Winter fairy tale on a window from paper to decorate windows for the New Year: print and cut out patterns and stencils for stickers and drawing on windows, photo. New Year's fairy tales from paper: plot stencils, templates, pricks for decorating New Year's windows

Winter fairy tale on a window from paper to decorate windows for the New Year: print and cut out patterns and stencils for stickers and drawing on windows, photo. New Year's fairy tales from paper: plot stencils, templates, pricks for decorating New Year's windows

In this article, we propose to consider the decoration of the windows for the holiday.

The decoration of the window for the New Year is already like a tradition. Yes, even in our childhood we cut out and glued snowflakes in our childhood, and today you can see whole works of art on the windows. Of course, you can buy a special film in the store, while choosing any landscape or drawing you like. But we want to offer you simple and affordable templates that will help create a wonderful design with your own hands.

How to make a stained glass window, cut a winter landscape from paper on the window with your own hands: tips

The stained -glass window involves the use of multi -colored glass (more precisely, its pieces), which is soldered or connected in another way. But you can independently replace the materials with paper (color or white). And our small advice and tricks will help in this matter.

A simplified version is a stained glass window that even a child can do.

  • Of course, the main task is to go to the choice of a stencil. If you do such a creation for the first time, then do not take up too complex and intricate drawings. And if you plan to connect to such a process and children, then choose patterns that are suitable for their age.
Window decoration
Window decoration

Important: all lines need to be cut very accurately and accurately. Only then will a really beautiful landscape turn out. Therefore, it is so important that the template is easy to cut out (this is the most difficult process) and has sufficient thickness of the line.

  • Yes, you can draw any picture you like yourself. By the way, nothing prevents you from immediately placing it on the window. And finished stencils (we will provide options below) will greatly simplify the task.
  • The main thing is to prepare the glass itself well (or another surface, for example, a mirror). It needs to be washed and, preferably, degreased. Then the picture will stand just one day.

Important: today many have a problem with plastic windows - they often fog (no, not everyone happens). As a small advice, place bags on the windows that are sold in every shoe box. They perfectly absorb moisture and help prevent the problem.

  • Transfer a printed stencil to paper. By the way, initially try on each location of the details. They should harmoniously accommodate throughout the window. Only then will a whole New Year's fairy tale get.
    • If you want to combine small drawings among yourself, then it is enough just to cut them according to the template. If the pattern is repeated or has many small details, then they need to be transferred to paper.
  • For cutting, use only a special or ordinary (as an option) stationery knife. In this case, it is better not to trust the small children, since the slightest oversight will violate the picture itself.
Winter fairy tale on the windows
Winter fairy tale on the windows
  • Then it will be necessary to cut out multi -colored inserts. For these purposes, colored paper is wonderful. If you want to simplify the task, then glue just colored strips from the wrong side of the stencil. Their location can have a horizontal, vertical or even diagonal plane.
    • By the way, if you want very quickly and simple, then just decorate the appropriate areas. Yes, the stencil itself should have a black color (so the picture will have a spectacular look), and the leaves, flowers and other patterns already include the whole variety of colors.
  • Cut stencils on the board so as not to damage the surface of the table. And so that the paper does not twist from the paint when decorating, glue the ends with ordinary tape.
  • In conclusion, it remains only to glue the finished stencil on the window. For these purposes, water or soap solution is suitable (it will be better to keep the pattern). Some use double -sided tape or glue (PVA or pencil). But for paper stencils, it is not necessary to have such a solid foundation, especially since the adhesive tape or glue is not wiped very well after the holidays.

IMPORTANT: If it is not possible to wipe the remaining glue, then use the help of alcohol or fluid to relieve varnish. Then the task will be greatly simplified.

How to make a realistic stained glass?

If you want to create a window stained glass window, which passers -by or guests cannot distinguish from the present, then take note of the following tricks.

