Stepped on a rusty nail: how to treat, treatment, ointments, tips

Stepped on a rusty nail: how to treat, treatment, ointments, tips

First aid for piercing the leg with a rusty nail.

A cottage is a favorite place for the adoption of most elderly people. Indeed, when people retire, there is a lot of free time, which pensioners are happy to spend on their personal plot. However, work on Earth is associated with a large number of risks. In the article we will tell you what to do if it steps on a rusty nail. 

He stepped on a rusty nail, the leg was swollen, what to do?

Such injuries are mainly happening in the summer when people are engaged in construction, summer cottages, build outbuildings or sheds for animals and birds. In addition, in summer, most residents have thin shoes, it can be slippers that are easily damaged by sharp objects. Stepping on a nail is an unpleasant procedure that can be out of the rut, and deprive the performance for several days or even weeks.

Oddly enough, but in most cases, people tend to ignore this problem, hoping for random. In fact, everything is not as simple as it seems. The soil may contain a large amount of bacteria, microorganisms, pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microflora, which, when entering the wound, can cause infection. As a result of damage to the leg with a rusty nail, a sharp object, the leg often swells.

I stepped on a rusty nail, my leg was swollen, what to do:

  • This is due to the development of edema, or the presence of a bacterial infection, pus, which provokes swelling of the leg. It is necessary to inspect the wound and evaluate the condition.
  • If, when pressed on soft tissues from the wound, a liquid with an unpleasant odor is released, then the cause of edema is suppuration, infection of the wound.
  • It is recommended to take antihistamines: Eden,CetrinSerrat, Diazolin. If edema is provoked by damage to blood vessels, then lubricating the tissue should be ointmentTroxevazin orTroxerutin. There are tablets on sale that are taken inside. 

Standing on a rusty nail, how to process?

First of all, it is necessary to rinse the wound with a large amount of antiseptic, peroxide, a solution of potassium permanganate, or a saline solution are suitable for these purposes. For its preparation, it is necessary to dissolve the potassium permanganate in a liter of water, until it is stained in a dark-bearded color. Lower your leg, hold for 30 minutes.

I stepped on a rusty nail than to process:

  • It is also necessary to do if you use a strong salt solution. Pour salt into warm water until it stops dissolving. That is, a sending solution is needed. A few drops of iodine must be added to it.
  • The leg is kept in the liquid for 30 minutes. If there is no permanganate and peroxide in stock, it is allowed to use more progressive tools, such asMiramistin and chlorhexidine. These are solutions of modern antiseptics that do not contain alcohol, and do not cause burning.
  • You can moisten cotton wool in these solutions and attach for some time to the wound. If possible, then it is worth pouring a small amount of liquid into the wound itself in order to rinse the tissues not only around it, but also inside. In addition, it is necessary to appear in traumatology. Even if the wound is superficial, nothing terrible has happened, a person needs to introduce an anti -stall vaccine. 
Rusty Nail
Rusty Nail

Stepped on a rusty nail, tetanus

Tetanus is a dangerous infectious disease that causes anaerobic infection, and often causes death. Usually this vaccine is injected every 10 years, but if vaccination was carried out earlier than this time, that is, more than 10 years have passed, then it is urgent to do this vaccination on the day of damage. Be sure to treat the wound with green or iodine. Depending on the situation, you can do as follows.

Standed on a rusty nail, tetanus:

  • If the nail is rusty, the wound is deep, there are particles of garbage or rust in it, then it is necessary to take antibiotics within 7-10 days, also treat the wound with antiseptics.
  • Suitable chlorhexidine,Miramistin, a solution of furatsilin orDecassan. These are local antiseptics that do not cause a burning sensation, and perfectly cope with both viruses and bacteria. 
  • All these drugs work perfectly in relation to pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microorganisms. Typically, antibiotics are prescribed for 5-10 days. Along with this, dressings and regular inspection of the wound are also recommended. 

Started on a rusty nail: treatment

As antibiotics, a wide spectrum of action is usually prescribed, which are effective in relation to gram -positive and gram -negative microorganisms. Among the most common and inexpensive, the following can be distinguished: clindamycin, rovamycin, doxycycline and offloxacin, azithromycin.


It stepped on a rusty nail, treatment:

  • Also try to use soft and spacious shoes. After all, additional compression will contribute to the development of infection, the occurrence of pain. If, when pressed from the wound, pus is released, a liquid with an unpleasant odor, we recommend applying Vishnevsky ointment, or ichthyol.
  • It is imperative to seem to the doctor if the situation does not improve for 3 days. The pain should gradually subside, swelling of the tissues decrease. In no case do not ignore the first rules of assistance, be sure to use antiseptics, and in no case do not avoid an anti -system vaccine. 
  • If purulent discharge is not observed, the leg is not very swollen, a little swelling, the capillaries and veins may be damaged. In this case, decongestant drugs will help remove edema.

What ointment is needed if you step on a nail?

Assign such drugs for processing. The use of ointments is an ideal option, since they do not require a frequent change in the bandage and are characterized by a combined composition. Below you can find out the list of ointments that are used if you pierced the leg with a nail.

