How to make a healing oxygen cocktail at home? How to buy a device for an oxygen cocktail for aliexpress: price, catalog. Oxygen cocktail: benefits and contraindications for children, school and preschool, pregnant women

How to make a healing oxygen cocktail at home? How to buy a device for an oxygen cocktail for aliexpress: price, catalog. Oxygen cocktail: benefits and contraindications for children, school and preschool, pregnant women

Preparation of oxygen cocktail at home.

Until recently, a delicious and healthy oxygen cocktail could be tried either in specialized sanatoriums or in fitness bares located on the territory of sports complexes. And since most often such places are located in rather large cities, only those people who specialists prescribed an oxygen cocktail for healing the body know about its existence.

At the moment, everything has changed for the better, and now every person, if desired, can make such a drink at home. If you also want to please your body with a similar product, then let's try to understand all the intricacies and nuances of preparing this cocktail together.

Oxygen cocktail: benefits and contraindications for children, school and preschool age and pregnant women

The benefits of oxygen cocktail for children and pregnant women

Oxygen cocktail is nothing more than a foam obtained by whipping natural juice, herbal decoction or just a phytoconcentrate. During whipping, these blowing are enriched with oxygen, which allows the body to take maximum beneficial substances from them.

As practice shows, if a person consumes natural juice previously enriched with oxygen, then the digestibility of vitamins and minerals intensifies by approximately 25 %. In addition, such an interesting cocktail replenishes the lack of oxygen in the body, thereby contributing to the fact that all metabolic processes intensify in the human body.

The benefits of oxygen cocktail for children and pregnant women:

  • Fights with oxygen starvation
  • Enriches the body with vitamins and minerals
  • Improves the work of the cardiovascular system
  • Establishes the correct operation of the gastrointestinal tract
  • Increases the body's resistance to diseases
  • Tones and gives vigor
  • Normalizes blood pressure
  • Improves brain activity
  • Has a slight sedative effect
  • Effectively fights insomnia

Contraindications to the use of oxygen cocktail:

  • A tendency to allergies
  • Individual intolerance to the components of the drink
  • Enhanced gas formation
  • Progressive asthma (especially during an exacerbation)
  • Ulcers in the stomach and intestines
  • Urolithiasis disease

How to make a healing oxygen cocktail at home?

Recommendations for the preparation of oxygen cocktail

In order to prepare the correct oxygen cocktail, you must buy high -quality components. Try not to save on them, because the embarrassing of which the health drink will be made of envy will be made of its taste and, of course, the benefit. And in order for you to get the most complete idea of \u200b\u200bthe composition of the health drink, now we will tell you more about its components.


  • Oxygen. It can be medical, that is, to be in large cylinders or stationary, packaged in small spray cans. In addition, you can find oxygen on sale, which is located in large concentrators, but it is more suitable for use in crowded places.
  • Foaming. As this component, fresh egg protein, dry egg powder (preferably), licorice root or ready -made foaming compositions can be used.
  • The foundation. As this component, ordinary water, juice, fruit drink, milk or decoctions and infusions of herbs can be used.

Recommendations for the preparation of oxygen cocktail:

  • To begin with, conduct preparation of the container that you will fill with useful foam. To do this, take a glass, rinse it with water and wait for it to dry completely.
  • Next, take any base, for example, apple juice or cherry compote, and fill it with a pre -prepared container. If you give a finished product to the child, then it is best to warm up the base to room temperature.
  • At the next stage, add a foaming agent based on the basis (you can choose any from the list above)
  • Mix the base and the foaming agent well and proceed directly to the preparation of a healing cocktail.
  • To do this, immerse the tube from the oxygen spray in the resulting mixture and begin to supply oxygen into the glass. After the container is completely filled with foam, remove the tube from the cocktail and you can safely enjoy a useful drink.

How to buy an oxygen cocktail apparatus for aliexpress: price, catalog

Oxygen cocktail apparatus

If you have long dreamed of trying an oxygen cocktail, then buy yourself special devicewhich will help you cook it correctly. You can buy a similar thing at a relatively small price for Aliexpress. Here you can find portable and stationary models that are very convenient to use and, most importantly, all it will have the highest quality. In view of this, all that you will need to do by going to the resource just choose the right model of the apparatus for the preparation of oxygen cocktails.