  • To do this, you will need to print two identical drawings. No, you can draw them or then just transfer the stencil to paper. If you want, you can separately cut the corresponding drawings.
  • We carry out all similar actions, as we said above. That is, they carefully cut out all the lines. On both stencils.
  • Now we take colored paper (colors, of course, depend on the selected pattern) and apply it to it a small layer of oil. Yes, you can take the most common - sunflower, on which we fry cutlets. This will create the effect of transparency. And on the window, through sunlight, the picture will look as if it had been created from glass. By the way, this is easy to do with a regular kitchen sponge.
  • They laid colored paper aside for drying.
Realistic landscape
Realistic landscape
  • Let's get back to the first stencil. It needs to be decorated with black. Yes, not easy, but black mascara. The one that every woman has in a cosmetic bag is suitable. You can use the felt -tip pen, but the mascara will give the desired volume. By the way, do not be afraid if the lines come out not too flat. That is, small ledges will not spoil the picture.
  • The necessary areas cut out of colored paper. By the way, this can be done before the application of oil. And glue on the cut areas of the second stencil. It is also important that initially you need to cut it off so that there are few extra strips (a couple of millimeters enough). After all, the paper needs to be somehow connected.
  • Now fold two drawings together. The first stencil, where mascara, is located on top! And color, of course, from below. Now they put a book (or another item) from above, which corresponds to the size of the stencil, and left to dry for 2-3 hours.
  • You can glue such a stained glass in the same way on soapy water or stationery glue - pencil.

Winter village landscapes from paper: templates and stencils for cutting and stickers on the window

For some reason, it is precisely small houses in snowdrifts, with a chimney cause a New Year's mood. By the way, making them is very simple - you need to choose your favorite stencil, print it, transfer it to paper and decorate the window.

  • Consider the dimensions of your window. You can create a garland from houses and Christmas trees below, and sleep from above with New Year's balls. By the way, for such a goal, you do not need to do a lot of stencils, just take one main one.
  • And then you can already add some elements yourself. For example, a chimney, a fence, a Christmas tree or snowdrifts.
  • You can even portray a dog with a booth. But, in such a case, a color pattern will look more beautiful. Although you can cut the corresponding patterns.
  • Village landscapes look good in white on the background of black (night window). But, if desired, you can decorate the picture. Children will definitely evaluate such a pastime.
Village landscapes
Village landscapes
Village landscapes
Village landscapes
  • You can make one large house, only in this case you need to pay attention to the details. That is, add the door and windows. By the way, a New Year's wreath can be depicted on the door (it can be made bright).
  • And if you add a drop of humor, then portray Santa Claus (although this is more privilege of Santa Claus), who is trying to take into the house through the chimney. Or stuck in the process.
  • And do not forget about such details as smoke. Indeed, in the village (now, of course, they have other methods of heating) are drowned with firewood. And the chimney indicates the presence of a stove.

Winter city landscapes from paper: templates and stencils for cutting and stickers on the window

Such a stencil is more approaching the modern style of the interior. By the way, in this matter it is important to cut out each window in a multi -storey building. And the secret of such a landscape is that it can be in white and black. Yes, the first option will delight at night, and the second will decorate the window during the day.

  • The city landscape stencil can be printed and then transferred to paper, or you can create it yourself. There will be a ruler and a simple pencil to help. Only all sizes must be strictly observed.
Winter landscapes
Winter landscapes
  • Nobody canceled the Christmas trees, snowflakes and snowdrifts next to the houses. They can be used as an additional decor.
  • And at the top of the picture, Santa Claus on a sleigh will fit remarkably. Naturally, there will be several deer in the harness.
  • And, of course, you can add angels to such a picture, pine twigs with balls or snowmen.

New Year's moon and a month from paper: templates and stencils for cutting and stickers on the window

How without her. It can be both a separate picture and an additional element. It can be portrayed in different phases (that is, growing, decreasing or complete). If you want, you can add her nose, eyes and lips or portray simply round.

  • If you want to make the moon the main object, then it is better to revive it a little (that is, make a face). But, all the same, you can’t do without stars, snowflakes and New Year's balls.
  • A stencil will look very beautiful, where the moon observes playing children. Or portray the process of modeling the snowman, as an option.
  • The full moon goes well with the harness of deer and Santa Claus.
New Year's moon
New Year's moon
  • We will give you several options on how to portray the moon. It is not necessary to print such templates, because they can easily be redrawn on paper. Moreover, even a child will cope with this task.
    • A little secret! To draw the moon, circle just a plate of the corresponding size.

A month and moon are different states of the same object. We mentioned this a little in the previous paragraph. The month has the shape of the letter "C" (just in case we remind).

  • In which direction will it be for a month to look - this is already up to you. The beauty of the picture will not change at all. It will just depend on this what phase is now.
    • On a note! If we attach a finger to the spins of the month and get the letter “P”, then this suggests that the growing phase is now. If the letter is in a detailed state, then the phase will be waning.
  • You can also revive the month a little by adding your face (in profile).
Decoration for holidays
Decoration for holidays
Decoration for holidays
Decoration for holidays
  • And, of course, stars, snowflakes and other New Year's elements will make the picture completed. By the way, a month over a spruce forest will look beautiful.
  • Or, on a large half of the window, depict a village landscape, and on a narrow half - let a month flare over the snowdrifts.

