The image of Grisha Dobrosklonov in the poem “To whom to live well in Russia”: the story of the hero’s life, biography

The image of Grisha Dobrosklonov in the poem “To whom to live well in Russia”: the story of the hero’s life, biography

This article describes the image of Grisha Dobrosklonov, his character, biography and life ideas.

Do you need to write in literature an essay about Grisha Dobrosklonov from the poem “Who lives well in Russia”? The first thing you need to know is a national intercessor who, together with all the people of that time, was looking for who, after all, he still live in Russia, but never found.

The image of Grisha begins to open at the head: "Good time - good songs." In this poem, the hero’s life is described well. In more detail, you can get acquainted with her in this article, which can be used to write school works. You can write according to a plan whose columns are highlighted in separate subtitles or take information in parts for short but interesting and capacious essays.

Grisha Dobrosklonov - Biogafia

Grisha Dobrosklonov
Grisha Dobrosklonov

Grisha Dobrosklonov is the son of a clerk Tryphon. The biography of Grisha Dobrosklonov is not the most “rainbow”: a constant lack of funds, seriously ill, but later, the dead mother. Based on the words of the author, it is not difficult to guess that the family of the clergyman of the lower dignity lives very poorly. As befits a priest’s child, the guy studies at the spiritual seminary. Despite some difficulties and financial problems, Grisha Ampionism - he wants to go to Moscow University.

The young man is smart and educated. His life in the seminary is not as “sweet” as it might seem - he is freezing, malnutrition. The author shows that the mother loved her son very much and is unlikely to like such a fate for him.

Father is proud of Grisha and his brother, Savva. Nevertheless, neither the efforts of the clerk, nor the efforts of his sons are still resulting in the result - poverty accompanies them at every step, it is very difficult to get out of it.

The guys try to earn on a piece of bread, help their father. They perform “black” work, in return, receiving material gratitude from the peasants. Grisha is also inclined to philosophy - ordinary people often notice that he is uttering “smart thoughts”, shares his reasoning with others.

True, they do not always understand the whole essence. The hero can be called "special", because he has a gift to have people and innate leadership qualities. Grisha is also sincere - he never lugs and says what he thinks. Of course, sometimes it is benefit, and sometimes harm.

The guy quite often thinks about the shortcomings of the life of peasants in Russia, and sincerely wants not only him, but all the people lived well. Moreover, for this idea he is even ready to give his life. And based on the description, he is only 15-16 years old.

Once Grisha composes the song “Russia”, with the help of which he seeks to raise the “fighting spirit” of ordinary workers, to give them hope for a bright future. We can say that his works are a hymn about folk happiness, which will come sooner or later.

How was Grisha Dobrosklonov's childhood?

Childhood Grisha Dobrosklonov passed in work and poverty. For the first time, the reader meets him during the feast to which his father was invited. It is noted that his sons, Grisha and Savva, as they work in the field along with adults, and drink vodka on holidays in the same quantity. It is noteworthy that the clerk lived so poorly that even a cat and a dog escaped from the family, no longer expecting to receive sufficient food. The spiritual class did not play a role. Grisha's family lived "worse than the last peasant."

It is possible that the poor childhood of sons is due to the fact that the father loves not to the best of drink. After all, the work describes how the brothers lead a drunken parent home. By the way, exorbitant love for strong alcohol is another original Russian trouble. In the seminary, where the guy goes to study, gray, dull and hungry. It is there that ideas about songs come into his head - he recalls that the deceased mother sang them and finds himself in this outlet.

He begins to compose songs - that his native country is vegetating, that the workers are bend their backs, undermine their health for pennies, and in return they get only humiliation and neglect, that only hope will help to get out of this hell, and the future needs to be brought to themselves, to bring it down, Uniting, taking his will into a fist.

Grisha Dobrosklonov: Life Story

Grisha Dobrosklonov
Grisha Dobrosklonov

Grisha was born in the family of a clerk - respected by all the priest. A smart young man is often starving, fate throws him "in all serious ones." Perhaps that is why he so clearly feels all the injustice and all the incredible torment that his compatriots experience. Therefore, the guy, without hesitation, takes the path of protecting his people and the social layer to which himself belongs.

