Do I need to add oil to the porridge of the baby? Which oil is better to give a child up to a year? What kind of butter and vegetable oil to choose for complementary foods?

Do I need to add oil to the porridge of the baby? Which oil is better to give a child up to a year? What kind of butter and vegetable oil to choose for complementary foods?

From this article you will find out what kind of oil, and from how many months you can give a baby.

Natural oil (both vegetable and creamy), in addition to the fact that the source of vitamins is necessary for the growing children's body, so pediatricians recommend giving it a little from a very young age. What is useful for infants for infants? In what cases can it damage? How many months can you give oil? We find out in this article.

Why do you need to give oil to the baby?

Fatfrom which vegetable and butter consists of, necessary for the development of the brain of a small child. Immediately after birth, the baby receives it from breast milk. It has about 4% fat. But the child is growing rapidly, and by about six months of his life, he already lacks those useful substances that are in breast milk. It needs to be fed with porridge, puree from vegetables, adding vegetable oil in food, and later butter.

What vegetable and animal oil can be inflated?

Before feeding the baby with various feeding foods with oil, you need to consult with the pediatrician, since each child has its own characteristics. The doctor is likely to advise from 6-7 months to add such oil to food:

  • Olive cold spin
  • Sunflower unrefined
  • Corn unrefined
  • Creamy with fat content of more than 80%

From 1 year of life, the baby can add such oils to the baby:

  • Sesame
  • Cedar
  • Coconut
  • Rapse

It is also useful pumpkin oil, in him  there are a lot:

  • Minerals: phosphorus, zinc, calcium, magnesium, selenium, iron
  • Vitamin: k, rarely encountered T and group b

Linseed oil cold spin contains a lot of polyunsaturated acids (alpha-linolenic), but it as and pumpkin oil can be given to a small child only from one and a half to two years old.

Attention. If you introduce new oil, carefully observe the child if he has an allergy to this type of oil, and if there is, do not give it anymore.

Vegetable oil infants

What is the useful oil for the baby?

Olive oil Filted cold pressing pediatricians are advised to introduce children with mashed potatoes or porridge from 6 months of age. The oil is rich in fatty acids (saturated and unsaturated), vitamins A, C, D, K, E and group B. Olive oil is easier than other oils is absorbed by the body of a small child.

Olive oil helps:

  • Develop the brain
  • Vitamin A - improves vision
  • Vitamins D and group B - development of bones
  • Vitamin E maintains a healthy skin and hair
  • Do not gain extra grams, then turning into kilograms

Why is sunflower oil beneficial for a baby?

Sunflower oil can be added in mashed potatoes from 6 months. Sunflower oil unrefined cold squeezing contains:

  • Unsaturated fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6
  • Vitamins E, and group b
  • Linoleic acid

Sunflower oil is useful for the following features:

  • Vitamin E increases immunity, makes the skin healthy and radiant
  • B vitamins increase endurance of the nervous system
  • Helps fight infections, heal small scratches
  • Improves heart function
  • Gives vital energy to the growing organism

Attention. In oil from sunflower, there are a lot of omega-6 fatty acids, leading to obesity.

Why is corrupt oil a baby useful?

Unrefined corn oil can be added in mashed potatoes from 7 months. Corn oil Useful because contains:

  • Vitamins A, E, F, B1, B2, B3
  • Unsaturated fatty acids

Attention. In refined oil, all beneficial substances are destroyed due to heat treatment, so a small child needs to give only unrefined oils.

What is useful butter for a baby?

If the baby does not have an allergy to animal protein, then from 7 months you can introduce butter into complementary oil.

The butter contains:

  • "Useful" cholesterol
  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin D.
  • Vitamin E

Note. Check whether you bought natural oil or a spread (with a vegetable fat), it can be as follows: Freeze butter in the freezer, then get a piece from it with a knife, if the oil is well split into pieces, and not spread, it means natural. The spread or margarine should not be given categorically to children.

Paint butter can be from 7 months of life

Why is coconut oil useful for a baby?

Coconut oil consists of:

  • From laureric acid, which helps to produce “good” cholesterol in the body, which improves the functioning of the heart and the immune system.
  • Triglycerides that help it better digest food.

Attention. Coconut oil contains more saturated fats than other oils, and therefore very high -calorie, and it will need less infants in comparison with other oils.

How, and with what, give oil to the baby?

Pediatricians of different countries advise a child up to 1 year old to fry any productsTherefore, we add to the baby oil in warm vegetable mashed potatoes, broccoli or colored cabbage, or you can in liquid buckwheat or rice porridge. Start with 1 drop of oil. By 1 year, you can already reach 1 teaspoon.

First, we give vegetable oils with mashed potatoes, then you can try with porridge and butter. First, we take oils on the tip of the knife (about 3 grams), gradually add to 5-6 grams.

Attention. For a child 1 year of life, per day, the number of oils (vegetable and creamy) combined, should not exceed 2 tbsp. spoons.

Add oil in a puree for a baby

Could there be allergies to inflorescences?

The baby may have an allergy to any kind of oil, if mom did not use this oil before, so we start with 1 drop, and observe.

It's believed that the least allergy to olive oil - You need to start with him.

Attention. An allergy in infants is often to refined vegetable oils, since various chemicals are added during refinement in production - to return the lost color and taste. Therefore, for a small child, we select only unrefined oils.

Contraindications to the use of inflorescences?

There is some diseasesin which the infusion of infants cannot be given:

  • Olive - with enterocolitis and cholecystitis
  • Sunflower - for diseases of the stomach, intestines, pancreas, gall bladder and liver
  • Creamy - with intolerance to milk fats, increased cholesterol, obesity, vascular diseases and heart

Attention. Most babies have under 1 year old, which found intolerance to milk fat, by 1.5-2 years the allergy passes on them, and then you can give the child all dairy products.

So, now we know what oils, and from how many months you can give a baby.

Video: oil - vegetable olive and creamy, which to give a child?

Find out what kind of feeding you can introduce the baby:

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