The first thing you should pay attention to is the performance of the device. The higher it will be, the more useful drink you can make in 1 hour. If you plan to only occasionally prepare such drinks for yourself and your households, then you can quite calmly order an apparatus that can pass through yourself up to 3 liters of oxygen. Well, if you plan to use it to treat any diseases, then in this case it is best to stop the choice on a model that can give up to 5 liters of a healing drink in 1 hour.

Also, when choosing an apparatus for the manufacture of oxygen cocktails, it is important to take into account the fact that when preparing a useful drink, they are quite noisy. In view of this, if you want this device to work correctly and, most importantly, almost soundless, then select a model with maximum power. In this case, the device will not overstrain, and therefore noise very much. As for the price of such products for Aliexpress, if you wish, you can find a quality device on the resource, the cost of which will be approximately 15 thousand rubles.

Oxygen cocktail at home with your own hands without equipment: Recipe for cooking

Oxygen cocktail without equipment

If at the moment you do not have the opportunity to purchase an apparatus that makes oxygen cocktails you can always try to make such a design with your own hands.

True, you must understand that this device will less intensively saturate your cocktails with oxygen, which means that the duration of their use will be much less. If in a drink made by special equipment, the amount of oxygen begins to decrease only after 5 minutes, then when using the device made by the device, this will begin to happen after 2 minutes.


  • To begin with, prepare a half liter jar, a nylon cover and two pipes of large and small diameter.
  • Next, make two holes in the lid (they must coincide with the diameter of the tubes)
  • Insert the tubes into the lid and fix them with hot glue
  • At the next stage, make a hole in the cover from the bottle and attach a larger diameter tube to it
  • Put on the nylon cover on the jar and lower the thin tube emanating from it into the glass
  • Make a solution of water and potassium permanganate and pour it into a bottle
  • Add a couple of hydraetite tablets here
  • Pour licorice syrup into a glass and any juice
  • As soon as you see that the reaction began in the bottle, begin to fill the glass with foam with bubbles
  • As soon as the foam rises slightly above the upper edge of the glass, remove the phone from it and enjoy the cocktail

Dairy oxygen cocktail: recipe

Milk oxygen cocktail

The easiest way to prepare a dairy cocktail, take low -fat milk, mix it with dry egg powder, and then, with the help of a special apparatus, saturate it with oxygen. As a result of these actions, the drink will be perfectly tone perfectly, but due to the fact that milk contains fewer nutrients than decoctions of herbs or natural juices, as a result, the body will receive a minimum amount of vitamins.

In view of this, if you want to get a more useful milk cocktail, then mix milk, for example, with rosehip or sea buckthorn syrup. Yes, and remember, if you make a milk drink with the addition of fruit syrups, then you must carefully monitor then that the pulp does not fall into the basis. If this happens, then with a high probability we can say that you will not succeed in persistent foam.

Recommendations for the manufacture of a dairy cocktail:

  • First, mix 70 ml of milk with 30 grams of any fruit syrup
  • When the mass becomes homogeneous, add a foaming agent to it
  • Pour everything into an oxygen cocktail, turn it on and collect the resulting foam in a clean glass
  • The finished cocktail can be eaten by a spoon or consumed through a tube

Mixture, food composition for oxygen cocktails

Food composition for oxygen cocktails

If you want the preparation of oxygen cocktails to take the minimum time, then purchase ready -made mixtures and calmly enjoy useful drinks. You can easily find such a product on the Internet, though you should remember that when ordering such a product, you must give preference to the one made of natural products. If in the description to the product you saw at least one taste supplement, immediately refuse to buy.

Particularly should be alarmed by products that simulate an alcoholic taste. As a rule, such mixtures just contain artificial components that will definitely not bring benefits to the body. As for how to use such mixtures, then everything is very simple. You will just need to dilute them with liquid, and then enrich them with oxygen with any of the ways we have already introduced you to.

The correct composition of the finished mixtures:

  • Pectin
  • Dry egg powder
  • Dry milk cream
  • Rosehip extract
  • Strawberry, cherry or raspberries syrup

What syrups are used for oxygen cocktails?