New Year's snow from paper: templates and stencils for cutting and stickers on the window

Snow or snowflakes are just indispensable elements. If you make a full -fledged picture with the plot, then snow can be made simply from white circles. But, adding an interesting stencil of snowflakes will help to add a picture of a kind of highlight.

  • They can be of different shapes (below we will give options for stencils by which it can be cut), and also with flat or voluminous. By the way, this option of snowflakes is not glued to the window, but is suspended by the thread on the cornice.
Paper snowflakes
Paper snowflakes
Paper snowflakes
Paper snowflakes
  • And yet, snowflakes can be glued, or you can take them just like a stencil. That is, with water, stick in a place, then sprayed with a toothbrush water (diluted with toothpaste). Then just turn the snowflakes. It will also turn out very original.

New Year's snowdrifts from paper: templates and stencils for cutting and stickers on the window

In principle, even a five -year -old child draws snowdrifts. But, if you use snowdrifts as an additional element, then they must harmoniously complement the picture. Therefore, think at the very beginning and this nuance.

Snowders on paper
Snowders on paper

As an independent element, snowdrifts for decoration on the window are not used. Unless you have the emphasis of the picture at the top of the window.

Winter landscapes from paper: templates and stencils for drawing on the window

I would like to immediately stipulate what the drawings on the windows do. To do this, more often resort to the help of guans, toothpaste and a special store. First of all, you need to choose a stencil and roughly choose its location.

  • If you plan to put the same drawing several times, then make several copies of the template.
  • To apply the paint, take a kitchen sponge (its small piece).
  • To make clear and even contours of the sketch, use toothpicks or skewers. Yes, they will need to be carried out in the right places. And on a white background there is a dark contour (if you look at night).

IMPORTANT: It is better to cut the stencil from cardboard, since the paper base is very quickly deteriorated. But prepare also on a spare copy.

  • If you want to take toothpaste as a basis, then it can be drawn both in its pure form and diluted with water.
  • Some apply the pattern with ear sticks or you can again use a kitchen sponge.
  • If you want to create the spraying effect, then use a toothbrush. We have already mentioned such drawing a little higher. That is, they glued a stencil (after all, the picture is created around the template) and made spraying with a toothbrush. Then the template was carefully removed.
  • By the way, one cannot still not recall frosty drawings. For them, it is not necessary to use prepared stencils. Such patterns can be applied with fingers. And also imagine how much joy you will give to the child! And then, straighten the elements with a toothpick.

Winter landscapes from paper: giggled

Peretynanka is accurate cutting of elements and patterns on paper. For these purposes, you can use a stationery knife or very sharp manicure scissors. In other words, it is just cutting out of paper. By the way, such art came to us from China, where it appeared at the beginning of the 9th century.

IMPORTANT: For complex and intricate patterns, be sure to purchase a wooden rug and several sharp scalpels. Scissors and ruler will also be indispensable assistants.

  • But keep in mind that you need to start practicing with lighter patterns. Even using a stencil, you need to be extremely accurate.
Decoration for the holiday
Decoration for the holiday
  • It is better to take a denser paper, but not cardboard (it will look too rude). Although you can use office paper, and corrugated, and even fabric.

How to decorate, make a window stained glass window with a winter landscape for the New Year, Christmas, in kindergarten, school, at work, at home: ideas, photos

New Year in each house is expressed equally and, at the same time, differently. Yes, it sounds a little paradoxical. But after all, as decorations, everyone chooses those that came to their liking. At home or at work, the same picture can be portrayed in its own way. Yes, there are still such assistants as children at home, so they will definitely make their own highlight.

  • What can you draw or what kind of stained glass window for the New Year:
    • it can be snowflakes or frosty patterns
    • christmas trees or pine branches. By the way, they can be elegant or not
    • Santa Claus with a Snow Maiden, a harness with deer or an angel
    • calls, gift boxes or candles
  • All this can be an additional decoration for winter landscapes on the window. And how to make them (in the form of a stained glass, stickers or drawing) we dismantled with you.
The ideas of decoration
The ideas of decoration
The ideas of decoration
The ideas of decoration
The ideas of decoration
The ideas of decoration

Also, we will finally add that you can plant a dog on the window. After all, the next year is the year of the dog. Therefore, it can be portrayed in full growth or make a part of a whole picture. And above will provide the necessary stencils that will help you get inspiration.

Video: New Year's decorations of windows

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