Negative tribal scenarios in personal life: how to help avoid a child, yesterday's loser?

Negative tribal scenarios in personal life: how to help avoid a child, yesterday's loser?

Negative scenarios of life do not allow to fully enjoy their existence. Let's figure out what you have or your child will have if you do not take measures now.

In the life of many people, it happens that life is like a scenario, and it is not the best. There are constantly many problems, which is very difficult to avoid, destroying the life of moments. Why is this happening? What are negative life scenarios? How to avoid them and can this be done? Look for answers to these questions in this article.

The value of money: we help to avoid a negative scenario in the life of a daughter

A negative scenario in life can be avoided
A negative scenario in life can be avoided

It is important what values \u200b\u200bthe parental education invests in the child. If the main value is only cash, then the grown child will only look at the world through their prism. Such kids, having matured, and with their little experience, assessing the situation and the value of the property of their parents, they will not wait until they leave this world, and they will finally receive an inheritance: an apartment, a house and other pleasures. The value of money for such children is above all. It is worth knowing:

  • The misses in the upbringing of girls are especially upset by mom and dad, who throughout their childhood instilled in their daughters the idea that the main thing is to serve themselves in a more profitable light.
  • Having absorbed such an attitude at a psychological level, young beauties begin to treat their body as a thing.
  • Such a girl in the future will sell herself all her life. Naturally, no one talks about the panel (although this happens to be). For example, in paired relationships, she will do everything according to Barter: sex for a fur coat, phone, rest in an expensive resort, jewelry, clips. It all depends on how she appreciates herself.

Lack of development in the mental ability of a girl is not just a bad scenario. This is a lower, more primitive standard of living, when a person almost does not enjoy his being.

It is important to help the girl during education to avoid a negative script in her life:

  • No need to tell the children about money, they will grow up and they will understand everything.
  • Well, if the child reads a lot.
  • Through books, he meets the world and knows it exactly as it should be.
  • After all, the parent does not always manage to correctly explain something, state his thoughts, and the book will do this best.

But this does not mean that there is no need to talk with the child. Nothing will replace live communication.

Excessive thinking: important points to remove a negative scenario from life

Important points to remove a negative scenario from life
Important points to remove a negative scenario from life

In system-vector psychology, there is such a thing as a skin vector or a “skin person”. People of the opposite - urethral vector, by nature inventors, and skin - rationalists.

  • This means that a person of a skin vector cannot offer something new, but can come up with how to create a new, most profitable one from an unnecessary and outdated thing.
  • When the percentage of the urethral vector in this person is low and the skin is high, then he will not be able to make good money.
  • Most often, it is precisely the individuals of the urethral vector that makes everything consciously and with hunting at risk.

In the head of the person with the skin vector there is a scale. In an undeveloped person, it has wide separation. Its mental ability does not share certain phenomena in order to fulfill the exact and rational calculation. Therefore, such a personality grows short -sighted and will constantly be in the miscalculation. But it happens, on the contrary. These are important points to remove a negative scenario from life:

  • The child and mother of the child will overdo it with the development of the thinking of his child. They literally give his inner desire to their inner desire, which in their heads.
  • As a result, such a person in thinking will form a scale with too small divisions.
  • The mental ability of such a “tanner” distinguishes millions of gradations within itself, and this also prevents counting and calculating some life situations correctly.
  • Figuratively speaking, if you need to calculate before 1 rub., then an underdeveloped personality will round before 100 rubles., and the leather, with the development of which they overdated, will calculate up to 0.001 rub.

In both cases, the calculation is incorrect. It is important to explain to the child how to do the right thing. Indeed, in both cases, it will be difficult for a person to live - one tranquil, the second is too mercantile. If the child has been taught from childhood to calculate and not be a trancer correctly, it will be easier for him to exist. It is difficult for a skin to understand why there is no need to do many reserves, and how to live without them. To exist in constant savings - it strains and still will not lead to prosperity.

Imbalance leads to a negative scenario in life

Imbalance leads to a negative scenario in life
Imbalance leads to a negative scenario in life

There are several negative scenarios, the basis of which is the imbalance of internal temperament and the pressure of the world:

  • One of the most popular negative scenarios in the skin vector is created when mom and dad are crumbs, all their lives are engaged in the formation of his self -awareness so that it is higher than his natural temperament, its natural data.
  • They try to instill in the child a sensation in his undoubted genius, or at least, in the fact that he is better than the rest.
  • In this case, such an imbalance leads to a negative scenario in life.

Advice: You can show your child your love. But in no case, do not overstate his self -awareness through Chur.

Let him choose his own path. Let him find himself not with the help of excessive praise of his parents, but with the help of life situations and how he will find a way out of them.

