Cleansing cocktails - a positive effect on the body: 5 cocktails, composition, recipes for cooking

Cleansing cocktails - a positive effect on the body: 5 cocktails, composition, recipes for cooking

Many nutritionists advise detoxifying the body. This is good for health. In addition, specially prepared smoothies and cocktails help to saturate the body with useful vitamins and trace elements.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "5 best protein cocktails at home: recipes". You will learn how to cook a protein cocktail at home.

From this article you will learn how to correctly do the detoxification of the body and find recipes for useful cleansing cocktails. Read further.

Detoxication, cleansing the body: the benefits of eating vegetable and fruit cocktails

Detoxification, cleansing the body
Detoxification, cleansing the body

So, cleansing the body using cleansing smoothies is good for health. It is worth introducing into your daily diet the use of vegetable and fruit cocktails. Cooking from fresh and seasonal products, they have a number of healthy properties. Drinks provide the body with vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants. The benefits of eating vegetable and fruit cocktails are not only in detoxification. Here are the pluses of the use of such smoothies:

  • Regularly used cocktails increase the immunity and regenerative abilities of the body.
  • Positively affect the condition of the skin, hair and nails (strengthen them, regenerate and slow down the aging process).
  • The effect of cocktails will be especially appreciated by people suffering from recurrent viral and bacterial infections.
  • Low calorie content and simultaneous properties are also appreciated.

The use of such smoothies leads to an effective and healthy weight loss. The advantage of cocktails for weight loss is the speed and simplicity of cooking. When creating a drink, you can use any vegetables and fruits.

Valuable properties and positive effect of cleansing cocktails: how to drink them?

Green cleansing cocktails made from vegetables of the corresponding color and leaf greens are especially recommended. Such drinks are also an excellent tool for strengthening and replenishing the bacterial flora of the body. This useful snack is a valuable source of vitamins that support the body's immunity. The valuable properties and the positive effect of such useful drinks are as follows:

  • They help maintain the acid-base balance of the body.
  • Effectively affect the work of the eyes.
  • Protect from cancer.
  • Green juices and smoothies are an invaluable source of dietary fiber.
  • Consisting of several vegetables, they can successfully replace one meal.
  • The effect of their unique healthy effect is owe to the chlorophyll present in these drinks.
  • Green cocktails are especially recommended for people fighting infections and injuries.

The benefits of green drinks will also be appreciated by professional athletes and lovers. Cocktails rich in chlorophyll are also an effective tool for getting rid of toxins remaining in the body.

How to drink fruit and vegetable cocktails?

  • The cleansing procedure is the use of cocktails 3 times a day And adding them with easily digestible dishes from seasonal products - salads, stewed dishes, as well as steamed, etc.
  • It is recommended to drink 2 liters of water per day.
  • You can repeat Detox several times a year.

Cleaning the body using cocktails is especially recommended for people who have undergone an antibiotic therapy who want to stabilize weight and improve blood indicators, or those who are looking for a way to change their food habits.

Cleansing cocktails for the body at home: composition, 5 recipes for cooking

Cleansing cocktails for the body at home
Cleansing cocktails for the body at home

Vegetable and fruit smoothies are an effective way of detoxifying the body. When choosing products with a high fiber content, you help your body support the natural processes of withdrawing toxins from the stomach and liver and, above all, the intestines are cleansed. Here are the composition and 5 recipes for making cocktails at home:

Parsley cocktail for breakfast:

  • To prepare it will be needed a handful of fresh parsley, 300 ml of water, 1 banana or, if desired, mango.
  • Mix the ingredients until smooth.
  • Serve a drink with ice cubes.

Herbal cocktail:

  • For preparation, you will need a glass (250 ml) of the nettle infusion, 1 fruit of mangoes, 1 pineapple slice.
  • Mix all the ingredients with a blender until smooth.
  • If desired, you can add to the finished drink about 100 ml of water.

Fruit-Survian Smouses:

  • Put in a blender 250 g of fresh strawberries, 1 banana, 5 blueberries and a glass of oatmeal.
  • Mix the ingredients until smooth.

Green cocktail "Good morning":

  • To prepare this drink will be needed a handful of fresh spinach, 1 large banana, a glass of water and a tablespoon of honey.
  • Mix the ingredients with a blender until smooth.

Green tea cocktail

  • A simple and delicious cocktail based on cold green tea.
  • Add 1 mango or half a piece of melon per 250 ml of drink.
  • Mix the ingredients with a blender until smooth.

Important: Cocktails are drunk immediately after cooking. Store such drinks and do not do in advance, all vitamins and useful trace elements are lost.

Cleansing fruit or vegetable smoothies are very useful. Replace such cocktails with such cocktails, and you are provided with good mood and well -being.

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