Non -verbal means of communication: body language, interpretation, features

Non -verbal means of communication: body language, interpretation, features

If you want to learn how to solve non -verbal means of communication between people, then read the article. It has a lot of useful information.

Touch is often equated with the tongue of the body. Nevertheless, it is a slightly narrower concept in social psychology, which includes facial expressions, pantomimics, posture and orientation of the body, eye movements, pupil reflex and the use of interpersonal space.

  • In modern human society, there are two types of communications: verbal and non -verbal.
  • For people, verbal communication is the main universal way of interconnection.
  • The basis of communication between people is the transmission of information and emotional state.
  • But there is still a way of non -verbal communication of people.

What it is? How is it different from the verbal way of communication between people? What are the species, forms? What behavior is considered non -verbal communication? Look for answers to these and other questions in this article.

Verbal means of communication: what is it, how is it different from non -verbal?

Verbal means of communication
Verbal means of communication

The content and speech expression of thought is the main thing - it is verbal communication. The techniques of the verbal means of communication of people are united by the following factors:

  • Compliance with the communicative norm - speech etiquette and culture of speech
  • Establishment of contact through non -conflict communication
  • The content of speech and the style of communication
  • Volume and location of information

Non -verbal communication, like verbal, is a means of transmitting information. What is the difference between verbal communication and non -verbal communication?

The difference between these types of contact in their means. Non -verbal means of communication without the help of words complement, and sometimes replace the speech exchange of information. Verbal means of communication is oral and written speech. The means of non -verbal communication include:

  • Okulesika. The transfer of information with a look that is able to reduce the psychological distance - the direction of movement of the eyes, the frequency of visual contact, the length of the pause.
  • Kesesica. Combines expressively expressive movements-facial expressions, gait, pose, gestures.
  • Tactile behavior. This method of communication is built on handshake, patting, kisses.
  • Chronomic. Using time in communication (late).
  • Prozemic. In communication, distance and territorial location are taken into account - orientation and distance.
  • Sensory. The perception of the senses is a feeling of sound, taste, warmth of the interlocutor.
  • Paraverbal Communication is determined by proxodic and extralinguistic means: intonation, volume, pause, sigh, crying, cough, timbre, laughter.

Nonergic reflects the characteristics of a person’s personality: mood, emotional background, attitude to others. This involuntary communication can be divided into elements (poses, gestures, facial expressions, views) that are difficult to study. They are perceived intuitively.

A person adapts verbal communication and behavior to life circumstances. Non -verbal communication reveals the inner world of a person and forms a mental state.

What is called a non -verbal means of communication of people - men, women: what is it in psychology, briefly

Non -verbal means of communication
Non -verbal means of communication

Non -verbal communication of people is the totality of all messages of the body of men and women circulating between people. It has:

  • Gestures
  • Facial expressions
  • The tone of the voice
  • Intonation

What is called a non -verbal means of communication, what is it in psychology? Here is the answer briefly:

  • This is a communication interaction between personalities without the use of words.
  • Information people transmit or affect each other through images, intonations, gestures, facial expressions, pantomimics, and a change in the scene of communication.
  • With a non-verbal means of communication, speech and language tools presented in a direct or any sign form are not used at all.

Elements of non -verbal communication allow the recipient to look more widely at the message received from the sender, because such a message says a lot about such states:

  • Circumstances
  • Intentions
  • Emotions
  • Expectations

Very often, sending and receiving non -verbal messages occurs at a subconscious level. When we say that we have a “feeling” or “vague feeling” that someone lied, we really mean that the body language does not go hand in hand with words.

Characterization of non -verbal communication between people: examples of situations

Non -verbal means of communication
Non -verbal means of communication

Compared to speech communication, the language of the human body is unique and carries more than half of the information. Due to the fact that non -verbal communication needs to be interpreted, it is worth identifying the main characteristics of a non -verbal means of communication between people with examples of situations.

