Carrot juice during breastfeeding. Can carrot juice be a nursing mother and baby?

Carrot juice during breastfeeding. Can carrot juice be a nursing mother and baby?

The article refers to the benefits of carrot juice for a nursing woman and baby.

There are many vitamins, trace elements in carrots. Eating red vegetable for food, we strengthen health and increase immunity. But how to be a young mother who breasts the baby?

With the advent of the child, many questions arise for both the mother and those who surround her. One of them: is it worth eating carrots and drinking juice from it during lactation? In this article we will talk about the benefits of carrots in the lactation period and how to use it so that the baby does not begin to allergies.

Is carrot juice possible with breastfeeding a nursing mother?

Bright coloring of the vegetable makes you think about a possible disorder of the stomach, an allergic reaction in the crumbs. But in the menu of a nursing mommy, it is simply necessary to include carrots.

Carrot drink - a storehouse of vitamins
Carrot drink - a storehouse of vitamins

- carrots during breastfeeding - a magical elixir or a useless orange drink?

Even the safest product that is used in excess can cause a negative reaction in the baby. Excess orange vegetable in the diet can cause stomach disorder.

Even in the old days, it was known that the use of carrot freshly squeezed juice helps to increase the volume of breast milk. Saturated with beta-carotene and vitamins A polyvitamin root crop is very useful for breastfeeding

Carrots during breastfeeding increases milk collection
Carrots during breastfeeding increases milk collection

The root crop of bright orange color, introduced into the diet of a nursing mommy, will help her increase the amount of breast milk.

But you need to use carrots for this purpose in the form of a drink or in the form of mashed potatoes. To obtain maximum benefit from the root crop, it is necessary to add milk and cream to it.

Carrot puree
Carrot puree

During breastfeeding, it is always important to know what the benefits of a particular product for the baby. Read more about the benefits of carrots can be followed: link

Carrot drink - a storehouse of vitamins
Carrot drink - a storehouse of vitamins

We will highlight the main points. What is useful for the orange root crop for mom and newborn?

  • carrots normalize the pressure of the nursing mother
  • kidneys and liver work better
  • carrots are an effective prevention of development in a child of such a disease as “chicken blindness”: it contains a large amount of carotene, which the baby receives with breast milk
  • the baby’s immune defense is increasing due to the content of vitamin C in the vegetable
  • carrots have a laxative effect, therefore problems with the stool are eliminated
  • the nursing mommy gets tired less, her mood improves, the energy supply is replenished, and stress is easier to experience
  • hormonal background is stabilized

Orange vegetable can be eaten during the first month after childbirth. The discomfort in the work of the intestines in the young mother and the baby is absent after eating an orange vegetable.

Carrot drink
Carrot drink cheers up

Eating carrots has a beneficial effect on the activities of the nervous and respiratory systems. But in addition, the skin is restored, which is so necessary for a young mother after a difficult period of bearing and childbirth.

Each new product must be introduced into the menu gradually and carefully: one test for 1-2 days.

After the first use, it is necessary to track the reaction of the baby and if it does not have signs of allergies, poisoning, strong colic, then the vegetable can be safely consumed

Carrot juice, like everyone else, in the lactation period should be drunk only freshly squeezed: you can cook the juice yourself, or you can buy in a pharmacy in the department for nursing mothers. From the juices that contain preservatives, for the period of breastfeeding should be refused.

But if the mother does not like carrot juice by itself, then you can drink it by mixing with other vegetables and fruit juices.

Here is an example soybel juices of carrot juice:

  • green apple juice
  • pumpkin juice
  • pomegranate juice
  • the juice is beetroot
  • celery juice
Apple and carrots are perfectly combined
Apple and carrots are perfectly combined

How to correctly introduce an orange vegetable during lactation?