The most valuable: negative birth scenarios in the life of a "golden" child

Negative tribal scenarios in the life of a
Negative tribal scenarios in the life of a "golden" child

If such a “golden” baby in childhood was not much strained, then he will grow up with not very developed thinking and incorrect life attitudes. He will think that everyone around was born only to give him pleasure. Such a person will be sure that he is the most valuable and even for close relatives, he will not care. This is what negative birth scenarios in the life of such a person are manifested:

  • This is a very arrogant person, without principles. It will always go into conflicts, besides, it is very envious.
  • He will always try to get in line, always try to get much more than it should be in this situation.
  • Such a person will literally pull out from your hands what he needs. It is useless to hinder him, you will only ruin your mood.
  • Well, if for some reason he can’t do something in his own way, then he is very angry, conflicts with others and envies.

It is worth knowing:Such personalities can listen for hours when someone had something bad or something does not work out. For decency, they will pretend that they have experiences in their souls, but they will internally rejoice, discussing behind their backs. They dream that others are much worse than their.

Here are the words of the same person:

  • “Look, Masha, the whole house burned out, even there are no walls left. So he needs, otherwise he is already buying a third car. ”
  • "Oh, Nikolai Petrovich, grief, I say what, nothing is left."

Such a person can be recognized precisely by the eyes. In words, he is experiencing, and in the expression on his face it is clear what is jubilant. Such a person needs to understand that there are important principles in life. No need to envy, because everyone lives life in their own way. Some work a lot and have something in this life. Others are even lazy to work normally, but at the same time, they envy all others, more successful people. Anger and envy ages a person outside, and inside they simply burn.

The best: a negative scenario in life, if parents overdid it with praise

A negative scenario in life, if the parents overdid it with praise
A negative scenario in life, if the parents overdid it with praise

If the parents more or less developed the thinking of their child, but still overdid it with praise, then such a lean, becoming an adult, will consider themselves very “cool”:

  • The best
  • Able to work effectively
  • The faster of all performing instructions
  • Processing is the main character trait
  • Walking ahead of the planet, and the rest let them crawl behind

This is how a person behaves, and what is his negative scenario in life, if his parents overdid it with praise:

  • This person will neglect not even to individuals, but to all of humanity as a whole. He is not to wait for you for a minute, he’s disgusting to pass by.
  • After all, all such slow around him.
  • Such a lean drive by a car, before a pedestrian crossing, will be awarded even a woman crossing the road with a baby or some old woman with a wand, and even shouts: “Come on faster, which you barely drag you.”
  • Kozhniki in such a scenario on the highway behave unbearably: they create emergency situations, stop in the wrong places. You will see it with their stickers by car "Stop Ham".
  • They also behave with people around them in life - they all shove and pushes everyone in their way in their way in the literal and figurative sense.

If nothing is changed in your behavior, and not understand how to relate to people and life, then nothing will change. Praise the child when he grows is certainly necessary. But this must be done wisely when the baby really deserves it.

Who are you - and who I am: a negative scenario of a high rank life

Negative scenario of high -ranking life
Negative scenario of high -ranking life

If such a person manages to snatch the rank above the natural, then the hostility of the tanner arises, which considers itself above all. This is always a showdown, “work on the public” with a message to that everyone recognizes his high position, his dominant. For example:

  • There is a workflow, employees and customers are sitting, doing business, discussing something, and then a boss speaks on the phone.
  • Moreover, he says so loudly that everyone is forced to distract and listen to him.
  • With all his appearance, this person shows, "who you are - and who I am."
  • Well, if there is no rank, then this is a typical “free” person who owes nothing to anyone in life.

“I want to smoke, I want to swear, and if you don’t like something, then these are your problems, I don’t care about everyone!” This is the position of high -ranking people not only deservedly, but also in the inner sensation. They will always have this negative scenario of life. It is always unpleasant to communicate with such people, especially for more developed “colleagues” by vector, which at a subconscious level feel an internal imbalance.

There are also directly opposite scenarios when self -esteem in childhood was underestimated in relation to natural temperament. Read further.

"Luser": a negative scenario of the life of a chronic loser

Negative scenario of the life of a chronic loser
Negative scenario of the life of a chronic loser

When it is not possible for little leather man from childhood that he is not good enough, he is not smart enough, that he is stupid, like a cork, just stupid to moronism - nothing good will work. As a result, a person grows up with the installation of “I am a loser”, “I am a loser”. Such a person obviously feels himself in losing, is always configured for failure, he already chooses obviously losing situations at a subconscious level. These are negative scenarios of the life of chronic losers. Eventually:

  • Of all the managers, he will have the lowest salary.
  • His car will certainly break.
  • If he is in a hurry to meet with an important client, then, no doubt, he will collect all the traffic jams.
  • Finally, the last loaf of bread and a beloved girl will be taken from under the nose.

Even if luck suddenly smiles, and the poor “loser” will fall into the ranks of successful (the rich inheritance will receive a good job - everything happens in life), he still will not be able to behave like a rational lean, that is, as a lean who knows how to control resources. He simply adders all the gifts of fate - that is, he will automatically switch to the script of trancles.

The only right solution in this case is to increase your self -esteem. Without this, it will not be possible to change life, and direct your resources in the right direction.

Money down: a negative scenario of the life of yesterday's loser

Negative scenario of the life of yesterday's loser
Negative scenario of the life of yesterday's loser

Suddenly a rich yesterday's loser today will begin to prove to everyone how successful and successful he is. The best, in his opinion, proof of success is an uncontrolled spending of money, motion.

