Thanks to the device, removal occurs painlessly and much faster. At the same time, you still have to learn how to use it.
  • Acetone and foil. This is one of the most popular ways. It allows you to first soften the coating with acetone, and then remove it with a scapula.
  • File. And it may be useful in this matter. Only you will have to work with her carefully so as not to damage your own nails.

Let us consider each of the ways in more detail.

How to remove shellac an apparatus for manicure at home yourself: tips

In fact, you can remove shellac yourself in almost the same device that is used in the cabin. The only difference is that for the procedure, the master usually uses several mills that he inserts into the device. They work according to a fairly simple principle - the mill rotates at high speed and thereby removes the varnish from the nail. The same can be done with a simple file. Some masters use this method, but it is necessary to pay tribute to the apparatus, because it does everything carefully with proper use.

What mill to choose to remove shellac at home?

In order to remove shellac yourself, you can use only one mill, but it is also important to choose it correctly. As a rule, a ceramic tool or carbide with a large notch is used to remove the coating.

Ceramic. They began to be done not so long ago. Their advantage is that they are more durable and not so fast. In addition, the material does not heat up during work. Comparing this tool with others, it immediately becomes clear what the difference is. Ceramics works softly due to greater cutting ability. Vibration is not felt during work.

Ceramic mill
Ceramic mill

As for the carbide cutter, it can only rotate in one direction, or in different ones. Such nozzles when removing the coating form chips. In principle, they are no worse than ceramic. If you have a gel, then choose tools with large notches. At the same time, carbide tools work quite quickly and do not heat up.

How to remove shellac acetone and foil: Instructions

If you decide to remove shellac yourself, you must understand that it will be much more difficult to do without a master. The gel grows so much with a nail that when it is removed by an inaccurate way, part of the plate will also be removed. Of course, you do not delete them at all, but harm them much.

For the procedure, you will need to take a liquid with acetone, as well as cotton pads for impregnation. Moreover, you will have to directly remove the shellac with an orange stick. As for an option, you can take plastic, but the first is still better. Do not forget to take foil yet. It will be required to create a thermal effect. Any, in principle, is suitable. Well, to complete the work, you will need a grinding file.

The process itself includes several stages:

  • Lubricate your hands with any high fat cream. Acetone is aggressive for the skin and can harm it. So we must apply the cream.
  • Then we take the discs and moisten them in acetone. We sequentially apply on each finger, and wrap with foil on top.
  • It is enough to hold the caps for about 10 minutes. Then they can be removed and already take up the coating itself. The procedure is carried out separately with each nail.

Remove the varnish sequentially. First make one nail, then the second. If you remove all the caps at once, then the coating will freeze again.

  • When everything is deleted, rinse your hands and process with a file to set the desired shape. If uneven suddenly appeared on the plates, then treat them with a saw for polishing.

For the best effect, it is recommended to make an oil bath to calm the nails.

How much to keep foil to remove shellac?

Foil caps
Foil caps

To remove the shellac yourself when using foil, you will have to keep it for about ten minutes. But this is only on condition that you use a special liquid. If you have taken a simple remedy for varnish, then it is better to increase at least half. Then the varnish will be better off from the plate.

Is it possible to relieve shellac liquid without acetone?

If you think that it is realistic to remove shellac without acetone, then you are mistaken. Yes, the effect on the nails will be less aggressive, you can’t achieve any effect. If there is no acetone in your manicure removal tool, then it will not help you.

How to remove shellac at home without foil?

It is not necessary to use foil to remove shellac yourself. Just keep in mind that the method is very aggressive. If you use it once, when it is very necessary, then nothing terrible will happen. But it is regularly better not to resort to him.

So, you will need any remedy for removing varnish with acetone. Keep in mind that you can’t take a clean solvent. You will also need a bowl to soak your fingers, as well as an orange and oily cream.

  • So, pour some varnish products into a bowl in a bowl
  • Prepare the nails for the procedure by smearing them with fat cream
  • After that, dip the nails in a bowl and wait. Time is determined by the quality of the coating and the amount of acetone in the selected tool. See periodically if the varnish has become loose
  • When you see that the varnish softened, proceed to the removal of the departed layers

Be sure to rinse your hands with soap after the completion of the removal and ideally still make a bath for recovery. As for an option, you can make a caring for hands and then apply the cream.

