Proverbs and sayings about love for people for children of preschool and school age, school, DOW: a collection of the best proverbs with an explanation of meaning. What are there and how to find proverbs and sayings about love for people for children?

Proverbs and sayings about love for people for children of preschool and school age, school, DOW: a collection of the best proverbs with an explanation of meaning. What are there and how to find proverbs and sayings about love for people for children?

In this article, we will introduce you and your children with proverbs about love.

Love is one of the most beautiful feelings on Earth. It is this feeling that accompanies us throughout our lives: first it is the love of parents and relatives, then the love that appears with the creation of their own family, the love of their children, grandchildren and friends.

This magical feeling can be discussed endlessly, because love, as you know, heals, saves, and motivates. You can explain the meaning of such value as love to small children with the help of proverbs and sayings.

Proverbs and sayings about love for people of preschool age, kindergarten: a collection with an explanation of meaning

Despite the fact that each person in his own way understands what love is, there is a generally accepted definition of this feeling. Love is nothing more than a selfless deep attachment of one person to another, which manifests itself in care, respect, help, compassion.

Small children, as a rule, quite often feel the manifestation of the love of their parents and relatives, however, they still do not quite understand what exactly such an attitude towards them is called love.

In order for the kids to begin to understand what love is, tell them proverbs about this feeling and be sure to explain their meaning with simple and affordable examples.

  • You see less often - you love more. The essence of the statement is, according to the person you love, you always miss very much. Also, the less you see a person, the more you begin to appreciate him. Therefore, they say that those whom we rarely see are even more loved.
  • Love is blind. Explaining this proverb to the kids, first of all, I must say that the goose has long been associated with a stubborn and not quite good person. “Love of Evil” is said so because we do not choose ourselves who we can love and who do not love. Our heart itself makes a choice, and sometimes this choice falls on such not very good people.
  • Old love is not forgotten. In this proverb, the word "old" is used in the meaning of "first". First love is always very touching, gentle and unforgettable, because this happens with a person for the first time. Not always the first relations end safely, but those emotions that they gave will accompany a person all his life - this is the meaning of the statement.
  • Love - that a mirror: you will break - you will not glue it. The proverb tells us that spoiled relations cannot be built again. The fact is that love is built on trust, and, as you know, having lost it, it cannot be returned. Therefore, they say that love, like a mirror, can be broken, but you can’t restore and do as before.
  • Where love and advice, there is no grief. Love is one of the most powerful and powerful feelings on our planet. Love is able to give strength, defeat diseases, etc. Therefore, it is generally accepted that in those families where love and understanding reigns, there can be neither grief nor trouble.
  • You can’t stay without the sun, you cannot live without a sweet one. To explain this proverb to the kids, to begin with, explain to them what significance the sun has for our planet. Tell us that thanks to the sun on Earth there is life, there are people and all nature. Explain that if there was no sun, then all the living would have died. So without a loved one it is impossible to live, because without him it is very sad, but sometimes simply impossible.
  • Live in separation - live in flour. The essence of the proverb is that two people who love each other cannot live separately. They suffer, if not together.
  • You can't eat love to the neck. This proverb explains to us that you cannot force yourself or start to love someone. Love comes by itself, regardless of our desire.
  • You can't get into your heart. This saying has the same meaning as the previous one. “You won’t get into your heart” means that if a person does not love you, then it is impossible to make him feel this feeling by force.
About love
About love
  • Love is not a fire, but it will light up - you will not extinguish. Love can be compared with a fire, because it can flash like it like it suddenly. However, we can put out the fire, stop by our own free will, but it is impossible to stop love, just expressing such a desire.
  • True love does not burn in fire, nor in the water does not sink. This statement explains to us that real love is subject to absolutely everything and at the same time she is not afraid of anything. People who actually experience this beautiful feeling for each other will never betray him so that they will not happen in their life.
  • You and I are like a fish with water. So they say about people who love each other very much and are close to each other. Such a comparison is chosen for a reason. After all, we all know that fish cannot live without water, it will simply die.
  • They don't joke with love. This proverb teaches us to be careful about this touching feeling, since the “inept” handling of him can bring pain to another person, can offend and upset him.
  • Who loves someone, he is listening. The meaning of the saying is that lovers always support each other, try not to argue with each other and always defend the opinion of their half.
  • Forget your love, so howl in a voice. The meaning of this statement can be explained as follows. There is a well -known fact that dogs bark and howl when they yearn, when they are very sad and bad. This proverb says “... how to howl in a voice”, that is, a person without love and a loved one is so bad that he is ready to howl from it.
  • It’s not that dear that is good, but that good that came to my heart. The meaning of this proverb is that the person chosen by our heart will always be the best and most beautiful for us. In this case, no other beauty is interesting and nothing else can attract the attention of a person in love.
  • You will force yourself to be afraid, but you can’t love to love. The statement explains to us that it is impossible to love someone through force. A comparison with fear is given. You can force a person to be afraid of someone or something, but you can’t make a love.
  • From that I endure whom I love more. So they say, because a loved one, as a rule, we forgive a lot. For many bad deeds, people close their eyes if they love the person who committed them.