What ointment is needed if you step on the nail:

  • Levomekol 
  • Baneocin  
  • Zinc ointment 
  • Tetracycline 
  • Erythromycin 
  • Levomycetin 

These are wide spectrum antibiotics and combined drugs that contain anti -reducing substances that relieve itching, an allergic reaction and soreness. If pain is observed during the first day, non -steroidal anti -inflammatory drugs, such as Ibuprofen, diclofenac, is allowed to drink. It is advisable to use sterile bandages and sterile cotton wool for processing.


He stepped on a nail on a nail, what to do?

If the tumor begins to grow, increase in size, the leg changes its color, after a few days it becomes dark-bearded, it is urgent to go to the surgical department. The fact is that in the event of a strong tumor and gangrene, an abscess can develop, with which amputation of part of the leg threatens.

He stepped on a nail on the nail, what to do:

  • With special attention, it is necessary to be treated with such a defeat if they are deep, deployed in the heel. The fact is that in this zone there is a bone, ligaments, the defeat of which can cause a deterioration in motor activity, or even significant damage in bone tissue.
  • In this case, it is necessary to contact the doctor without fail. Please note that if the nail enters the fabric deep enough, and there is no way to pull it out on your own, you should not experiment.
  • Be sure to call an ambulance and let the doctors independently extract a nail from the wound. The fact is that this nail can be rusty, which will cause infection, infection. 
Standing on a nail
Standing on a nail

Standing on a nail, temperature, what to do?

If a few days after the injury, the temperature rose to the level of 37.5 and above, the visit to the doctor cannot be avoided. An increase in temperature for hyperthermia in the area of \u200b\u200bdamage indicates the development of a bacterial infection. This suggests that an infection fell into the wound, and pathogens grow.

I stepped on a nail, temperature, what to do:

  • Pus usually comes out of such a wound. Of course, an abscess, suppuration, is easier to warn than to treat. That is why we advise you to refrain from taking alcoholic beverages for some time, and make dressings every 2 hours.
  • Doctors do not recommend using patchings for dressing, as they stop accessing oxygen into the wound. It is best if the wound “breathes”, open it from time to time. In no case do not walk on the dirty floor or in unclean shoes around the house.
  • Many doctors believe that Vishnevsky ointment, ichthyol is the last century, and help little during the treatment of such diseases. An ideal option will be anti -inflammatory and antibacterial ointments. Now in the pharmacy you can find many combined drugs that contain both antibiotics and non -steroidal anti -inflammatory drugs. 

Started on a rusty nail, leg hurts: consequences

The most dangerous complication and consequence pierced the legs with a nail is tetanus. Please note that this ailment develops within 8-14 days after the defeat. Accordingly, it is necessary to carefully relate to this ailment, to prevent its occurrence.

If 10 years from the date of administration of the anti -system vaccine has not passed, then it is not necessary to do it again. The tetanus may not manifest itself in any way for 8-20 days. The very first symptoms.

  • The occurrence of seizures 
  • Muscle stress 
  • Unpleasant sensations in the muscles 

  It stepped on a rusty nail, the leg hurts, the consequences:

  • The fact is that tetanus- This The disease that affects the nervous system. The cause of the occurrence is the bacterium and life products that release toxins, poisoning the human nervous system.
  • This is exactly what causes convulsions and peculiar paralysis. The illness was called a tetanus not just like that, because a person who is seriously ill is very tense due to cramps in the muscles.
  • The most convenient position for him is direct, like a pillar. Often, during this ailment, convulsions are observed in which a person becomes on heels and a nape, bending his back. 
The leg was swollen
The leg was swollen

Step on the nail: sign

There are a lot of signs about nails, to which it is also worth listening. However, we still advise, think sensibly, and seek help from specialists, and not believe in signs.We will talk about the most interesting of them below.

Step on the nail, the sign:

  • To see a pink nail on the road - to travel and luck. Previously, many, a rusty nail on the road, was taken with them, put it in a pocket and worn as an amulet or amulet. The help of nails often fixed the oath, or used during the treatment of diseases.
  • It was recommended to scratch the gum to blood, and then this nail drive an oak, or a wooden surface. It was believed that as soon as the nail is driven into a tree, the toothache will pass. However, in most cases, these are just superstitions that are not confirmed by anything.
  • During such an injury, it is worth taking care not more about signs, but your own health. 
Step on the nail
Step on the nail

Standing on a nail: injections

In most cases, people are concerned about swelling, and soreness in the area of \u200b\u200blesion. Often the temperature may increase and swelling can be observed. This indicates the penetration of a bacterial infection. Painful sensations pass after 3-7 days. Recovery is observed only in case of shallow penetration of the nail, if bone tissue, ligaments and joints are not damaged. If there is a damage to the bones and ligaments, then the disease can be observed for a long time, and the tumors in these places may not be at all. 

Standed on a nail, injections:

  • You don’t need to do any injections yourself. In the hospital, several injections can be made, one of which is controversial. An antibiotic of a wide spectrum antibiotic can also be injured, and administer the decongestant drug.
  • This helps to reduce edema to reduce pain. You don’t need to do any injections yourself. Usually it is enough to make an anti-system vaccine, and take antibiotics for 5-10 days.
  • This will prevent the connection of bacterial infection, as well as the development of edema, hyperthermia and abscess. 
Rusty Nail
Rusty Nail
Many interesting articles can be found on our website:
The most effective way to treat is vaccination. It is not necessary to carry out additional vaccination if the vaccine was done no earlier, 10 years ago. If more time has passed, be sure to contact the emergency room for vaccination. 

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