“No Feedback Score”, “Feedback Score”, “Net Err Please Refresh or Feedback”: How is it translated, which means to aliexpress?

“No Feedback Score”, “Feedback Score”, “Net Err Please Refresh or Feedback”: How is it translated, which means to aliexpress?

Read the article to know what the phrase on Aliexpress No Feedback Score and others.

In search of the necessary goods on Aliexpress, we study not only its parameters, but also the reviews of other customers. After all, dissatisfied users will not be silent, and if something does not suit, they will definitely write.

  • But often in the section for reviews you can see the following inscription: "" No Feedback Score". What does it mean and how is it translated?
  • Also on Aliexpress There are such inscriptions: "" Feedback Score" And " Net Err please Refresh or Feedback».
  • How to translate these phrases, read below.

“No Feedback Score”: How is it translated, what does Aliexpress mean?

No Feedback Score on Aliexpress
No Feedback Score on Aliexpress

If you still do not have an account on the largest Internet site with stores, then create it. It will help you in this article on this link on our website. You can also study video instructions on this linkand go through the registration procedure on them.

« No Feedback Score»Translates into Russian, as" no feedback" or " no reviews". There may be several reasons why buyers do not leave reviews to this seller. They are as follows:

  • Not all buyers leave reviews. Many receive goods and do not even go to AliexpressTo close the order and write your impressions of the purchase. But this must be done, as reviews help other customers in choosing a product from a particular seller. Reviews are better to leave the most deployed.
  • The seller did not leave the review to the buyer. Reviews on Aliexpress They are not published immediately. In order for them to appear on the product page, the seller must leave a response to the buyer. If the seller did not do this, then the customer’s review will not appear on the product page.
  • The transaction is not closed. The goods are still on the way and have not been delivered to the buyer, so the buyer cannot leave a review to the seller. When the goods are delivered, the buyer will be able to leave a review if he wants to do it.

Thus, the reviews must be left in any case so that other people can know the truth about the product, seller, compliance with the descriptions with real characteristics and so on.

"Feedback Score": How is it translated, which means on aliexpress?

Feedback Score on Aliexpress
Feedback Score on Aliexpress

This trading platform has its own system of rating of sellers and buyers. The more positive reviews, the higher the user rating.

  • 1 point is added for high rating, if there is no estimate, the score is removed.
  • Such a system has the name " Feedback Score».
  • In translation, this phrase means as " Feedback points».

The more the seller earns such points, the higher his rating, and the more buyers will trust him.

“Net Err Please Refresh or Feedback”: How is it translated, what does Aliexpress mean?

Net Err please Refresh or Aliexpress
Net Err please Refresh or Aliexpress

Any user Aliexpress It can also see such an inscription on the page of your account: "" Net Err please Refresh or Feedback". This phrase translates as " Frequent error - update the page, or contact the feedback". To remove this error, update the page or reboot the device. If the problem has not disappeared, contact the support service Aliexpress.

Now you know the translation of some English phrases to AliexpressAnd you know what they mean. Good shopping on the largest Internet site in the world!

Video: AliExpress - Feedback reviews system

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