The best proverbs and sayings about love for people of primary and secondary school age: a collection with an explanation of meaning

For children of primary and secondary school age, love proverbs are much more relevant than for children of kindergarten age. Since it is at the age of 8-15 years that children begin to appear in the opposite sex, and love for relatives is much more indicative.

  • Everyone is not enough to love heart. The essence of the proverb is that it is impossible to love all the same love. Love, this is not just a feeling, but to love is not just saying beautiful words. To love is to respect, appreciate, protect, help and support. A person is physically not able to love everyone.
  • In one heart you can’t fit two love. So they say about the love of opposite sexes, since you can fit love for relatives, friends and loved one. The meaning of the statement is that a loved one can only be one, you cannot love 2 people at the same time. Explaining the concept of love in such a meaning, we also gives children an understanding of such a thing as fidelity.
  • Where the heart lies, it runs there. The meaning of the expression is that a person in love always wants to be near his soul mate and therefore tries to be with her as much as possible.
  • Where love is consent, there the yard is red. So they say because in the house in which love and understanding reigns, everything is always good. It is comfortable, clean and beautiful there.
  • Where there is no love, there is no joy. The saying emphasizes our attention on the fact that love is the most beautiful feeling in the world. Love gives people a sense of joy and happiness, so it is impossible to live without it.
  • Where love and advice are - there is paradise, there is light; And quarrels and disputes - there are only nonsense. This proverb about what relations can be if they have love, and if there is no love in them. It is generally accepted that if this feeling is between two people, then their life is happy, but people who forget about this bright feeling and begin to argue and quarrel, only recesses in return.
  • A kind wife and fat cabbage soup - do not look for other happiness. This proverb elevates true love. Since ancient times, a friendly family and prosperity, which has been manifested in food and decoration, were considered the greatest human happiness. Therefore, it is generally accepted that having such a thing, one should not look for another.

  • No friend - not sweet and white light. By friend in this statement is meant a loved one. It is generally accepted that without love human life is devoid of happiness and joy, so they say that the white light (life) is not sweet.
  • If you leave where you are loved, you will come to where you are hated. Talking about human relations is quite difficult, because sometimes they develop in completely different ways. The abandonment of beloved people and their family is considered a sinful act, so the proverb warns us that having left where they love us, we can only get to where we are hated.
  • If the husband does not love his wife, that the benefits of blush were white? This saying is emphasized by the fact that they love not because of appearance, character or household. They love just like that, because the soul lies with this person. The statement explains to us that if a man does not love a woman, then no outfits, no makeup can change this.
  • If the husband is good, and the ugly will become a beauty. The meaning of the proverb is that beloved people are always the most beautiful for us, the best in everything. Love does not depend on appearance. Also, this statement can be interpreted as follows: we always make absolutely everything for our loved ones so that they are happy. Therefore, they say that a good husband will take care of his wife, will cherish her and from his love she will become the most beautiful.
  • If the husband loves, and people respect, if the husband beats - and people humiliate. This proverb has a kind of psychological subtext. The thing is that a person who does not respect itself will not respect others. Here, instead of “yourself”, they lead to an example of a husband, which for every woman is a model of behavior and authority in family relationships. If a man respects and love his woman, then he will not allow someone to offend and humiliate her. However, if others see that a man is disrespectful to his wife, then they will begin to allow himself such behavior towards her.
  • The young man led out of a girlish girl. Such an expression is used if the guy fell in love with a girl who is already in a relationship, but she does not reciprocate him. “I dried the fellow” means, I got it, tired.
  • And in paradise to live sickening alone. Almost all people know what paradise is and what life he supposedly gives people who fall into it. This proverb is used precisely paradise to show that even in the best conditions to live without love is very sad and bad, and sometimes simply unbearable.

Popular Russian folk proverbs and sayings about love for people: a collection with an explanation of meaning

Love is the value described in many works of art, legends are composed of it and write songs. This feeling became the subject of discussion in all types of folk art, and proverbs with sayings were no exception.

