What can cheer up, refresh and give strength in the summer in the heat: the best recipes for soft drinks. What kind of cool drink can be prepared in the summer: ideas, recipes of soft teas, coffee, fruit drinks, mochito, lemonades, dairy cocktails, kvass

What can cheer up, refresh and give strength in the summer in the heat: the best recipes for soft drinks. What kind of cool drink can be prepared in the summer: ideas, recipes of soft teas, coffee, fruit drinks, mochito, lemonades, dairy cocktails, kvass

In this article, we will provide a selection of the most delicious and soft drinks that will brighten up summer vacations.

What can cheer up, refresh and give strength in the summer better than soft drinks? Cooked independently, they will help out at home dinner, and at work, and on the road. We offer a small selection of recipes.

Cool drinks - teas: recipes, photos

For the preparation of soft fruit tea, you need:

  • Tea brewing - 4 tbsp. l
  • Lemon - 3 pcs.
  • Strawberries - enough 5 or 6 pcs.
  • Berry liquor - approximately 400 ml
  • Sugar - about 100 g
  • Mint - enough 20 g
  • Ice - the amount is not limited
  • Orange - 3 pcs.

Important: oranges are preferable to choose large ones.

The procedure for making such tea:

  • They are placed in a kettle holding and half the specified amount of mint
  • Next, pour approximately approximately 1.2 l boiling water
  • All this is insisted 10 minutes
  • Then you need to produce filtering Through a small sieve
  • Now you can add sugar
  • All mixed and is left in this form until it is cooling
  • Meanwhile, out of 2 oranges and the same number of lemons Juice is squeezed out
For convenience in the manufacture of a soft drink, it is better to use a juicer
For convenience in the manufacture of a soft drink, it is better to use a juicer
  • Further juice, Like liquor, added to already infused tea
  • The workpiece for the drink is sent for a while In the refrigerator
  • Now you need it pour boiling water on the remaining lemon and orange
  • These fruits cut in the form of thin slices, which are then placed in glasses or glasses
  • They are placed there mint leaves, also sliced \u200b\u200bslices strawberry, ice
  • Left pour in the cooled tea - And you can enjoy its freshness
Cool fruit tea for the summer
Cool fruit tea for the summer

For the preparation of soft tea with thyme and lemon, you need:

  • Black tea - about 3 bags
  • One and a half liters of water
  • Thyme - 5 twigs
  • Lemon - 2 pcs.
  • Cinnamon is a wand
  • Sugar - to taste

Important: if desired, you can replace sugar with a teaspoon of Stevia.

Cooking process:

  • A roomy pot is poured into a roomy water
  • Added spices and lemons. Moreover, both juice and zest will fit. All this heating over low heat
  • Then you should wait boiling. As soon as it happened, the water is removed from the fire
  • They are placed in it tea bags, as well as sugar or stevia. All this should be inferior approximately 15 minutes
  • Further holding is taken out. Drink it is infused for another hour. The temperature should be room
  • Now you can drink a drink pour into a jug. It is recommended to use sieve for this purpose. You can give tea to stand in the refrigerator before use
Cool tea with lemon and thyme will become a find in the hot season
Cool tea with lemon and thyme will become a find in the hot season

Cool coffee in the heat: photos, recipes

There are a lot of coffee machines, and for their joy your favorite drink can be drunk even in the heat! For example, together with condensed milk. For this you will need:

  • Strong coffee - approximately 500 ml
  • Milk - about 125 ml
  • Similar amount of condensed milk
  • Ice - approximately a liter

Such coffee is made very simple:

  • All ingredients mix

Important: it is best to use a food combine or blender.

  • After the mass becomes homogeneous, it will only remain pour into cups - You can enjoy!
Cool coffee with condensed milk
Cool coffee with condensed milk

The same who prefers spices with sweets should pay attention to cool spicy latte. It consists of:

  • Cooked coffee - 180 ml
  • Boiling water - about a liter
  • Concentrated milk - 120 ml
  • Cream is fatter - 125 ml
  • Cinnamon - about 1 tsp.
  • Grinding cardamom - a similar amount
  • Ground ginger - half a teaspoon
  • Grinding cloves - about ¼ h.
  • Salt - enough and a pinch
  • Sugar or stevia - at the discretion

The drink is made as follows:

  • They poured into a jacket coffee, spices
  • They are poured water And they insist minutes 4

Important: only after that the piston of the press can be omitted.

