Winter landscapes from paper for decorating windows for the New Year: print and cut templates and stencils for stickers and drawing on windows, photo. New Year's landscapes, moon, month from paper: storytellers, templates, pricks for decorating New Year's windows

Winter landscapes from paper for decorating windows for the New Year: print and cut templates and stencils for stickers and drawing on windows, photo. New Year's landscapes, moon, month from paper: storytellers, templates, pricks for decorating New Year's windows

In this article you will learn about the ideas of decorating windows for the New Year.

Recently, it has become very popular to make snowflakes on the window. No, before the children also glued snowflakes, but, you see, today you can see a whole real picture. And to do this is not so difficult when at hand there are the necessary stencils and templates. By the way, such a lesson is perfect for parents who have children. After all, it will turn out not just decoration on the windows, but also a wonderful family lesson.

How to make a stained glass, cut out plot stencils of paper on the window with your own hands: tips

Vitrazh, of course, are considered various images from colored glass. Yes, this is a whole art that manifests itself by lighting (sunlight is most often used). Yes, not everyone knows how to solder and connect the glass among themselves. But our small tips will help to create a really bewitching stained glass window. By the way, not only on New Year's topics, any holiday can be the reason.

  • First of all, you need prepare a sketch. Now the task is greatly simplified, you can download any option from the Internet you like. But, if you have artistic skills, then you can start independent drawing.
  • By the way, stencils are printed more often on a regular sheet of paper (that is, A4). Then these drawings are simply combined in one picture. No need to print each element separately. Indeed, for example, a frame or decorated branches of a Christmas tree (or pine) can be transferred several times to paper, and then simply decorated them with a black felt -tip pen (or gouache).

Important: stained -glass windows require great accuracy and accuracy. All lines should be even, otherwise a sloppy look will come out. If you plan to make such a craft with children, then choose stencils easier so that the lines have clear contours and sufficient thickness.

  • If you plan to make a stained -glass window completely on the entire window, then it is better to immediately print A1 (or which you will succeed). Yes, such a printout will come out much more. But keep in mind the fact that you will not need to mess with many small pieces of paper and the density of the stencil will be greater, which means that additional resistance will be obtained.
    • By the way, with independent drawings, the situation is similar. Although, as an option, you can glue several ordinary sheets with each other and then tolerate the template.
  • If you use the finished stencil, then their color will be so. If you plan to transfer to paper according to the template, then do not forget to decorate them. But you can leave it just white. Just keep in mind that the stained -glass window involves the use of a black framework and color background (that is, the rear view).
  • Next, you have a very important task. Cut down exactly and accurately All lines. The scissors were put aside. For these purposes, you need to use a special sharp knife (yes, the kitchen device is also not suitable). As an option, you can replace with a clerical knife (the main thing is that it is sharp).
    • Those who plan to leave the picture in white can skip the next step. Since the effect will not be the same with a black background. We proceed to the back background. It is to those colored pieces. We take ordinary colored paper or, if you want, you can decorate the sheets with gouache.
  • To cut the necessary pattern, you need to put the paper with the face up, and attach our drawing. Gently redraw the pattern. By the way, keep in mind that the pieces of the picture will be glued to the base, so leave a little for this place.
  • As an option, you can simply cut out multi -colored strips and glue it from the wrong side, and cut off the extra ends. This method is great for creativity with children. Especially with small ones.
The item of jewelry
The item of jewelry
  • And now it remains only glue the window on the window. For these purposes, use ordinary water or soap. You can use just soapy water or rub with wet soap stencil.
  • Normal milk is also suitable, but keep in mind that white traces will need to be thoroughly wiped.
  • And another option is toothpaste. It will be good to keep the drawing, but after drying the window you will need to wash several times well.

Important: you can take glue - pencil or PVA. Some even resort to adhesive tape. But for paper stained -glass windows, this is a very heavy base. If you have a cardboard drawing, then, of course, water will not help. For foam and plastic stencils, naturally, glue is also used.

Tale on the Nutcracker window: templates and stencils for cutting and stickers on the window

Recently, the ballerinas have increasingly adorn the windows of residents for the New Year. Does someone see any connection? And remember the Soviet cartoon "The Nutcracker". There are not just dancing the ballerinas, but are lying to the beautiful music of A. Tchaikovsky.

