Why does a person not look into the eyes of the interlocutor in communication: causes, psychology. What does it mean when a person does not look into the eyes when talking, but looks to the side? Why is it important to look into the eyes when talking? How to learn not to be afraid to look people in the eyes?

Why does a person not look into the eyes of the interlocutor in communication: causes, psychology. What does it mean when a person does not look into the eyes when talking, but looks to the side? Why is it important to look into the eyes when talking? How to learn not to be afraid to look people in the eyes?

Features of the view and its meaning.

The conversation is the most common way to exchange information between people. But it happens that the interlocutor is in no hurry to look into the eyes. In this article, we will consider the main reasons for the lack of a focused view of the interlocutor in terms of psychology.

Why a person looks away, does not look into the eyes of the interlocutor in communication: causes, psychology

He does not necessarily lie, although most people will think so. In fact, a person can avoid contact with the evil eye of the interlocutor for a number of reasons.

The reasons:

  • Shyness
  • Unwillingness to delve into the conversation
  • Indecision
  • Sympathy for the interlocutor and shyness
  • Irritation
  • Lack of sympathy for a partner
  • Deception
Why a person looks away, does not look into the eyes of the interlocutor in communication: causes, psychology
Why a person looks away, does not look into the eyes of the interlocutor in communication: causes, psychology

A person looks into the eyes of a conversation: Psychology

In general, a direct piercing look does not always speak of sympathy. To understand what such a view means, other details must be evaluated.

The reasons:

  • If the conversation is stressful and not quite pleasant. A man or interlocutor tries to expose and plunge the enemy with a long and piercing look.
  • If you communicate sweetly, the man looks at you intently and straightens the hair, shirt, then this speaks of his interest in you. You are not indifferent to him.
  • With a piercing look and crossing the hands on the chest, we can talk about some kind of hostility or unwillingness to listen to the interlocutor. In the conversation, the opponent is not interested.
  • If a man stares at you and speaks in a low voice, this indicates flirting and sympathy.
A person looks into the eyes of a conversation: Psychology
A person looks into the eyes of a conversation: Psychology

Why is it important to look into the eyes when talking?

A strong and confident look is a demonstration of power. It is not enough to confidently speak and reinforce the words by deeds, you need to behave as a leader. This can be done with a view. Your gaze should be piercing. It is best if the random passers -by with your gaze will lower their eyes.

Reasons for the importance of the view:

  • A confident look raises you in the eyes of the interlocutor
  • Talks about your confidence and seriousness of intentions
  • Talks about openness and honesty
Why is it important to look into the eyes when talking?
Why is it important to look into the eyes when talking?

How to learn not to be afraid to look people in the eyes?

In most cases, people do not look in the interlocutor in the eyes due to fear and uncertainty. But among politicians and coaches there are special exercises that allow you to look an opponent in the eye. This enhances trust from the interlocutor and can become a serious weapon during debate and disputes. Below are recommendations that will allow you to learn to confidently look the interlocutor in the eye.


  • Conduct daily training. To do this, just practice passers -by. Look into their eyes.
  • It is also worth doing exercises for eye muscles. You need to draw eights with closed and open eyes.
  • Devote a few minutes a day to evaluate your gaze in the mirror. So you can understand how you look from the outside.
  • If it is initially difficult for you to learn to look into your eyes, you can focus on the nose.
  • In the evening, when talking with the interlocutor, concentrate on the point to the left of the opponent.
  • If you notice that as soon as you look into the eyes of the opponent, and he looks down, you have achieved your own.
How to learn not to be afraid to look people in the eyes?
How to learn not to be afraid to look people in the eyes?

Learning to look into the eyes is not difficult. This requires a desire and regular training.

Video: View and Psychology

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