The hero understands that many of the peasants think just as he - simply not everyone finds the strength and courage openly say about it. That is why Grisha Dobrosklonov considers it his duty to motivate people with the help of his songs and this is his life story. He respects his people very much, understands how ordinary people hardly and sincerely want to alleviate their fate.
Grisha believes that if everyone who is able to hold the pitchforks will cease to be silent and finally rebelled, then the oppressors simply will not have any other chance - they will give up under the onslaught of popular righteous anger. “Yes, freedom is possible, but it needs to be chosen” - this is what the young man is trying to convey.

The guy does not disdain and physical work - to feed the family, he and his brother fulfill the instructions of the peasants. Nevertheless, it would seem, a brave and ideological revolutionary lives in an inconspicuous boy, which, as it develops in the work, breaks out.

What is the author’s attitude to Grisha Dobrosklonov?

Nekrasov classes Grisha Dobrosklonov to the type of those extraordinary, amazing people who were kissed by God. By the nature of the boy, something similar to Dobrolyubov-perhaps because both of these characters found their happiness for great, global goals, which they tried so hard to achieve.

We can say that Grisha is a collectively, because the author displays the spirit of revolutionary youth of that time in his appearance. Moreover, the writer also considered the struggle for the share of the common people with his direct duty. This traces the whole author’s attitude to the hero of the poem.

Nekrasov sees a real intercessor and rebel in a seminarist. And although Dobrosklonov’s hands are not so strong, he is exhausted and thin, but his will is really strong. Grisha somewhat reminiscent of Korchagin Pavka from the work “How steel was tempered”, but in another era. After all, he is also inherent in sacrifice, an insurmountable desire to participate and defeat in the class struggle, he persistently suffers all the hardships and hardships that fell to his lot.

The poet puts a huge number of his personal qualities in the hero, “supplies” him with his own songs - significant, meaningful. Therefore, sometimes it seems that the hero is too smart for his years. But this is understandable - a hard life makes you grow old early.

What Wednesday did Grisha Dobrosklon come out of?

Grisha Dobrosklonov
Grisha Dobrosklonov

What Wednesday did Grisha Dobrosklon come out of? We can say that the young man belongs to a simple environment, he left the people. However, on the other hand, it can be ranked about the impoverished intelligentsia. Yes, Grisha’s mother is a farm laborer, but his father, despite his imperfections, as an individual, still has a spiritual camp, therefore, he is already something higher than ordinary peasants.

True, Nekrasov characterizes the clerk as a man landed, without special ambitions. That is why the nobility of his son is so delighted. It would seem that the guy has no gene and prerequisites for that. But the fact remains - in an ordinary poor family, an extraordinary personality was born, capable of creating history.

Grisha Dobrosklonov - Character: Main features

We can say that this hero is a symbiosis of all positive qualities that can only be in a person. It is possible that the author does not in vain deprives him of the shortcomings. After all, any person who carries freedom and revolutionary ideas is idealized a priori.

Nevertheless, the guy really appears to be almost perfect before the reader - both as a person, and as a seminar, and as a son, and as a faithful protector of his depths.

What are the main character traits inherent in Grisha:

  • Purposefulness - following his ideals and principles, the hero does not doubt for a second that he is doing the right thing. They are driven not only by the desire for changes, but also to faith in a bright future, which will certainly come.
  • Hardwork - physical work, as well as the work of mental, Grisha is not at all afraid. From childhood, he is used to looking into the face of difficulties and does not timid at the same time.
  • Responsibility - the young man is always ready to help, and considers the protection of humiliated, disadvantaged, offended and offended to be his direct duty.
  • Love for the earth and his people - the boy loves their homeland, like a mother. Respects and appreciates the work of ordinary peasants.
  • Decisiveness - perhaps this is maximalism, but Dobrosklonov is sacredly convinced that he will never stop on his way to his goal.
  • Courage - it is present both in words and in actions. Even the very fact that the guy says what he thinks and is not afraid of condemnation is already respect.
  • Resourcefulness - Grisha Smuster, inventive. Therefore, if desired, it can find a way out of any situation.
  • The will to victory and life - accustomed to hardships, the hero, is no longer afraid of hunger, cold, nor poverty.
  • Creative vein - putting a special meaning based on life realities in the songs, the young man not only finds a way of self -expression, but also tries to change the world, alleviate the fate of people and bring them closer to a better life.
  • Kindness - the hero sincerely tries to help people, without pursuing any selfish goals.
  • The craving for justice - Grisha believes that only life “according to conscience” can be considered a real happy.