Emotional and expressive movements-gestures, facial expressions, gait, pose:

  • The interlocutor is open if the hands are turned with the palms up, the shoulders are straightened and not tense, the look of the straight line is natural.
  • This condition opens up friendliness and sincerity in the interlocutor, evokes trust.
  • In case of deception, a person hides his hands in his pockets, rubs his eyes, scratches his nose, not looking into the eyes of the interlocutor.
  • If a person closes the part of the body with his hands crossed on his chest, trying to take as little space as possible, this indicates his closeness, isolation, self -defense.
  • Scattered - often blinks with his eyes.
  • A thoughtful, concentrated chin of chin, scratches his head, pinches his nose.
  • If the interlocutor lowers the eyebrow, holds the chin with one hand, and with the other - the elbow, you can recognize criticism in it.
  • A positive and interested person will tilt the case and head forward and slightly touch the cheek with the hand.
  • If the interlocutor covers his mouth with his hand, then he holds back his feelings or shows distrust, disagreement.
  • Surviving the head with his hand speaks of boredom and indifference to the interlocutor.
  • Feeling irritation, the interlocutor is nervous and does a lot of extra gestures, touches his hair, draws.

Tactile contact - handshake, patting, touch:

  • If the interlocutor brings his hand with two with his own hands, he will show his sincerity and friendliness.
  • The handshake will tell with cold palms about excitement, sweaty - about experiencing.
  • Chopping on the shoulder or back, demonstrates male strength, friendship and willingness to help.
  • Hugs often mean friendship, affection, love and a surge of emotions.

Contacts of views - direction of view:

  • Visual contact is one of the important communication processes.
  • Eyes are able to receive a large amount of information, impressions and transmit different expressions during the conversation.


  • When determining the distance, it is important to take into account factors such as age, gender, nationality, social status and nature of relations.
  • Preservation of a personal distance is an important factor in life.

Such a classification of non -verbalics can vary in the process of communication under appropriate circumstances. To establish interpersonal contacts, it is necessary to correctly use non -verbal communication tools.

Non -verbal ways of communication between people - species, forms: gestures, facial expressions, poses, distance, clothing, look

Non -verbal ways of communication between people
Non -verbal ways of communication between people

People do not even notice how they communicate at a non -verbal level. This is a kind of body signals that are a reflection of the personality. Here are the types of non -verbal ways of communication between people:

  • Gestures
  • Facial expressions
  • Touch
  • Physical contact
  • Views
  • Body posture
  • Distance or distance from a partner in interaction
  • Facial expressions
  • Poses
  • clothing

The body language is very complicated, and its knowledge facilitates the understanding of the interlocutor. Among many classifications, such forms of non -verbal communication are distinguished Albert Harrison(professor in psychology):

  • Kinesis (kinetics) - movements of the body and limbs, as well as facial expressions.
  • Prozemic - Distance in space, spatial relations, physical distance.
  • Parayesk - indicators of speech method, for example, tone, emphasis, resonance, articulation, pace, rhythm, volume.

The professor suggests that, due to the situation of the sender, the messages differ in non-verbal individual messages (manifested alone) and non-verbal interactive messages (when there is an sender and recipient of information).

Separate messages consist of:

  • Body language - facial expressions, gestures, movements, autonomic reactions
  • Non -verbal aspects of speech communication - repetitions, omissions, linguistic mistakes, tone of voice, silence, tone
  • Changes in the size of the pupil

Interactive messages include:

  • Eye contact.
  • Intimate space - The area directly surrounding the person in which most of its contacts with others occurs. The visible space is usually 4 5 cm in front, 15 cm on the sides and 10 cm from behind. The entry of others into an intimate space is considered as an attack, invasion.
  • Territorial - The tendency to activate various mechanisms for the protection of the occupied territory. For example, organizing the space around each other, occupying a certain place at the table, the distance between the interlocutors.
  • Contact formation - The opposition of people to each other "face to face."
  • Interpersonal space - Analysis of social relations at the level of subtle non -verbal messages.

In addition to words, you can communicate using gestures, body poses, facial expressions. If you don’t even pronounce the sentences, your smile, frowning, crossed legs, crossed hands, silence, narrowed eyes are specific signals of emotions, feelings or intentions.

Non -verbal speech communication of people: the use of speech, words, intonation

Non -verbal speech communication
Non -verbal speech communication

Some types of non -verbal communication are associated with the use of speech, words, warmth in the voice and intonation. Such means of non -verbal speech communication of people are combined into the concept of prosodics and extralinguistics. Prosodic and extralinguistics is regulated by a speech flow, words and phrases are replaced, a psycho -emotional position is determined. In communication, it is important to understand and be able to evaluate the intonation of speech and the timbre of the voice. These indicators express the thoughts and emotions of the interlocutor:

  • Excitement and anxiety are characterized by a quick and intermittent speech with a low tone of voice.
  • Enthusiasm and joy are characterized by a clear and confident speech with a loud voice.
  • Fatigue and grief are determined by a low tone of voice and weakening intonation.
  • Highness is slow speech, and the intonation is monotonous.
  • Uncertainty characterizes with speech with pauses and nervous cough.
  • Fear is a high voice in a wide range of tonality, strength and height of sounds.