  • Love is blind. The meaning of the expression is that love comes to us from nowhere, while a person does not choose whom to love him. Love is blind because sometimes we can love the wrong person who loves and worthy of us. Very often, people experience this feeling for those who do not need it, who does not deserve it.
  • Love is a ring, but the ring has no end. The saying explains to us that true love is not subject to time. Here, a bright feeling is compared with a ring, which has neither the beginning nor the end. The statement shows us that love is eternity, a real feeling never goes away.
  • Love wins everything. Love is such a strong feeling that almost everything can defeat. People who actually love each other can pass all tests of fate together: poverty, slander, squabbles and even illness, since the feeling that connects them gives them strength and faith in the best.
  • For a lover and one hundred miles - not a distance. So they say because lovers always want to be together and are ready for this sometimes completely crazy acts. The meaning of the proverb is that for the sake of a loved one, one can even make the impossible, if only he was nearby and happy. Explaining this proverb to the children, do not forget to tell what “one hundred miles” are, and what is this distance. By the way, 1 miles is 1.06 km. Explain to the children that this distance today can be overcome quickly enough thanks to the car, and once such a distance meant a very long, and sometimes dangerous road. So children will understand why they use exactly one hundred miles and why they speak specifically about such a distance.
  • There are no barriers for love. So they say because true love does not depend on what circumstances. If people really love each other, then sooner or later they will be together against all obstacles that can only meet them in the way. If the proverb is explained by young children, then they can literally understand the word “obstacle”, that is, as something physical. In this case, they need to explain that in this context, various circumstances can act as obstacles: distance, reluctance of relatives, age difference, financial situation.
About love for people
About love for people
  • For those who love, and spring in December. Spring is the only time of the year, during which all nature, animals, plants come to life and delight us with their presence, flowering, etc. When our heart is overwhelmed with love feelings, we feel about the same thing that all nature feels with the advent of spring. People who love each other feel their happiness and joy always, regardless of the weather outside the window, they are always good as good in the spring.
  • Life without love, that a year without spring. Spring, this is a period in which all nature begins to live. At this time, migratory birds arrive, trees and flowers bloom, life hits the key. If spring suddenly disappeared or “did not come”, then the whole earth would be embraced by sadness and longing. So the life of a person, without this beautiful feeling, is filled only with dark colors.
  • You can't close love to the castle. The proverb explains to us that it is impossible to hide or hide your feelings. Love will always find a way out, sooner or later it will show itself.
  • There is nothing more painful, like unhappy love. The essence of this proverb is that love can bring not only joy and happiness, but also flour. This happens if a person is not mutual love for another person
  • From the one who is not sweet, and the gift has matured. So they say when a person receives a gift from unloved. “... and the gift has matured” means that the gift is hated, unpleasant.
  • True love has a beginning, but there is no end. The meaning of the proverb is that true love never goes away. She has no end, because she is eternal.
  • What the heart will not notice, that’s the eye will not see. The saying tells us that we love with soul and heart, and not with our eyes. Therefore, if our heart is silent, then no beauty that our eyes see will make him speak.
  • Where would not go, only with a sweet way along the way. The essence of the statement is that with a loved one, no difficulties are afraid of us. It is much better to be with a loved one somewhere than, for example, in comfortable conditions, but yourself.
  • Love is not alms: you will not give it to everyone. The meaning of the saying is that it is impossible to love everyone. The heart itself chooses a person who will love and a person cannot influence this in any way.
  • For the sake of sweetheart, it's not a pity. The saying tells us that love in a sense is a self-sacrifice. Sometimes you have to deny yourself something to please your soul mate, but for a loved one, it is never a pity for nothing.

The most interesting proverbs and sayings about love for people for children: a collection with an explanation of meaning

Talking about proverbs and sayings, it will be very appropriate and interesting to get acquainted not only with our folk statements, but also by the work of other peoples of the world.