  • By the way, you can make the Nutcracker himself, as well as other characters. They can have a completely different size and color. You can decorate them or leave them simply white.
  • By the way, if you want to make the drawing color, then you can simply cut the base (that is, the template). As an option, you can create a stained glass window. But such subtle work will require a lot of attention and zeal, since there are small details.
  • Ballerinas can have a different position, but their main advantage is a pack.

Important: its shape can be standard, or you can cut out a snowflake from it. It turns out not only original, but also crazy beautifully.

  • And yet, ballerinas can be done not only in a flat form, but also to create a magnificent and voluminous skirt. And you can hang such beauty on the threads for the cornice.

A fairy tale on the Snow Queen window: templates and stencils for cutting and stickers on the window

This cartoon is known not only by adults, but also by their children. Yes, today you can find a lot of cartoons (albeit crossed), but with such a theme. In this matter, as they say, you can give free rein.

  • Very beautiful, but a little harsh (since this is a negative character) The Snow Queen herself will look. By the way, it is better to do it for the entire window.

Important: the Snow Queen can be depicted in the form of a portrait, and if you want to portray it in full growth, then the shape and position can be absolutely any.

  • If you make a composition from the plots of such a fairy tale, then the dimensions need to choose the corresponding elements.
The Snow Queen
The Snow Queen
  • Kai and Gerda will also be an integral part of this fairy tale. They can also be cut along the stencil and left in a white format, or you can simply cut figures and decorate the appropriate color.
  • Snowmen and deer are used as an additional attribute of the picture.

Tale on the Zayushkina Hut window: templates and stencils for cutting and stickers on the window

This is a sweet and kind fairy tale. Yes, it also has a share of teachings and cognitive meaning. Pictures are best done with a smile and a positive attitude. Yes, the main character will be a bunny. And not just, but with his house (Lubyan). But in the fox you can portray your house (ice). Also do not forget about other animals - heroes. They will only diversify the window fairy tale.

Animals on the window
Animals on the window

Fairy Tale on the Frost window: templates and stencils for cutting and stickers on the window

Another good fairy tale since the time of the USSR. The full plot will not repeat, but briefly recall the main characters. It is impossible, one cannot but decorate the New Year's window with a kind and disinterested girl named Nastenka. Yes, and do not forget to portray Santa Claus, who found her in the forest.

A fairy tale on the windows
A fairy tale on the windows
  • If you want to create a complete plot picture of a fairy tale, then do not forget to portray Marfushka. Yes, not just, but on a sleigh, which are drawn by three pigs. And cut the chest with a dowry (crows). This plot will be remarkably cheerful.
  • Of course, you also need to portray Ivan with Nastenka. But such a stencil will independently draw it on its own. Therefore, we will present to your attention the prepared templates that will just need to be cut out.
  • For a complete picture, you can add images of an old man with an old woman. And also, a woman-yagu with robbers. Children will definitely evaluate such a creation.

Tale on the Masha and Bear window: templates and stencils for cutting and stickers on the window

A modern cartoon that all children and their parents know. Of course, you need to portray the very active girl Masha, and next to a huge and calm bear. The templates on a similar topic are the most diverse, and to draw them on your own is not too hard.

  • Do not forget that you can turn on imagination and humor. Therefore, you can make a fairy tale on the window how Masha is everywhere piercing (for this remember the bright moments of the cartoon), and the bear removes in a panic after her.
Masha on the window
Masha on the window
  • But you can recall the approximate Masha - a student or assistant. Although many help and Masha do not fit in their heads, because her actions usually only create additional problems.

Tale on the Ryaba Kurochka window: templates and stencils for cutting and stickers on the window

Remember your childhood and your favorite fairy tales. This fairy tale is known even to modern children. Of course, you need to portray the chicken itself and a huge golden egg. And place a joyful grandfather with a woman and a pranker - a mouse nearby. If you want to convey the plot of the picture, then create a whole creation from the applications of all events.

Kurochka Ryaba
Kurochka Ryaba

Tale on the Cinderella window: templates and stencils for cutting and stickers on the window

If you have your own princesses in your house, then we do not forget about the eternal fairy tale - about Cinderella. It is not necessary to convey the entire plot, but to portray the Cinderella in a beautiful outfit, a crystal shoe, a carriage - a pumpkin and a prince must be necessary.