  • Coffee shimmers in a jug. He needs to give time cool To get started at room temperature
  • Then coffee goes in the refrigerator
  • Then added concentrated milk, everything is mixed. You can tast!
Latte cooling
Latte cooling

Cool fruit drinks: recipes, photos

To prepare a refreshing fruitless fruitless fruit currant, you need:

  • Actually, the berries themselves are 250 g
  • Liter of water
  • Sugar - about 5 tbsp. l will be enough

Now you can start:

  • First of all, it follows wash the currant in cold water. Then she dried and freed from twigs
  • After this preparatory stage of the berry put in a bowl and slightly cooked spoon
  • Now added 2 tbsp. l cold water. Water must certainly be pre - boiled
  • All mixed
  • Next, the berries are placed in a sieve. Of them juice is squeezed

Important: if the juice does not want to push up, you can add a little water.

  • Now juice It is placed In the refrigerator
  • Meanwhile Eated berries are placed in a stewpan. They are added to them 3 glasses of water. This time hot
  • Mixture it is brought to a boil, then the fire is reduced. In this form, the workpiece for fruit drinks is processed more about 8 minutes
  • That's it removed from the fire, and insisted for half an hour Under a closed lid
  • Next is a decoction filter
  • Now you can add to the broth sugar. It follows mix before dissolving
  • After that, the workpiece should cool to room temperature
  • Now it flows into the decoction juice cooled in the refrigerator. Everything is mixed - and returns In the refrigerator
Red currant fruits will help out in hot weather
Red currant fruits will help out in hot weather

For the preparation of orange soft fruit drinks are needed:

  • Orange - 4 pcs.
  • Water - about 3 liters
  • Sugar - approximately 2 cups
  • Ground cinnamon - to taste

Morse is cooked as follows:

  • Fruit Cleaned. Both the zest and white fibers are removed

Important: the zest should not be thrown away.

  • Then it is squeezed out juice
  • The remains of the pulp are crushed With the help of a blender, squeezed juice is added there
  • To the pulp is added water
  • Now it remains pour crushed zest, sugar, cinnamon. All this is put on fire
  • After boiling the mixture It needs to be held on the lowest fire again 10 minutes
  • Now you need to give the workpiece Drive for half an hour
  • After that, you need to produce straining, Plump juice
  • Left Pour juice by containers - And place in the refrigerator to tasting
From oranges, it is quite possible to prepare refreshing fruits
From oranges, it is quite possible to prepare refreshing fruits

Cool mochito in the heat: recipes, photos

For the preparation of non -alcoholic refreshing mochito, you need:

  • Sprite - approximately 150 ml
  • Mint, certainly fresh - 10 g
  • Half Lima
  • Ice - about 8 pieces, but the amount can be adjusted
  • Sugar - at will

Important: reed sugar has established itself well in this drink.

So, cooking:

  • Lime is cut slices
  • Mint is torn into pieces
  • All this is formed in a glass and from above sprinkled with sugar
  • Next is all alerts
  • The ice is crushed to the state of the baby and is added to the rest of the component of the mochito
  • Further, the whole mixture is directed to shaker, Beat there
  • It remains only to transfer the whipped mass into glasses and pour it with a sprite
Mojito is a great solution in the heat
Mojito is a great solution in the heat

For lovers of alcohol mohito, you need to stock up on the following ingredients:

  • White rum - 30 ml
  • Soda or tonic - at will
  • Mint - 10 g
  • Lime
  • Brown sugar - a teaspoon
  • Ice

Cooking process:

  • Mint leaves and pre -chopped slices lime They are placed in a glass

Important: from lime you also need to squeeze the juice in advance. You need to squeeze into a glass from which the drink will be tasted.

  • Now falls asleep into the glass sugar
  • All contents rembles wooden mortar or, for lack of it, the most ordinary spoon
  • Further pours rum And everything is mixed
  • It is poured from above ice
  • Next go tonic or soda
  • The remnants of lime and mint go to decoration
Alcohol mohito, too, many will like
Alcohol mohito, too, many will like

Cool lemonades: recipes, photos

To prepare the next refreshing lemonade, you must stock up:

  • Lime
  • Cucumber - approximately 150 g
  • Strawberry - about 300 g
  • Ice - enough 300 g

Cooked lemonade like this:

  • On the bottom of the decanter are placed Ice cubes
  • Now it has come a turn of pre -chopped strawberries

Important: it is advisable to cut it with not very thin pieces.