As you can see, the hero has a persistent, strong -willed character. He is not alien to the judgment and a sober analysis of situations. He is very sacrificial, purposeful and responsive. Sincerely believes in what he does and tries to instill this faith in others. Eruded enough. Indeed, despite the poor existence, Grisha Dobrosklonov received a good education. He is freedom -loving, does not want to go with the flow. The faithful son of his people, for whom the well -being of the country is primarily important, and only then - personal interests.

The story of the parents of Grisha Dobrosklonov

The hero’s parents are radically different. It is even strange how they could converge. Mother is a typical Russian peasant woman, kind, responsive, hardworking. Father is a local clerk, a mediocre and lazy man, who loves to “lay behind a collar”, indifferent, not distinguished by ambitions. But at the same time, they were both proud of their sons. Grisha and Savva Dobrosklonov knew about this, which was an inspiration for them in life.

Portrait of Grisha Dobrosklonov: Description of appearance

Grisha Dobrosklonov
Grisha Dobrosklonov

The reader knows little about the appearance of Grisha Dobrosklonov. It is mentioned that he has a wide bone, perhaps this statement came from the fact that in his work he is hardy and strong enough. However, the guy has too much emaciated face. Probably because the growing organism as a result of a very poor life did not receive all the necessary beneficial substances and enough food. Accordingly, it seems to a young man of 15-16 years old, of medium height, thin (due to malnutrition), and physique.

Although, in the image of the thoughts of a given hero, he can be given 18-30 years old. How sensibly he sometimes argues, his life position is so persistent.

As for the details, the author does not give any obvious references. Although, it is quite reasonable to assume that Grisha, characteristic of the Russians, blond or red hair, pale skin, burning with fire, living eyes, pleasant, but slightly “rustic” facial features. This is a possible portrait of the hero that seems to the reader.

Why does the poet consider Grisha Dobrosklonov truly happy?

Despite the fact that Grisha works for food, he thinks not about himself, but about the country, about people's lives. We can say that the boy with his own eyes sees all the imperfections that are in society - therefore, so Yaro wants to change them.

It is noted that, although Dobrosklonov and the peasants are distinguished with peasants such as exhausting everyday work, hunger, cold, social injustice and oppression, poverty, he has an acute mind and perception, atypical for the environment from which he emerged. Often the guy thinks much wider than his peasant origin can allow. Frankly, it really is very surprising, makes this hero unique.

The poet considers Grigory Dobrosklonov truly happy, because he has a goal - to bring people happiness and freedom. Moreover, he is well aware of this mission and attaches all his forces for its implementation.

Since Grisha in the understanding of Nekrasov is a kind of moral ideal, his happiness is to give people freedom and the life that they are worthy. It is the existence for the benefit of others, the approach of happy changes and is the meaning of the life of this guy.

Not only that, given that his mother died from hard work, the hero believes that it is time to put an end to this and the people should not ruin themselves on the direction of the gentlemen who do not put ordinary people above livestock. He acutely perceives this situation, because people are not animals, they have their own rights, thoughts, dreams that cannot be neglected in any way.

What choice in life did Grisha Dobrosklonov?

Grisha Dobrosklonov
Grisha Dobrosklonov

The choice of Gregory was made unconsciously. The author hints that fortunately there are two ways - one implies material (this is wealth and power), and the second is the spiritual (the struggle for the rights of peasants, their freedom, defending their interests). What choice in life did Grisha Dobrosklonov?

Of course, like any young man from a poor family, the hero sometimes thinks about financial well -being, the material attracts him - but still, the interests of ordinary people are higher than financial stability and a full abdomen. Dobrosklonov understands that unity with the people is the “right” path that should go forward.