  • Yes, they can spin in a waltz or make a stencil how a wonderful stranger runs off the ball. By the way, the clock will be, as possible, to the place for New Year's topics. Moreover, the position of the shooter will be on number 12.
  • The prince can wear a crystal shoe on the graceful leg of Cinderella. And the mother and her daughters with dissatisfied faces are watching the events.
Cinderella on the window
Cinderella on the window
Cinderella on the window
Cinderella on the window
  • And the assistants of the mouse and birds. They are not necessary to show them for business, but in the overall picture they will not be superfluous.
  • As an option, Cinderella can be portrayed at work. But New Year's Eve is the time when you wait for a miracle. And not only children, adults also continue to believe in the best. Therefore, the image of the ball is more suitable, and let the harsh everyday life remain on the background.

Fairy Tale on the “Mittle” window: templates and stencils for cutting and stickers on the window

This fairy tale is familiar to all children from an early age. Yes, it is small and light in perception, so one of the first begins to read to the children (well, except that the "bun" beats it in this aspect).

  • It refers to the New Year's theme. It is optional, but it is advisable to portray all animals. By the way, they can be placed throughout the window, and in the center they can be shown their house - a mitten.
  • Although much more interesting will the image of animals that all fit into it will be more interesting. You can choose a funny stencil that shows how closely it is all.
Mittens for windows
Mittens for windows
  • Or portray funny and joyful faces that they had a warm and cozy house.
  • If you want to completely finish the picture, then in the background show your grandfather with his dog, who is looking for his mitten (or go to the house).

A fairy tale on the window - “Snow outside the window falls”: templates and stencils for cutting and stickers on the window

Recall that this is also a cartoon of Soviet times, which is made in the style of plasticine modeling. The essence of the cartoon is that the wife sent her husband to the forest for a Christmas tree. And there, already in a hut, strange things were happening with him.

New Year's stencil
New Year's stencil

Take a few as a basis (how it played with a magic wand) or even one stencil (it will be interesting to look like the moment where he has a huge watch instead of the body). After all, funny pictures will certainly cheer up the mood for households, and guests, and even passers -by on the street.

Another winter fairy tale on a window from paper: templates and stencils for cutting and stickers on the window

What a variety of cartoons and fairy tales for the New Year exists. Not only you can take old versions. For example, the cartoon "Snow Queen" recently released. The heroes and the plot itself changed a little, but your kids will definitely appreciate such a fairy tale on the window.

  • Remember how many Disney cartoons on this topic. For example, “how a grinch stolen Christmas” or “Christmas story”. Stencils are best done bright (at least in the first version). The fairy tale will turn out to be very unusual and modern.
  • Now the girls love Bratz crumbs, so feel free to use their New Year series.
A snowman made of paper
A snowman made of paper
  • An excellent option would be a “snowman -hassle” or “winter fairy tale”. It is impossible to recount all versions of the New Year's cartoons. You can safely use your favorite characters by decorating the drawings with a New Year's theme (that is, a Christmas tree, snowflakes or angels).

We gave many options on how to create a winter fairy tale on your window. You repeat, you can choose any heroes. Sani with Santa Claus, who carry deer, will look very beautiful. Or just a large deer near the Christmas tree will create the right mood. Watch our templates and be inspired. Moreover, every family can create sketches from ordinary paper, involving children in this matter.

Winter fairy tale on a window from paper: Peretynanka

Peretynanka has become very popular recently. Recall that this is a type of art that is based on cutting out various paper patterns. New Year's balls with various patterns that will be hung throughout the window will look very beautiful.


The houses and other landscapes will become indispensable attributes of a fairy tale. By the way, only New Year sketches should not always be used, it can be a sitting cat or playing a dog. The main thing is to create drawings that will like it.

IMPORTANT: At first, try to take the templates less complicated to create a neat composition. And do not forget that training will help in this matter. Do not be afraid to experiment. If something does not work out the first time, then it will come out a second time. Just keep in mind the flaws made.

How to decorate the windows with a winter fairy tale in kindergarten, school, at home for the New Year, Christmas: Ideas, photos

It doesn’t matter in which room the fairy tale on the window will be made. In kindergarten, at home or at your work, the subject remains unchanged. We want to offer several options for your inspiration. After all, as you know, sometimes some ideas give rise to others.

Decorate the windows
Decorate the windows
Decorate the windows
Decorate the windows
Decoration for the holiday
Decoration for the holiday

By the way, do not be afraid to combine versions among themselves. The main thing is to do everything in a good mood and with a soul.

Video: New Year's decoration of windows

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