Kolotoy on yourself - how to get rid of the torment of love: methods of derelies with water, nails and candles, with the help of wind

Kolotoy on yourself - how to get rid of the torment of love: methods of derelies with water, nails and candles, with the help of wind

If you suffer from unrequited love or a person does not come out of your head for a long time, you can spend a dough for yourself. To do this, use the instructions from our article.

Kolotoy on himself Helps stop the destructive action of unrequited love. Everyone wants to be happy, so he seeks to relieve pain and suffering. When internal experiences get out of control, simple rituals, conspiracies, prayers are used.

Before proceeding with radical actions, you need to be sure of your own decisions and understand that there will be no longer back. To suffer and suffer is the destiny of the weak. Prefer the correct way out of this situation, and Kolotoy on himself It will help to leave bitter love behind.

When can you make a derogy on yourself?

In magic, there are many effective rituals for various life situations. Someone attracts love, and someone wants to eradicate unrequited feelings. Kolotoy on himself Helps to heal mental wounds and begin to live again. Simple magical actions can be carried out at home.

The ritual for drates is appropriate in the following situations:

  • When the chosen one cannot be with you due to significant life circumstances.
  • You fell in love with a married man who is not going to leave the family.
  • A man does not share your feelings and all your efforts will not bring a result.
  • A loved one is not alive.
  • When two people are binded by a habit and no one dares to break the relationship.
  • When your feelings appeared as a result of love spell, witchcraft or magic.

Before conducting a magical conspiracy, it is necessary to understand what its action power is and what are the consequences. Kolotoy on himself aimed at cooling and dull attraction to a particular person.

  • The force of action of the ritual can have various manifestations. Combined feelings can develop into hatred. The action of the derlet will not be long in coming.
  • As soon as you conduct the ritual, be prepared for the first manifestations of magic. At first, love disappears. Then indifference occurs. Next, hostility and irritation to a particular person may manifest itself.
  • Rituals for drates There are several types and have different action. Magic forces can be directed to the mutation of emotions, to the cessation of passion, to change the thinking of the chosen one. Ideally, you need to cleanse the heart, mind, and sexual desire. There are universal drats that affect all manifestations of love.
  • It is advisable to combine love with love with a period of waning the moon. A decrease in the heavenly luminary will entail the extinction of your feelings and emotions.
  • Kolotoy on yourself It can be spent on the third, fifth or sixth day of the week. The ceremony is fixed by the capacity. This action implies a trip to the church and ignition of a candle near the icon. Compliance with the correct sequence of actions will be the key to an effective result.
  • To conduct a deroga for love, one must comply with another condition - to believe in what you are doing. If you doubt your own abilities, then use the services of a professional magician.

Kolotoy with water

  • Water is the main tool for various rituals. Energy water has great strength. Kolotoy on himself It is carried out using highly chilled water placed in a deep container.
  • In the room where the downs will be held, outsiders should not be present. Take care of the closed doors and the absence of extraneous noise. Sit in the room on the floor. Holding dishes with water in your hands, start reading the text of the conspiracy:
The words
The words
  • The words of the conspiracy are repeated twice. Half of the liquid must be drunk, pour the remaining part on your face. Despite the simplicity of the magical ritual, its action is very strong and will not be long in coming.
  • Another ritual can be carried out using boiling water. Fill in an iron container of 100 ml of water. Start warming water over low heat. As soon as the liquid begins to boil, loudly pronounce magic words at least 6, a maximum of 12 times.

“The water temperature is high, hits from the source. The source freezes, the water cools down, so my feelings for the servant of God (the name of the man) cool. Key, castle, tongue. "

Kolotu with the use of water and nails

  • To conduct another simple ritual, you need to cook water, nails and candles. For this netudes on yourself The optimal time is the deep night. Place on the floor. There are two candles in front of you.
We need candles
We need candles
  • Focus on the source of fire and imagine the image of a loved one. Take your palms with a glass of water and focus on the visual picture, where you and the man make a couple.
  • Start mentally breed your life paths. Imagine your happiness separately.
  • Bring the prepared nails to the flame of the candle and heat the iron. Mall the hot nails into a glass of water and three times in a row, say the words of the conspiracy to the backlife.

“Transparent water, help cool the mental suffering behind the slave of God (name). As iron nails cool from the water, so the longing-tying will leave me. ”

  • The spilled water is poured away from the house. Nails need to be thrown out in a beam or other deserted place. Do not discuss the ritual with anyone and forget about it yourself.

Kolotuda from a photograph of a loved one

  • The ritual from the photograph is carried out within one week. For an effective result, you cannot interrupt the sequence of actions. Otherwise Netudes on yourself They are done again.
  • To conduct the rite, cut a slice of black bread and put it next to a photo with the image of a loved one. Place the top card. Bread should lie on the surface next to the photo. Speak the following words.

“The servant of God (the name of the man) be where you are, bread - stay lying, where you are lying. I remember you not with warmth, but with the cold. As the servant of God (your name) forgot her children's steps, so I will forget you (the name of the man) (the name of the man). May it be so. Amen".

  • After the ritual, go to bed. With the advent of a new day, feed animal bread. Near the photo, place a new bread.
  • So continue to do for a week. After 7 days you will feel relief in your soul.
From feelings
From feelings

Dies with the help of wind

  • This ritual is carried out at any convenient time of the day. The main condition is the presence of windy weather.
  • For netudes on yourself Go outside for any open space, with a minimum number of buildings and trees near. Start moving against the direction of the wind and at the same time say loudly:

“Cold flour dissolve in the wind stream. There is no more refuge for you. The heart will cease to hurt behind the slave of God (the name of a man), and the soul is toil. Never again to the servant of God (your name) to love, nor want, nor desire the servant of God (the name man). There is no more space for him either in the heart, nor in his head, nor in the soul. Suffering has its own road, I have a completely different one. Amen".

  • The natural element will help to dispel all your experiences.
  • Feelings will begin to cool, and you will feel wings behind your back.
We get rid of the torment
We get rid of the torment

The proposed drates will neither harm either to you or to a loved one. Therefore, do not be afraid to accept decisive action to get rid of the torment of love.

Video: Duma with water

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