The past Grisha Dobrosklonov

Despite the young age, the hero has already suffered a lot: the extremely poor life, the death of his mother, the tricks of the drinking father, the fulfillment of peasant orders for food together with his brother, a hungry and joyless study at the seminary. Is he afraid of the revolution?

It is quite obvious that the boy is so confident in his beliefs because he understands that "it will no longer be worse." Therefore, his attempts to persuade the peasants to stop bending their backs and starting to defend their rights are quite justified and logical. It seems that Grisha is alien to fear and indecision - a teenager behaves as if to lead the popular uprisings for him not in a novelty, not a curiosity - as if he had only done this all his life. This is the whole past of Grisha Dobrosklonov.

Why can Grisha Dobrosklonova be considered happy?

In the understanding of the author, a happy person is one who puts universal happiness above his own. Why can Grisha Dobrosklonova be called happy? If only because love for his native land and people inspires him, gives hope. Even, despite the fact that the guy later awaited Siberia and consumption, it was he, almost the only one in the work, who experienced the state of euphoria, which could not violate either difficult life circumstances or any other factors.

Grisha was happy because he lived for people. This was the main idea - the boy wanted to devote the life of the intercession of ordinary people and help in the imminent achievement of those “bright days” when the peasants finally cease to experience torment.

What does Grigory Dobrosklonov want to devote his life?

Grisha Dobrosklonov
Grisha Dobrosklonov

Each hero of any time has his own ideas. Grigory Dobrosklonov also had them. He wants to devote his life to the struggle for freedom. He dreams of freeing people from oppression. And it really delights. It is amazing where Grisha has physical and moral forces - after all, based on his childhood, he should be broken, indecisive, oppressed.

Instead, the readers are not at all a clogged hungry child, but a confident, a decisive young man who is not only ready for changes, but can also lead an army of like -minded people, while inspiring them every minute and inspiring with his example. Without a doubt, Grisha is a convinced leader.

What is the meaning of the songs of Grisha Dobrosklonov?

Grisha Dobroklonov’s songs are by no means entertainment. This weapon, which the hero “squeezes in his hands”, which helps in the fight against oppressors. What is the meaning of the songs of Grisha Dobrosklonov? Their leitmotif is the idea that the happiness of the people is impossible without a struggle - only rebuilding against the unfair reality, you can change your life for the better, finally permanently pervaded.

Fulfilling these creations, which after diverge around the world, the gifted young man seeks to instill in the people the idea that Russia will not perish, that the situation can be changed only through the revolution. But in order for justice to triumph, another fact is needed - a change in popular consciousness. Nothing will work without it.

How does Grisha characterize his homeland?

Inwardly deeply experiencing the death of his mother, Grisha involuntarily associates her homeland with her - therefore, he really wants people on his native land, and she herself would not be in decline, but on the contrary, get up from her knees. How does Grisha characterize his homeland?

Analyzing the image, before the eyes, the Motherland involuntarily appears in the form of a simple woman-peasant woman, for whom everyday, hard and ungrateful work on someone else's good becomes a kind of karma, from which it is impossible not only to her, but also to all subsequent generations.

The guy sincerely loves the earth on which he was born, but at the same time, notes her duality, calling her at one time “abundant” and “wretched”, “powerless” and “powerful”, where “strength with imprisonment gets along”. Accordingly, the hero understands that the Motherland has all the possibilities and potential in order to become free, independent, with happy inhabitants - only for this it is necessary that everyone realizes the need for change, begin to bring their happiness with deeds.

What are the life positions, ideals and aspirations of Grigory Dobrosklonov?

All the desires of the hero of the poem “Who to live well in Russia” are aimed at one thing - the liberation of the people. What are the life positions, ideals and aspirations of Grigory Dobrosklonov? The young man appreciates the ideals of justice, democracy, love and goodness. Frankly, he himself exudes the latter. Even the fact that people follow the guy already confirms this. Accordingly, the energy from the hero comes a positive, kind, disposable.

Grisha believes that Russia has hidden potential, therefore, people can live better, if you make efforts, he believes in the triumph of justice. He believes that only having united, one can achieve a dream and an unconditional victory over serfdom.