Remember that any product should be entered in the menu in small doses. First, try a small piece of boiled carrots and a couple of days follow the baby's reaction to the product. The lack of a negative reaction gives a green light to a young mother: there is a carrot without risk

Redness and rash in infants, frequent colic indicate that the use of carrots should be wait. After 30 days, repeat the attempt (determine what the baby is allergic to, if only one new product is introduced in one reception)

After the birth of the baby, you should wait 4-5 weeks and only after this period can you begin to experiment with the use of root crop

Increase the amount of vegetable used gradually

  • It is better to use raw carrots in moderate quantities, because in raw forms are more difficult, which can even cause infection
  • Eat baked or boiled carrots. When the baby is five to seven months, raw carrots can be enriched with salads
  • It is categorically impossible to eat orange root crop to those who have diagnosed the ulcer or discovered problems with digestion
  • You can eat no more than 100-150 grams of carrots per day (1-2 medium-sized root crops) or dilute a glass of concentrated juice with water
  • When choosing carrots in a supermarket, give preference to dense fruits, the color of which is plain and saturated. Dark spots, cracks and cuts found on carrots? Do not experiment and leave such carrots on the shelf
  • It is best to use an orange vegetable grown in an ordinary garden

Is freshly squeezed carrot juice when breastfeeding a baby, at what age?

We talked about the benefits for the mother and the conditions of the use of carrot juice. But what about the baby? When can he give him juice from an orange root crop?

Once our mothers, following the advice of pediatricians, began to feed with juice from newborn carrots, which turned 1-2 months. But today, the priority of breastfeeding, and therefore doctors recommend that the doctors recommend that the juices only at the age of 5-6 months

- carrots during breastfeeding - a magical elixir or a useless orange drink?
- carrots during breastfeeding - a magical elixir or a useless orange drink?

For six months to your child and you feed him exclusively with breast milk? In this case, you can offer a carrot drink at the age of 8-9 months.

As the first feeding, carrots are not suitable. It is better to use less painted vegetables for this.

Start giving carrot juice from one spoon per day
Start giving carrot juice from one spoon per day

Introduce the baby with carrots:

  • We offer freshly squeezed juice without a pulp, diluted with water in a proportion of 1: 1
  • In the future, you can give the baby not one -component juice, but in combination with apple juice, pumpkin
  • Older to an older baby, we offer juice with an orange or lemon fresh
  • We give the first time no more than one teaspoon in one appointment. Gradually bring a portion to 100 ml (to 10-12 months)
  • Infants on breast feeding give the juice after it is eaten
  • In winter, carrot juice in combination with other vegetables increases immunity
  • The beneficial properties of carrots are better absorbed, if you mix it with a small amount of milk fat or with any vegetable fats

What are the recommendations regarding how to drink carrot juice during breastfeeding to mom and her baby?

Do not be limited exclusively by carrot juice or salads. The effect and benefits of orange root crop will be the same if you prepare a casserole, pudding, souffle from it

Casserole of carrots
Casserole of carrots

note: The vitamin complex is better absorbed if you refuse to use products rich in starch, flour products. And also with the content of concentrated sugar.

Raw carrots are absorbed only with fats. Therefore, add sour cream, vegetable or olive oil to salads with carrots. You can recharge your body with a vitamin “bomb” by making a carrot salad with herbs.

Drink carrot drink half an hour before meals. To make orange juice less aggressive and add 1: 1 ratio of 1: 1 for better absorption.

One or two sips for the first time will be enough. Train the reaction of the baby. If everything is fine, then you can safely increase the dose to 0.5 cups.

Fresh or after heat treatment?

  • Orange root crop is useful to mom and child in fresh form and boiled, and even in stew. But if you prefer fresh carrot juice, you can pour it into a tall glass and decorate it with a tube
  • Together with vitamins, you will charge yourself in a good mood. In a difficult lactation period, the emotional state of the mother plays an important role
  • With problems with the stomach (gastritis, ulcer), it is worth abandoning the carrot drink

Using the carrots, the nursing mother should remember the following:

  • In the lactation period, a reasonable approach to food is important. Observe the measure in everything. It is important to adhere to a special diet. Overeating is fraught with both mom and baby, even if these are vegetables and fruits rich in vitamins and trace elements
  • Priority in the issue of using any product during lactation is one - lack of harm to the baby. But a woman should worry about herself
During breastfeeding, a woman should think about herself
During breastfeeding, a woman should think about herself

Orange root crop will retain the hair healthy, strengthen the teeth and improve the condition of the skin. You need to eat fully and in moderation, and the good health of the nursing woman and her baby is provided

Video: How to cook carrot puree for the first feeding?

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