With non -verbal communication, in order to understand the interlocutor, it is necessary to have skills with which you can express emotions, feelings and thoughts. Having such skills, a person is able to establish control over the communication process and streamline it.

Features of the language of non -verbal communication of people

Features of the language of non -verbal communication of people
Features of the language of non -verbal communication of people

Each person studies languages \u200b\u200bthroughout life: native or foreign, as well as programming language. However, many do not know about the existence of a public language. It is called the language of non -verbal communication.

  • A feature of the body language when communicating people is considered to be that the impulses of the subconscious cause confidence in the language of non -verbalic more than ordinary speech.
  • Scientists have proved that more than half of the information is transmitted by non -verbal means.
  • The meaning of the body language should be understood and learn to interpret it.
  • Only facts are conveyed in ordinary words, but they are not enough to transmit emotions and feelings. They can be revealed with the help of the language of non -verbalics, which is valued by revealing the ability to own oneself.
  • The language of the body is truthful than the language of words, because non -verbal elements (facial expressions, gestures, intonation) conveys plausibility or falsity of words.
  • The language of non -verbal communication says that the interlocutor thinks in reality and determine his position.

Nonergic language can be understood by all people, without exception, regardless of gender and age. The main thing is to learn how to pay attention to the behavior of the interlocutor and correctly interpret certain means of communication used by this person.

Communications of non -verbal communication of people: touch

Communications of non -verbal communication of people
Communications of non -verbal communication of people

The communications of non -verbal communication of people were described above - these are kinetics, proxemics, para -language, etc. But there is another type - touch. This is an element of manifestation of tenderness that brings partners together and allows them to come closer.

Body language deserves more trust than words. More than 50% of the message value is contained in body movements. Professors psychologists offer the following formula of communication:

  • General feeling \u003d 7% of feelings expressed by the words + 38% of feelings expressed by a voice + 55% of feelings expressed by facial expressions

One of the most important functions of verbal metabolism is to maintain the degree of interpersonal proximity at a level corresponding to this stage of development of relations. Psychologists even offer mathematizing the multi -channel interaction of non -verbal behavior and represent the formula:

  • Level of proximity \u003d number of smiles + length of mutual views + physical distance + proximity of the topic of conversation

Proximity or touch play a large role in non -verbal communication. Many people skillfully use such communication into their hands. But it is important to be able to do everything right so as not to overdo it. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to the feelings and emotions of your interlocutor or interlocutor.

Non -verbal communication functions

Non -verbal communication functions
Non -verbal communication functions

Non -verbal functions of human communication include these methods:

  • Informative - sending messages without using words, for example, nodding gesture as consent.
  • Expressive - Expression of feelings and emotions. For example, a smile in sympathy, kindness.
  • Self -presentation - Gestures are used to create their own image and self -promotion. For example, the pyramid from the hands may mean "I am competent, I know everything."
  • Regulatory - The body language is used to monitor and control the course of interaction or conversation with the interlocutor. For example, avoiding visual contact may indicate boredom and desire to interrupt the dialogue.
  • Adaptive - Gestures allow you to communicate in situations where the spoken language cannot be used, for example, when calling a finger.

All that was described is the theory of non -verbal communication of people. It is important to be able to use all this in practice.

How to interpret non -verbal communication of people?

Non -verbal communication of people
Non -verbal communication of people

Many use seduction methods using gestures and body language. It is often emphasized that the key to a successful flirt is understanding and the ability to read in the language of the opposite sex. Of course, there is no master made for the correct analysis of the body of the body of the partner in interaction, but there are some manifestations or even micro -motion, which may indicate certain trends and installations. Learn to interpret non -verbal communication of people. This will even help read thoughts. Here is the decoding of interpretations of non -verbal communication:

  • Signals of sympathy - Approach, restriction of physical distance, smile, touch, gestures of openness and friendship.
  • Confidence signals - The exhibited position of the body, wide gestures, hugs, open hands.
  • Signals of domination and power - The arrangement of one’s own space, the invasion of the interlocutor’s intimate space, occupying the best place at the table, a strong and powerful tone of the voice, a sharp and despotistical expression on the face.
  • Readiness signals for battle - Aggression, attack, struggle against posture, screaming, threatening facial expression.
  • Sexual excitement signals - flirty views, long -term visual contact, affectionate touch, presentation of your charms, sighs with the right tone.
  • Shock signals - ecstatic states, freezing, scream, quick body movements, expansion of the pupils.

