Is it necessary to break the mustache from strawberries during flowering, fruiting? When to trim the mustache at strawberries: gardeners' tips

Is it necessary to break the mustache from strawberries during flowering, fruiting? When to trim the mustache at strawberries: gardeners' tips

Instructions for removing mustache during flowering and fruiting.

Strawberries are a berry with magnificent taste, which has loved many. It is used in the preparation of pies, and for blanks for the winter. Tasty jam, jam, also compote is obtained from it. In the article we will tell you why, when and how it is necessary to break the mustache from strawberries. 

Why break off the mustache from strawberries?

Strawberries are propagated in several ways. Among them, we can distinguish propagation with seeds, mustache, division of the bush. From each antennae, the so -called baby or a new outlet, which can be used to grow a new bush, gets. The main goal of the plant is to grow as much as possible.

Why break off the mustache's mustache:

  • If you completely exclude the removal of a mustache, in just one or two years instead of neat beds and rows, you will receive continuous strawberries with a large number of leaves, but the lack of berries.
  • It is easier for the plant to multiply with a mustache, because there is no need to spend energy, juices to nourish the berry and promote growth. Thus, if you give the bush the opportunity to choose, then in the end you will get thickets, but you can forget about the crop.
  • Therefore, the main task of the gardener is to remove the mustache in time in order to contribute to the formation of a large number of berries. 

When should a mustache be cut off in the summer in strawberries?

It all depends on the strawberry variety, as well as your goals for this and next season. If you do not plan to propagate the bushes, and increase strawberries, then you need to remove the mustache at any convenient time, as often as possible.

When the strawberries must be cut out in the summer:

  • Professionals recommend removing a mustache in early spring, 10 days after frost. It is then that you will see the first leaves. During this period, it is necessary to remove the mustache that remained in the fall.
  • Further, removal is carried out during flowering, or during the appearance of berries. It depends on what you are going to do with the bush. If you plan to divide the bush, it is necessary to let the strawberries be focused on, and start the berries.
  • If you want to get a rich harvest, then you need to remove additional mustache during flowering. In this case, all the forces of the plant will go to the nutrition of fruits. As a result, you will get a good harvest of large berries. 

If strawberries are blooming, can you cut a mustache or not?

Some gardeners believe that during the flowering period, the plant must be left alone, and in no case do not cut the mustache.

If strawberries are blooming, you can cut a mustache or not:

  • If you plan to get a rich harvest, with large berries, it is best to trim after the appearance of young ovaries. Usually they grow after the appearance of the first peduncles.
  • It is during this period that you remove the mustache. If you plan to select planting material, in this case you need to wait for the appearance of the first berries. This will allow you to choose bushes that give the most sweet, tasty and large berries.
  • It is from these bushes that a new planting material is taken.

Remember that excellent planting material is the first sockets that are closest to the mother bush. The sockets of the second, third level, ruthlessly remove and throw it away. 


Do I need to break the mustache from strawberries during fruiting?

During fruiting, it is not necessary to remove a mustache, because during this period there are not many of them. The next peak of the growth of a mustache is observed after fruiting.

Is it necessary to break off the mustache from strawberries during fruiting:

  • It is best to trim after harvesting. You can not tear out processes, they must be cut off. This is due to the fact that the stems are very dense and strong, if you pull for them, you can tear out the whole bush with the roots.
  • After harvesting and allocating bushes that give very good, tasty and large berries, you can select planting material. Several mustache is selected, which are closest to the uterine bush.

How often to break the mustache from strawberries?

Experienced gardeners recommend trimming strawberries three times a year. 

How often to break the mustache from strawberries:

  • The initial stage is in the early spring to remove the mustache that formed in late autumn. 
  • The second time pruning is carried out during flowering, when a huge number of new shoots are formed. 
  • The third pruning is carried out after fruiting. 

The first year is fruiting strawberries, is it necessary to break off his mustache?

Experienced gardeners believe that the bushes that bear fruit for the first year are the best option for selecting planting material, and the appearance of new strawberry beds. It is believed that the sockets formed from these bushes are the most powerful, and give a good harvest.

The first year is fruiting strawberries, whether it is necessary to break off his mustache:

  • Therefore, if you have to update the plantation in your plans, then for these purposes it is worth choosing strawberries that fruit first year. At the initial stage, during the formation of the first outlet and mustache, you must choose the “baby” that you will root.
  • As soon as a small outlet forms, the mustache will begin to grow further. At this stage, it is necessary to shorten it. You will get a uterine bush, a small stem, and a new outlet. Everything that grows after it must be cut off.
  • The uterine bush will spend its energy exclusively on one outlet. As a result of this, it will turn out to be as strong as possible, and ready for rooting, landing. However, many gardeners who have decent beds come differently. They allow you to take root with the first outlets.
  • This usually happens during fruiting. Next, it is necessary to take a chip and cut off everything that is further the first outlet. That is, the second and third outlets at this moment can be rooted. They must be pulled out of the soil without a twinge of conscience and regret. This is necessary so that the mother bush does not spend its energy on them. There is no need to cut off the first outlet. After all, the uterine bush continues to feed the socket, to spend its energy. 

When is it necessary to break off the mustache from strawberries, in the morning or in the evening?

It is necessary to tear out the mustache in the evening, preferably on a cloudy day. 