Keep in mind that if you have any wounds on your hands, then this method is not suitable for you, because it will greatly harm the damaged areas.

Is it possible to remove shellac with a file?

Remove the shellac with a file
Remove the shellac with a file

Often, girls ask if shellak can take off her own with a file? Yes, you certainly may. This is about the same way as with the device, but only you will have to do everything manually. Just choose the file correctly. Its abrasiveness should be 150 grit, that is, medium rigidity. The saw is rough and this makes it possible to quickly remove the coating. Again, do not forget about caution so as not to damage your nails.

For cutting, it is important to move properly along the nail. The pressure should be medium, and near the cuticle it should be soft.

What is the best way to remove shellac at home?

In general, of course, you can remove shellac yourself in any way. However, it is recommended to do this in the cabin, because the master knows the features of this coating very well and can carefully remove it. Otherwise, there is always a risk of damaging the nail plate.

In any case, if you are going to use home methods, then they all aggressively affect nails. Moreover, they can damage the skin around the nails.

How to remove shellac from your legs?

If you need to remove shellac on your own legs, then you can use all the above methods. Just keep in mind that this will be done first, not convenient, and secondly, much more difficult. Although, the methods themselves are quite suitable for their use.

How to remove shellac from extended nails: instruction

Extended nails
Extended nails

Despite the fact that today there is a more gentle procedure, in the form of shellac, some still resort to increasing. At the same time, extended nails are also covered with shellac. And often the question arises - how to remove shellac independently from extended nails?

  • In general, extended nails are not much different from ordinary ones. But not when it is necessary to remove shellac. The fact is that you can remove not only the coating, but also dissolve the nails themselves.
  • So acetone in this case is contraindicated. It not only spoils, but also dissolves the nails themselves. And if you take a liquid without acetone, then, as we have already said, there will be no effect.
  • You can, of course, use a cutter to remove. It will be very fast, but, again, it is quite dangerous. If you have no experience with tips, then you should not even start. Although, you can use all the same mills as for simple nails. At the same time, it is not necessary to tender with extended nails at all, because you simply will not succeed in cutting them completely. Even with an ordinary nail, you still have to try to do this.
  • The gel polish is drunk in the direction from the cuticle to the free edge. You must be careful because the cutter must slide along the nail. The power of pressure is not necessary to do strong. Imagine as if you write a simple pen. If burning or burning is felt, then the speed of the cutter is increased, and the pressure force, on the contrary, is reduced. You need to work as the device until the material is completely removed.
  • If necessary, remove gel polish with a file. It is also important to consider abrasiveness. For such nails, it will be only 100-180 products. The principle of work, in fact, is the same. Only here you can work to the base, if then you make a manicure without correction. At the very end, polish your nails and can safely paint.

In general, of course, it is believed that ordinary varnish is preserved on extended nails for several weeks. So is it worth using the gel - you decide.

How much to shoot shellac?

Shellac - when to shoot?
Shellac - when to shoot?

Another very good question is - after how long can I take off Shellac yourself? In this case, it must be borne in mind that natural nails grow, and therefore gradually the coating moves to the center of the nail. As a result, shellac must be removed and re -applied.

As a rule, this happens within 3-4 weeks, and therefore you can walk with a coating for a month calmly.

How to restore your nails after the removal of shellac?

As a rule, after the shellac coating is removed, the nails become noticeably weak and thin. This means that it is important not only to remove shellac at home, but also to restore the plates.

So, it is necessary to give your nails rest so that they return to normal and recover. Moreover, you can safely make various baths to strengthen:

Baths for strengthening
Baths for strengthening

So, in order to remove shellac yourself safely, you need to follow simple instructions and do nothing that can greatly harm the nail. Remember the need for recovery procedures.

Remove shellac at home: photo after the procedure

If you decide to remove shellac yourself, then you will be interested to know how the girls' nails look like after the procedure:

Photo 1
Photo 1
Photo 2
Photo 2
Photo 3
Photo 3
Photo 4
Photo 4
Photo 5
Photo 5

How to remove shellac from nails at home: reviews


Plus, on the forums, you can also find a lot of information on how to remove shellac yourself. It is important to understand that not all of it is equally useful. Consider this and choose only what in your opinion will not harm. Most girls advise using an option with acetone and foil, as it is the simplest and most convenient. At home, it is easiest to make it and it is less traumatic.

Video: How to remove shellac (gel polish) at home!

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