It is important to remember that many messages have two levels of value. One is information at the level of words, and the other is a meta-message, that is, information about the feelings and mood of the speaker, expressed not directly, but through the rhythm, tone or the so-called verbal modifiers. Met-messages are a source of many interpersonal conflicts, because a clear and logical sentence can, for example, through downward intonation, express hostility, irritation or condemnation.

Verbal modifiers or modal words are words that add clarification to the statement. These include words such as:

  • Only
  • Really
  • Now
  • Finally
  • Again
  • Only a little

They usually express obsessive disapproval and irritation (in the text) and are an element of a parallel language.

What is the role of the non -verbal system of communication of people in ordinary, business life?

Non -verbal communication of people
Non -verbal communication of people

A person cannot interact with society, develop personality and professionalism without communication. One of the main roles in communication is played by non -verbal communication, which is produced using facial expressions and gestures, views and speech, distances. What is the role of the non -verbal system of communication of people in ordinary, business life? What is it?

With the help of a non -verbal communication system interlocutors:

  • Exchange information, controlling the process of conversation
  • Explain, complement, confirm, refute information
  • Show feelings, emotions, thoughts
  • Control and act on each other

During communication, in order to transmit information, such non -verbal signs are distinguished:

  • Specialwhich include gestures and touch
  • Unconscious, sportswhich include surprise and change in complexion.

To understand the emotional state of the interlocutor is possible by his facial expressions - the movement of the muscles of the face. With the help of gestures, the interlocutor answers and completes the conversation. The look is one of the components of non -verbal communication that transmits accurate signals about the interlocutor, indicates the direction of his attention. During communication, people are important for people - its timbre and intonation, the speed of pronunciation of speech and pauses in it. For the effective development of relations between partners and colleagues, there is business communication.

In the system of non -verbal communication, there are a number of peculiar means characteristic of the type of business culture. Scientists classify these funds as follows:

  • Body movements and gestures
  • The distance between the interlocutors
  • Facial expression and eye
  • Acoustic and tactile agents
  • Clothing, smell, manners

The main non -verbal means in business communication is the organization of space. Psychologists distinguish four zones:

  1. Intimate - from 15 to 46 cm
  2. Personal - from 46 to 120 cm
  3. Social - from 120 to 360 cm
  4. Public - more than 360 cm

The non -verbal system of communication in people's lives is ancient, since our ancestors often communicated without words. Verbally, a person receives or transmits logical information, and non -verbal means of communication complement this information, weaken or contradict.

Non -verbal communication of children: how is it different from the non -verbal communication of adults?

Non -verbal communication of children
Non -verbal communication of children

From the first days of life, the child is trying to understand the emotions and mood of his mother. He perceives this, not knowing how to speak or think. The child listens to the voice of his mother, his intonation, timbre, looks at the expression and gestures. The development of non -verbal communication forms a psyche in children, teaches self -control, allows you to understand the language of the body and establish contact with the interlocutor.

The task of parents and teachers is to teach children such funds. This is necessary:-

  • Develop the muscles of the face and body
  • Get acquainted with emotions that are expressed through gestures, facial expressions, poses
  • Express emotions in games
  • Use non -verbal means in communication

Among children and adolescents, the use of non -verbal means of communication is manifested by the language of gestures. He, as a phenomenon of non -verbalics, develops in children depending on the surrounding social environment. The communication between children is special, and differs from the non -verbal communication of adults. Often non -verbal communication of children is a protest for adults. Unlike an adult, the child understands non -verbal signs, but cannot give them an explanation or name them. Having learned to express their emotions and feelings, children will become more sociable and attentive.

If you want to read the thoughts of your interlocutor and understand what he really means when he says these or other things, then learn to explain non -verbal communication. In fact, the body language is simply interpreted. You only need to be careful and know some features that were described in this article. Good luck!

Video: 14 tips that will improve your non -verbal communication skills

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