Melancholy in psychology in simple words: definition. Why does melancholy arise: causes. What is the dangerous melancholy and how to deal with it?

Melancholy in psychology in simple words: definition. Why does melancholy arise: causes. What is the dangerous melancholy and how to deal with it?

In this article, we will figure out what is melancholy, how it manifests itself, and also what features have.

Melancholy is such a state of mind when a person has a constantly dull mood, he is oppressed, splendered and he does not want to do anything. In this case, there is no feeling that a person is completely useless and worthless. It is important to understand that for the emergence of this condition there is not even serious grounds. In addition, melancholy is one of the types of temperament. This is a special attitude and the ability to adapt to society. Let's figure out what is melancholy, and also where it appears and how to overcome it.

Melancholy in psychology in simple words: definition

What is melancholy?
What is melancholy?

Melancholy, in simple words, is one of the types of mental disorder, in which a person walks gloomy, constantly yearns and abides in despondency. This can still be called - "black anger."

The meaning of the state is that a person is constantly sad. Nothing motivates it, and any mental activity is accompanied by some torment. At the same time, a person never tunes in positive. He is looking for despondency in everything. When talking with him, you can always hear about the bad events of the past and possible future. In other words, people in this state are always in a gloomy mood. Even their own existence for them is a burden, they do not want to do anything - they become inactive and to all indifferent. For them, the best way out is death. By the way, with melancholy, suicides are often committed.

Often, against the background of sadness, delusional ones arise. They are mainly aimed at self -accusation, that is, a person blames himself in all misconduct or crimes. In addition, nonsense and combustion may occur.

Why does melancholy arise: causes

Why does melancholy arise?
Why does melancholy arise?

To understand what melancholy is quite simple. But with reasons everything is much more complicated, because they are quite blurry. The thing is that anything is capable of leading to the emergence of this state. This can be nervous exhaustion or disturbance in the brain.

The main thing that has already been proved-melancholy develops in conjunction with strong experiences, when a person depresses a person for a long time. This can be considered depression. Sometimes it captures so much that thoughts about suicide appear. The feeling of its own inferiority does not allow adequately assessing what is happening.

At the same time, the factors that can provoke the occurrence of this state can be called:

  • Congenital exposure. In this case, impaired intrauterine development. In order not to say experts, the kids in the womb everyone hears perfectly and feel. If a mother is negatively tuned to the birth of a child or leads an unhealthy lifestyle, then this will necessarily affect the child.
  • Heredity. When one or both parents in the temperament of melancholy, it is quite possible that the child will also become like that.
  • Depressive state. When a person often suffers from depression and is in a bad mood all the time, he may develop melancholy. Persons prone to depression often think that they are worthless and can commit suicide.
  • Mental disorder. It is also often accompanied by melancholy. For example, schizophrenics are often visited by gloomy thoughts, inability and decadent state.
  • Severe diseases. A long disease can exhaust a person morally. He gradually begins to lose faith in himself and doctors. It seems to him that the disease will not retreat. This will not lead to anything good, because the condition will only aggravate.
  • Age characteristics. The older the person, the more often he is sad and recalls the past with nostalgia. He thinks that he is waiting in his old age. Basically, such thoughts do not have a positive color and are reflected in a general state.
  • Phobias. Often those who suffer from all kinds of phobias suffer from melancholy. Such people do not harmonize with themselves, it is difficult for them to feel freedom, because fear does not allow us to enjoy life.
  • Complexes. If a person does not believe in himself, then his mood will not be positive. It seems to him that he is not good for anything. Often he compares himself with other people, and not in his favor. Such thinking is a direct way to melancholy.
  • Experiences. Strong emotions quickly immerse a person into a state of oppression.
  • Drugs and alcohol. Such habits always lead to melancholy. While the person is drunk, he is fine. But when he releases him, it immediately seems that life is bad.
  • gambling addiction. Loss and failures are also one of the reasons for the development of melancholy. When a person constantly reflects on the need to obtain funds to cover the loss or at the next bet, he drives himself into a state of melancholy.

How melancholy manifests itself: signs

Features of melancholy
Features of melancholy

Melancholy - means a constantly depressed state. Women are more susceptible to manifestations of this state. It mainly occurs at the age of 40-55 years, and in men about 10 years later. The signs of both sexes are similar in themselves. The only difference is that women are more emotional. That is why their symptoms appear brighter.

If we talk about external manifestations, then melancholy personalities, as a rule, have expanded pupils, dry skin, and also have digestive problems. Moreover, they are prone to sharp weight loss.

The internal state is manifested differently. At the same time, it is also able to give out a melancholy person. So, the signs are as follows:

  • Hypotomy. When a person has a bad mood, this leads to the fact that he ceases to notice at least something good. It focuses on the negative aspects of life and loses the ability to maintain positive conversations.
  • Apathy. The melancholy person has a quick breakdown. Outwardly, this is manifested as indifferent to everything attitude and indifference. He doesn’t care what is happening around, he will be calm and will not give any reaction. Any tasks are given to him with difficulty. He has to literally force himself to rise and do something.
  • Guilt. It begins to manifest too much. A person does not blame someone in failures or the troubles. He always blames himself. At the same time, self -flagellation becomes a habit. A person makes accusations in his direction, even if he actually did nothing or something happened to which he could not influence.
  • Inhibitory. It does not allow you to fulfill its daily duties. Even if a person understands that he needs to quickly do some task, then he still cannot force himself to start doing it.
  • Chronic fatigue. Even if a person drinks 10 hours, he will still wake up tired. Even small actions that do not require special energy costs are out of the rut.
  • It is important to recognize this state in time. If suddenly it seems to a person that life has lost all sorts of colors for him, and everyday affairs are simply choked, then this indicates the beginning of the development of melancholic depression.

