Somatotropin: How to increase the production of the hormone of youth and harmony?

Somatotropin: How to increase the production of the hormone of youth and harmony?

In the modern world, many monitor their appearance. In the past few years, “beauty injections” have become popular, which includes somatotropin - this is a new rejuvenation method based on growth hormone, the cost of injections is high, but, despite this, the demand for them increases.

If you do not want to resort to injections, you can try to establish the natural production of the hormone in the body. The most effective methods that will help increase the production of somatotropin will be discussed in this article.

Somatotropin - what hormone?

  • The growth hormone is produced in the pituitary gland. Up to 20 years, the concentration of hormone somatotropin in the body becomes maximum. With an interval of 15 years, the production of the hormone decreases by 10-15%. If we contribute to the fact that the growth hormone is produced naturally, then you can slow down the aging process and preserve youth.
  • If the human body is enough somatotropin, the work of all human internal organs is normalized.

The following effect on the body is noted:

  1. Accelerates metabolism.
  2. Cells are restored.
  3. Nutrients are broken down.
  4. Insulin is produced.
  5. Muscle fibers develop.
  6. The level of moisture in the inner layers of the dermis is preserved.

If in the body the production of somatotropin is insufficient, the metabolism and cell recovery slows down. Therefore, the natural aging of a person is accelerated.

The main functions of somatotropin in the body

  • Somatotropin is an important hormone of youth and harmony. During the day, a person uses food that accumulates in the body. At night, while we sleep, the growth hormone triggers metabolism. This allows transform fat deposition into energywhich increases human activity during the day. That is why in the morning we weigh less than in the evening.  
  • Somatotropin is effective in maintaining the youth of the skin. It stimulates collagen productionwhich forms a protective frame of the skin. The more hormone is produced in the body, the more toned and elastic your skin will be.
  • In addition to impact on the appearance,somatotropin improves bone tissue strength. It allows you to accumulate vitamin D, due to which the probability of fractures and osteoporosis is reduced. The growth hormone promotes strengthening blood vessels.
  • With it, you can normalize cholesterol leveland reduce the likelihood of the development of atherosclerosis. If the body will lack of somatotropin, you can note a decrease in the elasticity of capillaries and the formation of plaques from cholesterol.
  • With the help of growth hormone, you can strengthen the production of protein, which is involved in the formation of muscle fibers. For this reason, athletes use somatotropin before important competitions.
About hormone
About hormone

Somatotropin - how to increase without injection?

If it is unreasonable to consume growth hormone, you can provoke diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and thyroid gland. If you want to keep beauty and youth for a long time, do not use dietary supplements. Give preference to simple and effective methods for increasing the production of somatotropin.

Daily regime

  • Most of all, the growth hormone is produced at night. To adjust the amount of somatotropin, try sleep at least 7-8 hours a day.
  • Refuse late views of films and do not abuse mobile phones. This can provoke insomnia.
Sleep is important
Sleep is important


  • Physical activity is an effective method for acceleration of growth hormone synthesis. Regular sports provoke a large calorie consumption. Therefore, the pituitary gland begins to more actively split fats in order to make up for the lack of calories.
  • If there is no time for full -fledged classes in the gym, do charging daily in the morning. The optimal duration of sports is 30 minutes. This is best done 4-5 times a week.
Go in for sports
Go in for sports

Cold and hot shower

  • During the adoption of the shower, try to periodically change the temperature of the water. This will provoke stress, and activate the work of all the internal systems of the body.
  • Thanks to this, the splitting of proteins and carbohydrates is accelerated. In addition, the production of somatotropin is stimulated. At first, you can gradually reduce the temperature over 5 seconds. Over time, you can increase the temperature change interval to 20-25 seconds.
  • Also, a contrast shower in the morning increases the tone of the whole organism gives energy for the whole day.

Vitamins and nutrition

  • To stimulate the production of growth hormone, it is necessary control the diet. Give preference to products that contain a lot vitamin E and ascorbic acid. It is recommended to donate blood once every six months to control the amount of vitamins and minerals in the body. If the analysis has shown that a person lacks somatotropin, it is required to take a vitamin complex within a month.
  • So that the growth hormone breaks fat faster, the body needs Omega-3. This component is contained In fish, avocados and nuts. In winter, use biologically active additives that contain lysic acid, arginine and glutamic acid.
Eat correctly
Eat correctly

So, now you know how to naturally increase the production of somatotropin in the body. This will help not to resort to “beauty injections” longer. Eat correctly, follow the daily routine and regularly play sports. These simple, but effective methods will help maintain youth and beauty.

Articles about beauty:

Video: On the action of hormone somatotropin?

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