When you need to break the mustache from strawberries, in the morning or evening:

  • Choose a cloudy day for removing mustache and leaves, but without rain. 
  • Do not trim on a rainy day, or in damp weather. During this period, moisture enters the place of the cut, the mustache does not dry, but rot.
  • This is an additional danger to the uterine bush, which can lead to its damage and the formation of a large number of rotten berries.
  • If some of the outlets are rooted, but you do not plan to plant or update the beds, you need to completely dig them out or remove them with a grip.
  • Thickening plantings with sockets, shoots and leaves contributes to the formation of a large amount of shadow.
  • As a result of this, gray rot, spores of mushrooms that contribute to decay and damage to berries may form.
  • The cleaner the bushes, the better. Together with the removal of a mustache, be sure to break the leaves that begin to fade and turn yellow.
  • This is a great source for the growth of pathogenic microflora.

Cut the strawberries or break the mustache?

Do not tear out a mustache, it is necessary to trim with a secateur or trap.

Cut the strawberries or break out:

  • Use a professional tool with sharp blades.
  • The stems are very dense and strong, if you pull them for them, you can tear out the whole bush with the roots.
  • Gardeners are recommended to leave approximately 5-7 cm Usika. If you cut the mustache too close to the surface of the soil, you can remove the growth point, and contribute to the death of the bush.
  • Therefore, in no case should you trim under the root. Always leave 5-7 cm Usika. This rule works not only with a mustache, but also with strawberry leaves.  

Do I need to break the mustache from the repair strawberries?

Repair strawberries differs from the usual size of berries, as well as the features of fruiting. Unlike ordinary, the repair berry gives a crop twice a year. In July, in late August or in September.

Is it necessary to break off the mustache from the repair strawberries:

  • A repeated harvest that is observed in August and September is more generous than the first. However, the care of such strawberries is necessary. There is a strawberry with a mustache, and the belessly repair strawberries. But even if such strawberries have a mustache, they are much smaller, they are weaker than the usual. After all, all forces are spent on the ripening of the berries. That is why such varieties are propagated by the division of the bush, or grown from seeds.
  • But if necessary, you can grow bushes from a mustache. However, in this case, you will have to sacrifice the second harvest, to those that appear in late August or at the beginning of autumn. Most often, repair strawberries are grown using a film, that is, covering material. All the mustache that grow are on top on the film, and do not root.
  • If you plan to root a plant, you will have to make a hole in the film, and lean new sockets to the soil. As a result, get new bushes, but you can hardly enjoy a good harvest. That is why in repair strawberries, which fruit twice, it is necessary to cut off the mustache immediately after their formation. That is, during the period of active flowering. 
Good harvest
Good harvest

When is the first mustaches of strawberries after planting?

If you purchased young bushes in the market, you have no idea how they bear fruit, it is best to act as follows. Immediately after planting, you must wait with the division of the bushes and an increase in the number of beds.

When the first mustache is cut off after planting:

  • First of all, it is necessary to feed the bushes, cut off all the mustache that form in the first year. It is necessary that the plant is rooted in the first year, its root system is strengthened, strong leaves have grown.
  • Of course, it is not worth expecting a good strawberry crop in the first year. The main mistake that gardeners with new bushes make is not cut off, and give fruiting strawberries. As a result, frail bushes, weak roots, and small berry grow.
  • The bush is trying to perform several functions at the same time: give a good harvest of berries, build foliage, and also strengthen in a new place. The plant is not enough energy, the results are very average. As a result, you will not get any good sprouts, for subsequent landing, nor a great harvest. 

When to cut the mustache in strawberries for reproduction?

There are several ways, one of them was described above. One outlet is left, which is rooted near the uterine bush, the rest are cut off. Work must be carried out in June or in July.There is another way: the baby comes off the uterine bush, is planted in a peat cup, then it is transferred to a permanent place in late August or at the beginning of September. 

When to trim the mustache in strawberries for reproduction:

  • This method is optimal for repairing varieties. It is used if you want to get two crops, but at the same time you are not ready to risk plantings, and want to increase new beds. After the second fruiting, the leaves are cut off, but the mustache is left.
  • Before winter, it is necessary to feed such bushes with children, cover with mulch or film, insulation for the winter. In March, when the first earthwork will be carried out, it is necessary to remove the film and separate the new baby, dropping it to a new place.
  • This will give her the opportunity to take root well, and build up the root mass. However, this year to expect fruiting and a good harvest from young bushes. In the first year, it is necessary to completely break off the mustache, which gives a new, young bush, so that its root system is strengthened. 

To propagate strawberries with stepsons, you can use several options: 

  • Apply children who are rooted on their own, that is, the first sockets from the uterine bush. 
  • Bushes from sockets that are grown in peat pots, followed by landing in August or in September. 
  • Bushes that are left in the winter, followed by top dressing and separation of children in March. 
Propagation with a mustache
Propagation with a mustache

How is strawberry propagation in the summer in the pots in summer?

The selected mustache, which are located near the fallopian bush, are not cut off, but are transferred to a peat pot, or a plastic cup with soil. It is not necessary to deepen the plant, just dig a rosette with the earth. 

How is the propagation of strawberries with a mustache in the summer in pots:

  • Put the glass on the windowsill of the house or to the greenhouse, water. Such manipulation is best carried out in the middle or at the end of July, after receiving the first harvest.
  • Around the end of August and at the beginning of September, several leaves will appear in the glass, the outlet will take root. After that, it is necessary to cut the glass if it is plastic and transferred to the ground for further rooting.

It is best to carry out such manipulations in the fall or at the end of summer, on a cloudy day. You can not transplant the bushes when the sun is on the street and the heat. This will prevent the normal growth of culture, and its rooting. There is a high probability that the bushes will die.

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  1. If you regularly cut a mustache in strawberries, then as a result the bush will hail.

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