  • Now pieces are placed Lima
  • Then you need to create a layer of cucumbers
  • Next is the scheme again "Ice Club-Lim-Ogurets"
  • All this is supposed to fill cool water
  • The drink should it’s at least half an hour. Better to leave him for an hour
Cool-lamp of cucumber, lime and strawberries
Cool-lamp of cucumber, lime and strawberries

And to create the simplest lemonade of lemon and honey are needed:

  • Water - one and a half liters
  • Transparent linden honey - about one and a half tablespoons
  • The lemon is ripe
  • Ice

The cooking process is as follows:

  • Honey is poured with water room temperature
  • Then mixed until completely dissolved
  • Now you need to fall asleep into the container pre -chopped lemon
  • Next is going ice
  • It is also possible if desired enrich the taste of cinnamon, pineapple, ground ginger
Having a simple lemonade
Refreshing simple lemonade

Dairy cocktails in the heat: photos, recipes

To create a caramel dairy cocktail will come in handy:

  • Milk - about half a liter
  • Iriski - 60 g is enough
  • Ice - enough about 6 cubes

So, here's how to cook a cocktail:

  • Milk is necessary for starting pour into a pan

Important: it heats up to a warm, but not hot state.

  • Then in already preheated milk Irisk is added pre -sliced \u200b\u200bin small cubes
  • Irisk needs to be stirred until they are completely dissolved in milk
  • Thereafter The saucepan is removed from the fire, its contents are cooled. It is preferable to remove the drink in the refrigerator
  • Then in a glass the ice is placed and watered with a cooled drink. The cocktail is ready for use!
Caramel milk cocktail for hot weather
Caramel milk cocktail for hot weather

The next dairy cocktail needs the following ingredients:

  • Milk - approximately 250 ml
  • Water - half a glass
  • Pimbir - 250 g
  • Apples - about 600 g. These are three large pieces
  • Cinnamon - half a teaspoon
  • Brown sugar - approximately 4 tbsp. l

Important: the indicated amount of sugar is suitable for sweet and sour fruits. If only sweet at hand, it is worth taking sugar for one spoon less.

Cooking a cocktail as follows:

  • Primarily, apples are processed. That is, they are cleaned of seeds, peels. Only after that you can cut them not too large cubes.
  • Further apples are placed in a pan, where they fill up water And sprinkle cinnamon.
  • Now the saucepan is placed On a slow fireon which its contents are extinguished 15 minutes. Periodically, apples should be stirred.
  • Further apple puree is needed cool. If you want to save time, you need to transfer it to a container with thin walls and place in the refrigerator.
  • After cooling the puree from apples is shifted into a blender containerwhere it is poured milk.
  • Now pre -chopped in cubes is added to apples cream.
  • The whole mass beat again.
Apple milk cocktail refreshing
Apple milk cocktail refreshing

Cool kvass: recipes and photos

To create kvass from rye crackers are needed:

  • Rye bread - enough 400 g
  • Water - about 2 l
  • Fresh yeast - 20 g
  • Flour - tablespoon
  • Recently grated hell - 50 g
  • Honey - approximately 2 tbsp. l
  • Raisins - about 50 g
  • Sugar - enough 100 g

So, you can proceed:

  • Bread cut and dried.

Important: it is not necessary to dry it very much.

Bread for a cool drink is cut first like this
Bread for a cool drink is cut first like this
  • Water is needed boil.
  • Further bread is cut even smaller -Thus, so that the pieces can climb through the neck of a 3-liter jar.
  • After placing bread in the bank, it needs Pour boiling water. In this form, he must drink 3 or 4 hours. Be sure to Cover the jar with a lid.
  • Now you need Dilute the yeast with warm water and add flour to them. Everything is mixed and left for an hour.
  • After that, the liquid needs well strain - Broshka should not stay.

Important: Therefore, it is preferable to use a smaller one.

  • Now add to the infusion Sugar, yeast. The container with all these ingredients is covered with a napkin and is cleaned in some a warm place for about 24 hours. Or even 48.
  • Then the drink cooling.
  • They are added to it half of the hell, honey And carefully mix.
  • In the meantime, it is necessary Work with raisins. Namely, steam it for about half an hour. Then the raisins are thrown back on a colander and added to kvass.
  • It also goes there and the second part of the hell.
Kvass from bread crackers will perfectly quench thirst in the summer
Kvass from bread crackers will perfectly quench thirst in the summer

You can cook beetroot kvass - He will cool and help to cope with excess weight. Components Little:

  • Beets - a kilogram
  • Warm boiled water - 3 l
  • Sugar - 100 g

It is easy to cook such kvass:

  • Vegetable Wash and cut
  • Further, the beets are laid in some suitable dishes, sprinkled with sugar
  • Next to beets and sugar is added water
  • Now the container must be covered with a lid, and leave to roam the drink for a week

Important: fermentation should occur at room temperature.

Beetroot kvass - cool and useful
Beetroot kvass - cool and useful

There are so many options for soft drinks that they can satisfy every taste. I would like to hope that this selection helped culinary specialists of any level.

Several recipes of soft summer drinks:

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