What is the danger of melancholy?

The danger of melancholy
The danger of melancholy

Signs of melancholy cannot be ignored, especially if they show themselves for too long. This condition leads to neurosis and can worsen the quality of life, as well as prevent the implementation of goals. Melancholy leads a person to the state where a person is protecting from society. At the same time, he can conflict with others who are trying to somehow reach him. When a person is inclined to isolation, this aggravates his condition even more.

In older people, this condition can lead to the development of senile psychosis. The main danger lies in the fact that a person has suicidal thoughts. In some situations, they are made by reality. So it is important to recognize the disease on time and begin treatment.

What is postpartum melancholy - how to deal with it?

Often in women in the first days after childbirth, mood swings are observed, and sentimentality and irritability can also be observed. Of course, the birth of a baby is always a joy and no one expects a bad mood, but it really happens. Melancholy is manifested. At the same time, doctors even recognize this as a normal state.

Excresses, as a rule, arise due to:

  • Experiences for the health of the child, even if everything is in order
  • Anxiety
  • Difficulty in focusing attention on some things
  • Fatigue and insomnia developing against its background
  • The desire to cry, although there are no reasons for this

However, the main reason for the development of melancholy is hormonal changes. They begin about the second or fourth day after childbirth. Hormones of pregnancy gradually leave the body and milk begins to be actively produced. By the way, this may affect your appetite. Emotions are also placed others. First of all, a sense of responsibility appears. Someone accepts it normally, but in some women it presses greatly on the psyche.

Some women realize that they became mothers only after discharge from the hospital. Despite the fact that the role of mother is pleasant, no one is safe from a sense of anxiety. Despite everything, you should not be afraid of melancholy after childbirth. It goes on its own after a few days. Basically, the hardest all passes 4-5 days after childbirth.

You do not need to do anything special. It’s just just a rest. To do this, ask loved ones. If after 2-3 weeks you still have not returned to a normal state, then perhaps you develop postpartum depression. In this case, you will have to go to professionals so that they help to cope with the problem.

How to deal with melancholy yourself: treatment, recommendations

Treatment of melancholy
Treatment of melancholy

Melancholy, in simple words, is a violation of mood. Today, medicine is able to offer many means to cope with mood disorders. But how voluminous they will already depend on the patient and his diagnosis. In this matter, the main thing is not to start the process. If you make efforts from the very beginning, then you can easily cope with all problems.

Specialists do not use medicines so often. This usually happens when complex changes have occurred in the body. This happens with the development of genetic diseases, as well as hormonal changes. The preparations prescribed by a psychiatrist help to adjust the mood. Independent treatment in this case is inappropriate.

So, the doctor uses:

  • Antidepressants that have a stimulating or sedative effect.
  • Transquilizers. As a rule, these are products that do not cause a sleeping pills.
  • Sedative plant origin is the simplest means, for example, valerian, mint, motherwort.
  • Amino acids. These include glycine and taurin.
  • Homeopathic preparations. It can be, for example, Tenoten.

It is important to understand that antidepressants and tranquilizers have the most pronounced effect. They are accepted by courses. For example, antidepressants are required for 4-6 months, and tranquilizers are prescribed in the case of strong disorders or panic attacks. This is due to the fact that they are addictive. It is safer in this case - homeopathy or herbal preparations. However, their effectiveness may not be enough.

Most often, experts use a psychotherapeutic effect. They set the patient to solve personal problems. Sessions can be held both personally and in groups. An excellent effect allows you to get such a method as positive affirmations, that is, when certain statements are regularly spoken. Thanks to psychotherapy, the patient copes with problems and reacts correctly to them. To get a good result, sessions need to be attended regularly.

It also happens that to get rid of melancholy, it is enough to change the lifestyle. For example, it can be a change in nutrition, the organization of the day, frequent walks and exercises.

New impressions can also be improved. It can be traveling to new places, reading interesting books. Even watching movies or music improve the condition. Dancing classes are especially good. In other words, it is important to find what will bring pleasure to you.

How melancholy and depression differ: differences


K. Yaspers attributes depression to abnormal physical states. But melancholy, in his opinion, is an independent state. At the same time, its manifestations are similar to schizophrenia, but are not identical to her. Depression in modern science is understood as a violation of mood, but melancholy acts as its sign. Basically, this term is used for significant manifestations of depression.

To date, the concept of "melancholy" is outdated. He was replaced by "depression". It remained only as a subspecies "Mlancholic depression." It has a more calm state from the aged. So, both terms were actually set to one level, although the essence of them is slightly different. The fact is that melancholy means longing and sadness, but depression already means deepening, decrease or pressure.

So, in the first case, the spiritual state lasts a long time and it is accompanied by the features of physiology, and in the second - the mood decreases, and then the general condition. Previously, the concepts of "depression" did not exist. All her signs were attributed precisely to melancholy. In the Middle Ages, it was considered a mental violation.

In addition, with melancholy, a special mood is manifested, showing what spiritual processes occur inside a person. But with depression against the background of a depressed mood, a certain state and psychosomatic manifestations arise.

So, if we talk about the difference in these concepts, it is important to understand what the mood implies and what is a state. So, mood is a characteristic of the emotional background of a person at the moment. But the condition speaks of general mood. Accordingly, the causes of the development of melancholy are concluded much deeper and they affect much more.

Many are interested in how to treat depression, not melancholy, if they suddenly have a feeling of loneliness and fear. Depression, as a rule, develops against a background of severe stress or psychological injury. That is, some event should happen for this. But melancholy does not require this. This is just a mood that becomes constant. It can retreat, but not for long.

Video: What is melancholy?

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