The guy considers hard work unfair, is ready to put life for the sake of a good deed in the fight against oppressors, loves fellow villagers, because they resemble his dead mother. He uses creativity as weapons against social inequality and oppression, as a means of influencing the consciousness of the broad masses.

Dreams of Grisha Dobrosklonov

Grisha Dobrosklonov
Grisha Dobrosklonov

Of course, like any young man of his age, Grisha Dobrosklonov dreams, but not about the young Virgin or myriad of wealth. He cherishes the dream that his native country will finally change so that the ordinary people cease to feel humiliation of the gentlemen, stop bending their backs on the landowners, and healed with a quiet and calm life, regardless of social status or kind.

In the dreams of a young man, Russia is transformed, becomes a powerful legal power in which there are no gentlemen and serfs, in which everyone has his own rights and freedoms. Moreover, the guy believes that it is necessary to act now - this is what he calls in his songs.

“There is no need to be afraid, rather suffering, it is time to fight for your rights! It is necessary to stop being disenfranchised, meek, dependent on someone! Each person is a blacksmith of his fate, his happiness! It is time to live! " - That is what the hero is trying to convey to people.

And, although he himself may not fully realize how bloody riots can be, how many lives can bring one protest - Grisha understands that it is no longer possible to endure and be silent. Even if the victory is Pyrrhic.

Why Grisha Dobrosklonov can be called a popular intercessor: the image of a folk intercessor

Grisha is called not in vain. After all, all his thoughts and verses were devoted to the liberation of the people from oppression, he sincerely loved people and their native land, and simply could not allow misfortunes to continue here.

The young man devoted his whole life to the liberation of peasants from reigning on Russian land, injustice. It seems a little harsh, but fair, devoted to his country and people, sensitive to folk needs, responsible, uncompromising and, despite external harmony and even fragility, very strong (both physically and morally). This is what the image of a folk intercessor is fully revealed.

Grisha Dobrosklonov: What is his happiness?

Whatever suffering the guy feels, the happiness of Grisha is that he is important and needs to his people, that he has the opportunity and the right to say about what others are afraid to think about, to direct popular thoughts in the “right direction”, to remind once again about the need Unit and fight for your happiness. By the way, people, as a rule, follow the young men, which once again proves the fact that he does is not in vain.

What does Grisha Dobrosklonov see his purpose?

The hero sees his purpose in the struggle for the rights of his people, for all the peasants to gain happiness and a decent life. He is ready to put his own youth for the benefit of a cherished goal.

Prototype Grisha Dobrosklonov

Nikolai Dobrolyubov - Prototype Grisha Dobrosklonov
Nikolai Dobrolyubov - Prototype Grisha Dobrosklonov

It is not in vain that the main prototype of the given hero is the poet and publicist N. Dobrolyubov. The latter was a very talented person. Already at the age of 13, he was known as a skilled translator, was engaged in writing critical articles. The tragedy is related to these personalities - namely, maternal death. Moreover, both of these people sought to make the world better, kinder.

You may notice that the writer changed only the second part of the surname, and left the first “as is”, perhaps in order to hint to the potential reader about who this charismatic and “key” character was written with. The second part of the name of Dobrosklonov carries the point of “bowing”, that is, to influence people by popularizing the ideals of good and justice.

Grisha Dobrosklonov: Quotes

Quotes of folk heroes always matter to modern people and talk about a lot. This is our story that you need to know. Here are the quotes Grisha Dobrosklonov:

“In moments of despondency, oh motherland!
I fly ahead with a thought.
You are also destined to suffer a lot.
But you will not perish, I know. "

"Enough! The calculation is completed with the past,
Calculation with the master is over!
The Russian people are gathered with forces
And learning to be a citizen. "

“You are wretched,
You are plentiful
You are powerful
You are powerless
Mother Rus! "

“I was a song! I will learn how to sing her - not all the same to sing their “hungry”.

“The army rises -
Strength will affect her
Indestructible! "

“For the circumvented.
For the oppressed -
Multiply their circle
Go to the humiliated,
Go to the offended -
And be them a friend! "

Video: Nikolai Nekrasov: Who lives well in Russia. Audiobook

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