Oxygen cocktail syrups

As you probably already understood in order for the oxygen cocktail to bring maximum benefit to the body, it must be prepared from natural products. That is why it will be better if you buy products for these purposes, which includes exclusively fruits, berries and a little sugar.

Of course, such a product will cost more than the one that is made using artificial sweeteners, dyes and taste additives, but by overpaying a little, you will be sure that the drink you prepared will definitely not harm your body. If you do not trust store products, then you can safely cook syrup at home.

To do this, you will only need to fall asleep with sugar fruits or berries that you like, wait until they let down the juice, and then just to make it a little. You can safely store the finished syrup in the refrigerator for at least 3 months. In the same way, you can make syrup from citrus fruits or even from melon and watermelon.

Can there be allergies to an oxygen cocktail

Allergy to oxygen cocktail can be very rare

As practice shows, most people suffer enough treatment with oxygen cocktails. But still there are times when this method of healing gives a failure and a person has all the symptoms of allergies. What is the reason?

As a rule, flavoring additives, namely syrups, herbal concentrates and natural juices are a provoking factor in this case. If a person has an individual intolerance to some fruit or berries, then even a minimum dose of an oxygen drink provoke an allergic reaction from him.

That is why people with such problems are recommended not to use components to prepare a healing drink that their body categorically does not tolerate. In view of the above, you can draw only one conclusion, if you do not have any individual intolerance to products, then you can use an oxygen cocktail without fear for your health.

Oxygen cocktail for weight loss

Oxygen cocktail for weight loss

If you were attentive, you probably realized that the oxygen cocktail is quite effectively healing the body. In view of this, if you use the correct components for its preparation, then it will help you reduce weight a little. True, if you try to lose weight with this method, you must understand that it is only an auxiliary element that accelerates all processes within the body.

Therefore, the use of such a drink will definitely not free you from proper nutrition and regular physical exertion. The only thing this product will do for you will help that water does not accumulate in the body and the digestive system works correctly.

In order for the cocktail to have the right action, be sure to add to it:

  • Chamomile
  • Cinnamon
  • Echinacea
  • Rose hip

What is the useful oxygen cocktail: the opinion of experts

Opinion of experts about oxygen cocktails

If you ask any doctor whether you should take an oxygen cocktail, then with a high probability you will hear an approving answer. Such a drink, subject to regular use, will help you get rid of many pathologies, including chronic ones.

Most experts believe that an oxygen cocktail is capable of:

  • Improve appetite
  • Contribute to the normalization of sleep
  • Increase immunity
  • Normalize the work of the nervous system
  • Raise the level of hemoglobin in the blood
  • Get rid of digestive problems
  • Give vitality and strength

Oxygen cocktail reviews

Oxygen cocktail reviews

Olga: I learned about the oxygen cocktail when she was on preservation during pregnancy. Since I got to the hospital in the first trimester, I was tormented by terrible toxicosis. What I just did not do to get rid of it. But no matter how hard I try, nausea did not want to leave me. Having seen enough of my torment, the doctor, the doctor prescribed me an intake of oxygen cocktails in the early morning and evening. Literally after 3 days I forgot about my problem and spent the rest of the pregnancy quite calmly and happily.

Julia: At preschool age, my son was very ill. There were periods when we did not visit the kindergarten for months and all this time my child took some kind of mixed. Realizing that the pills are very exhausted by his body, I began to look for means in order to raise immunity. Having re -read a huge amount of different information, I found reviews about oxygen cocktails.

At first, our local pediatrician refused to prescribe them, but after my regular persuasion surrendered and appointed one course. After we made this useful drink, my son’s condition improved significantly. Now he is already graduating from school, but we still periodically (for preventive purposes) heal his body with this miraculous product.

Video: How to make an oxygen cocktail at home? Instructions!

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  1. Such cocktails, by the way, still get rid of toxins very well, especially if you combine with the intake of Evalarovsky acetyl-lutation. When you have a comprehensive effect on the body, of course the effect is better ... more energy becomes more, strength, endurance, immunity increases ... continuous advantages. About acetyl personally, I read the Channel Channel Fitocardor Evalar on Zen

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