He will be fluid until everything is wasting out of clean. That is, until he returns to his previous level, to the one at which he sees himself when he has everything bad, and he does not have enough money, etc. This is a negative scenario of life, which is very difficult to get rid of:

  • So it will be in everything.
  • Not only in money - absolutely any increase in various resources will end with a return to the previous level.
  • After all, such a person feels himself below the position in which should be in the natural temperament.

From his uncertainty in luck, speed, etc., such a skin is always fussing, rushing, twitching. He is trying to show others that he is fast, that he manages everything. He has been in a hurry all his life - and he does not have time all his life, and he really does not succeed in anything.

In such tanners, even speech is accelerated, especially in a stressful situation. And accelerates in increasing. He thinks that if he has time to say a lot of words, then everyone will think “this one is definitely in time”, “out of how cool he controls the situation,” but it does not look at all like a person would like.

I want it painful: negative birth scenarios in personal life

Negative tribal scenarios in personal life
Negative tribal scenarios in personal life

Often parents season the general discontent to the child with “grandfathers” education. If a strap or slap, slaps in a soft place and other “time -tested” physical punishments are used in the family regularly, the child simply gets used to pain. A negative generic scenario in personal life develops. A person, as it were, all the time says to himself "I want to hurt."

The fact is that the skin child is very flexible, he is able to get used to everything, to anything - including unpleasant sensations. He knows how to adapt to any situation - these are the ability of the skin vector. What awaits in the adult life of this child, who has learned that pain is an ordinary, familiar condition. Pain is waiting. He will look for her. How purposefully, equally unconsciously. The pain becomes a comfort zone for him. There are many different forms of manifestation of this scenario - from easy trends to frank masochism. For example:

  • A skin woman can marry a special man in the script of sadism.
  • These are swords, and yogis, walking barefoot or sleeping on the nails, and people who pierce themselves through, and so on.
  • Often such women marry men older For many years.
  • It also happens that a skin man enjoys the fact that he finds some serious disease, and even better incurable.

However, most often the tendency to masochism is not manifested at the physical level, but on the mental. Such a person is invariably in situations where he has to suffer.

The victim of circumstances: a negative scenario of the development of life on Earth

The victim of circumstances: a negative scenario of the development of life on Earth
The victim of circumstances: a negative scenario of the development of life on Earth

This happens if there was no physical violence in the family or was episodic and did not have a destructive effect on the child. But at the same time, the will of the skin was constantly suppressed, forcibly subordinating him to the authority of the elders, menacingly saying that he was "nobody to call him in any way." So the victims of circumstances grow. This is a negative scenario for the development of life on Earth.

  • These are always those who owe everyone. A sort of self -torture with a sense of duty.
  • In such a scenario, a person feels the need for constant moral suffering.
  • If he does not torture someone, then something is wrong-so he feels his mental state.
  • Therefore, he unconsciously seeks situations of submission in which his human dignity will be humiliated.
  • However, this is not the situation when a woman marries someone who will drive her with an ax around the house.
  • She will find a more “light” version of suffering - her husband will just not love her. And she will receive the right to sigh: "I love him, but he is not, I have a fate, you see, such."

The victim of circumstances is always hopelessness, these are the circumstances from which the skin can not be anywhere. With a visual vector, in a state of fear, such a scenario is formed in the Victimological Complex.

And even if a person suddenly has the opportunity to rectify the situation in such a scenario, he will have a lot of reasons and circumstances so that everything remains as before. Anything, but for this condition to remain unchanged-it has already become familiar.

It is worth knowing: The victims of circumstances are those people who have the need to be in a state of submission to the stronger. They want them to dominate them, that there is some kind of stranger, a strong hand that would direct them, and even better a strong leg that would give them a kick. They experience serious problems when such pressure disappears.

It is the victims of circumstances that often bring the situation to the intensity until the pressure they need is created - and then they are just beginning to act. For example:

  • The student has six months to write a diploma.
  • But this is exactly what - a victim of circumstances - will sit down three days before surrender.
  • There will be three days and three nights to write their graduation qualification work heroically - to suffer from lack of sleep, thirst and brutal fatigue, and at the same time enjoy pressure.

Any attempts to redo the properties of the vector are attempts to redo nature, that is, to change what cannot be changed. You can not make urethral from a skin, and vice versa. And any such effect will lead to serious consequences. This must be remembered by parents who requiring a skin of an unfulfilled child - perseverance, constancy of interests, and impeccable order. In a skin child, this is even different called-composure, organization, discipline.

Remember: It is not permissible to humiliate any children or, conversely, to build a house of home. Undetered and high self -esteem is a destructive and, importantly, uncomfortable state.

This state prevents the true pleasure from life - the enjoyment of the return of its best qualities to society. Treat children as equal members of your family or society. Do not try to remake their nature, otherwise it will lead to the development of a negative scenario of life and unpleasant consequences from which the mature child will suffer. Good luck!

Video: How to change the life script? Psychology of modeling. Kovalev S.V.

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