  • The mountains are destroyed from earthquakes, love and friendship are destroyed from the word. (Tajik). The meaning of this floorboards is that human rumor sometimes spoils any, even the strongest relationship. In the same way, rude and offensive words can ruin and destroy love. Sometimes, in a fit of anger and anger, people say very offensive words to their loved ones, unfairly accuse them. Even the angelic patience in this case may come to an end, and the relationship then ends.
  • Separation for love, like a wind for fire: weak love extinguishes, and a large one is inflated. (Spanish). The meaning of the saying is that loving people at a distance begin to appreciate and love each other even more, because I begin to understand that they are bad and sad without each other. And those who really do not experience this bright feeling for each other, do not feel sad during separation and live their former life.
  • If love is over, it did not begin (Jewish). It is generally accepted that love is an eternal feeling, that is, it never ends in any circumstances. If it so happened that some obstacles violated the love of two people, they say that in fact there was no love.
  • To understand parental love, you need to grow your own children. (Japanese). The meaning of the proverb is that we often criticize the actions of our parents is outraged about their custody and care, however, we can only understand them when we have our children.
Tell the children about love for your neighbors since childhood
Tell the children about love for your neighbors since childhood
  • Love has no advisers. (Arabic). So they say because people, looking from the side, cannot give any advice on your relationship, since they do not know what is happening in your soul and what you are guided by, acting one way or another. Nobody should intervene in the relationship of two, only they themselves know how and what is better for them.
  • When love fades away, you can’t even light it in the stove. (Chuvash). The meaning of this proverb is that if the feelings are nevertheless passed, then it is impossible to restore them. The morality of the statement also lies in the fact that relationships need to be protected and try to make your soul mate happy, so that later you do not have to try to make the very one, lost love.
  • The beloved must be considered not with the eyes, but with the heart. (Jewish). The essence of the statement is that we do not love through the eyes, that is, not appearance, but with our hearts, that is, the soul. You can find your soul mate only with your heart and soul.
  • A dry tree is easy to dig, it is easy to part with mock love. (Mongolian). The tree, which is already dried, does not hold on to roots, so it is enough just to dig and throw it away. A healthy tree is so easy to get out of the ground simply impossible. So with true love. If a person does not really love, it will be very easy for him to let go of a “beloved”, but if true love between people, then parting will be painful.

Small, short proverbs and sayings for children about love for people: a collection with an explanation of meaning

Children at an early age are much easier to perceive small proverbs, so when communicating with the kids, give preference to small statements.

  • To love the evil - to destroy himself. The meaning of the proverb is that living with a person who constantly shows anger and aggression is impossible and not necessary, because, in this way, you destroy yourself and your life. You can’t sacrifice yourself for such a love.
  • You love a rose - you endure the spikes. The saying teaches us that you cannot love only a good side to a person. Rose is always a symbol of beauty, if you associate it with a person. If you love a rose, then you need to remember that it has spikes and put up with this fact. So with a person, everyone has their own shortcomings, ideal people simply do not, however, if you love a person, then he, and not just in him, which you like.
  • Milenok is not washed Belenk. The essence of the statement is that a beloved and dear person is always the most beautiful for us. The most important thing is that for this a person does not need to do absolutely nothing. In fact, he is like that for us.
  • With a force not to be cute. The saying teaches us that, even having a very strong desire, a person will not be able to fall in love with another person. Sometimes people converge and live together, however, true love does not settle in their hearts.
Tell about love to children proverbs
Tell about love to children proverbs
  • The unloved is always superfluous. This proverb tells us that a loved one never bothers us, we want to see him nearby. While unloved interferes even when we simply meet him anywhere.
  • The soul lives in the soul. So they say about people who live in peace and harmony, never quarrel and do not offend each other.
  • Though Ryaba, yes Lyuba. The statement explains to us that you can love absolutely any person and love does not depend on appearance. True love does not look with the eyes, but with his heart.
  • From pity, you cannot cut out love. Often, people begin relations due to pity, however, true love from such relationships never turns out, so it is customary to say that love cannot be cut out of pity.
  • People live for love. The proverb explains to us that love is the feeling that gives us the meaning of life.
  • Happy is the one who is constant in love. Love gives us a sense of joy and satisfaction, so the person who has stable love relationships is truly rich and happy.

Proverbs and sayings about love for people with drawings for children

It will be much more interesting for children to study proverbs and sayings if they are shown to them with pictures and drawings. Therefore, we recommend that you study proverbs in a playful way using illustrations.

  • There is no law for love.
  • Who they roam, they love that.
  • Love is strong.
  • Your gift is not dear to me, your love is.
  • I love you, but not like myself.
  • The heart is not a stone.
  • About love in pictures
    About love in pictures
  • Love is not hair, you won’t tear it soon.
  • Al forgot how they loved in the old days?
  • Do not give a ruble, just look with an eye.
  • You can’t lure with your heart, you won’t pull it by the ears.
  • The eyes look in the eyes, they say without words.
  • If you love, marry so, and do not love - get rid of it.
  • With love everywhere there is space, with evil everywhere tightness.

Love is an integral part of our life. It is thanks to this bright feeling that we really live. Explaining the value and importance of love to young children, we sow it in their hearts. But, as we all know: "What you sow, you will reap."

Video: Proverbs and sayings about love

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